nicolliving-blog · 7 years
I have to travel for work next week.  Getting at least one hour of movement accomplished every day will be challenging, but doable.  Let’s face it, easier said than done.  Hotel living, is not ideal.  It’s so easy to get lazy, watch TV and not move!  Luckily for this trip, I will be driving so, I will have my own vehicle. I’ve already found the nearest YMCA, which is a 10 min. drive from the hotel.  This will get me out in the evenings to participate in a strength class or yoga etc…  I prefer cardio, so I will do that in the morning at the hotel, or explore my surroundings and go for a run outside.  I know for me, I will not practice strength or yoga on my own, so finding a class, will motivate me.  The YMCA is great, because you can use any facility with your membership.  I joined my local YMCA a few months ago, because of an injury which prevented me from running.  I decided to start swimming, so the Y was my best option.  I didn’t realize I could use my membership at every YMCA around.  So, if you have a profession where you travel from time to time, having a Y membership is really worth it. 
When you don’t have a vehicle and you’re stuck at the hotel, you can still practice an hour of movement.  Like everything in life, how important is it to you?  Do you really want it? For me, my main life goal is to be a sentinel (living past age 100). Without movement being a regular lifestyle choice, my goal will not be completed.  It’s all about getting it done.  Most hotels are equipped with equipment; treadmill, stationary bike, elliptical, rowing machine, free weights, etc…  Also, if you like to run or walk outside, talk to the concierge.  They will provide you with safe running routes outside near the hotel.  I’ve explored great cities and towns simply by lacing up early in the morning  going for a run.  
Like all choices regarding movement, practice, etc…  You really have to want it.  It is very easy to talk yourself out of exercise.  Whenever I catch myself possibly making a terrible choice of not running or biking or going to yoga etc…  I think of a woman I met at a Bikram Yoga class.  She had been living in a rural part of Alaska and the closest Bikram studio was over an hour away.  For an entire year, she blocked off 90 min. each day, adjusted the heat appropriately in her bathroom, and practiced Bikrim Yoga poses in the mirror.  Her form was incredible.  It was so important for her to continue her practice, not having access to a studio, was not going to hold her back.  The bathroom was the one room in her home where she could conceal the heat and circulate the air properly, because of the exhaust fan.  That’s determination!  I’m fortunate to have met and spoken to many people over the years that are such an inspiration.  When I find myself possibly slipping into a rut, I think of those people to pull myself up and keep moving forward.  I also, most importantly, think of my family.  They should not have to deal with grumpy, lethargic, Nicol.  Plus, when I’m finished with whatever activity I choose, I like myself.  Happiness, accomplishment and energy are the best feelings in the world.  Just because you’re outside your comfort zone, stuck in a hotel, get up and move. Even if it’s doing sit ups, push ups, dancing etc… in your room, it’s something.  I guarantee, you will feel better.  
When you’re traveling, do you exercise / move?  What do you do?  What’s your motivation?  Let’s talk about it.  
      “Movement” while traveling… I have to travel for work next week.  Getting at least one hour of movement accomplished every day will be challenging, but doable. 
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nicolliving-blog · 7 years
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Happy New Year Happy New Year everyone.  Here's to a happy, healthy, active 2018!  My number one resolution, is to write more. 
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nicolliving-blog · 7 years
Coconut flour biscuits
I was making my usual weekly batch of muffins.  I decided to try coconut flour instead of brown rice or spelt flour.  The results are amazing.  I turned them into biscuits instead of muffins due to the consistency of the dough.  The consistency was more like a pie crust, dense, stiff vs. cake like.  What I like most about them, is the fact that coconut flour contains protein and fiber.  Therefore, when I eat two in the morning possibly topped with fresh ground nut butter, I am full.  The biscuits along with my coffee, is the perfect filling, fast and tasty breakfast. 
So just like my muffins, I don’t have a specific recipe that I follow.  I just use whatever I have on hand.  Here is what I did in terms of baking and ingredients for this particular batch.  Feel free to follow exactly, or make the recipe more your own.
Coconut Flour Biscuits
2 cups coconut flour
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp baking powder
1 heaping tsp of cinnamon
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/4 cup monk fruit sweetener
1/4 cup unsweetened coconut flakes
1/4 cup raisins
1/4 cup chopped walnuts
3 flax eggs (use whole eggs or egg whites) – Use whatever you like it’s just a binding agent.  Add oil if you want.  I avoid adding oil of any kind.
1/4 cup water
3 ripe mashed bananas
3 apples, shredded (  I used empire)
*Mash the bananas first then remaining ingredients, except for the apple.  Mix with electric mixer
*Fold in the shredded apple
*Roll the dough in balls, place on a cookie sheet, slightly press down
*preheat oven at 350 degrees
*bake for 20 min.
Coconut flour biscuits – gluten free
Coconut flour biscuits ingredients
The batch makes approximately 2 1/2 dozen biscuits.  You can make the dough and store it in the refrigerator and make a small amount as needed.  I did that.  I made 6 then a week later finished off the dough and made 24.  
My kids love these.  They think they’re sweet tasting.  Primarily due to the coconut, they do taste sweeter than the muffins made with other types of flour.  The coconut flour and shredded coconut add extra sweetness.  
When baking, I try to use gluten-free flours.  I don’t have a wheat allergy or celiac disease, which are serious conditions.  As I get older, I notice gluten makes me feel bloated.  Therefore, cooking things at home, I choose to make them gluten free when possible.  
Have you experimented with coconut flour?  What are your favorite dishes?  Please share.  Let get the conversation started….
  Coconut Flour Biscuits I was making my usual weekly batch of muffins.  I decided to try coconut flour instead of brown rice or spelt flour. 
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nicolliving-blog · 7 years
I’ve always liked antiques when it comes to furniture.  Whenever I see new furniture, it just looks cookie cutter like it belongs in a doctor’s office waiting area.  To each their own.  I guess my sense of style is a bit eclectic.  I’ve been looking for the right dresser forever.  If you remember an older post from the summer, “curbside treasures”, you may recall the solid cherry dresser I rescued from the side of the road.  Well, it’s finally finished.  I have to say, I love how it turned out.  The grain of the wood is beautiful.  It wasn’t too difficult to re-finish.  As usual, it’s just finding the time to just get it done.
Dresser Face Lift – Before
Dresser Face Lift – Before
Solid Cherry Dresser – Before
I wanted to see the grain of the wood.  So simply using my hand-held sander, I sanded the top, sides and drawer faces.  After getting the old varnish off and eliminating the scratches, I applied a clear stain for cherry wood.  Depending on the look you’re going for, you could use a colored stain, dark stain or chalk paint.  Chalk paint does not require any prior sanding.  It can simply be applied.  It’s the oldest type of furniture paint around.
Sanding the drawer faces
Solid Cherry Dresser – Finished
Solid Cherry Dresser – Finished
What projects do you have going on?  Do you prefer a more modern, standard look?  Do you have more of an antique eclectic style?  Let’s share some ideas….
Furniture face lift….Your own style…. I've always liked antiques when it comes to furniture.  Whenever I see new furniture, it just looks cookie cutter like it belongs in a doctor's office waiting area. 
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nicolliving-blog · 7 years
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Long Ride – Stabilizing Endurance
Long Ride – Stabilizing Endurance
I haven’t been writing lately.  Always busy (like everyone).  Quite frankly, I’ve been a little down since my foot / hamstring injury, because I can’t run.  My biggest fear has been losing endurance.  As a distance runner, maintaining endurance is what it’s all about.  If I can’t make it to 26.2 and beyond… I don’t want to run.  My physical ailments will heal.  I’ll adjust to the custom orthodics (thanks to my extremely flat feet).  I have maintained physical exercise through cycling, swimming, yoga and weight training.  That’s all fine, but in terms of endurance, nothing compares to a good 2-4 hour-long run.  So what have I been doing?  I’m bound and determined to bike for over 2 hours, approximately 30 miles, every time I go out.  There’s a lot more that goes into planning for a long bike ride.  For one, riding makes you very hungry.  You won’t burn as many calories as you would running, but for some reason, you need to fuel while you ride.  I can go out for long runs on an empty stomach, drinking only water and occasionally eating a GU (energy gel) for a little boost of energy.  Cycling, I need substance, real food, maybe even a sports drink.  The hunger only happens on a real ride, never on a stationary bike or during a spin class.  I think it has to do with brain function.  While riding on the roads or trails, you have to constantly be aware of your surroundings.  Traffic behind you, pot holes, roots, branches, pedestrians, etc…. Plus the fact, you’re locked into your bike.  It’s difficult to jump out of the way if needed, like you can when you’re on your feet, running.  While running, you can zone out in certain areas, listen to music, manuever your feet to prevent falling etc….  You just can’t do that cycling.  Therefore, I think your energy is dispersed differently.  The fuel is as much for your brain as it is your belly.  This morning I rode just over 32 miles.  I would have gone further, perhaps 15 more miles, but my stomach was growling and I had to be back for a business appointment.  I had a snack at mile 16, but it just wasn’t enough.  I had a banana and fun size pack of m & m’s, which is 165 calories total.  Got me through 10 miles fine, but my stomach was growling like crazy for the next 6 miles. 
Cycling Snack 165 calories
I got back just in time for a protein packed lunch and enough time to prep for my appointment.  I made myself an egg white omelette, which is something I eat often, especially after an intense / long work out.  An omelette is a great way to get rid of leftovers, veggies so they won’t go bad, etc…  It’s also a filling meal for approximately 400 – 500 calories.  I use egg whites, because it’s easy and I’m trying to cut down on fat any way possible.  If I had made this on a regular day, not after a 2-3 hour cardio work out, I would eliminate the cheese, ham and toast with butter.  These items add a lot of unwanted calories and fat. 
Today’s Egg White Omelette – 500 calories
1/3 cup of Egg whites
2 thin slices of deli ham chopped
1 tbsp olive oil 
2 cups of baby spinach
1 cup chopped white mushrooms
1/4 cup chopped Vidalia onion
2 tsp parmesan cheese
salt, black pepper & cayenne pepper to taste
1 slice of french peasant bread toasted with 1 pat of unsalted butter
Today’s egg white omelette
Have you been injured and can’t participate in your favorite activity?  How do you compensate?  Are you and endurance junkie like me?  How do you make up the lost miles?  Let me know.  I’m an average person who loves running, cycling etc….  I’m always looking for new ideas and approaches….  Let’s get the conversation started….
Stabilizing Endurance…. I haven't been writing lately.  Always busy (like everyone).  Quite frankly, I've been a little down since my foot / hamstring injury, because I can't run. 
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nicolliving-blog · 7 years
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As mentioned in previous posts, I was supposed to run the Empire Marathon in Syracuse N.Y., on October 8th.  Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to.  I have a metatarsal (for foot) stress fracture which had caused a strain in my hamstring. Therefore, it’s difficult to walk and sit.  The good thing is both injuries are not severe, so I will run again.  The bad thing is, I can’t run for 6 weeks!  What to do with myself?  That’s the big question.  I’ve had to adjust my exercise which is difficult because I’m so used to getting up and running out the door first thing in the morning.  The adjustment is more of a mental game than physical.  I have orders from my Sport’s Medicine Doctor to swim, bike, strength train and use the elliptical for as long and often as possible.  So that’s what I’m doing.  I feel everything happens for a reason.  Now is my time to get used to swimming lap’s.  I’ve been putting it off for too long, because I don’t like swimming in pools. I’m not a big fan of chlorine.  I swam at the YMCA this week and I actually liked it. I’d only swam in the evenings, outdoors over the summer.  I should have known I’d like swimming laps at 5:00 am. I love morning workouts in general.  Now I have no excuse not to participate in triathlon’s this coming summer.  I started with 1/4 mile, my goal is to be swimming 1 mile in 6 weeks.  Weight training has been difficult too.  I can’t go to the boot camp or HIIT classes that I love, because I can’t jump or do lunges.  Doing free weights and using the weight machines are boring to me, but I’m getting a pattern down and I have friends joining me, so it’s a little easier to get a good workout in for 1 hour 2 morning per week.  Eventually I’ll add yoga to the mix, but right now the only stretching I can do is what my physical therapists advises.  Luckily, my PT, is one of my running friends, who also does weight training and swimming with me.  She also has been rehabilitating a strained hamstring for close to 1 year now.  I will follow in her foot steps.  She’s getting ready to run an upcoming 15k race in November.  She’s ready!  
In every aspect of our lives, change is reality.  Even in exercise routines, nothing stays the same forever.  You’ve got to be able to change it up a bit.  The bottom line is to never stop moving.  Injuries happen, schedules change, etc…. simply, life gets in the way.  It’s really important to keep moving.  Eventually, everything falls in to place.  Don’t give up, don’t think of change as a regression.  Keep moving forward.  You may try something new and end up loving it.  
Have you had to adjust your exercise routine due to injury, new job, schedule change etc….  How did you handle it?  Did you try something new?  Let me know.  I need some suggestions….
      Adjusting to the situation…. As mentioned in previous posts, I was supposed to run the Empire Marathon in Syracuse N.Y., on October 8th. 
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nicolliving-blog · 7 years
I have so many DIY projects in the works right now.  I’ve been wanting to write about all of them, but due to hot humid temps, I’ve had a bit of a set back in terms of completion.  I like to redo my furniture projects outside.  Not happening when it’s 90 degrees out.  So I’ve taken on giving my daughter’s room a face lift.  At least I can turn the AC on and paint away.  
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Tweens room redo – wallpaper nightmare
Tweens room redo – Before
Like most of the rooms in my house they have an 80’s color scheme which consists of mauve with either a powder blue or mint green accent color.  Hideous!  Oh, and I must not forget that there’s only 2 rooms in my entire home that were not effected by some form of wallpaper!  I despise wallpaper.  I know it’s making a comeback, but I still hate it.  Anyhow, that’s just a personal preference.  Maybe it’s just me having flashbacks of my mom jumping on the wallpaper wagon of 1983 and me having to help her with the mauve and baby blue stripes and flower combination that plastered our living and dining room walls.  Ugh!  Anyhow, my daughters room has a border around the entire room and 2 walls completely covered with flowered wallpaper.  The good thing is, when the wallpaper was done, they did a great job.  That stuff is smooth and tight.  So rather that attempt to take it off I’m going to paint right over it.  I had a terrible time trying to take the wallpaper down in our dining  and living room.  I ended up causing more damage to the sheet rock, which forced me to bring in a professional to repair and paint.  It killed me, because I like to do my own painting.  In a tweens bedroom, I’m not too worried about the walls looking perfect.  If there’s  a slight bump or imperfection, a nice framed poster, bookshelf, mirror etc…. acts as a nice cover up.  
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Wallpaper removal nightmare
Horrible 1980’s colors
Goodbye mauve, mint green & wallpaper
I asked my daughter what color she wanted to paint her room.  A blue or turquoise shade is what she was hoping for.  As a way to save money on paint, we went to the “mistake paint” shelf at LOWES and there were several shades of blue paint that were mistakes.  I had my daughter pick a color she liked.  This way I was able to get a $50 gallon of paint for $10.  The color she chose is more of a slate blue, which is nice and not extremely bright.  I can offset the color with a light gray/silver that I had left over from another room, which will look nice on the molding and ceiling.  Also on the mistake shelf was a $40 quart of lavender chalk paint that I bought for $8. Chalk paint is great.  It’s been around for years and can be used on any wooden surface without sanding or prep work at all.  I’ve redone a small bookcase with it and will paint my daughters closet door too. The lavender will be a nice pop of color.  All of the doors in the bedroom are the ugly hollow wood panel doors.  A coat of paint, change out the door knob and it will look great.  I haven’t forgotten about turquoise being my daughters favorite color.  I can incorporate turquoise in the curtains and bedding.  I believe it’s all going to come together quite nicely.  I can’t wait  to post follow-up pictures.
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Bookshelf before – curbside treasure
bookshelf face lift – chalk paint
How are your DIY projects coming along?  Do you enjoy painting rooms?  How do you feel about wallpaper?  Do you have any money savings tips?  Let’s get the conversation started….
  Simple DIY…. I have so many DIY projects in the works right now.  I've been wanting to write about all of them, but due to hot humid temps, I've had a bit of a set back in terms of completion. 
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nicolliving-blog · 7 years
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Favorite Snack
Easy, Healthy & Filling
Easy! Healthy & Filling
Ok Friends, it happens to all of us!  That unwanted weight gain.  For me it usually ranges from 5 – 10 lbs, depending on the season.  Luckily I’m physically active all year.  But, basically, we are what we eat!  I’m in the middle of marathon training which means I’m burning a lot of calories during my work outs, but it’s important to eat the right kind of foods.  Summer is filled with vacations, travel, etc…  That’s all fun, but what goes along with that is….the curse of “Restaurant Food”!  For me, doesn’t matter how much I exercise, if I start eating anything other than plain salad topped with balsamic vinegar, at a restaurant…I’m going to gain weight.  The unwanted tire around my middle will form… So needless to say, after taking pleasure in some of my favorite restaurant junk foods (Fish Fry, Pizza, Chorizo Burritos, ice cream, etc…) throughout July & August, the tire is back!  Time to get back to basics…. 
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High Peaks Vacation – Cascade Mountain
Fish Fry
Getting rid of the dreaded tire…
I’m not blaming my children, but when they are home during the summer, it’s tough to not cheat here and there in the food department.  Not that my kids eat a lot of junk, but we tend to be in situations where there aren’t a lot of healthy options available.  It’s difficult to tote your own food around all the time.  So, going out for an ice cream cone is more of a common occurence than during the school year.  Long weekend vacations, always mean restaurants for at least 2 meals.   Vacation is vacation.  No food rules apply!  You order what you want.  Portion control, sodium, sugar, oils, cheese, cheese, cheese (did I say cheese) is out the window!  As long as you don’t beat yourself up over it and you remain physically active, you can get back to basics when the kids go back to school and you develop more of a schedule in terms of meals, snacks etc….  One item I make for myself is fast, easy and perfect for dinner or lunch.  Fish (usually salmon, haddock or red snapper) with brown rice, veggies and spices.  
Fish brown rice & veggies
Vacuum packed frozen fish fillet
1 cup of cooked brown rice
Whatever vegetable you like
Salt & pepper to taste
Mixed spices
Olive oil ( 2 tbsp)
I used my cast iron skillet for baking.  Any kind of baking pan will work fine.  I also used the vacuum packed fish, because it’s portioned, easy to keep on hand, plus, I’m the only one in my family that likes fish.  Therefore, buying fresh fish on a regular basis is unrealistic.  I buy fresh on my birthday & grill it!  
Preheat oven to 400 degrees
Cover your baking pan with olive oil.
Cover your baking pan with cooked brown rice
Add vegetables of choice ie; peppers, onions, mushrooms, carrots, tomatoes, spinach, parsley, basil etc…. Basically whatever you have on hand.
Thaw your vacuum packed fish under warm water.  Place on top of the rice and veggies.
Cover the fish with mixed spices (on both sides)
Place in the oven and bake for 25 minutes
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Vacuum packed fish
Mixed Spices
Baked Fish, brown rice & vegetables
Easy, Baked Fish
I’m not a huge fan of the scale, but I do step on it from time to time.  I decided to step on it September 1st.  My pants were feeling a little tight and my energy level wasn’t as high as usual.  I was feeling lethargic during my training runs.  I knew what was happening, so seeing the 10 lb weight gain was a real slap in the face!  But, it was the reality check I most definitely needed to get back to basics.  Thus far I’m down 4 lbs.  6 more to go before my marathon in October.  Marathon pictures are usually horrendous!  The last thing I need is the tire around my middle.  Even if I have an agonizing look on my face, I will share a marathon picture with hopes that the tire will be gone!  
Who else out there always gains weight during the summer?  Vacation?  Simply from bad food choices.  Who gains weight during marathon, triathlon, etc… training?  What’s your food plan?  How do you not deprive yourself from flavor?  Please share.  Let’s get the conversation started….  
  Getting Back to Basics…. Ok Friends, it happens to all of us!  That unwanted weight gain.  For me it usually ranges from 5 - 10 lbs, depending on the season. 
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nicolliving-blog · 7 years
Stress....Dealing with it....
Stress….Dealing with it….
Dr. Sarno Ahhh, stress!  Good and bad, we all have our own “shit” and we all approach and deal with it differently.  For as long as I can remember, I’ve always carried my stress in a particular body part and felt the physical pain.  For instance when I was a teenager, I would get extremely nervous the night before I had to pitch a softball game.  I wouldn’t be able to sleep and my neck and…
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nicolliving-blog · 7 years
Leftovers…Fried Rice…
Leftovers are different for everyone.  For me, I always have vegetables I want to get rid of and cooked brown rice.  So one meal I throw together often is Fried Rice.  So, my kids love steak.  Over the weekend we grilled steak and chicken.  We had plenty of both left over.  Because, I hate to waste, I constantly am trying to make new meals with whatever is left.  I asked the kids what kind of Fried Rice they wanted; Steak, Chicken or Egg.  They chose steak.  I won’t eat steak as a main meal, but I will in fried rice, because it’s cut up small and cooked very well done.  Almost crispy like beef jerky, which for me is tolerable….  Same goes for chicken.  The smaller the cut, the crispier and dried out it is.  To each their own, right?  If they chose egg, It’s simply a protein addition to the dish.  
Homemade Fried Rice
2 cups of cooked brown rice
1/2 green bell pepper – chopped
1/2 yellow bell pepper-chopped
1/2 medium Vidalia onion – chopped
6 large white mushrooms – sliced (not to small because they cook down)
2 medium carrots – chopped
2 cups (huge handful) of baby spinach
sunflower or light olive oil (3-4 tablespoons)
2 tablespoons soy sauce
black pepper to taste
1-2 cups of chopped leftover meat (steak, chicken, pork) or 2 large eggs
*If you have a wok, great.  If not a large frying pan will work just fine.  In your wok or pan, heat sunflower or light olive oil on high heat until it’s really hot.
*Place your chopped vegetables (not the spinach) in the wok, stir on high heat for approximately 1 min.  Reduce the heat to medium.  Cook your vegetables until al dante, not to mushy. Add 2 tablespoons of soy sauce and black pepper for flavor.  Add spinach, stir and allow to cook for 1 min.
*Place the cooked veggies in a colander to drain the water.
*Go back to your wok, turn the heat to medium high, add more oil (approximately 1-2 tablespoons).  Let the oil get hot.  Add your meat and cook to desired crisp.  *If you are a true carnivore, and can’t stand well done meat skip this.  You can add the meat at the very end so that it is warmed up, but not cooked anymore.  It’s all about taste preference. If you are using Egg as your source of protein, add 2 whole eggs and chopped them up in the walk.
*Turn the heat down to Medium.  Add your cooked brown rice.  Stir meat or egg together for 1 min.  Do not over cook.  or the rice will stick to the pan.
*Turn the burner off, but keep your wok or pan on the burner.  Add your cooked, drained veggies to the rice.  This would be a good time to add your meat if you choose not to crisp it.  Stir together for 1 min.  Remove from the burner and cover.
*Let the Fried Rice sit covered for 5 min. so that the flavors can settle.
I like to cut up fresh fruit as a compliment of flavors.  Saltiness of the rice with the sweetness of the fruit. Fried Rice and Fresh Fruit are great dishes to serve family style.
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Homemade Fried Rice
Fresh Fruit
This is a very easy and healthy dish to make for dinner.  The only labor intensive part, is the chopping.  I actually chopped my vegetables beforehand, covered and placed them in the refrigerator.  I had to get my son to swimming lessons.  Therefore, when we got home afterwards, I could throw everything together and have dinner ready in under an hour.  It’s healthy, because it’s all fresh ingredients.  The only sodium is in the soy sauce which is minimal.  I put the bottle of soy sauce on the table if anyone wanted extra.  No one did. It was flavorful enough.  The fat content is extremely low.  The meat or egg, which adds flavor, and the amount is minimal.  The oil is used basically for non stick purposes. Keep in mind brown rice is packed with iron as well as the spinach. If you’d like to add probiotics to this dish, add a scoop of kimchi. (If you haven’t already, check out my previous post and recipe for homemade kimchi)  This is just an overall nutritious, well-rounded meal.  
Do you create new meals with leftovers? What have you made?  Have you made your own Fried Rice?  
  Leftovers….Fried Rice…. Leftovers are different for everyone.  For me, I always have vegetables I want to get rid of and cooked brown rice.  
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nicolliving-blog · 7 years
Long Run Pancakes / Waffles....
Long Run Pancakes / Waffles….
Long Run Pancake / Waffles After a long run, I’m always starving.  I categorize a long run as 13 plus miles.  Generally my long runs are done early Sunday mornings.  One of my favorite things to make are Pancakes / Waffles.  I’ve always made homemade pancakes.  I’ve used a “Good Old Fashioned Pancakes” recipe for years.  The original recipe calls for white flour, white sugar, milk and melted…
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nicolliving-blog · 7 years
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Ironman 140.6 miles
Ironman 140.6
Ironman….The race of all races.  I am proud to have friends that have completed this 140.6 mile triathlon!  My friend Rachael has completed it twice.  Incredible!  I hope and plan on participating and completing an Ironman someday.  But, until then I will take pure pleasure in living vicariously through my Ironman friends.  They are my hero’s.  Ann, Rachael, Aixa and Pablo, Congratulations!  
Ironman Triathlon
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
An Ironman Triathlon is one of a series of long-distance triathlon races organized by the World Triathlon Corporation (WTC), consisting of a 2.4-mile (3.86 km) swim, a 112-mile (180.25 km) bicycle ride and a marathon26.2-mile (42.16 km) run, raced in that order and without a break. It is widely considered one of the most difficult one-day sporting events in the world.[1][2][3]
Most Ironman events have a limited time of 17 hours to complete the race. The race typically starts at 7:00 a.m.; the mandatory swim cut off for the 2.4-mile (3.86 km) swim is 9:20 a.m. (2 hours 20 minutes), the mandatory bike cut off time is 5:30 p.m. (8 hours 10 minutes), and the mandatory marathon cut off is midnight (6 hours 30 minutes). Any participant who manages to complete the triathlon in these timings is designated an Ironman.
  Ann and Rachael had just completed Ironman Lake Placid 2017 on July 23rd.  Aixa decided to have “The Band” over for a celebration breakfast after our Sunday morning long run.  It was great celebrating, relaxing and eating delicious homemade, healthy food.  I made a gluten-free angel food cake with fresh seasonal berries and whipped cream.  Also on the menu warm gluten free blueberry muffins made by Michelle.  Aixa made everything else. Fresh ground almond butter with honey and coconut, cappuccino, figs, turkey bacon, kale,ginger,apple juice, home fries, hard-boiled eggs and more.  It was all great!  Everything tasted spectacular.  The kids even loved the food.  
Angel Food Cake with Fresh Berries and Whipped Cream
1-1/4 cup of gluten-free baking flour (regular flour is fine)
1-3/4 cup of monk fruit sugar or stevia (white sugar is fine)
1/4 tsp salt
1-1/2 cup egg whites
juice of 1 lemon
1 tbsp of vanilla extract
Beat the egg whites until they form stiff peaks, add the juice of one lemon and vanilla extract
Sift the flour, sugar and salt
Mix the wet and dry ingredients together
Add to an ungreased bunt baking pan
Place in a cold oven. Turn the oven on at 325 degrees.  Bake for 1 hour.  Remove and cool.
Once the cake is cooled, slice into thin pieces and serve with fresh seasonal berries (blueberries, strawberries & blackberries are a great combination). I add the berries together and let people serve themselves.  The natural juice of the berries makes a delicious sweet combination.  No additional sugar is needed.
Whipped cream – 
Carton of heavy cream
powdered sugar, monk sugar, stevia, honey, maple syrup – whatever you like to add sweetness or just keep it plain for the delicious cream flavor.
Beat the cream with your electric mixer until it reaches your desired thickness.  Slowly add your sweetener to taste.
I serve the cream on the side and let people add their own desired amount.
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Ironman breakfast spread
The Band – Running friends
The thing I hear most from Ironman finishers is that it truly is your day to shine.  You’re a “Rock Star” all day long!  Fans screaming your name and cheering you on. A true feeling of accomplishment, euphoria and fame for a  straight 15 plus hours.  Amazing! 
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Ironman – Past, Present and Future
IsabelleCats – Tiny photographer & possible future Ironman
Ironman….The race of all races Ironman....The race of all races.  I am proud to have friends that have completed this 140.6 mile triathlon!  
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nicolliving-blog · 7 years
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Swimming – pool
Oneida Lake – Open water swim
Swimming is such a great workout.  It’s very difficult for me.  It’s sort of like yoga.  I don’t really like doing it, but when I’m finished I feel great.  Therefore, I refer to it as a necessary / beneficial part of my exercise routine, at least during the summer months.  I eventually would like to participate in triathlon’s, therefore, I’ll have to suck it up and swim at least once a week during the winter months as well.  What prevents me from swimming during the winter now, is I am not a fan of the pool.  The chlorine is really irritating.  I grew up swimming in Lakes in the Adirondacks and Finger Lakes Region of NY.  It was fun, challenging and just what my friends and I were used to.  Not many people had pools.  Everyone either lived on Oneida Lake/ river in CNY or walking distance to a beach or swimming hole.  I’m hoping next summer to participate in my first triathlon, Irongirl, which is a sprint tri that takes place on Oneida Lake in Brewerton NY.  The race will be nostalgic for me, since it’s the area I grew up in.  It will be a blast swimming, biking and running the lake and roads I did as a kid….
Back to the benefits of swimming as a workout.  I’m in the midst of Marathon training, so swimming is the perfect “active recovery” workout the day after a long run.  Swimming gives my leg muscles and joints a rest after pounding the pavement for 3-4 steady hours.  I refer to swimming as “active recovery” only in terms of running.  Swimming is not an easy workout.  It builds upper body and core strength.  You also need to focus on your breathing, of course.  It really gets your heart rate going.  A lot of runners and cyclist don’t like to swim.  For me, that’s what makes triathlon’s so appealing.  The swim is the activity I need to focus on and practice the most, because it’s outside my comfort zone.  I love a challenge.  
As much as I’m not a fan of pools, I do swim laps (1/2 – 1 mile) once a week at the local pool.  I don’t mind as much because it’s outside and I can bring my children.  They enjoy hanging out swimming and diving with their friends, while I swim laps.  Once my kids are a little older, I will be able to join the Bethlehem Tri Club (BTC) and practice swimming in a lake to get myself ready to compete.  BTC, is a great benefit of the area I live in.  They have lake swimming options at least 3 nights a week with coaches etc… You can also work on triathlon transition / bricks –  swim to bike to run. Tri club doesn’t work for me now, because my workouts must be done in the early morning, which doesn’t involve lake swimming at 5:00am.  Most areas have triathlon clubs.  It’s a great way to meet people.  Even if you’re not ready for triathlon’s, tri clubs are a great way to start exercising, especially if you’re not into working out at a gym.  
Do you swim?  Do you find it challenging?  Do you find it a beneficial workout?  Do you prefer open water or the pool? 
Swimming….Challenging….Beneficial…. Swimming is such a great workout.  It's very difficult for me.  It's sort of like yoga.  I don't really like doing it, but when I'm finished I feel great.  
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nicolliving-blog · 7 years
Fresh squeezed lemonade
There is nothing like fresh squeezed lemonade on a hot summer day.  This weekend my son and I made fresh squeezed lemonade and set up a lemonade stand.  It was so much fun.  Making homemade lemonade is very easy.  There’s a ton of sugar, but there are ways to cut the sugar and still enjoy that fresh tart sweet taste…. 
Fresh Squeezed Lemonade
1-1/2 cups of fresh squeezed lemon juice (approximately 1 bag of lemons)
1-1/4 cups of granulated sugar
8 cups of water
**Stir together and serve over ice.
**To cut the sugar and add a little fizz, mix your lemonade with sparking spring water or seltzer.
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Fresh squeezed lemonade
Fresh squeezed lemonade; add fizz, cut the sugar
We drink a lot of sparking spring water and seltzer in our house.  It’s a great way to cut the sugar in lemonade.  My kids even like it.  They are used to drinking the flavored sparkling water vs. sugary soda or juice.  I drink unflavored sparkling water with a lemon, lime or orange squeezed into it on a regular basis.  It’s my drink of choice.  I still believe straight up water is the best beverage health wise, but sometimes you just want that carbonation.  
Regardless the high sugar content in fresh squeezed lemonade, it is still considered a “clean cooking” item in my book.  You’re making it yourself with fresh ingredients.  You can’t beat that.  Stay away from the frozen concentrate, pre-made and powdered versions of lemonade.  For one, they taste terrible and are expensive.  Take the time to grab a bag of lemons, squeeze them and mix the water and sugar in.  Nothing tastes better.  
Do you and your kids have a lemonade stand in the summer?  Do you have ideas to lower the sugar content, but still have great flavor?  Let us know…. 
Fresh squeezed lemonade
      Fresh Squeezed Lemonade…. There is nothing like fresh squeezed lemonade on a hot summer day.  This weekend my son and I made fresh squeezed lemonade and set up a lemonade stand.  
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nicolliving-blog · 7 years
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The Sauce
The Sauce
I’ve come up with a new recipe which is a combination of two dishes I’ve made in the past.  A vegan alfredo recipe and a roasted red pepper pesto.  I wanted the richness and creaminess of the alfredo and the smokey intense flavor of the pesto.  What’s interesting is how thick and rich something can taste without adding cream, cheese, butter and/or eggs.  So much flavor without the saturated fat and stomach ache, for that matter.  I don’t have a name for my creation, so I’m just refering to it as “the sauce”….
The color of the sauce is not visually appealing in photos, but the flavor is absolutely amazing.  All the ingredients are in their natural state, so when everything is blended together, the color is just ugly.  Kind of like when kids mix play dough together or that one army green Easter egg.  It happens.  
The Sauce
2 red bell peppers
Fresh basil – as many leaves as you want. – I used approximately 12
6 Garlic cloves
olive oil 1/2 cup
balsamic vinegar 1/2 cup
**Preheat oven at 400 degrees.  Cut and place the peppers and garlic cloves on an un-greased cookie sheet.  Roast for 20 – 25 min. Remove from the oven and set aside.
Raw, unsalted Cashews (handful approximately 1/2 cup)
Raw, unsalted Walnuts (handful approximately 1/2 cup)
3 tablespoons of nutrition yeast
 black pepper (20 turns on the grinder or 1 teaspoon)
salt to taste or 1 teaspoon
**Place the cashews and walnuts on an un-greased cookie sheet.  Roast for 10-15 min.
Combine all of your ingredients to the blender: Roasted peppers, garlic, basil, cashews, walnuts, nutrition yeast, olive oil and balsamic.  Blend together.  Slowly add water to achieve  the thickness desired.  Blend salt and pepper to taste.
When you’re finished blending, add the contents to a sauce pan and simmer  on low, covered until ready to serve.
What to serve it with
Chicken breast (I chose chicken because it’s bland, which compliments the sauce which is very rich in flavor)
Brown rice – 1 cup of long or short grain to 1-1/2 cups of H20.  Bring to a boil, then simmer, covered until tender.  Flake it with a fork.
**The chicken breast I pounded it out so it would be thin. Browned each side of the chicken breast in olive oil then placed in a baking dish.  Covered the chicken with the sauce and baked on 350 degrees for 20 min.
Pounding / thinning chicken breast
**By having the sauce simmering separate on the stove, this can be a vegetarian / vegan meal also.  The sauce itself is vegan, so it can be served over the brown rice which is very hearty and delicious.
The perfect side – Broccoli 
The perfect side – Broccoli
1 full broccoli crown – I don’t mind the stems, so I usually don’t cut them down too much.
Olive oil for sauteing
1/2 of a Vidalia onion, diced
1/2 of a fresh lemon
2 garlic cloves chopped
salt & pepper to taste
**Get the olive oil really hot in a saute pan then turn the heat down to medium.  Saute onions and garlic first, soften, then throw in your broccoli.  Saute for approximately 10 min. Squeeze in fresh lemon juice from the 1/2 lemon.  (Set aside the lemon. You’re going to use the lemon zest when plating.)  Add salt and pepper to taste.   Regardless if you’re serving individual portions or family style, zest the lemon on top of the broccoli, it adds excellent flavor which compliments the richness of the sauce.  For the final serving, I add fresh basil on top of everything.
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The Sauce – Chicken
The Sauce – Vegan
So, please let me know what you think of “the sauce” dish.  Did you serve it with chicken?  I’m sure it would compliment and protein.  Let me know how you’re turned out….
    All in the sauce…. I've come up with a new recipe which is a combination of two dishes I've made in the past.  
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nicolliving-blog · 7 years
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Mowing the lawn
Mowing the lawn
When I was a kid, mowing the lawn was my job.  Fortunately, it never seemed like a chore to me.  I liked doing it.  I still like doing it.  It had actually been a while since I’d done it.  We have a huge lawn so we purchased a tractor when we moved into our house 9 years ago.  I have no interest in using the rider, so I don’t.  My husband takes care of all mowing duties on a regular basis, until recently.  Our tractor broke and has been getting fixed for the past 3 weeks.  Luckily our neighbor had an extra push mower that she’s letting us borrow.  I have to admit, I was a little excited to take over the mowing for a few weeks.  Here’s why:
Exercise (4 hrs. guaranteed cardio for my lawn)
Smell of freshly cut grass
Just being outside
Design of the lines (ok, I’m kind of a perfectionist)
Feeling of satisfaction when the job is done
Whenever I mention that I like to mow the lawn, the feedback I most often get is, “feel free to cut my grass”.  Well, it’s not the same.  This is all pure self-gratification.  Plus, it’s my house.  It has to get done.  Nobody wants to be the house in the neighborhood with the over grown, nasty looking lawn.  Well, at least I don’t.  My friend posted a joke on Facebook.  It was a picture of a steak on the grill, the headline was “Do Vegans salivate when they smell fresh-cut grass like I do when I smell a steak on the grill?”  I’m not Vegan and I don’t drool, but I much prefer the smell of fresh cut grass to BBQ.  I know I’m not the only one.  Yankee candle has a fresh cut grass scent, not grilled meat.  I know I’m not the only one buying that candle or it wouldn’t exist.  
In terms of exercise, you really work your entire body, not just your legs.  It takes a lot of upper body strength to push and maneuver the mower.  You can’t beat the calorie burn.  You sweat like crazy.  The other morning when I got up at 4:30am to go for my run, it was pouring out.  I just didn’t feel like dealing with the rain. I hate my treadmill and can’t justify using it in the summer.  I knew the rain was going to stop by 8:00am.  I wasn’t able to go for a run that late, but I knew I was going to mow the lawn.  I didn’t feel so guilty missing my run.  A good 4 hour lawn mowing workout would do the trick.  Even if it only took me 1 hour, it’d still be a great workout.  If you’re having a hard time figuring out when to exercise, start mowing your lawn.  It’s a once per week workout to get you going.  If you find a specific time that works to mow, you can set the time frame for other days to fit in a walk, bike ride, run, push ups, sit ups, etc…. Before you know it, you’ll be blocking off time on a regular basis to get moving.  Take advantage of the summer months to get going.  If you experience all 4 seasons like I do in Upstate NY, you can carry this routine into non mowing seasons as well.  Fall, raking and bagging the leaves.  Winter, shoveling and using the snow blower (not for the weak.  That thing is heavy).  Spring, more raking and bagging.  If you hire someone to do the lawn work for you, give them a vacation for 1 month and try doing it yourself.  See what happens?  Like all workouts, you’ll experience soreness and fatigue, but it will be gone by the end of the month.  You may actually drop a few unwanted pounds and you’ll notice your energy level will rise.  Nothing happens over night.  The one month trial period is a good time frame.  Like all exercise routines, you must ease into it.  You will experience the benefits.  
Do you like mowing your lawn?  Do you consider mowing and other types of lawn work as exercise instead of a chore?  
Mowing the lawn
Mowing the lawn…. When I was a kid, mowing the lawn was my job.  Fortunately, it never seemed like a chore to me.  
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nicolliving-blog · 7 years
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I have mentioned in previous posts that I am not a big fan of Yoga.  I force myself to do it at least once a week, because it is so important.  I have tried different types of Yoga classes over the years, but have never stuck with anything.  It’s very difficult for athletes who prefer fast paced, endurance type sports to calm down, hold a stretch, concentrate on breathing etc… Yoga is difficult, physically and mentally.  What I always realize is after I do it, I feel absolutely wonderful!  My mother in law, Terry is a certified Bikram yoga instructor.  She is hands down the best instructor.  Truly dedicated to the development of the student.  Anyhow, I am lucky to have her in my life.  I attended my first Bikram class with Terry close to 12 years ago.  I wasn’t sure what to expect.  90 min. of pretzel moves in 100 degree heat.  I wasn’t sure if I’d make it out alive.  For one, every participant is at their own level.  There are no expectations to perfect each pose.  The heat did not bother me at all.  It really does help loosen the muscles.  Having sweat dripping in your eyes while you’re holding a pose actually forces you to concentrate better on your form / posture. If you fall out of a pose and wipe the sweat away, you feel defeated for breaking your concentration.  I remember seeing a man come in to class with a walker.  He was amazing at every pose, even the standing positions.  Unfortunately, he had been in a serious accident and told he would spend the rest of his life confined to a wheel chair. He refused to accept that.  He started doing bikram yoga and after about a year, he had progressed to being able to stand and use a walker.  That’s just one example of healing progression.  I do believe yoga, like most physically / meditation activity, offers a healing component for the body and mind.  This man had determination.  Like everything, you really have to want something to make it happen.  Nothing is easy and every situation is different.  
Bikram yoga is a complete dedication and difficult to do other activities if you really want to perfect each pose.  Each class is 90 min. The good thing is you can go to any Bikram studio in the world and the series of poses will be the same.  It is a total body work out, but you must be able to block off at least 2hrs. of your time. I was trying to do it 1 / week, but it just wasn’t working for me.  Most Bikram students are completely dedicated and practice no less than 3 times per week.  For me, I find restorative or gentle vinyasa is the best.  I have a terrible time remembering the names of poses, so the precise instruction and focus on the stretch is key. I don’t really need the heat. I just want the stretch.  In my area I’ve found a few classes that I like a lot.  Foundry Fitness in Delmar has an excellent recovery class Friday nights.  Shelby is an excellent instructor.  She really focuses on whatever issues the students have.  I love the vinyasa and hatha yoga classes at 365 fit in Delmar.  I took a power vinyasa class with Denise recently, it was incredible. There are so many options.  You just need to find what works for you.  
For the past few months I’ve really been diligent to yoga once a week.  I love to run and I really don’t plan to stop running marathons anytime soon.  Yoga helps me run better.  A couple of years ago I read Eat & Run by Scott Jurek.  Scott Jurek is an Ultramarathon champion.  He is in his 40’s and a true inspiration in the endurance running world.  Anyhow, he mentions in his book that as we get older, we have to practice yoga in order to keep on running.  The way I look at it, if Scott Jurek is saying that, it has to be true.  I don’t want to stop running, so if that means sucking it up and practicing some form of yoga 1 / week, I’m doing it.  Scott Jurek admits to struggling with yoga until realizing “yoga is a practice, not a competition”.  It’s as much about the deep breathing as it is about the stretch.  They all go together.  Anyhow, even if you’re not a runner, I recommend reading this book.  It’s also loaded with great recipe’s.  Scott Jurek is not only Ultramarathon greatness, but Vegan too.  I swear by his lentil – mushroom burger recipe.  Absolutely delicious!
Lentil-Mushroom Burgers  (Scott Jurek)
1 cup dried green lentils (2 1⁄4 cups cooked) 2 1⁄4 cups water 1 teaspoon dried parsley 1⁄4 teaspoon black pepper 3 garlic cloves, minced 1 1⁄4 cups finely chopped onion 3⁄4 cup finely chopped walnuts 2 cups fine bread crumbs (see note*) 1⁄2 cup ground flax seed (flax seed meal) 3 cups finely chopped mushrooms 1 1⁄2 cups destemmed, finely chopped kale, spinach, or winter greens 2 tablespoons coconut oil or olive oil 3 tablespoons balsamic vinegar 2 tablespoons Dijon mustard 2 tablespoons nutritional yeast 1 teaspoon sea salt 1⁄2 teaspoon black pepper 1⁄2 teaspoon paprika
In a small pot, bring the lentils, water, parsley, 1 garlic clove, and 1⁄4 cup of the onion to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer, partially covered, for 35 to 40 minutes, until the water is absorbed and the lentils are soft.
While the lentils are cooking, combine the walnuts, bread crumbs, and flax seed in a bowl. Add the nutritional yeast, salt, pepper, and paprika and mix well.
Sauté the remaining onion, remaining garlic, the mushrooms, and greens in the oil for 8 to 10 minutes, then set aside. Remove the lentils from the heat, add the vinegar and mustard, and mash with a potato masher or wooden spoon to a thick paste.
In a large mixing bowl, combine the lentils, sautéed veggies, and bread crumb mixtures, and mix well. Cool in the refrigerator for 15 to 30 minutes or more.
Using your hands, form burger patties to your desired size and place on waxed paper. Lightly fry in a seasoned skillet, broil, or grill until lightly browned and crisp, 3 to 5 minutes on each side. Extra uncooked patties can be frozen on wax paper in plastic bags or wrapped.
Makes a dozen 4-inch diameter burgers
*Note: to make the bread crumbs, you’ll need about half of a loaf of day-old bread (I use Ezekiel 4:9). Slice the bread, then tear or cut into 2- to 3-inch pieces and chop in a food processor for 1 to 2 minutes, until a fine crumb results. The walnuts can also be chopped in the food processor with the bread.
****I’ve used panko bread crumbs instead of making my own.  It doesn’t ruin the texture at all****
Do you practice yoga?  Are you exclusively a yogi?  Do you find yoga helps you continue other sports?  
        Yoga…. Truly beneficial…. I have mentioned in previous posts that I am not a big fan of Yoga.  I force myself to do it at least once a week, because it is so important.  
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