orangewheel-blog1 · 6 years
Leaving Tumblr
Sorry. There's so many bad things going on in my life. If there's someone reading this, please be safe, and know that I'm sorry.
I hope your days get better.
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orangewheel-blog1 · 6 years
I guarantee you...
I'm not dead (lol) just extremely busy between moving to another country with my brother and figuring out things...
I'll be back
*puts on Terminator's sunglasses*.
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orangewheel-blog1 · 6 years
Black Panther & BNHA
I just watched Black Panther (with zero expectations) and I really liked it!
Also, the character M'Baku made me think of…. Yep, our explodey hero, Bakugou!!!
But it’s not just the name, it’s also his attitude and personality.
*Spoilers below*
He could have grabbed the flower and become king, but no, he decided he didn’t need it to rule his people and rather offered his help… In his own way.
He respects his enemies and, despite being almost pure muscle, he has a kind heart since he did help a lot in the end.
I’m not much of a comic book girl, so I don’t know if that character is different, but I really liked how it was portrayed for the movie.
Of course, BP comes before BNHA, but since I first watched BNHA, to me, M'Baku made me think of Kacchan.
You know what I mean, right? :)
Have a nice day/night and thanks for your time reading my crazy thoughts.
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orangewheel-blog1 · 6 years
Bakugou (at a concert): HOW ARE YOU DOING TODAY?!??
*Crowd yells excitedly*
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orangewheel-blog1 · 6 years
Happy birthday!!
Thanks!! You're so sweet! :) Have some virtual hugs and cookies 🍪 :D and an imaginary cake too!! Don't believe the haters, this one is actually quite tasty, hehe!! 🍰
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orangewheel-blog1 · 6 years
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orangewheel-blog1 · 6 years
I actually thought he was trying to run away and Shoji going all: "Oh no, you will stay here with us, you coward!".
(PD: Fumikage must think he's telling bedtime stories rather than freaky ones.)
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I can’t believe fumi invites ppl to his room to tell them scary stories
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orangewheel-blog1 · 6 years
Made by @loritoart
❤️ Such a cute and amazing drawing for such a cute and amazing pair ❤️
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Finally I’m done…
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orangewheel-blog1 · 6 years
Looking forward to this, or something similar! :D
When Bakugou and Eri meet…
In my mind, Katsuki would never be a jerk to a little kid. At least, not on purpose (and especially not after his fiasco with Deku). He knows about Eri because Kirishima told him. But he’s not good with interactions, so he just stares at her.
At first, she is nervous.
While Kacchan just keeps staring at her like a dork.
He tries to smile.
But he growls.
She gets super scared and covers her eyes.
Bakugou freaks out (in his own way) and tries to improve the situation. Suddenly, he remembers something from his own childhood. He squats to get to her height and opens his hand in front of her.
She starts to hear small crackling noises.
Then, slowly, she uncovers her eyes, just out of curiosity.
And she sees the most wonderful thing…
A miniature show of fireworks at Katsuki’s palm.
Bakugou looks at Eri and gives a sigh of relief.
She has a huge smile.
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orangewheel-blog1 · 6 years
BNHA spoilers -170
I totally loved the character design of this girl:
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Her interactions with the other character made me think of Hit Girl, from Kick Ass's comics, but with an additional pinch of glam.
And finally Deku and Mirio got to see Eri-chan again! :)
It was a soft chapter but I enjoyed it.
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orangewheel-blog1 · 6 years
Made by @peasantaries !
So good! You should really read it!!
I mean, forget about your homework/kids/siblings/husband/house/work/friends/etc. and READ IT RIGHT NAO!!!!
This thing does not have a working title, but I just got so excited by yesterday’s revelation of Kirishima actually being the dragon in the ending credits/fantasy AU of Boku No Hero Academia, a thing that about exploded yesterday, that I had to write a little something. This is silly and small but it’s all I can offer.
I was also super inspired/amused by this tweet because it just seemed to summarise Bakugou’s and Kirishima’s relationship entirely, and I love it.
Thus, I haven’t actually been able to read the light novel, but this is what I think most probably happened:
“I CHALLENGE you!” Is the first thing that comes out of the boy’s mouth.
Kirishima pauses, mouth open mid-speech in explaining just who, and more importantly what, he is to the villagers gathering around him.
It’s the teeth, he thinks. It’s always the teeth.
Kirishima tries to deliver the line as friendly as possible, open and welcoming, but there’s hardly a best or worst way to say, hey, I’m half-dragon!
Maybe if he blew fire while delivering it. That would be bad, he supposes.
Either way, Kirishima stands unthreateningly; both hands  on hips, closed mouth smile, eyes squinted with the force of it, and informs every new village that he travels to, once they begin to ask.
It’s hardly something he can hide, despite his best efforts.
But right now, Kirishima turns, eyes wide, and blinks.
He gapes. 
“Wuh?” He manages, mouth hanging open.
“BAKA!” The boy shouts. His voice is hoarse, a little rough and over-used, but it does nothing to detract from its natural huskiness, the deep baritone like oil poured over aching joints after a hard-won battle.
Kirishima feels heat travel to his face as he takes in the sight before him — the boy looks near Kirishima‘s age, but the only thing he adorns is a thick pelt of fur around his neck, splaying out in a cape of animal skin, along with hand-crafted sleeves, multiple decorative necklaces and animal teeth, and the tightest, thinnest pair of belted trousers ever known to man, ending at the shins where his fur-lined boots meet.
His chest is entirely, blessedly naked.
Seguir leyendo
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orangewheel-blog1 · 6 years
Aizawa: so, you, you and you. Please pack your things and get out! You're expelled from school, as I already warned you.
*Nedzu appears and whispers to Aizawa*
Nedzu: psst! We can not really do that. Because we are slightly short in numbers in this moment.
Aizawa: *whispering too* but I don't wanna teach them. Especially HIM. He's a mess!
Nedzu: I will let you take naps during your lectures.
Aizawa: hey!! The three of you!!! Come back with your stuff!
Deku: for real?
Aizawa: yeah, it was only a test and you approved. Congratulations, hooray and whatever, come back now.
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orangewheel-blog1 · 6 years
And Kaminari ends up being the creamy thief.
This is so good. Gotta watch it!
(Not mine, I just reblogged)
Bnha animatic! W/ bakugo and kirishima *audio is from dane cook
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orangewheel-blog1 · 6 years
From @aitaikimochi
This person is the best!!
Visit her blog to see more amazing stuff and buy the light novel (if you can and are not poor like me, lol).
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Translated another excerpt from the Boku No Hero Academia Vol. 3 Light Novel from Chapter 2 “Super Dramatic Remodeling” with Kirishima helping Bakugou move into the new dorms. Enjoy~
On that day, on the fourth floor of the Heights Alliance building, Kirishima was helping Bakugou unpack his things in the dormitory. Since they lived right next to each other, one of Bakugou’s boxes got mixed up with Kirishima’s, and because of that he was helping the other out.
Kirishima: Bakugou! What’s this rod here? Some sort of weapon?
Bakugou: It’s a stick that you use when you mountain climb and…hey what the hell. How long do you plan to stay in my room? Go back to your own room and clean it up!
Bakugou scrunched his eyebrows and glared at him, but Kirishima smiled widely.
Kirishima: Now now, unpacking is way faster with two people instead of one. So come and help me out in my room after this.
Bakugou: As if! It’s definitely faster alone.
Even as he kept nagging on, Bakugou made no effort in trying to kick him out.
The savior and the one who was saved. A new wind blows into these new dorms to dissipate even the slightest remnants of any unfamiliarity between the two.
T/N: I CAN’T WITH THESE TWO *SCREAMING ON TWITTER* Purchase the Vol. 3 light novel here~
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orangewheel-blog1 · 6 years
I'd buy this mag three times in a row!
(from @fumikage )
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orangewheel-blog1 · 6 years
My Hero Academia Fantasy au
Bakugou rides Kirishima dragon
Enemy: I will destroy you!
Bakugou: Kirishima … DRACARIS!
Kirishima: set the enemy on fire
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orangewheel-blog1 · 6 years
Now let's wait for "How to train your Kiri-dragon"
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