nonbinarydeity · 10 days
We will begin to see more clearly that we ourselves are the creators, the source, of what we are experiencing. This is what the shift into 5d is all about: becoming aware of our own power and creativity, seeing that we create our reality and that we deserve to live in joy and abundance. We will become aware that the old systems no longer serve us, and we will begin to tear down the walls that hold us back from our true selves.
We will begin to connect with other people that share our values and our desires to live in love and peace. We will begin to feel safe to open ourselves and to speak our truths. As a collective, we will create a future that is bright and beautiful and full of freedom for all. There is no room for fear in this vision, and so we will begin to let go of our fears to embrace the light.
We have reached the tipping point, and so now it is only a matter of time before the light invades our collective consciousness. We are in an exciting period of transition, and there is so much to be appreciative and grateful for. Let us celebrate our collective awakening and give thanks that we get to experience this time of growth and evolution.
Awakening, an overview
Long post ahead!!
Within our lifetimes, there will be an awakening of Love within the hearts of all of humanity, the elemental kingdom, and mother earth. Everything that we see has a flame of love within it, and so that means that it is alive, just as we are. It may not experience consciousness in the same way that we do, and it may not even breathe or have organs, but it is alive with love nonetheless.
All life is precious. We are all a part of this one life, and that is something to be celebrated and joyfully loved! Unfortunately, many of us take this life for granted, and we do not see a need to give back to the world in any way. This is due to the control that our systems have placed upon us, the idea that we are here for ourselves only and that we each have to fend for ourselves on our own. This simply isn't the case, we are social creatures by nature and we are one with nature. We are meant to be loving and kind to everything, even the smallest bugs or the rocks, and especially our fellow human siblings. We are all a part of one big human family, and it is time for us to start working together again.
The shift towards love is already well underway; in fact, it is past the point of no return and now every being on the planet will either awaken, or die and return to their source to be reincarnated to learn their lessons in another lifetime. Other souls will choose to be purified with source love and not return to life, and that is a perfectly fine path as well.
Love is a very powerful energy! It is our very essence, the core of what makes us alive. Love spreads rapidly when giving the proper time to evolve slowly at first, and we have reached the point of exponential growth of love on Earth.
Love will blaze through every heart, and each individual will follow their soul's journey through their karmic lessons and back into love. This love will help each individual take resposibility for their own thoughts, words, actions, and emotions, as well as establish a solid foundation for each person to claim and know their personal truths.
We are all creators. We all create our own life circumstances as a reflection of our thoughts, words, actions, and desires, as well as contributing to the collective consciousness, which is mirrored by the Earth itself. Desires create thoughts and emotions, which we can then choose to act on or reject. If a desire is not in alignment with us, it will reflect into our lives in negative ways, to show us that we must reconsider what we want at that time.
When we are focused on our own individual gain, our desires become corrupt and reflect negatively into our lives, as well as the collective. It is only by learning to desire for the good of ALL that we come to understand our true power as creators. When we desire good for all, we create goodness and peace for everyone to share and enjoy. No goodness is ever lost, and love only grows, so there is no reason not to give as much as you can!
Each individual will have a deep inner knowing that they are here to serve in some way. This is the most basic human desire: the desire to help. We are good and loving by nature, just look at any disaster and you will see many volunteers helping those in need!
We will gain an understanding that we are not separate from one another. We are all united by life, and we all have love and goodness within us. This makes us all equals. We are social by nature, we are here to connect and learn from one another, to help each other grow, and to create more and new love.
Each individual will follow their own path, and as such will be guided by themselves most of all. Each individual also has at least one guardian angel, and a team of light to assist them on their journeys. It is highly encouraged for you to connect with your own personal guides and ask for assistance, as well as your higher self. In addition, there are myriad beings of light helping planet Earth to ascend at this time, and so many will feel called to ask for outside help beyond their own personal guides and angels. You will be guided to the beings you will want to talk to, so there is no need to seek this information until you feel ready to.
Each person MUST learn to follow their own inner voice, which is that part of them that comes from the formless "I am" that we all are. This I Am Presence can be accessed through simple meditation, daily, and as often as possible. It is best to begin a daily routine of meditation, even for just a few seconds at a time. The more you practice, the easier this will become, and it will benefit you spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically.
Meditation will become a cornerstone of daily life for most people. When someone wishes to know something, they will most likely turn within for the answers first, before trusting any outside sources. It is therefore best to begin to learn to trust your own experiences and feelings over anything else, and to start unravelling the web of false ideas that have been told to you by other people.
The outer world is a reflection of your desires, beliefs, thoughts, actions, and words. It is also, on a bigger scale, a reflection of the collective consciousness, which shows in the Earth herself. On an individual level, daily life challenges will show you what you are holding onto and what you need to feel and release. As each emotion surfaces, it is best to feel them completely, and forgive yourself and all others involved, before letting the emotion and all associated thoughts flow into your heart to be felt, and out through your feet to the earth to be purified in her crystal grid.
The more you observe your mind and your life, the more correlation between the two you will notice. Write down these "coincidences", as there will likely be many more than you would expect! This will help you build your faith in your own ability to create. Also write down times where things seem to work out for you without much effort, especially after you release some heavy emotional energy. This will help build your faith that everything is always working out for the best. This is always true, no matter how horrible things may seem.
The truth is, we are all so so blessed to be on this earth during this time, and we are so blessed to be alive. It is time we learn to give back to the world for gifting us this life, in the ways that work the best for us. As long as you give from love, without expecting anything in return, you will be doing a perfect job!
The more you give freely with love, the better you will feel. A sense that "I am good" will begin to permeate your awareness, and you will begin to recognize your inherent worth. Many people do not give simply because they believe that one person cannot do much, but the truth is that love spreads and grows every time we give it freely, and so every act of love is a true miracle and a blessing upon the earth and all involved.
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nonbinarydeity · 10 days
Awakening, an overview
Long post ahead!!
Within our lifetimes, there will be an awakening of Love within the hearts of all of humanity, the elemental kingdom, and mother earth. Everything that we see has a flame of love within it, and so that means that it is alive, just as we are. It may not experience consciousness in the same way that we do, and it may not even breathe or have organs, but it is alive with love nonetheless.
All life is precious. We are all a part of this one life, and that is something to be celebrated and joyfully loved! Unfortunately, many of us take this life for granted, and we do not see a need to give back to the world in any way. This is due to the control that our systems have placed upon us, the idea that we are here for ourselves only and that we each have to fend for ourselves on our own. This simply isn't the case, we are social creatures by nature and we are one with nature. We are meant to be loving and kind to everything, even the smallest bugs or the rocks, and especially our fellow human siblings. We are all a part of one big human family, and it is time for us to start working together again.
The shift towards love is already well underway; in fact, it is past the point of no return and now every being on the planet will either awaken, or die and return to their source to be reincarnated to learn their lessons in another lifetime. Other souls will choose to be purified with source love and not return to life, and that is a perfectly fine path as well.
Love is a very powerful energy! It is our very essence, the core of what makes us alive. Love spreads rapidly when giving the proper time to evolve slowly at first, and we have reached the point of exponential growth of love on Earth.
Love will blaze through every heart, and each individual will follow their soul's journey through their karmic lessons and back into love. This love will help each individual take resposibility for their own thoughts, words, actions, and emotions, as well as establish a solid foundation for each person to claim and know their personal truths.
We are all creators. We all create our own life circumstances as a reflection of our thoughts, words, actions, and desires, as well as contributing to the collective consciousness, which is mirrored by the Earth itself. Desires create thoughts and emotions, which we can then choose to act on or reject. If a desire is not in alignment with us, it will reflect into our lives in negative ways, to show us that we must reconsider what we want at that time.
When we are focused on our own individual gain, our desires become corrupt and reflect negatively into our lives, as well as the collective. It is only by learning to desire for the good of ALL that we come to understand our true power as creators. When we desire good for all, we create goodness and peace for everyone to share and enjoy. No goodness is ever lost, and love only grows, so there is no reason not to give as much as you can!
Each individual will have a deep inner knowing that they are here to serve in some way. This is the most basic human desire: the desire to help. We are good and loving by nature, just look at any disaster and you will see many volunteers helping those in need!
We will gain an understanding that we are not separate from one another. We are all united by life, and we all have love and goodness within us. This makes us all equals. We are social by nature, we are here to connect and learn from one another, to help each other grow, and to create more and new love.
Each individual will follow their own path, and as such will be guided by themselves most of all. Each individual also has at least one guardian angel, and a team of light to assist them on their journeys. It is highly encouraged for you to connect with your own personal guides and ask for assistance, as well as your higher self. In addition, there are myriad beings of light helping planet Earth to ascend at this time, and so many will feel called to ask for outside help beyond their own personal guides and angels. You will be guided to the beings you will want to talk to, so there is no need to seek this information until you feel ready to.
Each person MUST learn to follow their own inner voice, which is that part of them that comes from the formless "I am" that we all are. This I Am Presence can be accessed through simple meditation, daily, and as often as possible. It is best to begin a daily routine of meditation, even for just a few seconds at a time. The more you practice, the easier this will become, and it will benefit you spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically.
Meditation will become a cornerstone of daily life for most people. When someone wishes to know something, they will most likely turn within for the answers first, before trusting any outside sources. It is therefore best to begin to learn to trust your own experiences and feelings over anything else, and to start unravelling the web of false ideas that have been told to you by other people.
The outer world is a reflection of your desires, beliefs, thoughts, actions, and words. It is also, on a bigger scale, a reflection of the collective consciousness, which shows in the Earth herself. On an individual level, daily life challenges will show you what you are holding onto and what you need to feel and release. As each emotion surfaces, it is best to feel them completely, and forgive yourself and all others involved, before letting the emotion and all associated thoughts flow into your heart to be felt, and out through your feet to the earth to be purified in her crystal grid.
The more you observe your mind and your life, the more correlation between the two you will notice. Write down these "coincidences", as there will likely be many more than you would expect! This will help you build your faith in your own ability to create. Also write down times where things seem to work out for you without much effort, especially after you release some heavy emotional energy. This will help build your faith that everything is always working out for the best. This is always true, no matter how horrible things may seem.
The truth is, we are all so so blessed to be on this earth during this time, and we are so blessed to be alive. It is time we learn to give back to the world for gifting us this life, in the ways that work the best for us. As long as you give from love, without expecting anything in return, you will be doing a perfect job!
The more you give freely with love, the better you will feel. A sense that "I am good" will begin to permeate your awareness, and you will begin to recognize your inherent worth. Many people do not give simply because they believe that one person cannot do much, but the truth is that love spreads and grows every time we give it freely, and so every act of love is a true miracle and a blessing upon the earth and all involved.
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nonbinarydeity · 2 months
It's never been about trying to get somewhere or trying to be someone. We are all here as we are for a reason, we are all a part of a bigger picture that we cannot see yet and that is okay. All of the mistakes we make are always meant to teach us and life will never give us something that we cannot handle.
Even when we feel like we are being torn apart and hurt so so badly, all of that pain is there for a reason and it is because you need that pain to grow and learn and realize that everything is meant to be here.
Most of the pain you go through is not necessary. Most of the pain you suffer from is from the mind and it is necessary because if it was not there you would never be discontent enough to look at the mind and ask if it is really what is best for you.
The mind wants to control you and your world and it tries so hard to make everything fit into it's definition of "perfect". Perfect looks different for everyone, though, and so there really is no such thing as perfection. In fact, everything is already perfect as it is, it is perfectly imperfect and that is what makes this life so beautiful.
The mind can be a friend but it is like a child that needs to be monitored and watched for it's safety. The body is the same way, everything must be watched and observed and allowed to be as it is because of you do not allow things to play out the way they are meant to then the world can't give you what you need or want.
Love is ALWAYS trying to give you what you need right at that moment. Even when things seem bad, it's only to lead you to the good. Open up to the idea of loving the world as it is and the word will love you back just as you are.
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nonbinarydeity · 2 months
Take a slow, deep breath, and allow yourself to relax.
You are as you are. There is nothing else you could ever be but yourself. You are always you and you will always be you. There is no escaping yourself so you might as well learn to love yourself as you are right in this very moment.
There is nowhere to get because you are already here. Do you really believe that all of this was an accident? What are the odds? No, it had to have been orchestrated by something, right? But here's the kicker, what this experience is, and what we all are: is now, is us.
It's so simple the mind could never ever grasp it. Don't try to see it mentally anyways. Just let it be here and let it be alive in you.
Don't grasp, don't search, don't look or seek or beg or ask or do anything at all. All of that, every single part of that, is from the mind thinking about thoughts thinking about thoughts. It's all thoughts for the mind, it's all past or future. It's never right here, right now.
The mind is afraid of right here and now, but right here and now is where you are and where you always were, because you could never be anywhere else but where you already are.
We are alive. And life is here and now. Life can never be in the future or the past because those are always just thoughts. The only thing that ever existed was right here and now and the only way you could ever be is exactly as you are.
Love yourself as you are, because you cannot change it on your own. You need love and compassion as your guides and companions on your journey towards realizing that you Are This Moment.
Let it all happen as it does and just relax and know that you are safe and protected, because you always are allowed to be here and you always are loved by the highest love of all: your own infinite love that is a part of everything and everyone and has always been here and will never change.
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nonbinarydeity · 3 months
I have heard some ppl on loaa say that we shouldnt be in the state of neutral it doesnt mean that we lack but it doesnt mean that we have it either
It's just so bullshit
True, that's some huge BS
Try it yourself. Have you ever been in a type of emotion / state CONSTANTLY. I mean CONSTANT not just a few minutes straight, i'm talking about days, months, years, 24/7, not a second of a break.
Imagine you crave a chicken burger so bad and someone buys one for you, you're going to feel happy for a few seconds/minutes, but imagine that short happiness for YEARS straight. It's impossible to maintain fleeting emotions/state for a prolonged time.
There are so many different emotions and states BECAUSE they are temporary. How can you rely(?) on something that is temporary?
Saying "you shouldn't be in a state of neutrality because it doesn't mean you have it" is more damaging than one thinks because what's going to happen to people who don't know better?
-> That statement & The reader who doesn't know better create the limitation that they have to force themselves to constantly be in a certain state in order to "get" what they want
Does that make any fucking sense to anyone.
Literally wake up, look at what stupid limtations you've given yourself and have a good laugh.
Before anyone comes at me and says "uhh.. isn't Being the same? It could also get boring."
Is Being a state? Is existing a state? Is existing impermanent? Do you hear yourself?
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nonbinarydeity · 3 months
Focus on your heart, close your eyes and feel it beating. That's keeping you alive. Your whole body is working to house your consciousness, because your brain is telling it to constantly. Your brain tells your body to work because it loves you, your body works so hard because it loves you.
Why would you hate your body or your brain when they're working so hard to keep you alive? Imagine how that's affecting those systems, imagine how that self hatred is damaging you.
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nonbinarydeity · 3 months
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nonbinarydeity · 3 months
Admitting that you were wrong is the first step towards self improvement.
Was I so embedded in LOA Tumblr that I couldn't see another way to manifest? Yes. Was it hurting my mental health? Also yes.
In the end, the fact that I'm a very self-reflective person saved my ass from whatever the hell LOA is turning into now. I'm tired of seeing a new trend every day, I'm gonna do my own shit fr, and you should too.
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nonbinarydeity · 3 months
The world is a safe place, it is here for you, in love. The only thing making your world unsafe is your fear and anger and distrust. You create a dangerous world by seeing the world as dangerous, and you can just as easily see the world as safe, with a little practice !!
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nonbinarydeity · 3 months
Everything is always working out for you. The world wants to give you what you want.
Stop resisting what Is and just let it be, and it will flow into the most perfect life you could ever imagine.
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nonbinarydeity · 3 months
for those who struggle
i recently got sent an anon message about frustrations surrounding the law, and how non-dualism hasn't made it any easier for them, but actually just more frustrating to the point where they're officially walking away from everything and wanting to just go back to live as they knew it before any of this.
the truth is that, oversimplification runs rampant in this community. as well as, hiding behind the realities of how difficult it all can be, because people are afraid of affirming that it's difficult or identifying with difficulty... but when we hide from this experience and try to come off as if it doesn't affect us, while simultaneously trying to give out advice, there tends to be more damage than good happening. the oversimplifying isn't the fault of anyone, as the truth is most of this is simple. but in actually living it, it tends to not be simple at all. the ego will fight till the very end to keep things the way they are, even when they hurt us. and that is worth being honest about.
when it comes to non-identification and indifference, this is not meant to be used to as yet another way to pretend something isn't happening or push down your feelings or gaslight yourself. i see these posts like, "just ignore the 3d and don't identify with it and you would have already have what you wanted" ..... this doesn't actually really help anyone, unless you're a person who strives on that kind of mentality. but i think a lot of people need a little more gentleness and realness, otherwise this journey wouldn't have been so difficult and painful. we'd all just get it overnight, but clearly, this community stays extremely active for a reason. because the million ways its already been explained still leaves so many confused and frustrated.
indifference is a daily practice, and it is NOT one that includes pretending something doesn't exist in exchange for getting what you want. it is actually, the extreme opposite. it's by acknowledging what's there... and allowing that to be what it is. the non-identification comes in from how you choose to see YOURSELF in relation to whatever that thing is. "this is painful, this sucks, i hate it... but that doesn't mean tomorrow won't be better for me. it doesn't mean my life is doomed..." etc etc etc. it's this very small flip within yourself, that actually leads to results. not trying to force yourself into believing you aren't even who you are when you've identified as yourself this entire life. remember that god's name is I AM, and literally nothing else.
and doing something to get something else is just... not it. it's time for you to truly want to feel better, regardless of anything else. that's why so much of this starts to get trickier than it needs to be.
non-identification is literally as simple as realizing... you are bound to no past, and you have the opportunity of every future you can possibly imagine. why ? because non-identification is literally just non-attachment. when you're not attached to this idea of who you were, of the struggles you used to face, you're able to allow in different experiences. and y'all... this as simple as being able to say to yourself, "i am allowed to experience something new" and don't let your fear of the unknown stop you from experiencing something new.
here's where it doesn't feel so simple though. how can you just stop identifying with this whole human self when the traumas of the past keep coming back to haunt you ? thats the thing. you don't just stop identifying with it. you let this be a process, a non-linear path to liberation. slowly, but surely, if you keep at it everyday, even when you feel you're only going backwards... one day you will realize how much more free you are. how much more easier it is to move into a new beautiful story for yourself, one that isn't contiminated by your past. but let today be today ! and whatever may come, let it come.
this is why just focusing on yourself is so helpful because if you're simply doing the best you can for yourself and your feeling state, the daily dramas are no longer your ruler.
the gag is that, the more you just do these small daily practices of sitting with yourself, choosing to not engage in the stories you used to identify with in the past, and allow new experiences to come to you... the more easy it gets, the more the truth of yourself begins to show itself on its own. you have to realize that the days are going to keep passing by anyway... so stop counting them, and just commit to yourself.
i also want to quickly note that so many seem to leave out the fact that behind all of this, within the pure nothingness that is also everything. behind our human identifications and all the things we have experienced in our lives, there is unconditional love. and when we actually begin to stop identifying so deeply with who we thought we are, we are lead right back to unconditional love. love in its purest form. so, use love as your guide when things get too difficult. it's the truest thing to who you really are.
you have to let allow yourself to experience the beautiful, despite how strange it may feel. because it's going to feel strange if you've never really experienced it before, and the ego is going to fight because even when it's good, the unknown is still strange and scary. and you never have to be perfect at this to get to experience the things you want, believe it or not. i know that i still have a long way to go on this journey, there may be much more time before i ever get to fully experience the promise in full, but that hasn't stopped me from experiencing the desires of my heart on a daily basis. that's because i used these simple things, these small little flips in how i chose to see life. even if the anxiety never went away, or it was a more difficult day full of tears... this is way more possible for you than you realize. if only you're willing to allow your life to be different than it's always been. just that small allowance, opens up all the doors.
xo dream 🕊
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nonbinarydeity · 3 months
Awakening is just a word, but beyond that, it's a practice. Most people will not wake up in a day, it can take some people years of regular practice, just 20 minutes a day of listening to the silence and being aware that you are aware.
You can do this right now, it's quite simple. Just ask, "who am I?" And drop all expectations. Let yourself EXPERIENCE the answer, and accept all answers as equally allowed.
Even if your mind says something, know that it is only one answer, and that you can and should go deeper than just thought answers. Your body will tell you an answer too. It could be pain or suffering or the most intense joy. All answers are perfect and are supposed to be there in that moment. Just ride the waves of emotion and keep asking, "who am I?"
Eventually, you will experience nothing but silence and stillness, and that is the perfect answer as well. Just focus on the stillness, just sit with it and get to know it. Do this every day, and slowly, you will realize that this silence is what you ARE, always. It's always here, in the background: we are just making it the foreground of our experience!
Your mind will not be able to really tell how much progress you are making. Getting distracted by thoughts is normal and just as likely now as it is right before you fully awaken. It's okay to think, just say "thank you very much mind" and don't take it so seriously.
"can the silence ever end? Did it ever begin?"
"where is the silence? Is it in one place?"
"what does here feel like? Are you ever not here? Can you focus on that sense of here-ness?"
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nonbinarydeity · 3 months
You are already free, you are already infinite pretending to be finite. How do we see this? Simple, we DON'T. We don't DO anything at all, and that is the perfect practice.
Of course, you can meditate, inquire, and contemplate, but at the end of the day, all you have to do is nothing at all. Just relax and let yourself be what you already are.
It won't feel special at first, in fact it may even feel boring or useless! But keep going, keep listening to the silence and resting in the stillness. Know that You're not only allowed to be here, but that you chose to play in form for a reason: to see yourself more clearly, to know yourself as both nothing and everything.
It's okay if your mind cannot understand. It isn't meant to. If you need to, look to your heart instead, it will be able to show you more clearly than your mind ever could.
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nonbinarydeity · 5 months
The central problem is not that you think to highly of yourself nor is it that you think too lowly instead, it is that you think constantly of yourself.
— Wu Hsin
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nonbinarydeity · 5 months
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nonbinarydeity · 5 months
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nonbinarydeity · 5 months
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