#heehoo gonna draw em soon >:]
obsessivecreechur · 9 months
ok so. short summary of the au i came up with. basically, t/ar/t/ar designs himself a body to use in the case that he ever needs to leave the k/amabo facility. he gets obliterated by some octopus he tried to kill, and does end up having to leave, the only person willing to take him in being gr/izz. the last mammal alive [besides j/udd and lil j/udd]
gr/izz goes through a similar defeat later on, but thankfully, he can still stay in al/terna, as it's pretty much abandoned, anyway. he's just left really hurt, recovering from the defeat for a while, which is bad luck for t/ar/t/ar, as he didn't take note of the fact that the ooze he created to make the perfect life form, which he now stores in a compartment in his body, as there's only so much left. still wants to fulfill its purpose and create the perfect life form.
i imagine t/ar/t/ar realizes something is off before anyone else and tries to keep it secret, as he sees it as pointless to worry everyone over such a minor inconvenience. he wouldn't even be affected by this issue. it wouldn't even begin to become a problem...
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recallback · 3 years
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Trying to expand my horizons by drawing angles and actions I never normally draw, starting with a very important one: kissing!!
I honestly think it came out super well for a first time. Like I'm real proud of this, even if I did choose to draw the worst possible couple. I draw good when I'm drawing really mean things as it turns out. Sorry bout the nasty kiss, Arion
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