obsessivecreechur · 4 months
maybe i should start posting on here again
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obsessivecreechur · 6 months
hi so um. no you dont get to know where i went. anyway pregnant gr/izz / sfw mpreg below cut
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cubs wont leave him alone. hes so tired [so am i tbh]
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obsessivecreechur · 7 months
i am going to lose my mind trying to get the motivation to draw. i mean maybe itd help if i had better drawing supplies but??? eh. money is tight rn
i'll get some new notebooks and pencils soon. or. yknow. a stylus. something to help me draw better/more comfortably :']
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obsessivecreechur · 7 months
i enjoy the idea of a robot [t/ar/t/ar] being pregnant and being able to hide it thanks to their abdomen being able to be closed. but the pregnancy is harder on them because they may not be getting any bigger. but their little ones are. they can keep hiding it, but on the downside, they will be in severe discomfort until they either just decide to let the existence of their little ones be known, or go into labor [maybe they even go into labor early cus of it]
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obsessivecreechur · 7 months
hi sorry i havent been active i was thinking of things to write and trying to get the motivation to draw more. also life was just sorta busy for a while
gonna probably post on saturday dw. just need to get some new notebooks or a new stylus that DOESNT cover my ipad in rubbed off rubber
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obsessivecreechur · 9 months
short summary - t/ar/t/ar figures out the body he made for himself is capable of sustaining life, by accident
It'd been 2 or 3 months since Gr/izz was defeated. T/ar/t/ar was preparing everything for his return, extremely exhausted from everything going on, lately. This whole project had been a mess, somehow worse than what he'd tried to do only a few years prior.
The phone looked around, trying to find its Al/ternan counterpart, OR/CA, who'd been equally as busy, when he suddenly got... an odd sensation in his abdomen. He didn't stop, but he... did pause, getting a strange look of mild concern on his face... This wasn't a sensation he'd felt, before.
He tried to ignore it, but after a few minutes of walking, it suddenly turned into a sharp pain. This wasn't right... "O-OR/CA? Where are you? I-I think something's..." he trailed off, leaning against a wall. He had no clue what was going on, but... it suddenly felt as if there was something within him he couldn't control. Something that wasn't his own inner mechanisms, which kept him alive. This wasn't right...
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After taking a few minutes, allowing the pain to ease, he ran to his room, nearly slamming the door behind him. He nervously went over to his mirror, staring at himself for a solid few minutes... He wasn't going to see anything unless he opened up his torso cavity, which he did NOT want to do when there was some chance of someone else walking in on him... He decided to lock his door, so he could be completely alone, for this.
Taking off his shirt proved to be strangely difficult... Hell, doing anything that required movement suddenly felt a bit more difficult. He felt... sensitive... in a way he'd never experienced, before... He didn't like it.
Staring at his middle, he hesitated, scared to see what might've been wrong with him... Best case scenario, a small, easy to replace part had broken. Worst case scenario... the compartment he'd made to store the rest of the primordial ooze - the gunk he initially made to take over the world and create a new, perfect lifeform - had somehow broken...
He shuddered at the thought.
After several long moments, he finally opened up his torso cavity, and... what he saw was rather startling.
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Specks... Three tiny little glowing specks, floating around within the ooze... He stared for several long minutes, trying to figure out what these things were. Suddenly, it hit him like a brick...
Was the ooze still trying to fulfill its purpose...? Was it still trying to create the perfect lifeform?
T/ar/t/ar shook his head. No, that couldn't be the case, right? Was it even possible, in this small of an amount of the stuff? If it was, wouldn't it need a lot more space, at least?
Even if it was possible, now was not the time to worry about something like this. He still had a friend to worry about... This whole ordeal could wait to be dealt with. It had to.
He closed up his torso, putting his shirt and lab coat back on. This would hopefully not become much of an issue for a while... Hopefully.
Somehow, he already knew that was wishful thinking...
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obsessivecreechur · 9 months
gonna work on the drawings to go with the thing im writing in a bit. until then, here have this
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got sorta lazy at some points, which i do apologize for, i just wanted to get the proper ref for him over with :']
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obsessivecreechur · 9 months
ive made a lot of progress on coloring the ref and the first lil thing i was writing is almost done, i just wanna draw some stuff to go along with it :]
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obsessivecreechur · 9 months
ok fuck it gonna start writing tomorrow. until then. i dunno, feel free to send asks about my ideas or hcs or whatever [its been a while idk]
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obsessivecreechur · 9 months
ok so. if i started writing something BEFORE i made proper refs of t/ar/t/ar and gr/izz. would that be ok? cus my god, do i have a LOT of ideas and MOST of them are angst :]
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obsessivecreechur · 9 months
lost motivation right when i was about to start coloring this in so uh. here have this unfinished ref-
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absolutely gnawing on him like a feral animal i love him so much
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obsessivecreechur · 9 months
ok so. short summary of the au i came up with. basically, t/ar/t/ar designs himself a body to use in the case that he ever needs to leave the k/amabo facility. he gets obliterated by some octopus he tried to kill, and does end up having to leave, the only person willing to take him in being gr/izz. the last mammal alive [besides j/udd and lil j/udd]
gr/izz goes through a similar defeat later on, but thankfully, he can still stay in al/terna, as it's pretty much abandoned, anyway. he's just left really hurt, recovering from the defeat for a while, which is bad luck for t/ar/t/ar, as he didn't take note of the fact that the ooze he created to make the perfect life form, which he now stores in a compartment in his body, as there's only so much left. still wants to fulfill its purpose and create the perfect life form.
i imagine t/ar/t/ar realizes something is off before anyone else and tries to keep it secret, as he sees it as pointless to worry everyone over such a minor inconvenience. he wouldn't even be affected by this issue. it wouldn't even begin to become a problem...
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obsessivecreechur · 9 months
so. look. i have no idea if any of my followers like s/plat/oon, but. listen. hear me out. i wanna make the antique t/elephone robot pregnant
i came up with this idea almost a year ago and have been building on it since he l p
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obsessivecreechur · 9 months
hi. been a while. again.
so. im probably not gonna come to this blog often. maybe once in a great while. but that's probably obvious at this point and not what im here to discuss
how would yall feel about me posting more fandom specific content here? mostly because i. remembered robopreg is a thing and have been obsessing
i just wanna know if yall would be okay with me. yknow, losing my mind over a few of my favorite characters from fandoms for a lil bit-
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obsessivecreechur · 1 year
so. been a while. what if i. yknow. got the idea of galactic and danse having another kid but galactic really doesnt wanna go through pregnancy again and danse. being the 'mechanical genius' he is, decides to surprise galactic by trying to make it so galactic isnt the one that has to carry this one, maybe upgrading his own fully robotic body to be able to carry this one without any of the side effects, but he [somehow] fucks it up and ends up immediately in hell from it, and. still wants to keep it a surprise, so he just sorta tries [and fails] to pretend he's fine-
even bigger surprise, and a better explanation as to why he feels extra awful, it's twins-
im still thinking it through, thinkin bout how it would go but tbh. this might be how i come back. this idea won't leave my brain-
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obsessivecreechur · 1 year
s. so like. just an idea i'd like to pitch. [yes it's 3am but shoosh that's besides the point]
what if. i did a thing where yall could ask some of my characters stuff? given that i've only shown a few, it's. likely that the main focus for the questions will be galactic and his family, but. h. how would yall feel about that-
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obsessivecreechur · 1 year
random thing i thought of and wanted to write part 5
galactic wants to get help from an old friend who has experience with this, but things don't completely go as planned
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Galactic let out a groan as the pain got worse, again. This was hell, he wanted it to end, already. It seemed the baby did, as well, as their kicking got a bit less scarce over the past hour and a half. Why did Diman have to live so far away? Why couldn't that scaly bastard just get here, already...? As much as Galactic thought these things, he knew they wouldn't help. He took a deep breath, and got up, hoping he could walk off some of the pain... Danse had gone downstairs, giving him some time alone, as per his own request. He needed to think.
He whimpered, nearly doubling over in agony, as his middle contracted, once again. These were getting really close together, now, and all he could do was close his eyes and let his hands curl into fists to try and get through the pain. He continued walking, just kind of pacing the room, hoping his pain could just stop. He knew that was wishful thinking, though, it was going to get a whole lot worse, before it would finally be over.
"Agh- fuck," he groaned, quietly. Was the pain getting even more frequent...? He debated getting Danse, not knowing if things were escalating, or not... but he didn't have to be unsure for very long, as his water broke. He gasped, struggling to keep himself balanced, acknowledging the sudden and strange thing that just happened. "Uh... s-shit... uhh," he muttered as he attempted to collect his thoughts and ignore the panic beginning to overwhelm his mind as he went back to bed.
He tried to get comfy, breathing shakily as his body prepared to deliver this baby. He had to hold out a bit longer, Diman wasn't here, yet... There was nobody here who could help him. He whimpered as the pain got worse, again, the contractions seeming harsher by the minute. He reclined in bed, pillows supporting his upper back and head as he anxiously rubbed his middle. His baby kicked slightly... It was nice to know the kid was okay, but the movement was really only making the pain worse...
"Calm down, little one," he muttered, "please, I must hold out a bit longer, there's nobody here who knows what to do, and I..." He trailed off as another contraction hit him, making him practically whine in pain and making his breathing faster. Once the contraction ended, he... realized he was getting the urge to push. Uh oh... That couldn't be good, right...? He could ignore it. He had to, he didn't want to do this alone, nor did he want to do this without someone who knew what to do...
Sadly, it seemed his body had other plans. The next contraction hit and he gasped in surprise and pain, stifling a cry as his baby began moving down. "No," he whimpered, "no, no, no, no- fuck...!!" His body was working against him, at this point. He tried to call out for help, but he was practically incoherent, the overwhelming panic making it sort of hard to even say anything. With every contraction, his baby moved down more... and soon enough, he couldn't ignore the urge to push if he wanted to...
Around 20 minutes later, Danse came up to check on his love, and got... nervous, hearing sobbing. "Galactic?" he said, knocking on the door, "Are you okay...?" ... No response... "Do you need anything?" The sobbing ceases, for a moment. "... Galactic...?" Danse is about to open the door, when Galactic suddenly lets out a short, pained cry. Extremely worried, now, Danse nearly accidentally breaks the door off its hinges, and is left completely and utterly shocked at the sight.
"Hh... hhey, Danse," Galactic weakly mutters, taking their wailing newborn into his arms and starting to wrap her in a blanket. "S-sorry, she... didn't want to wait any longer," he chuckled, as if he wasn't currently feeling as though he'd been cut into with a chainsaw. Danse carefully walked over and sat on the edge of the bed. A tiny, now peaceful being was in Galactic's arms. She'd seemed to have calmed down, being snuggled up to the warmth of one of her parents. She had Danse's hair - or, at least, the hair he'd had before he got his new body - and she had splotches of blue around her skin... probably from Galactic. And she... glowed, a little...
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Danse laughed, a little. "I guess the glowing is just from being part spirit, huh," he said, only half-jokingly. "Well, it could be from... whatever I am," Galactic said. Even when he was in severe pain, he still had a slightly sassy tone of voice. Danse suddenly paused, before getting this horrified look. "Wait, holy shit, are you okay?! Do I need to get you to a hospital?!" he asked frantically. "Danse," Galactic began, catching his attention, "I'm okay. I... just need some rest. Alright...? It was... horifically painful, b-but... It's over, now. There were... surprisingly, no complications, i-in fact, I feel as though that... should've been much more difficult... I-I'm alright, now..."
Danse looked at him, for a long moment, and sighed. "Lord, alright," he said, "should I tell Diman nevermind, then?" "Yes, please... and take care of our daughter, for a bit... I need sleep..." Galactic muttered, practically all of his energy completely drained. Danse nodded, taking their daughter, and allowing Galactic to pass the fuck out. He went and called Diman and explained the situation. Diman understood, and explained that he didn't think he'd make it in time, anyway.
After that, Danse focused on taking his new daughter to the nursery he and Galactic had built. It had a space theme, and in their opinions, it turned out really well. He made sure she was fed, and then put her to bed, taking time, while she was asleep, to think of how he was going to introduce her to her brothers. As he gently rocked her to sleep, he sighed, a little. "I'm sure your brothers will love you, little Nebulae." Nebulae... that was a name he'd definitely have to pitch to Galactic.
[this marks the end of galactic's first pregnancy, and i suppose there's no real guarantee he'll have a second, but if this series with him continues to do well, i will probably make more of him soon. hell, maybe i could get danse a bit more involved. i enjoy writing these two a lot, so an excuse to do more stuff with them, at some point, isn't something i would argue with. hope yall enjoyed this one!]
[also idk how to draw babies so i hope that drawing doesnt look too bad dafdsafd]
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