#--fandom saw this and recognized my art style.
obsessivecreechur · 6 months
so. look. i have no idea if any of my followers like s/plat/oon, but. listen. hear me out. i wanna make the antique t/elephone robot pregnant
i came up with this idea almost a year ago and have been building on it since he l p
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paramountpetrichor · 1 month
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i imagine one member of the polycule is a serial kisser (and you dont have Any idea as to who it is <3)
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amalasdraws · 1 month
Amalassss, i was stalking the author of the formula 1 fic on tumblr and saw your art and was like “?? Woww that is really similar to amalas style” lolll then i saw that it was youuu 💀💀 you have such a distinct style!! The art turned out great! Have you ever drawn Gojo? Welcome to the satosugu side of fandom!! You asked for fic recs for satosugu right? Ill come back later with a list for you
Hahah omg I love that!! Especially since it's not colored and doesn't have one of my signature clutter bgs and you still recognized it as mine! Love it! I started the fic and binged it like crazy and now I'm in so deep! If I had the time I would draw so much fanart!! SO MUCH!!
I have drawn Gojo!! But not for the fic, and also only as some doodles. I did them some time ago to see how and if I could draw Gojo
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I have some full scene fanart ideas in mind and wanted to see if I could draw Gojo and practice him a little. Sadly I didn't had the time yet to draw the full scene illustration. I want to do something with Geto and Gojo in 2006, but all is well and they are just chilling and enjoying a day together. And now I also want to draw many scenes from the Coanda Effect fic. And I don't even know F1!!! WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME?!?!
Send me time and energy and I'll draw all the art :D
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morebird · 2 months
I saw some of your bg3 art on the dash, thought "huh, I recognize that lighting and line work..." and lo and behold it's one of my favorite Destiny artists!! Good to see you drawing non-armor clad non Exo characters! Your art is amazing as always.
It's so funny how absolutely everyone remembers my refusal to draw faces or naked bodies 😭 everyone who has reached out to me from the destiny fandom is like wow you're drawing faces now??!!!
No but it makes me happy that I apparently managed to adapt my art style to draw faces and bodies and all of that stuff that I avoided/refused while drawing destiny, at least enough to be recognizable.
Sorry for the lack of destiny art tho, but me and destiny had a mutually agreed divorce and I don't know what it would take for me to draw destiny stuff again, but I hope you like all the bg3 art!!
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rinadragomir · 6 months
Ok, I want to start off by saying that I am a fan of all arts and am so appreciative of the time, passion, and work that goes into any kind of content creation.
I am also very particular about when it comes to art. There are mangas, comics, animated works that I have difficulty reading/watching or will not read/watch if I'm not a fan of the art style.
And as an artist I understand that art is subjective and not everyone likes it. Just as I recognize that not everyone likes my particular art style and that's ok. (Not trying to have people come for me like I’m trashing Charlie’s art cuz I am 10000% not.)
Charlie does amazing work and I like it, but it's clear that her style has changed (as most content creators do) since the TLH portraits she did and the pieces that are going in the journal for CC's new kickstarter. I'm a self- taught artist so terminology isn't my best, but her style now is giving semi cartoon realism, but airing on the side of the cartoon more now.
I feel that my unpopular opinion is that I'm not a huge fan of it. I really like the TLH portraits she did of Matthew, James, Christopher, Thomas, ect, but idk there is something about these new portraits in her style that I'm just not liking. Her lines are much sharper now, darker, more profound and it feels like all of the face shapes/ jaw lines are basically the same (and I know I have no room to talk since I draw in an anime style so one could argue all my lines look the same).
and I'm NOT saying that they are carbon copies. Jem clearly looks different from Will down to his eye shape which is amazing and looks great. But idk...maybe part of my disliking is also the inconsistencies? and I'm using that term lightly...but like
Clary's hair looking straight when it's very canonly curly. Alec and Magnus having basically the same haircut... (I’m not the best person to speak on Dru…but CJ’s flower card is different and feels more like how she’s described on the book). The lack of and absence of runes... and I know all of that can be personal preference/stylistic choice. After all, art is subjective and based off of the artist's interpretation (for the most part anyway) but I'm a stickler for details so it bugs me…
And I just liked the softness/ more realism style of the previous portraits Charlie has done for TSC than these newer ones. These new ones are nice and I do like them…just not as much…and there are some that I don’t like at all.
Thanks for reading my ramble 😂 I hope it made sense
Summary: I like Charlie’s work, but am not a huge fan of these new TSC portraits.
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Okay okay, SO! You're so brave for saying this, LIKE YES WE'RE BEING FED, thank you for the content for our dying fandom, but damn...
Allow me to also start with: WE LOVE YOU CHARLIE, WE JUST LOVE TO COMPLAIN🥺
I can understand Clary's hair, she could have styled them, I understand few runes on James, maybe Cassie didn't clarify that BUT WHAT ABOUT THESE😫the first one looks like a dream and the second one... I'm not sure, it feels like sth is wrong about it but I'm not an artist and I can't say what exactly is off
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One time she nails the character completely and the next time BOOM JUMPSCARE
Is it Cristina? Is it... who's it😳 it can't be Dru
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But also I can't blame Charlie, I mean I also prefer her old style, but I'm mostly confused by Cassie. Like...you paid for the work and had a chance to correct the artist or clarify some details about the characters but...you saw this and went YEAH THAT'S WHAT I WAS LOOKING FOR, NO, NO NEED TO FIX ANYTHING IT'S ALREADY PERFECT
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otaku553 · 5 months
Hey! Mist here! Maybe you saw me around, anyway. Just dropping by to send a friendly love message -w- ♥
Luv your art/style a lot! You became another fav artist in my long list hehe I met you with your Kirby Gijinkas and here I still now enjoying your current content of One Piece x SpyxFamily crossover, 2 of my top fav animes (actually are the two that I have the most merchandise lol). I need to read your fanfic yet!
Really love how you draw the characters! And happy you focus in the ASL bros, my fav trio in One Piece ^w^ Curious, who is your fav bro or top tier? I love the 3 of them of course but i would say my fav tier would be 1. Sabo | 2. Ace | 3. Luffy. I even did a crossplay of Sabo hehe.
Since you are in a stressful situation, I send you a hug and all my support with your studies and life in general ♥
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Hello!!! I think we were on the same Kirby gijinka server at some point, I recognize your art style and your username! I’m glad to see you’re doing well :D
Hehe it’s certainly funny how fandoms change over time!! I’m glad you enjoy my one piece art too :) we have the same ranking of ASL bros! I also like sabo first, ace second, and luffy third!! They’re all excellent but sabo and ace have such compelling backstories and motivations and they’re very very precious hehe
Thanks for the support :) this made me feel a lot better when I saw it in my inbox!
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greenbirdtrash · 6 months
yikes can you drop the @ so we know who to block
I'm not sure if the person who got outed (a particulary nasty person with quite nasty behavior, i have to say) is on tumblr, but the person who made a pedo collab with them is. I will put some info and screenshots under the cut.
I already blocked everyone involved, and i refuse to add anything to this situation for my own comfort and sanity. Hope you understand.
I strongly advise to not interact with the mentioned people, but the "beware" word about their problematic behaviour needs to be said, because i know there's people who don't want to support/reblog from people with such views. DO NOT harass them or go after them, please. This is only a beware.
TW PEDO, CW oncest
Okay so...about the licorick. I had him blocked in telegram for months since i first saw him sending some pedo shit in the group chat that i no longer a member of (mostly because i left after that incident and it wasn't a moderated group before it happened), but i had no idea i will hear more about him, i literally just woke up today and all my mutuals are talking about the beware post on him that finally got created. I wasn't really surprised, but my jaw fell right on the floor when i saw there's also my now former mutual being involved in that.
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[the original post from licorick's channel. TRANSLATION:
"tw pedo"
"an amazing collab with pedo oncest with monika, hooray"
I find it incredibly ironic to create such content and cover it with "no no, we do not support, but "it's fictional, which is okay(literally a quite from licorick)"..like, man.why are you even drawing it in the first place?Sick.
This is the pinnacle of the currently ongoing russian fandom part drama. You can pretty much recognize the @.monika-fan0 drawing style, tho i have NO FUCKING IDEA what could be in that person's head to straight up draw something like that unless they're into that sick shit just like their "friend" licorick (who is widely known across the russian part of the fandom as "that one lunatic with pedo takes that he sents to local fandom confessions", and his DNI list literally includes "softies/normies" what more can i say?). There's also multiple statements from different people about Monika being a proshipper, creating/being an admin in one of the hate confessions directed towards one of the lorax artists and even creating a mascot for MAP-oriented group...Whatever you call it, it's still pedo and DEFINITELY not healthy.
Since peiple started sharing the beware post and asking questions about the drama and the mentioned collab, Monika has released an official statement that basically goes like "lmao, sorry if i offended someone, I don't care, just isolate yourself from people you don't like/want to see"
Not to point my finger at certain someone, but a particular artist who you might remember from their vampire onceler oc with a blue tailcoat showed up in the comment section and started defending monika, saying that "she shouldn't apologize to these lunatics"..you can pretty much read and translate it yourself if you want to.. *sighs*..well. more people for me to unfollow/block...
Here it is. Sorry for the shitty auto translation from her telegram post, but i really do not want to interact with it anymore:
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That's pretty much it. Be careful with who you support. Sometimes..sometimes the people whose art you have geniune interest in turn out nasty.
Stay safe, everyone.
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wehavekookies · 7 months
Koooks, I used to share a server with you from the good ol' dishonored days. I don't think we ever talked much, but it was still cool to have you. Anyway, I was flipping through the coloring books at a bookstore yesterday and saw an art style that I recognized *immediately.* Absolutely lost my shit at checking out the credits and seeing that it really was you! Made my day and I had to buy the book
I didn't know you well enough to say that I knew you, but it still makes me proud to see how far you've come and how far you'll go
Thank You, that's super nice to read, and thanks for the kind words <3 It feels very cool to hear You recognized the drawing style :))) And thank You for taking time to write this message :D
Ngl Dishonored days may still be my fav fandom period and one of biggest creative kicks i had, what a time.
(I may actually still be on that server, lol)
Have a great day <3
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gasp! You’re the one who did the turtle markings swap where Donnie Became The Actual Sun, and Leo had an existential crisis in the corner over the loss of his eye bananas! That was one of the first Rise comics I ever saw, you helped suck me into this fandom xD
Yeah, people seem to just not know this XD I drew a few comics, and when I show them people tend to recognize them separately but not realize they were drawn by one person, and that that person is me? xD
I mean I get why - there's very little personal style in them, because I mostly mimic style of the show since turtles are very unique in design and I'm not that skilled at art to give it some noticeable alterations. I made a masterpost with links to all my comics so they wouldn't slip through the cracks of a ton of Ghost Leo related posts completely, because comics are my bread and butter and I'm pretty proud of Rise ones 💜
Eh one day I'll get to experiment, for now it is what it is. Have a sneak peek for the next one!
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I followed you for DnDads, and even though you don't really draw for that fandom anymore, I still see your art style and recognize it immediately. The way you do expressions is lovely; something especially charming about the way you draw mouths.
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Oh man! There's something in the way how an art style is like a signature and I always certifiably lose my mind when someone says they saw my art randomly in the wild somewhere and knew it was mine. It makes my heart so happy??? Thank you so much; Dndads really captured my attention when they were doing the first season and it being an audio medium let me go bonkers on character design; I do miss it and I hope in the future they do another story/campaign that I can fall in love with :) Dndads is when I first started using golden lighting to shade and when I started to really use dynamic lighting for mood and it really changed the whole ballgame for me
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hatsune-sophia · 2 months
half of vocaloid fandom is obsessing over mesmerizer and the other half is confused about where this song came from and i'm feeling very smug because when i saw the song in my feed i immediately recognized the art style and knew that this song's going to be a hit
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polar-biscuit · 11 months
I saw your yj art in my dash and went !!!!!!! I RECOGNIZE THAT STYLE!!!! bc we've been overlapping in fandoms since the GoT Instagram days and it's always such a ❣️❣️❣️ when I see your art, even more so for a fandom I'm in
(y con eso dicho: holiiiii que tal va todo???)
helloooooo 8^D omg thank youu, it's nice to see people from those times are still here..!! it's been soooo long, and here we are! (todo va bien, han cambiado muchas cosas, o eso intento :> )
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I can see where you're coming from when you talk about the term "content creator", however I think for a lot of people who prefer the term, it comes from a place of fanfiction being deemed a "lesser" art form for so long, that we want to have a title that is recognized as important by other parts of the creative community. Fanfiction has a lot of roots as being the outcast version of media, and is often infantalized and demonized by others in the same general field. So when the term "content creator" came around, it was not only recognized by a HUGE part of the community with youtubers, tik tokers, and instagrammers, fanfiction writers found that they could also apply that title to themselves without backlash - which was rare.
So yes, I understand that the terminology itself sort of denotes a "competition" or "business" style of thinking, but coming from the other side, perhaps that isn't ALL bad if it allows fanfiction writers to be taken just a little more seriously. My personal belief is that we should all be able to call ourselves what we want without that title being "wrong" or overall deemed "bad". I can see the good in a change, but I can also see it hurting a ton of great people who have chosen this title because it helps them.
All love! ❤️
Thank you so much for contributing to the discussion!! 🙇🏻‍♀️ I understand your point and it gives so much food for thought. I can't talk about the topic of how fanfiction came to where it stands today in terms of being recognized and respected in fandom communities because I just wasn't there to witness this process. I only know things the way they are right now. I'm forever thankful to the people who made this possible, and despite that I too have been insulted for making fanfiction by people who deem it embarrassing, I recognize that things are much, much better right now than how they once used to be.
Still, it's not perfect. And neither are those other parts of the creative community that we're trying to get at the level of. I think this situation can be simply put as "it's okay now, but it always can be better" - as in, we should recognize the efforts of bringing fanfiction to the status of fan content, but we should also not accept that as enough. The people who made peace with being called content creators are still around us, an essential part of our creative community, and we should respect them. But at the same time, another group of people is starting to show up, one from a new generation of creatives - and it's up to them to further bring recognition and respect to fan fiction. We shouldn't force this change as it won't happen overnight, and maybe it's the normal order of things that arguments about this arise from inside the community.
I personally would simply stick to what (now) feels better for me to call myself, and would try to bring some attention to this problem - from there on everyone decides for themselves and I shouldn't judge their choice. This is how I feel.
Now, I wanted to make it clear that up till here we're talking about fandom culture in general and how this affects especially fanfiction. My initial post was about the Ikemen community in particular, meaning that all of what we have to say about the word "content", I saw through the prism of "how does this work for the Ikemen community?". When we talk about how this terminology brings an air of competition, I wanted to say that especially in the Ikemen community it has a stronger effect. And, I might be wrong! Gods, I hope I'm wrong! But just wanted to make it clear that I'm coming from a place of genuine worry for an underlying problem in our community. Again, one that could just be in my head. That's why I wanted to have a discussion!
Thank you once again and I hope this didn't accidentally sound mean in any way! Sending love back! ❤
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finn0la · 1 year
Do you know who this artist is? I didn't want to post it on my blog to ask who it is because that would be reposting it w/o their permission, so I thought putting it on an ask would be more appropriate. I've been obsessed with this piece for a while now (big fan of Crocodile is Whitebeard's son idea)
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if you can believe it, i definitely recognized this art when i saw your ask, but i couldn't remember exactly where i saw it.
i did a little digging and i think i found the source, but unfortunately, the twitter account is deleted, and some of the easier methods of finding old tweets (checking the google search cache, for instance) weren't turning up with anything.
in any case, many of the other instances of this image online link to the same defunct twitter account, including the twitter pinterest account, so i think it's relatively reliable.
that account is お湯屋 (@kitunoyuusi)! while they don't have a twitter anymore, they do still seem to have a pixiv. although it's possible this is just a different person with a similar name and art style, i think there's a solid chance they're the same.
the pixiv doesn't have the art you linked, nor some other art i've found associated with this account, but the most recent post was from 2016, whereas i think this art may be a little more recent. so it's possible they just didn't post this particular piece on their pixiv.
while searching i found a similar image that links back to the same author, again from the twitter pinterest account:
regardless, because their twitter is down and pixiv is inconclusive, i'm not entirely sure how they feel about full-on reposts. still, we can appreciate their adorable, creative artwork and credit them as best as possible, even if they might not ever see it!
p.s.: i actually love digital media archival, especially from one piece, since it's been around for so much of internet history. i have a personal website where i collect and store old (typically early 2000s) fanart, fanfic and personal websites for one piece, just for the sake of keeping records on a fandom i care about. i've been a bit too busy to update it recently, but it's a passion project of mine, so asks like this one are more than welcome.
thanks for the question! ❤️
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shimmershy · 1 year
i dunno how long it was ago, but it was before i joined tumblr and a while before I rejoined the Undertale fandom
and i saw your art and it is one of the main reasons I was originally roped in
i feel Quite Nostalgic looking at your artstyle now and I would like to thank you for the scrimbly doos
Aww, that's so cool!!! It's always crazy when I hear my art Affects people, you know? Like beyond just seeing it and liking it, people actually recognize my art style? And potentially feel some sort of way about it? That makes me so happy. :) Thank you for the message! And you're welcome, I'm glad you like my silly little drawings.
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astal-art · 1 year
Bro I saw one of your Lava posts and instantly got Klance Voltron vibes- so I looked at your page, lo and behold- But now every time your art shows up on my fyp, I need you to know that I jolt, lean forward, enjoy the art, then glance at your @ and mentally keyboard slam because DAMNIT, SOMEHOW MY SUBCONSCIOUSNESS KNEW BEFORE I DID
Please take satisfaction that your art style has it's own little corner in my adhd riddled photographic memory /pos
Idk what fandom I know you from but your art is burned into my brain, good fellow
SHDHFJDK IM EXTREMELY FLATTERED…. I have made art for so many fandoms at this point,, most recently on tumblr though I’ve been drawing a lot of ninjago, a bunch of klance, raven cycle, some the owl house and quite a few old queerbaity men 😧 if that helps
I honestly can’t believe some people recognize me and my art style in fandom spaces it’s Wild :,D anyway I love you,
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