ohbungeegum · 10 months
If you like funny clips from lethal company or party animals (we’re gonna do more of different games too) we have a smol account on tiktok if ya wanna have a look: https://www.tiktok.com/@dietaschenflaschen?_t=8hsHY9lmnGj&_r=1
Heres one of the clips XD
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ohbungeegum · 3 years
Hisoka x reader
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Hisoka x feminine Reader smut
[P/N]= Pet Name
[Y/N]= obviously „Your Name“
Story: a cute and blissful morning can turn into a ,,No-walk-Day“ fast.
BTW let’s pretend reader is on birthcontrol or smth
Warnings: sex, smut, rough smut,
Very slight bondage, edging
You were in your bed, snoring away as the sun slowly rose up above the nightly glow of the moon.
Listening to another set of a heart beating below your head, its steady rhythm is what you heard the second you started gaining consciousness from your good night sleep. You noticed Hisoka‘s arm is tightly wrapped around your waist and the other is placed on your hip. You were awake now, admiring the beauty of this man, twirling a strand of his soft maroon colored hair around your finger.
He hummed
„Good Morning, [P/N]“
He opened his eyes and turned his body to face you, pulling you closer if possible.
,,how long have you been awake?“ you asked, placing your head under his head.
,,At least an hour~“
You weren’t surprised, he was an early riser but he loved to stay in bed, watch you sleep and just lay there comfortably with you.
He kissed the top of your head, his hand travelled from your hip to your ass cheek and gave it a squeeze, leaving his hand there.
„You’re not close enough~“
„What do you mean I’m not close enough, I can’t possibly be any clo- OUHH HEY!“
He grabbed your legs, putting them between his and turned you over so you were lying on him like he was your mattress.
You were now laying on his naked torso.
He played with your hair, massaging it and making sure it doesn’t cover up your face.
He cupped your cheeks with both his hands and kissed you lovingly.
His lips are the softest ones you’ll ever kiss and the sweetest you’ll ever taste.
He then cupped your ass cheeks and scratched them a little with his nails but careful not no leave a mark. You slightly gasped and he went back with one hand and gripped your face, sliding his tongue in your mouth, deepening the kiss.
His other hand began kneading your flesh from your shoulders back down to your ass.
„Ohh~ hmmm~“
He moaned into the kiss, feeling the vibrations from his throat.
His hand that was on your cheek went down and under your shirt.
You could feel he wanted to feel your breasts but couldn’t because your chest was pressed against his chest, so you placed your hand on either side of his head tilting your head downwards not to break the kiss, you slightly, but just enough, held your upper body up so he could feel your breasts.
He instantly took both hands under your shirt and started massaging your breasts making you moan into the kiss. You knew him hearing your moans was a major turn on so you weren’t surprised when you could feel his dick getting harder under you.
You felt his hips grinding against yours to get some sort of friction. Both of you being in your underwear there was no hiding each other’s arousal, you could feel how wet you were getting, and he could too.
He smirked against your lips, his hand going down under you to your pussy.
,, oh how wet you are for me, hmmm~“
He coated his fingers in bungee gum, careful not to hurt you with his nails.
He threw your panties to the side and and started massaging you clit in circular motions.
„Ohh fuckk“ you moaned, panting and disconnecting from the passionate kiss, due to lack of air.
His not so busy hand guided your hand to his now rock hard dick, you could tell he was desperate for some touch. You pulled his pants down just enough for his dick to come free, leaking a heavy amount of precum. Your arm was next to his, feeling all the movements his muscles made to pleasure you, you were a moaning and panting mess, but so was he. You wrapped your hand around his dick, smearing his precum over his dick while jerking your hand up and down his dick. He was full on moaning by now, normally it was a turn off for you but Hisoka has this moan that sounds so guttural and sexy it just arouses you more.
You began feeling that familiar coil below your stomach, getting louder Hisoka noticed you were about to cum so he suddenly stopped.
,,n-no hiso-AHH“
You whined until he shoved his whole dick all the way up inside your pussy. Everytime he entered you, his dick always stretched your pussy out because of how thick he was.
He waited for you to give him the go so he could move.
You were slightly angry he entered you like that and was edging you so you decided to take control.
You used your discarded panties to tie up his hands above his head, he was surprised but even more aroused, you felt his tip twitch inside you.
You straightened up and started riding him harder than ever, he was enjoying the show and your roughness. He was panting heavily. Everytime you slided your pussy down his dick, he panted.
,,Are you ready to be good now?“
you asked , hoping he would say yes so you could feel his hands roaming your body.
He nodded
,,ohh~ uh- yes my lovely~“
You undid his hands and as soon as you did, you regretted that action.
Instantly he flipped you over, intimidating you with his big size over you. He stared at you menacingly but yet very amused.
,,oh you didn’t think you would get away with that did you?~“
He attacked your neck giving you harsh lovebites. He thrusted into you so hard you grabbed at his back.
He pounded into you mercilessly, each thrust harder than the other, feeling one hand grip your hip bruisingly and the other massaging your breast softly. You could feel his hot breath on your neck while he was sucking and biting on your neck.
You crossed your legs around his waist holding him close while he harshly fucked you.
You could once again feel that coil in your under area ready to snap.
You could feel him being close too, the way his thrust softened a little.
„I’m going to“
,,me too~“
We both moaned in bliss, you gripped his hair and tightened your legs around his waist. He stopped his movements and came inside you feeling your walls clench around him
You could feel his seed spilling into you, filling you up.
You both stilled there for at least 5 minutes before either one of you were out of your cum clouded states.
He flopped back next to you, still taking in heavy breaths.
,,wow, I didn’t know you could be that sexy when you’re dominant~ I wasn’t too rough was I?~“
,,no, no Hisoka, that was the best sex we’ve ever had.“ you said impressed.
,,oh you complete me, darling~“
You blushed as he said that.
,,I love you too“ You said back.
He smiled at you and got up, disappearing into the bathroom.
He came back with a warm cloth and cleaned you up between your legs. He was always very affectionate when It came to aftercare.
,,I’ll run us a bath~“
He said stroking my cheek.
,,thank you Hisoka“
⭐️Watch out for your volume💧
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ohbungeegum · 3 years
Oneshot- Derek Hale
Derek Hale x reader fluff
This is extremely fluffy, I nearly puked sorry :)
(A little bit oc like but who cares :)
You and Derek have a nice Day together.
The bright morning light shone through the huge windows in the loft, waking you up softly.
You felt light breathing on your head making you you flutter your eyes oben to see you were cuddled into Dereks naked chest as he had his arms wrapped around you securely. You were clothed in Dereks T-Shirt and a pair of underwear which Derek was wearing too, speaking of lower part of the body, your legs were completely entangled in his, your leg between his and his leg draped around yours.
You enjoyed his soft breathing on your hair making little strands blow away.
You felt your nose was icy cold due to it being winter so you nuzzled more into his chest and warmed you up more, which must have woken him up a bit.
You felt him kiss the top of your head.
,,Good Morning.“
he said with a sexy morning voice.
,,Morning.“ you tried to say but it came out as a ‚mmnng‘ as your lips were muffled with his chest.
,,You’re cold“
He wrapped his arms around you tightly and rolled you so you were on top of him with him lying on his back, he spread his legs so you’d be comfortable between them, which you totally were.
He pulled the blanket more up so it covered your shoulders, nearly reaching your nose as it only covered half of his chest.
You layed there for at least half an hour with him playing with your hair until your tummy decided to be hungry and ruining the beautiful position, he chuckled:
,,no“ You said not wanting to move.
He huffed in amusement, gave you a kiss on the head and sat up with you on his lap, your head on his neck. He then wrapped your legs around his waist and stood up, his hands hold your butt so you don��t Fall, which he loved. You wrapped your arms around his neck and hung your head under his chin, still tired af.
He tried getting you to sit on the stool in the kitchen but you just held on tighter, so he gave up, making you both a sandwich while your still clinging on him like a monkey.
As soon as he was done you jumped off and swooped the plate away, he smiled and joined you on the couch watching Rick&Morty on your new flatscreen TV. The last two months were spent with you decorating the Loft to look more comfortable, Derek loved it and helped you out, even the pack went out of their way to help.
Anyway, you were sat there with a sandwich, Derek knew you were still cold so he took the fluffy blanket and wrapped you both in it.
Once you both were done Derek got some strawberries and ate them with you, then he layed down with his head on your lap, head faced upwards so he could see you grinning down at him ,,what?” He asked smiling at your dopey grin, ,,oh, just that bit of strawberry on your mouth.” You said. He tried licking it away but you couldn’t stop laughing ,,now you really look like a dog.”
He rolled his eyes and went to wipe it off with his hand but you stopped him, gripped his hand, bent down and licked away the bit of strawberry on the upper lip, you went to go back up but Derek cought you in a soft and gentle kiss, resting his now released hands on either side of your face as he caressed your cheek up to to the back of your ear.
Derek broke the kiss for air, you kissed the tip of his nose like he did with you earlier and leans back on your lap.
Derek was never really cuddly with other people around, he kinda has this badass reputation going on but never when he’s with you, he would always make sure your okay, and never leave without a kiss and a ‚i love you‘, which you absolutely adored.
There was comfortable silence of you two watching TV, enjoying each other’s company.
Derek broke the silence: ,,What do you wanna do today?“.
You turned the volume of the TV down so you could hear him better.
,,Hm, let me think about it.“
You thought while caressing Dereks hair, it was very soft, but a still a certain roughness in it.
,,What about a date?” Derek asked as he turned to look at you.
,,Ouh we haven’t had one of those in a while!“ you said excitedly.
He smiled, got up and said:,, 8 o’clock here, wear something warm and comfortable, I’ll organize the rest.” Then he walked off to who knows where.
You were happy to be spending more time with him.
You stood up and started preparing for things not knowing what to bring.
[ 9 hours later]
(In that time you went shopping with Lydia and got some dinner with her, she’s kinda your bestie to go)
You sat on the couch, grey wool jumper, black jeans and a black coat, waiting for your Prince Charming.
Finally a knock was heard from the loft door. You opened it to see Derek in also a gray hoodie and black jeans.
He smiled as he saw you ,,You manage to look perfect In anything” he said as he intertwined his hand In yours, starting to lead you down the loft. You blushed, kissed his cheek ,,well good thing we’re matching, I guess we both were going for perfect.” You said smoothly, he chuckled and led you to his beautiful camaro.
As Derek drove through the streets he intertwined his right hand with your left hand, keeping them on the gear and one hand on the wheel. The radio played a familiar tune as you slightly bounced your leg to the song.
The car ride was silent, not bad silence but peaceful silence.
You were now in a parking lot in the woods. The moonlight shone perfectly around the trees and leaves.
Derek got out of the car and went to open your door before you could. He smirked while you rolled your eyes and laughed ,,always the gentleman.“
,,always“ he replied with a smile while taking your hand once again in his, leading you to the trunk of the car.
,,Is this the scene where the loving maniacal boyfriend kills the girlfriend in cold blood and drags her body in a hole he digged? That would explain why you were preparing for so long.” You gasped loudly for dramatic flaire.
,,The boyfriend might, if he’s tempted enough by his equally loving maniacal girlfriend.“ he sassed back, quirking an eyebrow, tilting his head and looking deep into your eyes. It was a look he often did, kind of his trademark look.
You both chuckled as he resumed taking the stuff out of the trunk.
You couldn’t really guess what you both were going to do because he his the stuff in two black duffel bags, you took one duffel bag and he took the other, he didn’t bother to argue because he knew you would rather stubbornly take the bag than give both to him since he’s more than capable of taking them.
After a little walk in the woods he led you to a clearing right by a lake.
It was beautiful, there was plenty of room to sit on, the Moon reflecting elegantly against the water.
While you were gushing about the prettiness of this place you didn’t seem to notice your boyfriend building up a little tent, there even was a picnic blanket on the floor, a basket and some lights around it.
When Derek was finished building up the tent you walked up to him and threw yourself on him in a big hug throwing him in the blanket with you, he laughed and kissed your cheek.
,,This is the best Derek! Like WOW! I love you so much.” You said while peppering kisses all over his face.
,,Aw I love you so much too, you big softie.” He said with a big smirk.
,,oh shut up I was trying to be nice so fuck off, you did great.” You said getting off and sitting next to him. He laughed ,,There she is.“ .
He brought out the basket and got some bread sticks out, some wine and some fruit. We started talking and eating throughout the night.
He suddenly stood up and held his hand out. You reluctantly took it as you didn’t know what his devious mind was up to.
,,Take your clothes off”
You raised your eyebrows, not understanding what he was up to. He got out a pair of swimming trunks for him and put them on. Normally you’d be uncomfortable undressing in front of a boyfriend because you were insecure, honestly though, who isn’t? Derek knew that and always reassured you that you were the most beautiful woman on earth, that’s why Derek isn’t just any boyfriend, you felt very comfortable in your own skin around him.
,,So you knew we would go swimming but decided against packing my swimsuit?” You asked, eyebrows still raised.
,,Well I thought it would be nicer in underwear?” He said smirking.
,,For whom?”
He chuckled and walked over to you, kissing you.
He pulled your sweater up while you kissed and undid your jeans. You pulled back, stepping out of your jeans.
He led you to the water, picked you up and threw you into the icy cold water.
You gasped as you resurfaced, seeing Derek laughing as you were flailing your arms around. You tried pulling him in but it didn’t work, you splashed him a couple of times. This continued a few times, you trying to get out but that resulted in you being tossed into the water again, again and again. Soon You began to shiver, so he went in the water and held you close. You rested your head on his neck as he did the same, playing with you hair.
You sat there for a bit before you started to shiver again. He held you tight and walked out of the water with you still on him. He layed out two towels as sat you both on them. He even brought a heater!? There was a power supply in the ground, bc this place was made for camping, it was shut down but the power weirdly still works, I suspect Derek bought the property. He said he used to come here for peace and quiet, when he needed to get away. We layed on the towels and wrapped in lots of blankets, stargazing, talking, joking and remeniscing o about the past.
,,You know I love you?“ he said suddenly getting serious and staring into my eyes as he held both my hands.
,,Of course! I love you too.” You smiled and stared back into his eyes.
,,No, you don’t know how much I love you.
Every day I wake up in the morning and see your beautiful face. Every time I see you I just want to hold you and never let go. I don’t want anything bad to happen to you so I try to be with you every day. I want to protect you forever, I never want to imagine letting go of you, never!
So I’m asking you this [Y/N] [L/N], will you marry me?”
He asked as he pulled out a little box, a beautiful ring with a diamond and the Hale Triskelion on It. To say it was gorgeous was an understatement.
You had tears in your eyes. Frantically nodding and breathing out multiple ,Yes’s before you kissed him passionately.
He was had the biggest smile while you kissed, his hands on you waist as you were now between his legs.
The night went on about you both talking about the future, making plans and what not. Derek wanted kids, a lot he said, you didn’t expect that since you never really saw him as a kids person but you can definitely see why, his own little pack.
You wanted to get married with all your closest friends, even Peter should be there.
You wanted to spend the rest of your life with this man. YOUR man.
When you both realized the excitement and the thought of being husband and wife settled in you could feel the temperature of you shared blanket space increase.
You decided to go to the tent since thing were getting a little steamy.
Oh what a wonderful night.
A/N: If you want me to make a continuation of it just tell me :)
2,113 words
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ohbungeegum · 3 years
This is one of my favorite Edits :)
Btw I’m writing some Derek and Peter stuff right now, trying to make more posts. It’s kinda fun to write it too because I love reading them and if I can’t find anything specific on what I like I’ll try to write it so u can read it :)
Well good night (or day wherever ur from idk)
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ohbungeegum · 4 years
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ohbungeegum · 4 years
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ohbungeegum · 4 years
This is basically just a Peter Hale light smut, if you want me to make it into a story and actual smut just say so and same goes for Derek Hale or any other. Maybe anime too. ;)
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Then imagine sitting on his lap on the couch, chest to chest, he runs his hands up your shirt hinting for you to take it off, you tease him and pull it back down, you pull his shirt off and he smirks ,,Alright, if you wanna play, let’s play but I have to warn you, I don’t play fair.“ he pushes his claw out and slowly runs it from your neck to the bottom of the shirt ripping the shirt in half and taking your bra with it. He chucks it both on the floor. He pulls you in for a kiss, bare chest to chest, you lightly pull at the ends of his hair and he hums into the kiss. He starts kissing your neck while you palm him through his pants, his breathing gets heavier and he slowly starts to kiss down from your collarbone to one of your breasts, he massages them and leaves rough hickies, he gently lays you so that he’s on top of you, you run your fingers along his torso making him smirk.
You pull his pants off leaving him in boxers ,,patience was never your strongsuit, was it?“ he chuckles as he gently pulls your pants off, he takes one of your legs and starts kissing along the inner of your thigh, ... end
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