#troglodyte intensifies [just talkin]
obsessivecreechur · 9 months
so. look. i have no idea if any of my followers like s/plat/oon, but. listen. hear me out. i wanna make the antique t/elephone robot pregnant
i came up with this idea almost a year ago and have been building on it since he l p
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obsessivecreechur · 1 year
s. so like. just an idea i'd like to pitch. [yes it's 3am but shoosh that's besides the point]
what if. i did a thing where yall could ask some of my characters stuff? given that i've only shown a few, it's. likely that the main focus for the questions will be galactic and his family, but. h. how would yall feel about that-
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obsessivecreechur · 1 year
so. been a while. what if i. yknow. got the idea of galactic and danse having another kid but galactic really doesnt wanna go through pregnancy again and danse. being the 'mechanical genius' he is, decides to surprise galactic by trying to make it so galactic isnt the one that has to carry this one, maybe upgrading his own fully robotic body to be able to carry this one without any of the side effects, but he [somehow] fucks it up and ends up immediately in hell from it, and. still wants to keep it a surprise, so he just sorta tries [and fails] to pretend he's fine-
even bigger surprise, and a better explanation as to why he feels extra awful, it's twins-
im still thinking it through, thinkin bout how it would go but tbh. this might be how i come back. this idea won't leave my brain-
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obsessivecreechur · 2 years
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meet Galactic. cyborg space man who i was once obsessed with, and decided to redesign because his character concept is still so perfect to me. be as nice or mean to him as you want- [more info about him below] [fair warning - a LOT more info. like. i released my inner obsessive and damn near wrote an entire backstory for this man and his bf (who will be drawn later dont worry)]
~ uses pronouns he/him but doesn't really have a fixed biological gender
~ stays up for weeks on end, sometimes exhausting himself to the point of randomly passing out, bc the doofus doesn't understand the importance of breaks
~ likes working on robots, and actually has a boyfriend who is a ghost in a robot body [danse, aka galactic's bf, tragically died, and met galactic as a spirit, both giving galactic an idea for a totally new and difficult project AND making him question everything he knew as far as reality went]
~ likes to play music, and actually used to be in a band. he has a unique voice and was the lead singer
~ those things floating around his head act sorta like ears. he uses them to hear, because with his head being a glass ball, it's kinda hard to, normally
~ yes, his head does actually have space in it. it's sorta like a snow globe and/or a wormhole. and if his head broke open, and it leaked out, it'd be a sort of sticky, tarry substance. basically would temporarily seal up any cracks that form on his head, like how a wound on a human would scab up
~ he doesn't mind people. in fact, he gets excited when people recognize him from his band days, or when they ask him questions involving his research. escpecially when people ask about his research
~ he acts like he's emotionless, as to not try to seem too simple as a person, but he gets genuinely excited when people come to him with questions involving robots, science, music, etc. he really is passionate about the things he loves, and could talk about it for hours on end
~ is actually really good with kids. he and danse built had two robot children, and are debating whether or not they want more. and as far as galactic [age 119] and danse [age 117] know, they're immortal, so it's not like they wouldn't have time for it
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obsessivecreechur · 7 months
i am going to lose my mind trying to get the motivation to draw. i mean maybe itd help if i had better drawing supplies but??? eh. money is tight rn
i'll get some new notebooks and pencils soon. or. yknow. a stylus. something to help me draw better/more comfortably :']
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obsessivecreechur · 7 months
i enjoy the idea of a robot [t/ar/t/ar] being pregnant and being able to hide it thanks to their abdomen being able to be closed. but the pregnancy is harder on them because they may not be getting any bigger. but their little ones are. they can keep hiding it, but on the downside, they will be in severe discomfort until they either just decide to let the existence of their little ones be known, or go into labor [maybe they even go into labor early cus of it]
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obsessivecreechur · 9 months
gonna work on the drawings to go with the thing im writing in a bit. until then, here have this
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got sorta lazy at some points, which i do apologize for, i just wanted to get the proper ref for him over with :']
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obsessivecreechur · 9 months
ive made a lot of progress on coloring the ref and the first lil thing i was writing is almost done, i just wanna draw some stuff to go along with it :]
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obsessivecreechur · 9 months
ok so. if i started writing something BEFORE i made proper refs of t/ar/t/ar and gr/izz. would that be ok? cus my god, do i have a LOT of ideas and MOST of them are angst :]
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obsessivecreechur · 9 months
lost motivation right when i was about to start coloring this in so uh. here have this unfinished ref-
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absolutely gnawing on him like a feral animal i love him so much
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obsessivecreechur · 9 months
ok so. short summary of the au i came up with. basically, t/ar/t/ar designs himself a body to use in the case that he ever needs to leave the k/amabo facility. he gets obliterated by some octopus he tried to kill, and does end up having to leave, the only person willing to take him in being gr/izz. the last mammal alive [besides j/udd and lil j/udd]
gr/izz goes through a similar defeat later on, but thankfully, he can still stay in al/terna, as it's pretty much abandoned, anyway. he's just left really hurt, recovering from the defeat for a while, which is bad luck for t/ar/t/ar, as he didn't take note of the fact that the ooze he created to make the perfect life form, which he now stores in a compartment in his body, as there's only so much left. still wants to fulfill its purpose and create the perfect life form.
i imagine t/ar/t/ar realizes something is off before anyone else and tries to keep it secret, as he sees it as pointless to worry everyone over such a minor inconvenience. he wouldn't even be affected by this issue. it wouldn't even begin to become a problem...
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obsessivecreechur · 9 months
hi. been a while. again.
so. im probably not gonna come to this blog often. maybe once in a great while. but that's probably obvious at this point and not what im here to discuss
how would yall feel about me posting more fandom specific content here? mostly because i. remembered robopreg is a thing and have been obsessing
i just wanna know if yall would be okay with me. yknow, losing my mind over a few of my favorite characters from fandoms for a lil bit-
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obsessivecreechur · 2 years
hi, sorry for inactivity, motivation degraded into nothing. anyway have some boys [who you'll definitely be seeing more of, especially para lmao-]
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doofuses. runs in the family i suppose. also dark is literally just a fuckin creechur-
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obsessivecreechur · 2 years
ya ever just remember an old oc you COMPLETELY forgot about, but used to absolutely adore and just. suddenly can't get them out of your brain??
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obsessivecreechur · 2 years
h. thinkin bout some of my ocs, and how ive. actually casually made some of them pregnant for rps-
and. how i wanna do more stuff with them but cant cus M O T I V A T I O N I S S U E S
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