Haunted Service
I find it hard sometimes as I am sure most of us do to look back on my past with gratitude, especially during the tough times. Anything that has caused you pain in your life you tend to avoid thinking about. Any roads that you took that led to dead ends or wasted time? The amount of time that I spent in college took a lot of my energy and concentration. Not to mention the debt I am in or the…
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The Lighthouse
I am the lighthouse; I am a fierce lover of my family. Thanks for being here today.
Well, it has been a while since I logged in and wrote something down for you to read. I am at a point in my life where I am trying to focus on self-improvement and self-love. I have not been loving who I am, and I have not been respecting myself. So, what does that mean exactly? Well, I have been in a constant state of anxiousness, and beyond that I am not giving myself any time to reflect on it…
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The Booms of July
Red, White and Boom. Thank you for reading, until next time!
I was out in the front yard last night staring up at the night sky waiting. Waiting for the sounds of fireworks and the flashes of red, white, and blue. I like to watch them, and in my case, I have to watch them from afar. Junior is afraid of the booms, but if we aren’t too close to the action, he doesn’t seem to mine them too much. Where we live, they often have a firework show every year on…
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Sometimes it’s just Breathing and Coffee
Breathe in and out and read this with me! Until Next Time!
After answering the phone with a hoarse voice and hearing to her surprise that I was just waking up I realized I felt more alone then ever. It is not that I feel like some people do not care, but clearly, they just won’t ever understand, you know? Sometimes we are up late into the night here at the house of quirks. Junior’s sleep is very sporadic sometimes and when we finally both fall asleep,…
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From the Bottom of my Heart, I Thank You.
I just wanted to thank you today.
As Mother’s Day and Father’s Day have passed us this year I began to reflect on my own childhood and upbringing. I am grateful for the parents that I have, and I am even more blessed to still have them both to celebrate these special days with. My childhood is full of memories. And when I think about how I was raised and what my parents went through to support the six kids they had I appreciate…
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Stomps feet, dust falls, wings flutter furiously. Maybe I am just Tinks after all. Thanks for being here. Until next time.
There are so many instances in my life that I have triumphed and still so many that I have continued to struggle with sometimes. And even though there are still things about myself as a person I am trying to uncover and figure out, I know ultimately how I want to parent, and I try to stick to those notions as I go. I think my biggest concern about being a parent is that I create a life for my…
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Just a Car
Sometimes noises are scary and it's just a car. Thank you for being here. Until Next Time! Now go out and get yourself a sandman mustache!
So, the warmer weather has come into our lives now and the sun is shining ever so brightly through our windows. Where I live our winters are longer. And sometimes we get sunshine and snow for a bit before the weather really kicks into spring/summertime weather. Junior used to avoid being outside. When someone on the next road would drive their car loudly it would frighten him. He would run inside…
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The Power of Sibling Love
Sibling Love Matters! Until Next Time Friends! Thanks for being here!
I wanted to write about Junior’s siblings today, and their importance in Junior’s life. I write a lot about my son on the spectrum and his struggles and triumphs, in his life. It is only a small glimpse into his life. His siblings greatly impact his life. I wanted to share their story because their love and protective nature for their brother is a great treasure. Sometimes as I watch them with…
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For Cookies and Chocolate Milk
How do we grow? Thanks for reading. Like and share. Until next time :)
We haven’t been in a grocery store together in some time. Junior could not really tolerate them. The lights were so loud and bright, the people so busy, the noise so deafening. I remember holding his hand and pushing the cart with my other hand trying to make our way through the aisles. It was in the middle of the summer and the day had been hot. We did not have an air conditioner at home so…
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Don't Look Away Today
Thank you for being here. Until next time friends.
“When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his glorious throne. 32 All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. 33 He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left.” Matthew 25: 31-46 NIV (As a person of faith, I do not condemn those who are not…
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Without Saying a Word
Looking for fairies in the night sky. Thank you for reading, until next time!
“Try as I may, I could never explainWhat I hear when you don’t say a thing.” Ronan Keating His speech can come and go sometimes. It is not that he does not understand us. It is not that he does not have his own opinions on matters. It is not that he does not feel or connect with things. It is not that he does not want to engage. Communication in our society is highly dependent on the art of our…
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Spell Check
Until next time. Thanks for being here.
“Remember if people talk behind your back, it only means you are two steps ahead.”― Fannie Flagg, Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe Correct! I sat outside his room today trying to record his voice. I couldn’t let him see me of course or the jig would be up as it were. So, I sat with my phone pointed toward his direction while he sat on his bed playing with his Mr. Pencil…
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Follow the Breadcrumbs
Passion and Breadcrumbs. Thanks for being here friends. Until next time!
You know when you are little and people mostly adults in your life were fascinated with knowing what you wanted to be when you grew up? Adults always seem to ask children what they want to be when they grow up. There is this persona placed out in the world like when you grow up you have it all figured out, right? You have the job and the life that you wanted when you were younger. We place this…
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Dear Void,
Thank you for reading. Until next time Friends.
Recently I decided I needed the quiet for a while. Do you ever get that? You just need to step back from things that seem to take up your time and maybe it gets loud, and you lose focus or gratitude toward other things in your life? I think that sometimes we begin to attach ourselves to things that we should not. It’s like the other people in our life must wait to be dialed up because we are…
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Junior's Story Pt. 4
Last part of Junior's Cleft Story. Thank you for reading. Until next time.
I was standing in line with my mother waiting to pay for our coffee. I was exhausted to be sure. This was Junior’s second surgery. It was meant to repair his soft palate. Both the first and the second surgery provided us with pediatric elbow immobilizers that would prevent him from bending his elbows so he could not reach his face. The stitches and healing processes were delicate, and it was…
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Holiday Elves
Thank you for reading! Until next time :)
I had a wonderful holiday. I have two sons who still believe in Santa and two older daughters who know he is not exactly climbing down the chimney. So, the sneaking around in the middle of the night while no creature was stirring was certainly still happening at my house. Very late night wrapping along with tipping toes and quiet voices were in full swing. It is certainly tiring and certainly…
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Just Keep Swimming!
Thank you for being here. Until Next Time!
I don’t always get the best amount of sleep. When I’m sleeping, I think at times I am still awake. I must always sleep this way because I cannot have Junior left to his own devices while everyone rests. I have come downstairs a few times in the past to interesting messes that can only be made by a curious child with caution thrown to the wind. Junior loves coffee so naturally, he wanted to make…
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