my-tummy-hurts · 4 months
With Call being on top of your hottest robots list, I must ask: what are some scenarios you see for her? I think she’s underrated as hell and hella cute
I wanna specify that's the Alien series synthetics list, not robots in general xD And yeah I heartily agree!
My main scenario for her is getting knocked up by Ripley 8 due to xeno hybrid shenanigans. A few years ago I actually commissioned some art from @sapphicbump for this scenario;
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obsessivecreechur · 9 months
short summary - t/ar/t/ar figures out the body he made for himself is capable of sustaining life, by accident
It'd been 2 or 3 months since Gr/izz was defeated. T/ar/t/ar was preparing everything for his return, extremely exhausted from everything going on, lately. This whole project had been a mess, somehow worse than what he'd tried to do only a few years prior.
The phone looked around, trying to find its Al/ternan counterpart, OR/CA, who'd been equally as busy, when he suddenly got... an odd sensation in his abdomen. He didn't stop, but he... did pause, getting a strange look of mild concern on his face... This wasn't a sensation he'd felt, before.
He tried to ignore it, but after a few minutes of walking, it suddenly turned into a sharp pain. This wasn't right... "O-OR/CA? Where are you? I-I think something's..." he trailed off, leaning against a wall. He had no clue what was going on, but... it suddenly felt as if there was something within him he couldn't control. Something that wasn't his own inner mechanisms, which kept him alive. This wasn't right...
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After taking a few minutes, allowing the pain to ease, he ran to his room, nearly slamming the door behind him. He nervously went over to his mirror, staring at himself for a solid few minutes... He wasn't going to see anything unless he opened up his torso cavity, which he did NOT want to do when there was some chance of someone else walking in on him... He decided to lock his door, so he could be completely alone, for this.
Taking off his shirt proved to be strangely difficult... Hell, doing anything that required movement suddenly felt a bit more difficult. He felt... sensitive... in a way he'd never experienced, before... He didn't like it.
Staring at his middle, he hesitated, scared to see what might've been wrong with him... Best case scenario, a small, easy to replace part had broken. Worst case scenario... the compartment he'd made to store the rest of the primordial ooze - the gunk he initially made to take over the world and create a new, perfect lifeform - had somehow broken...
He shuddered at the thought.
After several long moments, he finally opened up his torso cavity, and... what he saw was rather startling.
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Specks... Three tiny little glowing specks, floating around within the ooze... He stared for several long minutes, trying to figure out what these things were. Suddenly, it hit him like a brick...
Was the ooze still trying to fulfill its purpose...? Was it still trying to create the perfect lifeform?
T/ar/t/ar shook his head. No, that couldn't be the case, right? Was it even possible, in this small of an amount of the stuff? If it was, wouldn't it need a lot more space, at least?
Even if it was possible, now was not the time to worry about something like this. He still had a friend to worry about... This whole ordeal could wait to be dealt with. It had to.
He closed up his torso, putting his shirt and lab coat back on. This would hopefully not become much of an issue for a while... Hopefully.
Somehow, he already knew that was wishful thinking...
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brobotsbro · 1 year
Me: cringe culture is dead! Like what you like, write about your blorbos who cares if it's self indulgent or bad or whatever!
Me: unless it's me. I can't let anyone know I Feel
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acid--inside · 2 years
"Fl/int... you did this to me." Gra/ham leaned in, smacking Fl/int with a paw.
"Uh-huh. I sure did." Fl/int chuckled, flipping the page of his book.
Gra/ham smacked him with a paw again, trying to push the book away so he could give a half-hearted glare.
"Are you gonna apologize then? I'm bored all the time!"
"Babe... you've been on maternity for what? A week? Two weeks?"
Gra/ham whined softly, nuzzling his way into Fl/int's lap and smirking at him a little bit. "Yeah, and? I'm bored!"
Fl/int just laughs, a hand cradling the small of Gra/ham's back, rubbing at his spine and earning a little moan in response. God that was hot... the pathetic little moan, the way Gra/ham arched his back and leaned into the touch.
"That feel good?"
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slender-hero · 13 days
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puppyputer · 19 days
robopreg. Is this anythibg
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meteorcrab · 5 years
Why is IDW2 so weird?
I have NO idea 
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spockandawe · 3 years
Okay, now this was one of my big goal last month: Eugenesis! When I started binding fic, this was one of the first big ones that came to mind, and I was so delighted to make this happen. It was also one of my very first cricut iron-on foil experiments, as well as messing with fussy placement for cover ornaments, to integrate my additions with the fabric background
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Now, had I read Eugenesis? No. Have I read it now? Also no, all my reading is allocated to mediocre seventies sci fi movie tie-ins, haha. But one thing I had read were the later scenes for prowl (my boyyy), and I know quintessons are the primary antagonists, and this gorgeous marble-looking paper that felt like it united the vibes of both rust and decay. I won't lie, I've been in the market for rusted out endpapers/fabric for months, or fabric that's Bad To Look At in a rotting-type way. And that's kind of a pipe dream for personal gratification, but this was a delightful balance of desired vibes and actually appealing vibes, and it happened to be one of my few double-sided papers!
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Especially if you read and loved MTMTE, i really recommend looking this fic up and reading at least the background. I included those writeups as much as I could, including the canon blender mashup provided to give context for this specific transformers setting. If I understood correctly, this was basically... officially sanctioned fanfiction for transformers UK? And it definitely had a short prequel comic that was handed out at a TF convention before the fic dropped, so i included both the comic and the comic script. And there was a short sequel I'd somehow missed, and it features tarantulas my beloved? Incredible!!
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And it is fascinating to look at this story and see what themes stuck with JRO through a nice big jump into the future, until he became an official writer. Not just the robopreg! If anything, i was disappointed by how minor the robopreg is sgdjgjjg 😂 But one of the chapter titles is a vote in confidence over leadership, for example, and I am very excited to read this, read jro's later comics, and watch the iterative evolution of a writer
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pleuvoire · 4 years
i laid down to unsuccessfully attempt to nap for a bit then logged back on to a new ask and stared at this for a second in sleepy daze trying to figure out wtf this singular capslock word was referring to then i remembered. yeah there’s a lot of like robopreg content in transformers fandom
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expectingbutler · 7 years
►Give me tummy rubs cause I'm a preggers android
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Sebastian gives the robopreg tummy rubs. “Can you feel this though?”
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my-tummy-hurts · 4 months
Synthetic (Ash, Call, fucking.. Dave. whoever) managing to find a way to impregnate themselves with a xeno egg. Maybe it can’t grow to its complete full size, maybe it doesn’t need to but they carry it long enough for it to become large enough to develop fully in a lab or something? I dunno man the synths should figure out the logistics I just want one of them to have to lay an egg that’s all.
Reminds me of in William Gibson's Alien III, when an egg grew from basically a spore the Queen left in Bishop's torso
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I can also see it being along the lines of egg morphing where instead of one of the above synths growing an egg inside of them, essentially they are the egg, growing a facehugger in their belly with the petal flaps opening up from their navel
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obsessivecreechur · 7 months
i enjoy the idea of a robot [t/ar/t/ar] being pregnant and being able to hide it thanks to their abdomen being able to be closed. but the pregnancy is harder on them because they may not be getting any bigger. but their little ones are. they can keep hiding it, but on the downside, they will be in severe discomfort until they either just decide to let the existence of their little ones be known, or go into labor [maybe they even go into labor early cus of it]
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beescream · 11 years
pregnant robos being surprised when the baby kicks is my new favourite thing
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my-tummy-hurts · 4 months
I know and I’m obsessed. Like even if he has a normal burst situation it just takes fucken time. Either to get started or the thing just comes out slower because he’s sturdier than a human/other organic being.
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See I dunno if he sees his fellow crew as like, inferior meatbags, because Ash has some DEEP inferiority issues himself. One of the reasons he is so enamoured with the xenomorph is he sees it as biological perfection, and he either just wants to touch that greatness because sees himself as flawed because he's an older model droid who's been mostly cast aside (PLANNED OBSOLESCENCE), or because he hopes to attain that level of perfection himself. In any case he would absolutely have to bottle up his pride and self-reliance in order to let someone else have such complete control over bodily functions that even he can't control (though to me that sounds like a perfect opportunity to discover he's a MASSIVE sub)
The stopping labor thing actually ties back into the first part of your note, because to me that would be what affords the specimen an opportunity to try to burst out, and maybe it has a hard time doing so because of what he's made out of but honestly I don't think he's very sturdy, unless Parker is VERY strong to knock off his head just with one swing of a fire extinguisher.
But the "chestburster taking its sweet time in coming out" reminds me of an EXQUISITE scene from the audible adaptation of Alien: River of Pain where a Company shill got betrayed by a fellow greasy corpo to knock her up with a specimen, and she's basically acting like she's in labour (at one point she says between lamaze-like breaths "why is this taking so long??"). If I was a better artist I'd probably draw it as a comic. But yeah I can imagine Ashy boi in a similar situation
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my-tummy-hurts · 4 months
You know what I’m thinkin about right now? Some knocked up fucked up android (doesn’t even have to be ash) (but to me it is because he is everything to me) being stuck with some fancy newer model as his/their only labor support system, and how insanely humiliating that would be. Some nasty Bishop-type pointing out all of your flaws in a very nice and technical manner while youre over here overheating and throwing up milk like a wretch.
Holy shit more advanced android elbow-deep in his guts while calmly pointing out the things that have been fixed since he was outmoded
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my-tummy-hurts · 4 months
Hiya it’s me again and I’m just.. thinking about Ash. Inflicting indescribable pain on Ash. Anyway-
Do you think synthetics respond in any more ‘human’ ways when they’re dealing with physical discomfort such as labor, like groaning, gritting their teeth, uttering some expletives etc etc or do they just go full malfunctioning computer mode immediately, having difficulties speaking without their voice distorting and such fun? I’m just thinking so much about the specifics about… this.
Well they definitely have more human/animal responses baked in, Ash did flinch and grunt, albeit in a super weird way, when Ripley and the rest of the crew roughed him up, but in Aliens when the Queen stabbed Bishop he was just full on "THIS SUUUUUCKS" acting like a person would after being impaled.
Also Ash absolutely would use expletives when he's in pain. He didn't need to call the facehugger a "tough little sonovabitch", but he did regardless.
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