LOBCO: Did you hear a scream?
MET: Hey, it's the Pitch Black World. That's practically our theme song!
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KCALB: Are we fighting?
ETIHW: If we were, you would be on the floor, bleeding.
KCALB: Okay, I accept that as a likely outcome.
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SAMEKICHI: Did you just refer to the sword as a "people opener"?
SAL: ...
SAL: Should I not have?
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PERACO: The thing is... I have something big to tell you.
ROCMA: You know you can say anything to me. We've known each other for years, and there is absolutely nothing that could dent our impenetrable bond.
PERACO: Me and Shirogane walked near the Danger Zone.
ROCMA: You're dead to me.
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KCALB: Forgive me.
KCALB: I have little experience with friendships.
KCALB: And, um, no friends.
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WADANOHARA AND SAMEKICHI: [Skipping stones on a lake]
WADANOHARA: It's such a beautiful evening.
SAMEKICHI: [Whispering] Take that you fucking lake.
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RAWBERRY: Oh no, there's a cockroach!
MACARONA: Ew, take your shoe off and kill it!
RAWBERRY: [Takes her shoe off and smashes it with her bare foot]
MACARONA: [Faints]
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okegom-incorrect-quotes . tumblr . com/post/668133758686380032/kcalb-mom-etihws-using-foul-language-grora ^ the source is Ouran High School Host Club!!
Hey, thanks for letting me know!
I already fixed it! :)
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YOSAFIRE: Hey Lord Devil!
YOSAFIRE: You suck.
KCALB: Hear that?
KCALB: She called me Lord.
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KCALB: Mom! Etihw's using foul language!
GRORA: "Mom" being...?
WODAHS: Position-wise, probably me.
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WADANOHARA: I overslept.
MEMOCA: It's 4:30 in the afternoon.
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WADANOHARA: Always stay positive!
WADANOHARA: *Falls down a flight of stairs*
WADANOHARA: Wow I got down those stairs so fast!
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SAMEKICHI: Every year, I've give Wadanohara the same present I give everyone.
SAMEKICHI: A crisp $20 bill.
SAMEKICHI: And every year, she gets me something thoughtful and personal.
SAMEKICHI: It makes me furious.
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ETIHW: Now, pardon me for asking, but it says here you sprained your wrist while baking? How did that happen?
YOSAFIRE: You don't know the power of chocolate and egg.
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WADANOHARA: What are all these dead bodies doing here!?
SAL: Honestly, not much.
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WADANOHARA: I have edge.
IDATE: You really don't.
IDATE: You are literally the most wide-eyed person I've ever seen.
IDATE: You have the face of a cartoon lamb.
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DIALO: Chelan and I are making dinner tonight at our place, you should come over.
YOSAFIRE: Okay, yeah sure!
DIALO: It's spaghetti and meatballs.
YOSAFIRE: Swaghetti and memeballs.
DIALO: You're uninvited.
YOSAFIRE: That's fair.
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