onepiecethangs · 6 years
Just curious, but is there anyone who would wanna be a mod or smthng in this dead blog lol
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onepiecethangs · 7 years
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One Piece Chapter 882 - 883
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onepiecethangs · 7 years
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One Piece Chapter 880 - 881 ~
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onepiecethangs · 7 years
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One Piece Chapter 878 - 879 ~
so much pedro love
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onepiecethangs · 7 years
Oda: Wano Arc is 1-2 years from now.
Me: so you're telling me that
Me: I'll see Zoro, Law and the others
Me: after two fucking years?
Me: ...
Me: don't just give me twelve frickin fillers for this
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onepiecethangs · 7 years
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One Piece Chapter 876 - 877 ~
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onepiecethangs · 7 years
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One Piece Chapter 874 - 875 ~
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onepiecethangs · 7 years
Vinsmokes in a Nutshell
Judge: Worst Dad of the Year. Probably an endorser of a shampoo brand. Sucks at playing the good family game.
Sora: Cinnamon roll deserved better. Protect that smile. Oh dear... *violent crying*
Reiju: Should have been queen. Very lovely and strong lady. Can batista bomb you very sexily.
Ichiji: Trendy shades, trendy hairstyle with bangs pointing in three directions, and trendy tattoo makes up my trendy social life... which mostly consists of people that are probably dead by now.
Niji: Call me an asshole but I do love chocolate. Chocolate is pretty innocent. I'm no angel, but my likes are innocent at least.
Yonji: This Vinsmoke baby boy is the most ripped. #vinsmokemuscles2k17. Has some emotions stocked in my arsenal... like bloodlust and puppy love.
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onepiecethangs · 7 years
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One Piece Chapter 872 - 873 ~
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onepiecethangs · 7 years
Chapter 868-870 Thoughts
why has it become like this
1. D I S A P P O I N T M E N T
Why do you do this, Bege? I thought you were better than this. I regarded you as one of the most intelligent in the Supernovas. 
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Well, at least you gave off a nice facial expression to compensate. XD
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And also, making it crystal clear that he’s not an asshole of a captain to his subordinates nor a shitty husband to his wife.
2. Ain’t throwing away the villain face just yet
I must say, as much as the Vinsmokes are better yet just hated, I am honestly pretty much satisfied by how it turned out.
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Judge didn’t let himself get truly awed by the fact that his failure of a son had been the one to save his life. No. There wasn’t that “I’m sorry for everything I’ve done! Please forgive me, my son” drama, because I think he’s aware that doing so won’t get him any sort of merit. He just asked what made Sanji do such a thing, and simply regarded it like a “deal” of sort. He was too proud to let this end like that, so he wanted to satisfy his part of the “deal” by making sure he didn’t have a debt towards Sanji.
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But at least he still accepted Sanji’s terms and went as far as becoming the shield of the alliance’s escape, even if it was out of too much pride.
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Is this a Niji can actually care confirmed, and Ichiji is the only heartless Vinsmoke confirmed? Well, there’s also Yonji but he’s still questioned about being heartless due to the fact that he kept drooling over Nami XD.
I just wanted to point out this panel because I think it could speak about Niji’s personality, whether or not it was a mistake or a whim. Ichiji, however, still seems like Mr. “This is me, caring”. Hell, he could even abandon Reiju, had she died from there. Yes, they are born to be heartless, but c’mon, I am seriously hoping for redemption. It’s such a waste for someone as attractive as them.
And I still couldn’t figure out Ichiji nor Yonji’s attack basis. Since Niji and Reiju was clear, well you can tell already as far as the epithet goes, but Sparking Red? Winch Green? What the hell can a winch do? What is a winch, even? 
I figured Ichiji had some sort of flame powers, but I’ve seen some theories about having explosive powers, and it might be pretty awesome (kind of like a Bakugo of OP youknow). Well, in the latest intro of the anime, it looked like flames so let’s probably keep it at that.  
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onepiecethangs · 7 years
What are your thoughts on the Hoya Hoya no mi? (Daifuku's Fruit) What attacks or abilities you think the fruit may possess?
The boi popped a genie from his belt. The possibilities are endless, mate. But if I had to answer seriously, well... I don't want to think the genie is the only thing you can do with that fruit, but if he could summon a genie army of that caliber then that'd be nice. In addition to that, it'd also be epic if the genie was some sort of Logia, since it is made of steam/smoke/whatever. (i can't say for sure since i didn't observe daifuku while i read)I think Daifuku has to rub the belt continuously to maintain that genie, so I think that's a disadvantage of its own.
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onepiecethangs · 7 years
Are you still going to post things?
uhhh.. what do you think? should I? lol
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onepiecethangs · 7 years
Would you still continue to post?
do you want me to?
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onepiecethangs · 7 years
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One Piece Chapter 870-871~
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onepiecethangs · 7 years
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One Piece Chapter 869 <3
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onepiecethangs · 7 years
Announcement | Comunicado
So this blog is going to hit the 500 followers pretty soon, if things go as well as they’ve been going, and I decided to host some kind of contest or competition to celebrate it when the time comes.
I have a couple of ideas but I’d like to know what you think about them and whether you’d be interested in participating.
1st idea
I recently found an old list of some movie title/One Piece crossovers I wanted to do years ago, but never got the chance. They all contain some kind of (bad) pun or OP reference (i.e. Hairy Chopper - Harry Potter). You could also come up with your own movie title puns, of course. It’d be up to your imagination and creativity to do something nice with them.
2nd idea
Pick a One Piece character of your choice and create an original and creative AU version of them (i.e. If you choose Mihawk, don’t just turn him into a kendo master and nothing else; I’ll be unimpressed. Do something else with him, give him a twist, take some canon features and apply them to something that apparently has no connection with it and make it fit. Impress me.)
Whichever idea is chosen, you’d be able to submit any kind of work, from fanfics, fanart, headcanons all the way to edits or music playlists. This may still change and be reduced, though.
I’m still thinking of what the prizes could be, I’m leaning towards some One Piece merch, but it’s still not decided.
So what do you guys say? Are you interested?
P.S. Other ideas are welcome. Feel free to suggest your own. Do not send them as asks, though, please.
Este blog llegará a los 500 seguidores muy pronto, si las cosas van tan bien como hasta ahora, y he decidido organizar algún tipo de concurso o competición para celebrarlo llegado el momento.
Tengo un par de ideas pero me gustaría saber qué es lo que pensáis de ellas y si estaríais interesados en participar.
1ª idea
Hace poco encontré una vieja lista que contenía algunos crossovers entre títulos de películas/One Piece que quería haber hecho hace algunos años, pero nunca tuve ocasión. Todos ellos contienen algún chiste (malo) o referencia a OP (i.e. Hairy Chopper - Harry Potter). También podríais inventar vosotros mismos los chistes con los títulos de las películas que se os ocurran. Que acaben siendo algo algo simpático y bonito corre a cuenta de vuestra creatividad e imaginación.
2ª idea
Escoger el personaje de One Piece que queráis y cread una versión AU original y creativa del mismo (i.e. Si escogéis a Mihawk, no os dediquéis a convertirlo en un maestro de kendo y nada más; eso no va a impresionarme. Haced algo más con él, dadle algún giro, coged algunas de sus características canon y aplicadlas a algo que no tenga ninguna conexión aparente y haced que funcione. Impresionadme.)
Sea cual sea la idea escogida, podréis presentar cualquier tipo de trabajo, desde fanfics, fanarts y headcanons hasta ediciones o playlists musicales. Todavía puede que esto cambie y se reduzca la lista.
Aún estoy pensando en qué podrían ser los premios; de momento me inclino más hacia merchandising de One Piece, pero no hay nada decidido.
¿Qué me decís? ¿Os interesa?
P.S. Otras posible ideas son bienvenidas. Sois libre de sugerir vuestras propias propuestas. Pero no las enviéis como asks, por favor.
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onepiecethangs · 7 years
reply: soon~
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One Piece Episode 791 & 792 <3
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