owleyesisaslay · 2 months
On taking nudes:
Concealed within a digital folder,
That I really hope is secure,
Is a body that the dirty lens barely does
Any justice,
The face cropped out because it doesn't
Fit with my definition of beauty.
I put my phone down. Slowly.
Sit. Feel the tides shift.
Will I ever look at myself with kinder eyes?
Will this strange sense of guilt
Ever fade when I- just for a moment- think
That I am beautiful?
(inspired by this post)
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owleyesisaslay · 4 months
The clouds are all still in the sky
Clouds still in the sky
Catching fire in my palm
Go little firefly
Take yourself away from harm
Clouds still in the sky
A moment of mercy shown
Go little spider
Just watch where you roam
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owleyesisaslay · 4 months
Entangled limbs
Locked together and kissing hard.
Our mingled oxygen
And muted moans mixed.
So intoxicating,
Gets angels drunk.
High with pleasure,
I caught Satan's eye
And repented.
For I was never truely breathing until now.
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owleyesisaslay · 6 months
Carving his name in the sand
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A small sea shell. 
Like a pen, it glides through the sand.
Crafting your name like
Deep scars in the ground 
I lay my thoughts bare.
Some proof that I was there.
Proud, I step back to
Admire you, until 
Every single trace
Is wiped away forever
Now an empty space is left
Where you once lay.
Not even the scars remain. 
You're lost like a fleeting thought.
Forgotten in everything but 
My damp ankles,
Weary footprints,
And the small sea shell  
Left half buried in the sand.
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owleyesisaslay · 9 months
The Station
Sun's gone and the clouds are settling in
The wind's brushing kisses on my neck
Long gone purfume hangs in the air
What was once full, is now empty
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owleyesisaslay · 10 months
An Anthem For The Fallen
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Lifeless and empty,
They mold the path where others walk,
Alone, desperate to find fate.
They wander aimlessly,
Alone, in their little world.
Where can they find themselves?
Solemn and afraid,
They kiss their fallen comrade,
Goodnight, begging for kindness,
They are doused in pain,
Those sharp shocks that strike,
Daggers, through their decaying hearts.
Where can they find peace?
Cold and empty,
They are pressed fast into the cold ground,
Tethered to the dark.
They lay and gaze into the tired sky,
Wishing for the thousandth time,
They could fly.
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owleyesisaslay · 11 months
Your crisp halo 
Mesmerising like flames
Captivating, mesmerising. 
I am a simple moth to your flame.
Darling, please don't move
Just an inch
Left or right
And I'll burn- helpless, mesmerized.
Desperate for a simple look,
A passing touch,
Maybe a kiss.
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owleyesisaslay · 1 year
Laced with dew
Blow in the wind
Like a white flag 
Crying for help
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owleyesisaslay · 1 year
When you are young
You don’t notice summer fading
the temperature getting colder 
The change in the air
Until you look up one day
And all the leaves are gone
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owleyesisaslay · 1 year
An echo of warmth 
Scalds my soul
Wraps it’s fingers around my limbs
Caresses my jaw 
And tells me it will all be okay 
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owleyesisaslay · 1 year
In this barren morning,
The air is your presence 
You’re cloaking me 
Like a warm comfort
So close yet so far
You fill my lungs 
Evaporate my tears
Turn them into dew 
Let them fall to form oceans
Or watch them float up
In the Misty glow of the empty sun
The clouds are heavy with this
Gaping hole that leaves a scar
You’re so close yet so far
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owleyesisaslay · 1 year
You make me wish for rain
On a cold autumn day
The rain calling unheard 
As it hits the hard ground
We dance in the downpour 
Your hand at my hip and
Mine at your neck 
Eyes locked and ears gone deaf
All the colours melt gently 
As the rain blurs my sight
But, you are there strong
In the orange glow 
Darling, you’ve saved me
And let me be free. 
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owleyesisaslay · 1 year
What’s happening to you? 
You used to be cold as ice,
They stole me away from your arms, and now you burn my hand. 
You’re melting under my fingertips,
Cooking against my body,
Blazing at the sight of my eyes.
What’s happening to you? 
Your silver plated armour is falling away. 
To reveal your skin, soft to touch
With satin lips,
Silky breath,
Felt hands,
All reaching towards you. 
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owleyesisaslay · 1 year
One day I’ll pay you back.
You’ve pulled me from the ashes.
Saved me.
But it feels like I’m robbing an angel,
You whisper to me in dark candlelit rooms.
Little do you know, you’re the one who’s robbed.
I’ve examined every part of you
Inside and out
And I’ve fallen for each part.
And I’ll never let you go.
This is why you’re robbed, 
I’ll never let you go.
Not without a fight. 
You’re like home and I’m like moss on a tree. 
You’re my tree and you give me life.
I would plant you a rainbow of flowers in our garden, 
just to see your smile in spring.
And this is why I’ll pay you back.
My angel of roses and tears. 
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owleyesisaslay · 1 year
If you wanted to touch the sky, 
I’d build a ladder tall enough.
If you asked me to do anything, 
I’d do it without a single question.
Just to see your smile. 
I’m broken like a record player
Stuck in its same old loop.
Body aching, I’m constantly climbing, just to be with you.
Dreaming of being in your arms. 
I’ll always stand by you. 
No matter what. 
I’ll never be without you
Mind or body. 
Your smile stains my brain.
I don’t want to lose you
Even if I never truly had you.
Heartbreak won’t end me, 
Nor will the pain of letting you go.
You’re too perfect to comprehend.
It doesn’t matter 
Life is good…
But it could’ve been so great.
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owleyesisaslay · 1 year
Cracks in clouds,
Bathe the world in your sunlight,
Make it golden,
Smooth the contours in your blinding light. 
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owleyesisaslay · 1 year
Waves of fire illuminating the sky,
Puddles of Smoke blazing in my tea,
Clouds of tears burning my eyes. 
Wipe away my tears,
Carry on. 
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