orarewestudents · 4 years
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Another day, another chance to do really great stuff for yourself and your future! Let’s all have a really good and productive day, working our ways to accomplish those goals. 
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orarewestudents · 4 years
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UPDATE 28.03.2020
Hello, people of Tumblr! So glad to talk to you all again - sorry I’ve been mia lately. Last week I came down with a cold, which I am still recovering from, so there really has not been any updates regarding my bachelor thesis, unfortunately. I did start working on my BA-thesis yesterday and got a little motivation back from that. As you might see in the picture, my workspace has grown since the last update and is now partly extended to my windows in the living room. Another thing that has really evolved during these past two weeks is the corona-crisis. I’m not sure what to think about it yet, but I must say that I am a bit annoyed about the quarantine at this point. I miss my study buddies, my friends, and my families, but I also try to look at the situation with a positive mindset and really use this granted time to write on my BA-thesis and another smaller final paper - also regarding my BA-thesis.
How do you make the best of this situation?
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orarewestudents · 4 years
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Yesterday and today have (mostly) been spent on reading about social constructivism for my bachelor’s thesis. I have ADHD so while being motivated to study, I also deal with the frustration of not really being able to remember much after the first readthrough, so often I have to read a text, highlight anything important, then revisit my highlights while writing notes and then read my notes through before I’m able to get a good understanding of a topic. But I’m getting my things done and that is the most important thing after all :) 
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orarewestudents · 4 years
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Happy Monday everybody! 
May your morning be productive and your coffee be strong.
So one of the things I realized this weekend was, that I had totally misunderstood something regarding my bachelors-thesis. So this morning, I’m going to dig deep and come up with some new knowledge for my thesis, so I can rewrite the things I got wrong the first time. 
What are your goals for your morning? <3 
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orarewestudents · 4 years
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I don't have any lectures today, but I do have counseling tomorrow regarding my bachelor thesis and I really want to send my counselor a good handful of pages so I can get some feedback on what I have already written and then maybe get some tips and tricks on how to get my data, to support my thesis. It’s going to be a busy day, but we can do it and I just found this youtube playlist with all kinds of Studio Ghibli study music (piano) so I think I’m going to use this for my background music today :) 
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orarewestudents · 4 years
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Who else love their SodaStream to stay hydrated? 😍
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orarewestudents · 4 years
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// 28.02.2020 //
Today is going to be a home session. Home sessions are something I have really struggled with earlier, so I thought I would share some tips that have helped me stay more focused during these kinds of sessions.
First thing first > music or no music? 
Personally, I like to have some background sounds, when studying - therefore I tend to use youtube platforms such as ChilledCow, Chillhop Music or the Jazz Hop Café, who - in my opinion - makes the best playlists for studying. 
Another thing I really like to do is to watch one of those “study with me” videos, where you - in real-time - follow the YouTuber's study session and that has “tricked me” into having a single sit for over 1 hour straight, which is normally impossible, so if I has to get a lot of reading done, this is my go-to option. My fave videos on youtube are made by TheStrive Studies and Studydelicious.
Another important thing  > Snacks or no snacks? 
I am a BIG snacker - like really big. Therefore I've always been used to take a snack with me when studying, but recently I have found that the snacks are more disturbing to my study-process, that I have realized before. For that reason, I don’t really bring snacks with me anymore when going in for a good, intense study-session. One thing I do though is to have some sort of drink with me. This could be ice water, coffee, ice coffee, a soda or some juice. I wouldn’t really recommend drinking soda during study-time, but it can be helpful if it’s really late on the day and you just need those pages to be read in a hurry. 
Lastly > Notes or no notes? 
This one is a bit of a struggle for me, b/c sometimes I get a lot out of writing notes during reading - other times if the subject is really difficult I tend to just read since the notetaking is taking some of the focus away. But I do find that notes are a big help during those finals, so if the subject is very difficult or advanced, I tend to make a deep read, where I read slowly and get the full meaning of everything and then go over it again, now writing some good notes, highlighting, etc. 
How do you guys study? I really wanna hear your single best tip for a good home study session.   
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orarewestudents · 4 years
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I’m a very structural person. I need structure in everything - also in my projects for the university. One of the major difficulties I repeatedly run into is the question about how a project should be organized so it makes sense. Therefore one of my goals today, was to make myself a very detailed structure for my bachelor thesis. It’s getting really big and very detailed, but I love how I little after little just understand every aspect of my thesis - or more precisely the way I want to communicate my thesis. It’s a very relieving process. Anyone else who struggles a lot with structure? 
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orarewestudents · 4 years
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It’s one of those days, but I woke up, dressed up and showed up - even an hour early so I can work on my bachelor thesis. We got this, guys! 
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orarewestudents · 4 years
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Hello folks and people of Tumblr <3
Since this is my very first post here on ‘AWHOAWS’ I thought it would be appropriate to introduce myself formally.
I’m Jade and I was born and raised in Denmark. I have since 7th grade known that I wanted to attend university, so in 2017 I got accepted into Aarhus University where I’m studying a bachelor in education science. I must say though, that University hasn’t been anything I thought it would be. It has taken a lot of tears, late nights and endurance to stay in university, but now I’m at my last semester and is graduating this June and will officially become a bachelor of education science, which in all modesty I’m very proud of. I will say though, that I am not necessarily proud of having attended university or thinking that I’m better than others who haven’t - but I’m proud of the fact that I have almost completed the biggest challenge of my adult life.
So what am I writing my bachelor’s thesis about? Well, roughly I’m writing a thesis on how Impostor Syndrome or Impostor Phenomenon, can be seen as a result of a societal change and more precisely of a change in the way we look at the family as a group and how the roles are played out in the family.
Other than that, I’m 22 y/o and is married to the best friend and biggest love of my life, A. We have been married for a bit over 3 years and been together in just over 4 years. We are Christians and love to study the bible and be with our family.
So, guys: tell me about you and your life <3 I would love to hear about it!
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