noeofarc · 13 days
(The sunshine court spoilers)
Lucas: it's ok Jean my brother only wants to talk to you
Grayson: I know where you live
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noeofarc · 13 days
the fact that the trojans had such normal and warranted reactions to jean’s past was so disorientingly hilarious in comparison to the foxes. andrew brings neil to columbia and this fucker hitchhikes all the way back to palmetto and the first collective reaction is jesus christ andrew not AGAIN
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noeofarc · 13 days
Is a book really that good if it doesn't send you in a depressive episode
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noeofarc · 14 days
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I didn't know I needed Jean as a narrator until I read this
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noeofarc · 15 days
How does someone recover from tsc I'm so serious rn
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noeofarc · 15 days
Nvm sorry Lucas has to go
"Jean describes only hot characters" ok name one Trojan who isn't hot
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noeofarc · 15 days
"Jean describes only hot characters" ok name one Trojan who isn't hot
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noeofarc · 16 days
Jeremy would wear the kenough tshirt and you can pry that headcanon from my cold dead hands
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noeofarc · 17 days
It’s so funny going from Neil’s asexual pov to jeans definitely NOT asexual pov
Neil: Kevin is tall and has a tattoo
Jean: pretty boy with a soft smile and beautiful green eyes
Neil: Renee is a women and has hair
Jean: a force of hope and beauty, an anomaly in a world that’s ugly and bleak. She is the sun.
Neil: Jeremy is the captain of the Trojans and he smiles a lot for some reason
Jean: his bleach blonde hair frames his tanned freckled skin, his broad shoulders and tiny waist give way to his thicc thighs and ass
But also the reverse
Neil: Andrews strong unwavering frame and honey colored eyes
Jean: the tiny goalkeeper
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noeofarc · 17 days
Having Jean as a protag is so funny he's literally feral and everyone around him is costantly horrified LMFAOO
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noeofarc · 5 months
First Neil's "I'm fine" : page 12
Third Aftg reread live blog!!
Still don't understand that part where apparently Nathan killed a man in front of Neil and Kevin ⁉️⁉️⁉️
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noeofarc · 5 months
Third Aftg reread live blog!!
Still don't understand that part where apparently Nathan killed a man in front of Neil and Kevin ⁉️⁉️⁉️
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noeofarc · 1 year
Listening to the Good Omens op isn't enough I need it injected in my veins
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noeofarc · 1 year
Ok but hear me out. *Crooked Kingom spoilers*
When Kaz was about to die in his past, he fell asleep and he dreamt of his old house. He dreamt of seeing his family eating inside, but not letting him in, even though he wanted to. He wandered a bit in the grass, then he woke up, and was forced to deal with life (and the death of Jordie).
During all Crooked Kingdom, Matthias kept having the same dream about Fjerda and the wolves, but was afraid of it. When he dies in the end, the last dream he has is about his old home. The wolves call him, and he finally follows them in the snow. And he never woke up.
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noeofarc · 2 years
I wish a pleasant evening to every trc fanartist who draws Ronan with scars, to the others gn I guess
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noeofarc · 2 years
Before finding each other, Neil and Andrew lost a bit of their humanity. When they started to get physical, we can clearly see how both of them aren't even very sure of what they're feeling, Neil describes a lot of relationships that he had and we can see how every one of them scarred him. He grew feral and didn't know what love was or felt like, or he thought about it as something cruel or forbidden. Andrew, on the other side, grew up scarred because of how love kept hurting him. He kept being abused to stay with Cass. He associated the love of Cass with the abuse of Drake. Even his relationship with Aaron has always been difficult, for many reasons.
The things is, they both never experienced real love. They experienced something cruel and controversial, they received bruises and grew up with them, they normalised them and never gave much weight to it.
But when they found each other they didn't discover just love, but a pure love, an healthy love. They always had to adjust to the way others treated them, but for once, they could just be themselves and trust someone. Kissed each other and protected each other. Being safe.
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noeofarc · 2 years
"Matt slammed the doors closed, tugged the handles to make sure the locks caught, and gave Neil a once-over. "Hey," he said. "Coach made us promise to leave you alone, but are you okay?" "No," Neil said, "but I think I will be."
Am I the only one who teared up while reading these lines because Neil, for the first time in three books, had the strength to admit that he was not okay instead of saying "I'm fine"? I love the character development that he made during aftg, it makes me cry seeing him finally trusting someone, finally being able to be weak, to feel not okay, while acknowledging that he will be okay in the future, finally feeling relieved after everything he went through, finally able to show his true self to the other Foxes.
He's healing, and he found a new family. He found someone who loves him, and who he loves too, and things are going to be okay, maybe not now, but in the future everything will finally be fine.
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