offthecuffwriter · 2 years
I am trying to do my best
Yet most days winning feels like a distant dream
I wrap my arms around my body
I hold myself close, so no one else have to
Yes, I know vodka burns
But it tastes so much better than disappointment
Chipped nails and teary eyes
I throw myself at the world everyday
Hoping one day it will open its arms for me
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offthecuffwriter · 3 years
I was fifteen
when I came across the line,
"if you wish to be loved, love"
And so I did
I looked at the world
with hopeful eyes
I passed a warm smile
to every stranger that
crossed my path
I picked up fallen flowers
And I admired every bruise,
every scar, every broken piece
that someone showed me with shame
I loved and I loved
I didn't question the loneliness
I believed happiness
will be right around the corner
I loved and I loved
I held love softly in my hand
even when it burned me
I held onto love
even though it felt like a prize
I had to pay heavily for
And yet got no time to enjoy
I loved and I loved
Patiently and dearly
I loved and I loved
Wholeheartedly and freely
I loved and I loved
Until it drowned me.
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offthecuffwriter · 3 years
Things I've learned -
1. Ice cream tastes 10x better when shared with someone you love.
2. If something or someone upsets you, you need to let them go.
3. Lose the argument if it saves you time and piece of mind.
4. Alcohol is bad for you, just like every other thing that looks pretty and makes you momentarily feel good.
5. There will always be people who will leave without saying goodbye.
6. Rock bottom is a good place to start.
7. Even 100 people calling you beautiful won't help you get rid of the ugliness you see in yourself, you have to do that on your own.
8. If you don't feel like doing something, say no and don't be ashamed.
9. Treasure your family, they love you more than you can understand.
10. Let your heart overuse, "I love you".
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offthecuffwriter · 3 years
With hands in your pockets
You keep looking down
At your shoes like they are the
Most interesting thing in this world
A part of me wants to scream at you
"Look at me, I am here, look at me"
But my mourning heart wins
When it tells me
Look at the sky, with limitless possibilities
Look at the trees, with growing happiness
Look at anything, anyone but him
Anything, anyone but him
Little does our heart know
Out of site doesn't mean out of mind
I keep whispering 'I love you' like it's an apology
You keep thinking about our love like it's your greatest tragedy
- last coffee together
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offthecuffwriter · 3 years
My grandma told me once
You should be selfish
Leave the sinking ship
And not look behind
Never, my child, never
Let yourself drown in the sorrows
that do not belong to you
Learn to swim, learn to fly
Be ready to leave when it's time.
Be selfish enough to leave the sinking ship.
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offthecuffwriter · 3 years
You claim me
You claim more and more of me
More than I was willing to give
- The world grabbed me by the throat and asked me to breathe.
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offthecuffwriter · 3 years
Some people stay forever in your heart just not in your arms.
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offthecuffwriter · 3 years
Talking to a friend recently who said that it is important to teach yourself the things you want to do because no one else is going to do it for you. And although I already knew this, but someone telling me came as a much needed reminder. I mean, it's such a simple thing right ? If you want to achieve something, you need to yourself work for it. You need to get up off your butt and teach yourself. Whether it is getting into shape, perfecting your art or furnishing a skill, no one is going to come hold your hand and teach you how to better your life and get things you want. You have to do it yourself. Discipline yourself. Create a healthy mindset for yourself. Correct yourself. Teach yourself. Because at the end of the day, it's all about the things you teach yourself.
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offthecuffwriter · 3 years
Here's the thing, at times like this, I am a big introvert. I get shy and never know how to start a conversation. I talk only when I am addressed to, and no that doesn't mean I have an attitude problem or I am trying to be ignorant, it's just that when the table is filled I feel my voice drowning and an ugly lump forms in my throat. It's not that I don't want to be included but when you ask me why I am so quiet and tell me I should talk more because its weird that I am this silent, my mouth forms an apology that comes out as "I am fine" and "sorry, this is just how I am" but in all honesty all I want to ask you is where's the nearest exit because you make me uncomfortable to a point I just want to flee this place and not look back. Yes, at times like this the floor pattern looks more interesting to me because maintaining an eye contact with someone new is the most difficult thing for me, especially when you look at me with the strangeness in your eyes. I know what you are thinking. I don't belong here. I know that too. I don't belong anywhere.
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offthecuffwriter · 3 years
Look I know it might sound cleashe or idiotic to you, but it's my truth. That after going through all this crap, at the end of the day I get to sleep in his arms. In the arms of the person I am in love with. In the arms that make me feel warm and safe and home. I get to be home. And that, my dear, is worth going through all of this.
- All fights are worth fighting, if they lead me to my home.
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offthecuffwriter · 3 years
Damn this holy world
And damn you too
Damn everyone who asked her
To be pretty and polite
Damn everyone who couldn't see
The sadness in her smile.
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offthecuffwriter · 3 years
You dragged a sweet angel through hell
You thought that would be the end of it
Look at her now,
She plays your god like a fiddle.
Nobody mourns for a falling angel
but they all bow down to the rising queen.
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offthecuffwriter · 3 years
Like the moon
loves the sea
I love you, my darling
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offthecuffwriter · 3 years
Will someone please tell me
At the end of it all
What do I cry for
The life I lived
Or the life I didn't.
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offthecuffwriter · 3 years
You turn tragedies into art, you are the kid who grew up way too fast.
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offthecuffwriter · 3 years
I always get confused on what to order, it takes me hours to pick out what to wear and I never know how to talk to other people. I am never sure about things. But I was so sure about you. I was so damn sure about you.
I still count you in my blessings.
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offthecuffwriter · 3 years
And we are sitting like strangers talking about love, pretending like it never happened to us..
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