Thank you so much for the fanart! It is awesome and I truly appreciate it!
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I decided to draw my own interpretation of the commission @hypersonicjd / @newfrontierbackstage had done. I originally meant to do just the background but the more I looked at the og piece the more I saw what needed to be “fixed”. So I took it upon myself to do a full redraw in my style.
Also sorry about not posting for a moment. Sorta got worried my art isn’t very good. But I hope it was worth the wait?
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newfrontierbackstage · 2 months
1,000 views Milestone and more
Hello everyone. Today I have come to talk about the most important milestone the fic has ever reached. A little bit ago, New Frontier reached 1k views on Ao3 and it honestly made me so proud, happy and satisfied with seeing such a number, even after months of hiatus and inactivity. The support that this fic has received is... honestly something I never expected.
If I may go off character for a bit, I want to tell you guys a few guys. I created this fic just for myself, for my own sake and to show the fandom some cool stuff, some action and my type of writing that I tend to like and go for. The first version was very much a showcase of inexperience and lack of understanding for a lot of things when it came to writing, but it was still the most fun I had writing the fic.
Then I went to reread what I had created and written... I started to see the cracks, to see that what I had put on the paper just wasn't as amazing as I first thought it was. So with that in mind, I decided to start going back and rewrite previous chapters, as it felt necessary and I felt it could elevate the story to higher levels and although that was pretty fun at first, it started to drain me pretty bad in the lenghtier chapters. It started to feel like a job.
The chapters have absolutely improved and I feel the fic's direction is in a much better spot, but I had to fight myself to get the motivation to keep going. Being honest, I was very much considering the possibility of dropping the fic on its entirety. as it truly felt that draining and boring to write. I wasn't doing new stuff, I was just rewriting older stuff and noticing my many mistakes!
My friends like CharmmyColour and LonelyLittleShips adviced me to write other parts of the story that were more exciting or thrilling. I honestly didn't think that was going to work out and I still tried to write through Chapter's 5 and 6 with a pessimistic and saddened state of mind.
That was until GoldenTulipLynx (my current cowriter) came into my life a year ago. We started to discuss more of the fic and he actively encouraged me more and more to write a few months ago. He told me to do so at least once a week to get some progress done and I did. It wasn't a perfect process, but it definitely led me to write more. Then he suggested me to write something exciting and for the first time, I actually listened to that advice and...
It worked. It gave me my inspiration back somewhat and it made me want to get writing more and more. If it wasn't for his inspiration and also the encouragement from my other friends, I may have cancelled the fic as a whole, so for that I'm truly grateful to them.
What I'm also grateful for is have fans and followers that have been patient, loyal and comprehensive towards the fic's state and progress. This took so long because I wanted to give you guys something worthy of that much of a wait and also have fun while doing so.
I really wanted this message to be special, as I felt the ocassion was the perfect time to do so. Truly, thank you guys. Thank you for still being here and I hope you look forward to what else I have cooking up.
And because I knew this was such a special ocassion/milestone, I also wanted to give you guys something exceptional, so with that in mind... I commissioned some art for New Frontier as a treat for you guys, one that displays Cavendish with his rifle in a wonderful forest, one that's going to be the usual hangout spot for him and Dakota.
This is my gift to you, everyone. Hope you have a good day/afternoon/evening/night and I'll see y'all down the trail!
With love: hypersonicJD
Edit: I have removed the background of this piece as I have found out it was been AI generated. I do not condone anything AI generated and thus, the commissioner's credits have been removed as well and I would like everyone to reblog this new version of this post.
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newfrontierbackstage · 2 months
Chapter Update
The Newest Chapter and what will be used to base questions upon is Chapter 6: Teachings of the Forest (Rewritten)
Co-writer credits go to @goldentuliplynx
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newfrontierbackstage · 3 months
Howdy partners! Today I bring you something special for Valentine's Day: Some great fanart! This one was done by https://twitter.com/marcokunt so give them props for their incredible work!
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newfrontierbackstage · 3 months
Howdy partners! Today I bring you something special for Valentine's Day: Some great fanart! This one was done by https://twitter.com/marcokunt so give them props for their incredible work!
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newfrontierbackstage · 10 months
A New Frontier Cover
Hello everyone. Today I bring you something extremely exciting for the project, as the cover for A New Frontier has been finally finished! This has been worked on for a few days and it really fills me with a lot of joy. Now Chapter 1 will be updated to include the cover alongside the artist who did the drawing.
Thank you so much for your continued support. Chapter 6 will be coming!
Artist’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wispeldy_/
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Chapter Update
The Newest Chapter and what will be used to base questions upon is Chapter 5: A Different Breed (Rewritten) 
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Howdy partners! Today I bring you some fanart done by @goldentuliplynx who is an awesome artist. Thank you for your kind contribution!
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Happy New Year and an Update
Hello everyone. I’m back once more to wish you a SUPER delayed Happy New Year! Sorry I have been inactive for quite some time. I was busy with a few things like holidays or figuring out irl stuff, but I’m back to give a small update.
Today I ended up doing some changes to Chapter’s 1, 3 and 4 once more to reflect some new changes that I’ve been talking about with some people, so apologies for making changes again. If you wish to know but don’t want to reread the chapters again (as the changes weren’tt THAT massive, but it’s still noteworthy) you can feel free to ask them in the DM’s of this blog or in my main account @hypersonicjd I’ll still try to keep writing Chapter 5 now following along the recent changes, so please bare with me. 
Once again, thank you for your patience and your support. Let’s make this year a darn tootin’ one!
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hey Cavendish, it's been hard at first, but I think you'll get used to it. i agree with you about the apples. See anything else exotic?
Cavendish: Why, thank you! Somebody with common sense! Yes, the apples being placed in such a precarious location considering what they are capable of doing and the ease of accessibility were very clear red flags. Although the store manager didn't do his job in the best of moods, at least he went through with the change, so that gives me some relief.
This world seems so... odd, very archaic in some ways, but way more advanced than anything I have ever seen in my life... I don't know if I will ever be able to get properly adjusted to this environment, especially with how "some" people tend to act to some criticism.
About anything else of note... I think I saw a product that was apparently canned corndogs? Extremely off-putting if you ask me. How could that even work? They're supposed to be fried! And if they are kept on a can, how can they still stay in a fresh and consumable state? That sounds rather dangerous to be eaten! Ugh... the more I think about the particularities of this planet, the less sense they make!
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Hey Dakota, do you remember what it was like the first time you picked up a gun to shoot a target?
Dakota: Oh yeah! It was honestly kinda rough to get the hang of the recoil or knowing where the bullet would end up goin'. It took me quite a few tries to even get a single shot right, but once I've got the handle of the first shot, everythin' was smooth sailing after that. Brick and Savannah were great teachers. Funny thing is that we weren't that far apart in terms of age! I think Brick was like a year older than me and Savannah was like two. Thank you for askin' though! It was nice remembering about it haha.
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Hey, Dakota Do you miss something from Earth? what's your favorite thing about mars?
Dakota: Honestly, I don't really miss that many things from Earth, since we have a lot of stuff from there here. Maybe that things were a bit safer over there? But then that's also takin' the fun out of things! My favorite thing about Mars is definitely the atmosphere though.
Everyone's in town tends to be helpful towards handling our bandit situation, they give us some rewards for helpin' out or sometimes it's not even for doing somethin' in particular. They just do it 'cause they feel we deserve it. The saloon can get quite crazy sometimes and it's honestly exciting and taking down bad guys is always a thrill. I get to expend a lot of my energy on things that I love and I'm also gettin' my hards dirty to help others.
It's pretty sweet! Thank you for your question
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Chapter Update
The Newest Chapter and what will be used to base questions upon is Chapter 4: One Bullet At A Time (Rewritten)
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Small update
Howdy everyone! it’s been a while since I’ve said any info regarding the fanfic itself, so here’s how things are: I have started to properly write Chapter 4′s rewrite and are currently on page 3. Sorry this has taken so long. Sometimes I struggle with keeping up with writing and focusing on this task, so I apologize for the long wait. Now that I’ve started some true progress, I think the chapter will be likely to come out in October (or so I hope) so, thank you for your patience and I’ll try to work a bit faster on the upcoming chapters.
To hold you off a little longer, I’m sharing a piece drawn by @iceangelsimon​ that recaptures a bit of Cavendish’s feelings at the shooting range. 
Again, thank you so much for your support and patience. See you in Chapter 4!
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Hello folks! Today I bring you some more art made by @headache12 this time around, it’s a poker night, with a very intriguing guest, Chad Pual, Headache’s own OC! Thank you so much for the art and your support once more!
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Hello everyone! Now I’m here to celebrate a completely new milestone! I thought it would be fitting to start bringing up the milestones of the fic as I haven’t done so for quite a bit. I want to thank every single one of you that has read this fanfic. It truly means the world to me to have gotten so much fanart, love and appreciation for an idea as niche as this one.
I want to continue working on this and properly finish it, but rewrites are a priority for me. As I also happened to get something perfect for the 700 celebration: Here’s some fanart from the awesome @leianaemiliaposts featuring our favorite British hero and his steed!
Thank you for your continued support. Let’s keep ridin’ onto the sunset!
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New Frontier Comic 2
Howdy partners! In this day, I am very proud to share with another contribution made by @headache12 with another fun comic idea! Again, I can’t be thankful enough for the continued support of her and anybody that follows the fic/blog. All of you make my day happier by seeing that like or reblog. Thank you and have a good day!
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