the doomsday "and the baby" is so silly and messy because rose tyler knew precisely what the fuck she was doing. the doctor, through all his facades, was yearning for not only rose but a family with her the whole damn time and that might not even be something he fully admitted to himself. but rose knew that he loved her, and she knew why he wasn't saying it and wanted him to say it anyway, and she knew what impossible things that he, like her, might want deep deep down. and so in this last little precious convo, she prods him just a bit, amused, a tiny moment to jab him in the place where he has been hurting her, to remind him that yes, she knows, (you little bitch), are you going to say something now? and she could be so mad and resentful of the way he kept her around without even the respect of admitting what he wants. but she's not, because she’s rose, instead she smiles as she lets him tweak for just one second and then relieves him from his horrors by dropping the joke and letting the moment pass. no, it's mum's, but it would have been fucked if it were mine, right. that would have really gotten you, right, would have really messed with both of us. i guess this is the end, and i guess we only made it this far, but yeah, i do know, you're a shitty liar, i love you too.
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Ok ok wait I'm rewatching the very beggining of ep 5 when Aziraphale talks about the 1965 doctor who annual and just
Aziraphale: "The 1965 Annual was indeed never printed, *looks at Crowley*, due to problems at the BBC"
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Crowley, what happened in september 1965 at the BBC..?
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Tenth Doctor + that tongue
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Rose Tyler + that Tongue Thing™
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I wasn’t planning to boost this, but I CANT let Gentlebeard go down in round one, also TenRose and Destiel could use some votes.
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My current theater is next to a Panera.
And today we found it on the ceiling.
The Bread Valve.
We control the bread now.
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Men getting lost in the woods and befriending bunnies because they miss their best boy friend is something that can actually be so personal
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Goddamn it I made it 100 episodes into The Magnus Archives before realizing that Michael the Lightning person and Michael the Spiral person are in fact different entities. Shit.
Also, yeah, the Magnus Archives is eating my whole brain currently. I’ve never listened to it before .
Why am I so horny for the Archivist? That Voice just does things to me, especially when he’s being a full-blown cunt.
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I do think people are forgetting, sometimes willingly, that Aziraphale is JUST as heartbroken over the rejection as Crowley
They did not walk out of there with Crowley destroyed and Aziraphale bummed but getting over it once he was in the elevator. Aziraphale went to Crowley all giddy and excited because he really thought this was finally it, this was finally their chance to be happy, and he sees it as Crowley taking that chance and stomping on it. H wasn’t lying when he said he needed Crowley, he DOES, and now he thinks Crowley chose his hate for heaven over his love for him just as Crowley thinks Aziraphale chose his devotion to god over his devotion to him
It wasn’t as simple as “Aziraphale rejected Crowley” they both think the other rejected them it was essentially the messiest mutual break up you’ve ever seen
They’re both completely heartbroken and do not see the part they played in their own heartbreak. Both thinking THE OTHER caused it. It’s such a mess. It’s SUCH a mess I cannot STAND these two
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“their miracle was so big bc crowley used to be an archangel” have u considered that aziraphale and crowley love each other so much that their love alone could move the tides just by staring at the ocean for too long. have u considered that they did the miracle not really to protect gabriel but to protect what they had, what they’d built with each other. and that was them barely even trying
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crowley + text posts bonus:
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Huh, my blog is a little abandoned but deeply loved.
So I guess mine smells like the far corner of the library where the books are slightly dusty, and the smell of a well-brushed cat sleeping in a sun streak on the top of the sofa, and you bury your face in their fur of their belly, but the snuggle wakes them up and they make that quiet chirrup sound because they don’t mind when it’s you. Is that a relatable smell? Oh, and dark vanilla. Those three.
Tagging @amuseoffyre @bikiniarmorbattledamage @castiel-and-his-charge @perkynurples @red-sky-in-mourning @rainbowbonnet @mittensmorgul @tattyoldthing @nanu-insomniac @slowpiracy
what does your blog smell like? (idea from @constantlymisgendered <3)
i think mine’s scent would be cinnamon and cigarette smoke <333
tagging @bambibells @constantlymisgendered @lanadelreys-middle-child @lizzygrantsangel @izzy444angel @rosyclouds22 @actuallyblonde-xo @monothenightmare @dark-nymph3t @emlovier @arabellasthunderstorm @queen-of-heartbreak24 @lu-luvslestat @delusions-inpink @angelicgirl444 @strwbryxluvs @lanascinnamongirl777 (no pressure <3)
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The French really don’t fuck around.
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Taika + being hot & sexy
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fucks me up that by total coincidence the sun and moon's size difference is exactly matched to their difference in distance from us, thus making our beautiful total solar eclipses where you can see the silver threads of the sun's corona possible because the moon just covers the sun completely
The stars (literally) aligned just right for this experience to be possible. It's likely that aliens don't have this
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wait I think samba might have given more away about season 2 than he meant to during the instagram live with kristian and rhys (and I'm not talking about the "heartbreaking" comment.)
so for people not following along with the wild ride on the @/javiddenkins, a man who is absolutely not david jenkins has been posting cryptic things that may or may not be ofmd s2 spoilers, including changing his header image to include cyphers. the most recent was "qf gzxj", which got deciphered as la buse ("the buzzard") and a quick ecosia search will bring you to oliver levasseur.
(@vagueriddles explains all this here I found none of it on my own.)
anyway. so levasseur apparently buried a bunch of treasure and left behind a cryptogram for finding it:
Legend tells that when he stood on the scaffold to be hanged, Levasseur wore a necklace containing a cryptogram of 17 lines, and threw this into the crowd while exclaiming: "Find my treasure, the one who may understand it!"
the cryptogram has never been completely deciphered, so the treasure, which is the real life buried treasure taken from a portuguese galleon that robert louis stevenson based the treasure in treasure island on.
so levasseur is the real life flint.
how does this tie in to samba potentially giving us major spoilers?
kristian: this is a very popular question [...] did you manage to steal anything from set? samba: oh ho ho. uh. yeah. I. yeah I did.  k: did you? s: yeah I stole some gold coins. rhys: wow. truth’s out now.  s: yeah. k: no way. and it’s camera. [could also be: no way that’s on camera.] s: I stole some gold coins from set. three pieces. three pieces. three dubloons.  r: i’ll bet. was that at the end of season one or season two? s: season two. r: oh okay so this is. s: yeah.  r: right. right.  s: yeah. yeah.  r: interesting. s: yeah yeah so this is a fresh crime. new zealand police is looking for me.
[timestamp 39:28-40:04]
there's a little bit more. samba talks about how he got them "without giving anything away from what scene or where, which set."
they move on to rhys from there and then wrap up the live shortly thereafter.
these are the gold coins in question, by the way:
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samba said he got them from a "huge bag" in wherever they were keeping props that day, which means there were a lot of them.
so why would they need a lot of gold coins? like, a huge bag full of gold coins?
maybe...treasure hunting? for real? for this levasseur guy's treasure? levasseur, by the way, also sailed with hornigold.
(if we do get them actually treasure hunting I hope we get major goonies vibes.)
or maybe david jenkins is taking inspiration from rls, and ed and stede will be the ones taking a galleon and burying the treasure? levasseur's wikipedia also had this:
Levasseur decided to avoid the amnesty and settled down in secret on the Seychelles archipelago.
(he was later caught and hanged but ignore that.)
or, given the very real possibility that the javid denkins account is just trolling the entire fandom and none of the ciphers or the cryptic images of hiding oranges and burning ships mean anything...
or maybe it's the gold they steal from the unidentified her that stede and prince ricky target (as we learned in jonno roberts' audition video (no longer on vimeo but still here)) which I've seen speculation might end up being spanish jackie.
no matter what it ends up being, speculating is a whole lot of fun!
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Mini OFMD Breathwork Analysis - CoCaptains?
Crossposting this from Twitter because I’m shameless. Someone (FineFabricFancy) posted this clip and said “I will never recover from this” and the WHY would not leave my head. Look at this little 7 second clip. Why does it their love feel like it’s jumping off the screen?
This clip is gold because you can literally hear both of them push all their air out as their chests constrict in affection and joy.  They’re not laughing, not really, it’s more like a sudden surprised exhale. What we’re hearing is that they’re so in love they forgot how to breathe for a second. Try it! Breathe in, smile really big and breathe out quickly through your mouth. When you feel your chest contract, you feel like a teddy bear someone squished and you wanna giggle and kick your feet. It’s the sheer joy pouring out of them. And look at Ed, look at the way he has to immediately look away from Stede because he starts blushing like a slut. The beard is hiding the smile, but you can see it in the apples of his cheeks! His gaze is so soft and loving (remember this is after the Fine Things Well scene, so he knows exactly how he feels at this point).  Meanwhile Stede looks shocked. His eyebrows go up and his mouth drops open. Utterly stunned that someone is on the same page as him for once. Not only is his idea not stupid, Ed had the same idea! There’s no greater proof than tactical genius Blackbeard having the same idea. And then he smiles so hard his whole face scrunches in like a little cat.  When Ed offers his glass for a cheers, Stede pulls himself together, so pleased. It’s this tiny moment of seeing confident, competent Stede - no worry or anxiety, and no false performative bravado. He’s relaxed and secure for a couple seconds knowing that he’s safe and seen with Ed.  And I really think we’re going to see more of that Stede in Season 2. It’s a tiny glimpse of boat-dragging Stede. And they’re just SO IN LOVE.  
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