pansexualpanic11 · 3 months
𝟎𝟎𝟏: Fandom Ocs
Anime - Manga - Light Novels
𝟎𝟎𝟏: Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters
Original Books
𝟎𝟎𝟏: Heroism
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pansexualpanic11 · 3 months
What I Do
Mixed (Double)
Mixed (Triple)
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pansexualpanic11 · 3 months
𝟎𝟎𝟏) Please be respectful and patient. I'm now at University, so a lot of my time has been taken up by University stuff (Assignments, other activities, etc.) So please be respectful and understand that I can't be on here all the time. If you're not nice and just harass me to do your one-shot, I just simply won't do it. These usually will take about a month or more for me to do, so please be patient and know it will most likely be longer than that since now I'm at University. Also if you requested something from me before, please let me know. I lost my old request list. Just DM me or comment below if that's the case and I'll put yours to the front of the list (Or at least somewhere near there).
𝟎𝟎𝟐) I do all manner of requests, but the actions of some of the characters and scenarios don't reflect me as a person. I do not condone such awful and horrific actions. So please don't harass me and message me telling me I'm disgusting for 'promoting' this material. (I've seen it happen to other creators on here and it's made them unpublish their entire book or the specific one-shots people had problems with). Like I said, they don't reflect my opinions or thoughts as a person. There will be warnings before each chapter, so please don't read any further into them if you know those subjects will upset or offend you.
𝟎𝟎𝟑) Please for the love of all things holy, do not steal any of my work and claim it as your own. I've had it happen before and quite personally I find anyone who steals someone else's work to be quite frankly disgusting. If you want to re-upload my work, then ask me for permission, don't just post it and not give me credit. This includes the one-shot itself or using one of my ocs, which will be on here. You can use my ocs and work but only if you ask me for permission and then credit me.
𝟎𝟎𝟒) More rules might be added later, this is all I can think of to mention now really. But if you have any requests, please comment below and tell me what you want in detail; or you can DM me, it all depends on what makes you the most comfortable. Please enjoy and remember, these are just fictional events, if anything in this book distresses you, please don't read it. There will be a blend of nice one shots and not so nice ones.
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pansexualpanic11 · 3 months
Alice Langley Ⅰ
Note: WARNING! THIS ONE-SHOT WILL CONTAIN: Death, Depictions of an illness. (Slight reader discretion is advised).
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It was quiet without her. Without her constant protests and flustered yelps whenever someone made her embarrassed. Without her laughter. Without her presence. It was an empty silence. One that hung over the castle like a dark fog. The castle felt like a ghost town without her. It felt empty and cold. He couldn't stay in this empty place any longer, because it didn't feel like home. It was never his home, because he didn't have a home. But she made it feel like he did. She had always tried to make him feel like he belonged. With her gone, it didn't feel like he was welcome or belonged. So it was best that he left.
However, before he could leave, someone stopped him. "[First Name]... Are you okay?" A quiet voice spoke up. Looking behind him, the boy let out a soft sigh. Sumeirei was stood behind him, her hands pressed tightly over her lap. The boy couldn't bring himself to give her a verbal response. All he could do was weakly nod his head. Taking a few steps towards him, the woman swallowed nervously before reaching out to touch his shoulder. However, before she could place her delicate fingers on his shoulder, he moved away. The girl's face forged into one of hurt and she recoiled her hand away.
"Not now Sumeirei... I'm not in the mood. I just... I need to be alone right now. I need some time to process everything, Which is why I'll be leaving for a while. I don't know when I'll come back, but right now, I just need some space to think things over," he uttered out. The girl's eyes softened and she brought her hand to her chest, averting her gaze from him. The grand hallway was eerily quiet, no one had really left their room to talk and socialize since the event occurred. It was a tragedy that had effected almost everyone; with the people it hit the most having been Lulu, Solomon and [First Name] himself.
It had been an awful event. One that had completely shook the group to its core. "I just can't believe she's gone. It's not fair... I don't understand why she had to leave us like this. It's not right. She was so young, she had so much life and potential ahead of her. I..." he couldn't finish his sentence. Sumeirei shifted her gaze to the side, her lips pulling themselves into a small frown. She could tell he was in a lot of pain. While she had never gotten along with Alice, she knew that it must have been a difficult time for him. They had always been quite close. Well... Not always; it did take Alice some time to open up, but when she did, the two of them became extremely close-knit. 
"You know... She wouldn't want you to dwell so much on her passing. Alice was a strong-willed woman and she never gave up, she kept fighting... Right until the very end. She'd want you to do the same too," Sumeirei placed her arm against her chest so that her breasts were pressed up against it. She made a move towards him, her black heeled boots making a tapping noise against the marble flooring. She only stopped until she was standing right in front of him. He could feel her presence right next to him, though he didn't move to look at her. Instead he turned his head the other way.
"And I know that it must hurt more since Lulu left after her death." The boy grit his teeth at this. The fact that she was bringing up Lulu now... It was enraging. Looking up at him, Sumeirei let out a soft sigh. Reaching out a hand, she took his hand in hers, giving it a small, reassuring squeeze. However, he yanked his hand away from hers and narrowed his eyes. The fact that Lulu had left him made him bitter. He hated the fact that she had abandoned him when he needed her the most. Though he knew that just like him, she needed space. She needed to be on her own right now and he could understand that.
However, the fact that she left him without a word, it was a gut wrenching feeling. Did he really not matter that much to her? She always acted like she cared about him, she assured him that she would always be there for him, but she just abandoned him. While he could understand her needing space, he couldn't understand her just leaving without a word. "What do you even know? You didn't even like her? So what would you know about Alice's hopes and dreams?" He muttered bitterly. Sumeirei furrowed her brows, her lips crinkling into a firm frown. However, as tempted as she was to yell at him, she didn't.
"Look, I never liked her. Everyone knew that... But I do feel bad about what happened to her. It's a bitter pill to swallow. But she would want all of us to continue fighting. She fought so hard to protect us, so we can't give up. Not now and not ever. We have to continue fighting, we have to defeat King Detsoldue. It's what she would have wanted," [First Name] paused for a moment before shifting his gaze over towards her, he knew she was right. Alice was one of the most resilient people he had ever met and she never gave up. She was extremely strong willed and brave.
Alice would have wanted everyone to continue fighting, she would have wanted them to fight against King Detsoldue and she would wanted them all to survive. She wouldn't want them all to be stuck in grief. But while she would have wanted that, he knew she wasn't as strong as she pretended to be. On the surface, she portrayed a strong leader who laughed in the face of danger. However, on the inside, he could tell that she wasn't as brave as she pretended. She especially showed that when she was in her final moments. She had been completely terrified of dying. He could see it in her eyes, before she even revealed it to him.
Despite her fear of the unknown, she always acted so brave. She was also one of the kindest people he had ever met, underneath all those layers of saltiness. Whenever he had been sad, Alice had always been there to reassure him and he didn't know how he would get by without her there with him. She had her own unique way of comforting him whenever he was down, it depended on the situation really. She and Lulu were both unique in the way they would bring comfort to people. But they were both so kind to people, Alice was kind underneath it all. It was all when she got to know a person better.
So not having her there to comfort him now... It felt foreign. It felt strange not to have her around in general. He'd even take her cocky roasts at this point. He missed Lulu too, her smile, her hair, her scent, her kindness, he missed everything about her. However, unlike Alice, he knew she would come back one day. Whereas Alice, he knew that she was never coming back. It was a painful realization; after all, no one expected her to go so quickly. She was young. While in reality he had only known for her two years, it felt like he had known her for a lifetime. There was nothing he wanted more in the world than to have both girls back with him right now.
Despite everything, he knew that Sumeirei was right about everything. He needed to keep going for Alice's sake. She would be disappointed if he gave up now. He had to continue fighting for her sake. To protect the things that she wanted to protect. But he couldn't continue doing that surrounded by the others. He needed to strike it out on his own. "Please don't leave... I need you," she whispered. Looking down at the girl, he couldn't help but furrow his brows in concern. Looking into her eyes, he could feel a pang of guilt wash over him. He felt bad, but he knew that he needed to leave. He couldn't stay here much longer; the place was eating him alive.
Wrapping her arms around his torso, she nuzzled her head into his side and let out a soft cry. Raising a hand, he contemplated on patting her head, however, he decided against it. He couldn't stay much longer. Right now, he needed nothing more than to be on his own. He needed some space to mull things over and be on his own for a bit. He couldn't be stuck in this suffocating place any longer. "I'm sorry, but I need to leave. I need some time to myself. It's not permanent, but right now I need to take some time to myself," he stated as he looked down at her. Sumeirei's eyes were filled with tears as she looked up at her, her lips pulling themselves into a firm frown.
Watching her, he couldn't help but feel remorse. But he couldn't let himself fall into guilt because then he wouldn't leave. Sighing, he combed a hand through his hair. Sumeirei's lips pulled themselves into a frown as she looked up at him and her eyebrows knitted together in anger and sorrow. She knew his answer to staying would be no. "You've changed you know that [First Name] and not in a good way. I can't believe you're just going to abandon everyone so close after the death of our hero. How could you?!" She screamed and he couldn't help but be taken by surprise at this.
With that, she turned on her heel and stormed off into the castle. [First Name] let out a small sigh and rubbed his temples in frustration, his lips pulled themselves into a small frown. For a moment, he contemplated on chasing after her, however he decided against it. Looking ahead at the doors, he decided that now he had to leave, before he ended up hurting anyone else. He knew this made him a hypocrite. After all, when Lulu left, stating that she needed some space, he was enraged. She left everyone their own personal notes, but as for Maidus, she actually went to him in person and said she was leaving.
He could still remember the smell of her perfume, caramel and cookie dough. He could still feel her in his arms. He loved her more than anything and wished that he had gone with her. He missed her, he missed her more than anything. But at least she was still alive, Alice on the other hand was gone. She was never coming back, and he was much as it hurt that she was gone, he knew he couldn't change the outcome. Her death had taken everyone by surprise as no one was expecting it. One day she was seemingly fine, the next day she was on death's door. People tried everything they could in order to help her, however, there was no helping her.
She was a lost cause, and while it hurt to know that she was going to die, nothing hurt more than the complete helplessness and not being able to do anything to save her. Alice was a moody person but she had a heart of gold, that much was obvious after talking with her and getting to know her better. She didn't deserve to die, especially not in the way she did. It was all unnecessary. She was gone and she was never coming back. She had so much life ahead of her and it wasn't fair that she had to go so soon. The air was solemn as he made his way outside of the castle gates. The guards who were on duty simply stepped aside, allowing him to leave.
As he made his way through the capital centre, he noticed that hardly anyone was around. That was most likely because they were still mourning the death of their hero. Alice was supposed to kill King Detsoldue, she was supposed to liberate the people. But now she was gone and they had to wait for another hero to come and help them save the people. Usually, Athlina's capital central was filled with children's laughter and people going about their day to day life, now it was filled with the sound of silence. It was strange, the town felt like a ghost town. It might as well have been one of the destroyed kingdoms.
"[First Name]... What are you doing here?" A familiar voice caught his attention. He turned his head, hoping he would see Lulu. However, it was just Collette. Collette had been one of the many who tried to save Alice with her herbal medicines. However, she was just that, a medicine crafter. She wasn't a miracle worker. She had cured many people with her medicines, however, nothing she did was enough to save Alice. Placing down the potted plant she was holding, the woman cautiously made her way over to him, her lips pulling themselves into a soft smile. Her gaze was gentle and filled with warmth.
Collette was one of the few to split off from the group, but that was a given, as she had a job to commit to. People relied on her and her medicines to help them. However, as far as he was aware, she had closed shop for a while. Though it seemed to be open again now. "Oh, hey Collette. I'm leaving. I can't be in that place anymore. I just need some space is all. I'm heading to one of the villages on the outskirts. I don't know where to yet, but I'll think about it when I get there" he sighed. Pressing her hands over her lap, she tilted her head to the side. That warm smile never leaving her face.
"Come with me, I think we should have a discussion. I'll prepare you some hot tea and we'll talk," she stated with a soft expression. Taking his hand in hers, she guided him to her shop before locking the door behind them. The entire store smelt of herbs and sweet smelling flowers, so much so that it was almost overwhelming. Approaching the stove, she proceeded to boil some water and prepare some herbal tea. Once it was finished, she gestured for him to sit down at the table, to which he reluctantly did. Placing the tea in front of him, she offered him a kind smile. With a small sigh, he nodded his head.
"Let's talk about this, shall we? I don't think it's a good idea for you to go out on your own for now. Loneliness and isolation is a burden and it will make things worse. I should know, because I was all alone for quite some time. While I'm used to being alone, it's not a pleasant feeling. I couldn't prevent Lulu from leaving, but I can try and prevent you from doing the same thing," she smiled softly. Looking away from her, he didn't want to look into her eyes. He couldn't bring himself to make eye contact with her. Was it guilt? Or something else? She wasn't exactly sure what it was.
Sighing softly, she placed a hand over his and gave it a soft but firm, reassuring squeeze, causing him to eventually look at her. "Look... You're a kind person and I don't want you to be consumed by sadness and loneliness. I care so much for you and I never want to see you being hurt. I know this is a difficult time for you, it is for all of us, but... We have to be strong..." she smiled softly. Getting to her feet, she placed her hands over her lap. Walking towards him, she only stopped when she was at his side. Tilting her head to the side, her long blonde locks tumbled to the side slightly.
Reaching out, she wrapped her arms around him, her chest pressing against his arm. With a soft sigh, he reciprocated her embrace, with her chest now fully in his face. It felt nice to have her arms around him, to feel the warmth of someone's skin. It was a comfort that only physical contact could bring him, a comfort that the fake warmth of his bedsheets couldn't offer him. He really had missed this feeling. The feeling of love, warmth and companionship. The two stood (Well [First Name] was sitting) in silence for a couple of moments before Collette finally spoke up. "You've changed... You know that?" She smiled.
Rested her chin on his head, her lips pulled themselves into a soft smile. Her long pale blonde hair softly tickled his skin and her scent of mint and chai overwhelmed his senses. Looking up at her, he cocked his head to the side, confused as to what she meant by the fact that he'd changed. The young woman slowly released him before letting out a soft laugh. "I meant it in a good way. You're not the same. I mean, when I first met you. I can tell Lulu changed you... She changed all of us. But it wasn't just her was it? It was Alice too." The boy could feel his cheeks softly darkening in colour.
"I have to admit, those girls changed my life... And I think they changed everyone else's lives too. Especially yours. Lulu in particular... She's amazing," the boy smiled. It was true that the twins had helped change a lot of people. Lulu with her kindness and Alice with her unwavering resolve. The two girls had changed many people, but with Alice gone, the hope and joy she and Lulu created was now slowly dying. He missed Lulu and Alice, not just because of the way they both brightened this world, but because they were his friends. Furrowing his brows, he turned his head away from her.
A wave of sadness washed over him as he remembered Lulu had left him as well. Now he had none of them. As soon as Alice passed away, Lulu left the group. No one knew where she had gone to, but she had left in the middle of the night. She had left everyone a letter, each individual one. [First Name] was sad when he received his letter, but he couldn't say he was shocked. After all, she had just lost her twin sister. Perhaps it was best if she left. After all, since they were twins, it would cause a lot of people agony seeing Lulu every day. The girls by far were not the same, but they looked almost identical. So much so that they were often confused for one another.
"Well yeah... I really liked her. She was always so kind and considerate. It hurts that she left as well... But I get why. It's not forever though. It said in her note that she'd come back one day," she forced a smile as she slowly pulled away from him. Looking up at her, he couldn't help but smile sadly. They both liked the same person and unfortunately only one person could have her, it was just a shame that she chose Dragfur Maidus over either of them. Though he couldn't blame her. Maidus was handsome and talented and rich, he was the full package. Although he came with baggage, Lulu didn't seem to mind.
Maidus had been married before and lost his wife and also lost his daughter. While he was an eligible bachelor, not everyone could handle the fact that he had former ties with his wife and daughter. However, Lulu didn't mind and instead supported him through it. Lulu was a kind and compassionate person and she could understand others. Maidus had a kind paternal side, he had shown as much with his relationship with Solomon; his pupil and son figure. "Hey, Collette... I wanna ask you something? And you have to answer honestly, okay?" The young woman nodded her head, tilting it to the side.
"Do you... Blame yourself for Alice's death?" Collette's eyes briefly widened. Her skin turned pale and she nervously pushed a strand of her hair behind her ear. Her silence was enough for him to know that she really did blame herself. Her silence spoke louder than any of her words could. Sighing, [First Name] took her face in his hands and gave her face a small squeeze. The young woman's face turned a soft shade of pink as she looked up at him. She was about to say something when she heard a knock at the door. With a soft sigh, she made her way towards the entrance of her shop and unlocked the door.
"Hey, Collette. Are you okay? I just wanted to check on everyone, including you. How are you holding up?" Maidus questioned with a warm smile. [First Name] didn't even need to look to know it was him. As much as he resented Maidus for stealing Lulu away, he still wanted to be there for him. Alice knew of his romantic affections towards her sister and while she was fiercely overprotective of her sister, she actually encouraged him to try and pursue her. He had more than Maidus to worry about, however, in the end, out of everyone who loved her, she chose Maidus. It stung, a lot, and he slightly resented him.
It hurt when she did choose him, but he still wanted to help Maidus because Lulu loved him and he was a good guy who had helped them more times than he could count. "I'm doing as well as I can be since Lulu left. However, I understand that she needs some space right now. Not only that but I have my own duties here. She offered if I wanted to go with her but I couldn't, I have Solomon to teach still," he stated as he combed a hand through his hair. [First Name]'s eyes drew to slits as he heard him mention Lulu's offer. She never offered him that and Maidus never mentioned she offered that to him before.
Maidus sighed "I have to actually head out to buy some ingredients. I'm hoping maybe making some potions will make Solomon feel better. He really hasn't handled the news that well. She was the first person he ever formed a connection like that with someone. I mean, the way he looked at her, she was the only one for him. He's not been eating or sleeping properly since her passing. I want to help him feel better, maybe you could help cheer him up? He trusts you a lot, and I think you can hopefully help him," he combed a hand through his Golden Blonde locks. Collette frowned and cast her gaze to the side nervously.
"I mean I can certainly try. However, I don't know whether he'll listen to me or not. He has more of a possibility of listening to [First Name] rather than me. He's actually inside right now if you want to talk to him?" She offered him a kind smile. Maidus nodded his head and stepped inside; [First Name] could feel his heart racing inside his chest as he heard Maidus make his way towards him. Placing a hand over his chest and the other hand behind his back, he performed a polite bow. Watching him, the boy couldn't help but scowl. He didn't know how he could be so calm in a time like this.
"What do you want? I'm busy." His voice was cold and emotionless as he turned his back to Maidus. Truth be told, despite the fact that he wanted to help Maidus, he couldn't bring himself to look at him. Especially considering how Lulu offered for him to come with her, and yet she didn't extend that same curtesy to him. This was despite the fact that they were close friends. He thought she wanted to be alone. But now he could see that wasn't the case. Instead of getting angry, Maidus simply cocked his head to the side and offered him a warm smile. While it seemed genuine, it also seemed quite... Malicious.
"You blame yourself... Don't you?" He questioned with a small smile. He tensed up, Collette's eyes widened briefly; he felt the same way she felt. [First Name] remained silent but he nodded his head, causing Maidus to sigh. [First Name] frowned as his mind wandered back to the events of Alice's death. It was hard not to, as the plagued him often. Witnessing her death first hand wasn't something he could just easily shake from his mind. As much as he wanted to erase it from his memories, it clung to his brain like a parasite. Every single time he tried to close his eyes to go to sleep, he would see her there.
...] Alice's lips parted slightly as she lay on her back, her face was flushed and her breathing was shallow. Her chest rose and fell unevenly as she struggled to keep her eyes open. Placing a hand against her forehead, Lulu's lips pulled into a nervous frown. She didn't have much longer left, everyone knew as much. It was just that no one wanted to admit it. Alice was always so hot headed and strong willed, but in this moment and the days leading up to it, she looked so weak and fragile. She was almost unrecognizable as the Alice everyone knew. "Alice... Do you need anything? Anything at all?" Lulu questioned, her voice gentle.
"I'm okay... Thank... You... I'm... Just... Happy you're... Here with me..." Alice struggled to get the words out as she looked up at Lulu. The young woman's brows creased in concern as she gave Alice's hand a squeeze. In this moment, she looked weaker than anyone had ever seen. Alice more often than not would be boisterous and outgoing but she also tended to keep to herself. When she had first arrived, she wouldn't talk with anyone. However, as time passed, she grew more outgoing and would happily communicate with others. So seeing her in this state... It was disheartening for a lot of people to see her like that.
[First Name] was about to respond, when he soon felt Lulu suddenly wrap her arms around his torso and press her face into his chest. He placed a hand on her back and patted it softly. Combing his fingers through her hair, he rubbed her back. Though he didn't say anything as he knew that right now she needed someone to be there to comfort her. Solomon frowned "Alice... Please... Don't leave me alone... Please. I need you, so don't go," he pleaded. Tears pricked the corners of his eyes as he looked down at her. A gentle smile graced Alice's face, though it looked like it caused her agony to even muster it.
"Come on Solomon... You know I don't have any control over that. We all know what's going to happen and none of us have any control over it," her lips curled into a small frown as she gave his hand a small squeeze. [First Name] knew that she was right, but it still didn't affect the fact that he was going to miss her. Combing a hand through Alice's hair, Solomon pressed his forehead against hers. A soft and shaky sigh escaped his lips as tears continued to roll down his cheeks. Watching him, [First Name] couldn't help but feel sorry for him. He hadn't been handling the news from the beginning, but as her health declined, so did Solomon's energy.
Lulu's grip around the boy tightened as she sobbed quietly, her entire body trembling. "I love you, Alice. I don't want you to leave me, please. I need you. We all need you, so please don't go," Solomon pleaded as he combed his fingers through her long blonde hair. Tilting her head to the side, she let out a soft laugh. Although [First Name] could tell it was forced. He knew her enough to tell that she was forcing it. He knew that underneath her strong façade, she must be completely terrified. Letting out a soft sigh, he looked at the girl with a small frown on his face, he knew she was especially faking it for Lulu's sake.
"Hey, Alice. I know you're lying. Truth is you're scared, aren't you? But you don't have to put on a brave front. I thought by now you would know to tell us the truth," he frowned as her. Alice's entire demeanour seemed to shift at this and her lips curled themselves into a nervous frown. Looking into her eyes, he could tell that her walls were starting to crumble. Lulu pulled away from his chest and turned her gaze to Alice. Getting to her feet, she hovered over her, taking her hand in hers and bringing it to her chest. Forcing a smile and fighting back the tears, she gave it a soft but firm squeeze.
"You don't have it to hide your true feelings. We're all here for you." [First Name] nodded his head and got to his feet before placing his hand on the shoulder and gave it a small squeeze. Alice's eyes grew slightly wide for a moment before she let out a soft sigh. She seemed reluctant but she also seemed afraid. After a couple of moments, she let out a shaky sigh, her façade soon crumbled and her body began to tremble. Burying her face in her hands, she began to sob loudly. Lulu wrapped her arms around Alice and she gave her a squeeze, allowing her to sob and wail into her chest. 
"The truth is, I'm terrified. I don't want to die. I'm not ready to die. I can't pretend I'm not scared anymore. Because the truth is that I'm so scared, I don't want to leave," she sobbed. Hearing her cries tore [First Name] apart. Seeing her walls come tumbling down, it wasn't pleasant. But in a way, it was relieving, knowing she wasn't hiding her true emotions anymore. Lulu combed her hand through her hair, her lips curling themselves into a soft frown. Alice's breathing became more shallow as she sat there, her face darkened in colour and her skin became hot to the touch. However, After a couple of seconds, she soon stopped breathing all together and her hand fell limp.
Lulu's eyes widened in horror as what happened finally registered with her. Alice was gone; and she was never coming back. "Alice?... ALICE?!" she shrieked...] It was a nice funeral. Her body was encased in a glass coffin and she was surrounded by orchids, her favourite flower. Her body had been laid to rest in the Athlina capital central. It was a good half an hour away from the castle however. People were allowed to go and see her and pay their respects. Maidus sighed and reached out his hand, placing it on the boy's shoulder before giving it a firm yet reassuring squeeze, causing him to look up at him.
"You don't have to blame yourself. She wouldn't want you to do that, either of you. She loved all of you, very much. I know right now it's hard but I promise you things will get better," he offered him a small smile. That was when he did something that he wasn't expecting. He felt Maidus wrap his arms around his torso, reciprocating the embrace, he rested his head on his shoulder. For a moment, his resentment towards Maidus melted away and he felt a wave of happiness wash over him. A soft sigh escaped his lips and for a moment, he felt happy. He felt relieved and relaxed, he was glad and he felt safe.
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𝐈 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐝. 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤 𝐢𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐨𝐜, 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐚𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬.
0 notes
pansexualpanic11 · 3 months
Coffee Hall Ⅰ
Note: WARNING! THIS ONE-SHOT WILL CONTAIN: Mentions of kidnapping, Imprisonment, Assault, Gaslighting, Physical abuse, Emotional abuse, Mentions of homophobia, Threats of murder and Implied Stockholm Syndrome. (Reader discretion is advised)
[First Name]'s heart caught in her throat as she struggled to keep her composure. Walking through the elegantly decorated hallway of the Hall family's mansion, it was hard for her to try and keep a composed demeanour. Thankfully, no one was currently around, so she didn't have to deal with anyone's eyes on her. "Hey, who's that?~" A voice whispered. A servant with long luscious bleach blonde locks whispered to another young woman. The girl's voice was snide and smug as she looked over at her companion with a grin on her face. It made [First Name] extremely uncomfortable. Did they recognize her?
"I don't know, she must be new~ I wonder whether it was Lady Coffee or Lady Cadence who hired her. I mean she's a hot mess, just look at her. She doesn't dress how a servant should dress," she other woman responded. Listening to them socialize with each other, she could feel her hands growing damp with sweat. She was worried because she knew that if they recognized her, then she would taken back to her prison. It had taken her a month of biding her time to escape and if she was caught now, she would be back at square one, but she would be even worse off because now Coffee wouldn't trust her.
"I didn't think I'd draw this much attention to myself..." she thought to herself. Looking around, she couldn't help but swallow nervously. To think she had gotten herself into this situation because of Cadence. Being lured into the spider's web, thinking she was going to meet up with Cadence and instead being ensnared by Coffee and locked away from the world. Because of who her parents were, her disappearance was swept under the rug and no one thought of her again. "I need to hurry up and escape here at all costs before anyone finds me," her grip on her uniform as she continued to walk down the hallway.
Closing the large double doors behind her, she continued to make her way down the hallway. She didn't know why someone would need this many doors in one hallway, it was almost like a maze. There were so many rooms in this place, it was disorientating. "Well then, who are you~" an all too familiar voice called out to her. Turning her head, her throat turned dry. Cadence wore a porcelain smile as she approached her, it was almost haunting. The stunning garment she wore really brought out her beauty, almost making her look like one of those antique dolls. It was creepy, yet beautiful at the same time.
She had fallen for her quite some time ago, during their childhood. She never got to talk much with her back then because she was never around, but she fell for her all the same. Cadence always seemed so sweet, polite, humble and patient during their youth and it had completely enthralled the girl. However, that visage was shattered when she discovered Cadence's true colours. When she helped her sister ensnare her and seal her away in this prison. That was when she realized that everything had caused her to fall for her had most likely been a facade. It was enough to almost completely shatter her spirit.
Cadence folded her arms behind her back, her eyes becoming half-lidded. "Crap! Crap! Crap! Crap! No this can't be happening! What can I do?!" Her thoughts were running wild in her mind as she tried to think of a way to escape. "I'm the new hire. I was hired just today by Miss Coffee." She tried to mask her voice so that it wasn't obvious that it was her, but it was difficult. All of the maids were forced to wear blindfolds so that they couldn't make direct eye contact with any of the family members. It made it hard to move around, but right now she was thankful for it because it was the only thing masking her identity.
Cadence sauntered closer and closer to her, her lips twisting further into a smile "Crap. Is she on to me?" She could feel her heart pounding away inside her chest. Taking the woman's jaw between her index finger and thumb, she cocked her head to the side and a dark and sadistic look crossed her usually angelic features, making her look more like a demon in that moment. [First Name] was about to speak but Cadence's grip suddenly tightened, causing her to flinch. "You my dear are a terrible liar. Despite the blindfold, I know it's you [First Name]." Those words caused her heart to sink down to the very pit of her stomach.
"Here are a few tips. Number one, change your voice better. Number two, you need to dress better, your outfit is a mess. But most importantly, number three, no one calls my sister that. If you're going to make an escape attempt, come up with a better story in case you get caught." Latching onto the blindfold, she tore it off, causing her let out a scared yelp. [First Name] stumbled backwards and stared up at Cadence in shock, her [Eye Colour] eyes filled with terror. She wanted to run, but she couldn't find it in her to even run so much as move an inch. She was petrified, it felt like her entire body was turned to stone.
"I'll give you credit, you're smart enough to at least wait for my sister to trust you. However, you didn't think your plan through properly. You were sloppy in your planning and now you're paying the price for it," she stated as she propped a hand on her hip. Cadence's hand suddenly sprung forward, latching onto her wrist and gripping it tightly. A wide grin spread across her face as she tilted her head to the side. Her eyes became half-lidded as she yanked the woman to her chest and pulled her arm into the air, causing her to let out a small yelp. She could feel her heart beating heavily in her chest, this was it, she was going to be taken back to that prison.
The elegantly decorated hallway was as quiet as death as the two stared at each other for what felt like an eternity. But soon, Cadence broke the silence. "You need to be taken back to your room. Because I know how my sister will react, I won't tell her that you made an attempt to escape. She'll be in a mood for the rest of the day if I tell her. But that's the only reason, so don't think you can continue with getting away with this all the time," she frowned. Cadence suddenly began pulling her in the direction of her room, much to the other woman's horror. [First Name]'s eyes grew wide with terror; she couldn't go back. She had to think of something and fast.
Noticing a large and intricately designed vase resting atop one of the large oak tables, she reached out and grabbed it before doing the only thing she could think of at the time: smashing it over the woman's head. She let out a shriek as she fell to the ground with a dull thud. Scooping her up in her arms, all she could do was hope that she hadn't killed her. But she had to hide now in case someone had heard that and came to investigate her. Hurrying inside one of the spare bedrooms, she closed the door behind her and placed her on the ground before hurrying back out to grab her blindfold.
No sooner had she closed the door again and locked it, she heard the large double doors swing open. She could hear the two maids from earlier discussing what they had heard. "Come on, we have to go and check on Lady Hall, let's go." Thankfully, they ran past the bedroom. She knew she had to hide Cadence, and fast. Wrapping her arms under Cadence's, she hoisted her up before dragging her towards the wardrobe. Looking around, she wondered what she could use to bind the woman's hands and feet together. However, she couldn't find anything. Her lips twisted into a frown as she pondered on what she could do.
However, she soon had an idea. Taking Cadence's silk scarf she bound the woman's hands together. Though she knew that wouldn't be enough, as she could easily scream for help. But she didn't know what she could use. There wasn't anything else around that she could take. Except maybe the bedding. Removing one of the pillow cases, she shoved into the girl's mouth. Now all she had to do was bind her feet behind her back like she had done with her wrists. That was when she noticed the fabric that hooked the curtain back. It was long enough so that she could tie her up. With the finishing touches, she took a step back. This would hopefully do.
With a soft sigh, she lifted the woman up before placing her in the wardrobe and closing the doors. She hoped that no one would find her for a while, at least long enough so that she would be able to escape. Opening the door, she peeked around the corner and looked out to make sure that no one was walking around and thankfully, the coast was clear. She placed her blindfold back on and closed the door behind her before stepping out into the hallway. Straightening out her uniform, she made her way down the hallway. She could only hope that she wouldn't run into Coffee unlike she had done with Cadence.
It was eerily quiet. [First Name]'s breath was raspy as she quietly crept through the hallway of the mansion, being as careful as she could not to make a single peep. However, she tried not to make it obvious. She knew that she had to escape, no matter the cost. She would do whatever she could to escape. Sure, her prison was a nice one, but it was a prison nonetheless. She felt like a bird trapped in a cage, which truth be told, wasn't far off from the truth. Her captor showered her with gifts and other luxuries, but it all made her feel sick. Sick enough that it was driving her completely insane. It made her feel dirty even.
She still remembered a time when things had been somewhat pleasant. Back when everything seemed nice. She missed those times. While she had never gotten along with Coffee originally due to her cold and aloof personality, she liked Cadence so much. Cadence was... Or at least she thought she was... A kind and mature person who always seemed to prioritize other people's needs over her own. Despite everything, she always seemed to take things in her stride and always wore a smile. After a while, she finally confessed her affections towards her and Cadence later invited her over to her place and that was how she fell into to the spider's web.
She thought she was going to Cadence's because she actually liked her. But that wasn't the case at all. According to Cadence, Coffee loved her and the fact that she confessed to her meant that she couldn't be trusted outside because her attention would easily shift. Ever since that day, a few months ago, she had been stuck in this luxurious prison. It had been complete Hell. Unless she behaved the way she wanted her to, she would be punished. Her body was still littered with various bruises and scars from where she had been beaten for 'stepping out of line.' Afterwards, Coffee would try and manipulate her into believing it was her fault and hers alone, that she had driven her to those extents.
[First Name] felt stupid overall; because she hadn't been able to see the signs. When Coffee started to change, she thought it was for the better, that she was turning over a new leaf. It didn't help that Cadence was constantly reassuring her about the changes she was making. The entire situation was a mess. Coffee had never been the nicest person, but before all these events occurred, she assured everyone she was making a change for the better... And [First Name] foolishly believed her. She felt like a complete idiot, but the changes felt so genuine. She couldn't believe she had ever fallen for the lies and deceit that feel from that woman's lying lips.
Now she realized that it had all been an act. People like that never change, they just get better at hiding their evil intentions. Ever since childhood, she had always believed that something was wrong with her brother's friend, but she always shook it off as the girl having a controlled upbringing, leaving her socially awkward and withdrawn. However, now she wished that she had trusted that instinct all that time ago. She had never really gotten to know her very well, she was always her brother's friend. However, she had spoken with her from time to time, but only got to know her better when Coffee 'made her change.'
She wondered if Coffee was still around or if she had gone out for an afternoon tea. A small smile briefly appeared on her face at the thought, however, she soon quickly shook her head at the thought. She knew she couldn't be presumptuous, she could be anywhere in the house. She could be downstairs for all she knew. The girl silently crept forward, her entire body was shaking. She couldn't get caught now, not when she was so close to escaping. Upon hearing one of the doors opening, the girl swallowed nervously before quickly ducking behind one of the large oak cabinets. Peeking behind the corner, she looked to see who it was.
However, when she saw who it was, she realized it was just one of the maids. Thankfully for her, the maid went into one of the spare guest rooms. Getting to her feet, she quickly scurried towards the large double doors the maid had just walked through. Once she reached the staircase, she began to briskly descend, all while keeping her head low, she couldn't risk anyone seeing through her disguise. She needed to get out and fast. She couldn't have anyone finding her, not like she had with Cadence. After all, it was only a matter of time until they found the woman's body cooped up inside one of the wardrobes.
From looking around, she couldn't seem to see anyone wandering about. No servants, no family members, no nothing. It was completely silent. She looked around, her eyes casting about nervously. She placed her hands over her chest as she quietly scuttled down the last few steps of the spiral staircase. She was so nervous, she wasn't sure where everyone was but she wasn't going to wait around until she potentially ran into anyone. Looking around, she felt a bit disorientated. She was quite afraid, she didn't know where she was supposed to go. From where she appeared to be, she appeared to be on the second floor.
The room was beautifully decorated; with elegant portraits and velvet carpets. It certainly made a change from the room she was in. Her prison was all white, from head to toe. White walls, white bedding, white furniture. Everything was white. It didn't help that the windows had been boarded up from the outside so that no light could get through. The only light source she had was from the white lights above her. It was enough to almost drive her insane. She wasn't sure how much longer she could have lasted in that god forsaken place. She hated it with a burning passion. More than anything, well not as much as Coffee.
Looking around, she could feel her heart rate increasing as she walked. It was so quiet, with the only sound being heard was her feet tapping against the ground. Looking for the front door was near impossible because the house was so big. Opening one of the large set of double doors, she entered the room, which was essentially yet another hallway. Looking around, her lips pulled themselves into a frown. If she wanted to get out of here then she had to be quick. It all felt hopeless. However, she knew that she had to keep a brave face. She had to get out of here and she wasn't going to be deterred by getting a bit lost.
As far as she was aware, Coffee's parents and sister knew she was here and some staff also knew as well. So she knew she couldn't trust anyone, so she had to keep to herself. It would be easier to escape if she had people on her side, but right now she didn't know who to trust. She nervously placed her hands over her lap, her gaze casting around at all of the elaborate paintings and the beautiful decorations. Every single item seemed like they would cost more than her home. Well... Coffee said that this was her home but there was no way that she was accepting this place as her home.
For as long as she had known her, she never knew exactly what was wrong with Coffee and why she was so... Disturbed. She had always just been her brother's friend in her mind. She had always thought she was a strange woman but she never thought she was this vile and disgusting. Or that she would go as far to kidnap her. She never once thought that Coffee would do that; because while she never seemed normal. She didn't seem that crazy. Her gut feeling had always warned her not to trust her and listen to her, and some others had warned her that she was creepy, but she always brushed off their concerns or that feeling as nothing.
As she walked through the hallway, she couldn't help but notice that one of the doors was open. Quietly approaching it, she peeked around the corner and that was when her heart stopped. Coffee was sat down, reading a book in one hand with a dainty porcelain tea cup in the other. Her lips were tugged into a small frown as she looked down at the book; she seemed completely distracted, so she wondered if maybe she could sneak past without her seeing anything. It was risky, but she couldn't exactly just stay out there, there was nowhere to hide and she was certain that when she came out, she'd see her.
She could always go back the way she came, but then again she might end up running into someone. She didn't want to risk potentially being spotted. Sure, she had on her uniform, but that didn't mean to say that someone could suspect that she wasn't really a maid. After all, that was what happened with Cadence. She wondered just how long it would take for people to realize she was gone and to find Cadence's body. She knew she shouldn't have rushed things, after all, it took a long time to gain Coffee's trust, as well as gather a maid's uniform without anyone being suspicious of her. She couldn't mess up now.
She wasn't sure about her plan and she was completely terrified. After all, if they found the body then they would instantly clock on that it was her. She couldn't manage to control the heavy and frightened beating of her heart. However, swallowing all of her fear, she decided to push forward. She knew that if she waited for the right moment, she could hopefully sneak past without any issues. So being as quiet as she could, she snuck past the doorway and hurried down the hallway. Following it, she found herself at another pair of large double doors. Pushing those open, she quietly made her way inside.
Her lips curled into a small smile as she realized where she was. She was at the main staircase. These stairs would take you to any of the floors you needed to get to and that was when she saw them... She could recognize the entrance doors from a mile away. She was ready to finally escape this Hellhole. "Just where do you think you're going?" A voice caused her to stop in her tracks and a shiver to run down her spine. Turning around slowly, she kept her head lowered as to not make eye contact. There she was, her captor, the woman who had put her through Hell and back, all under the guise of 'training her.'
She was surprised by the fact that her mother had allowed her to keep her at all; seeing as her mother was a raging homophobe. But she supposed that she wanted to keep her daughter complacent and if that meant allowing her to be with a woman, then that's what she would have to do. "I'm talking to you." She didn't make eye contact as the woman drew closer to her. She didn't even make a sound when she felt the woman's hand latch onto her wrist and squeeze it tightly. Yanking her forward, she pulled her upwards so that their faces were close to each other. Her other hand grabbed onto her jaw and forced her to look up.
Coffee's Parakeet Green eyes glimmered with realization and a small smirk appeared on her lips as she released her hand, so now she was just holding her jaw. [First Name] could feel her heartbeat rapidly increasing by the second as she felt as though at any moment, her cover would be blown. "Tell me, [First Name], did you really think I was that stupid? I know all of my servants and their exact appearances. I know Sayuri is a lot taller than you are and you don't wear your uniform the same way as she does." Reaching down, she pulled off the blindfold with a gentle tug. "Oh no..."
Swallowing nervously, [First Name] could feel every muscle in her body tense up. This couldn't be happening. Not after she had waited so long to escape. Was she going to tie her back up again? Would she beat her for being disobedient? She didn't even want to think about what the punishment would be for attempting to escape. "Why would you try to escape from me? I've given you everything you could have ever wanted, and yet this is how you repay me? I took you from that filthy home of yours and given you somewhere wonderful to stay. I saved you from your abusive father after all~"
Gritting her teeth [First Name] narrowed her eyes; of course she was using her home life against her. That was what she did; she relied on mental tactics rather than physical attacks; after all she was a small girl and she knew that while she wouldn't be able to take her down in a physical fight; psychological torture was what the girl did best and every time, she was able to get to her with that disgusting tactic. [First Name] didn't have the best home life; and Coffee knew how to use that to her advantage. She and Katsuya had been separated from their sister, Shizuka when Katsuya was ten and she was nine due to their parents' divorce.
Having an abusive father made the things that Coffee did not as affective. After all, it wasn't like she wasn't used to what her father did. It was just replacing one abuser with another abuser. The only difference was that she now no longer had Katsuya to protect her from what Coffee was doing. "You know, I think an adequate punishment is order," she smirked. A dark shadow cast over [First Name]'s face, and she shoved the woman as hard as she could, causing her to stumble backwards. Her eyes were wide, but only for a brief moment before they drew to slits and she dusted off her dress with a firm frown.
"Do whatever you want to me! I don't care anymore!" She yelled. Coffee regained her composure before letting out a dark chuckle; a small smirk tugging at the corners of her lips. She looked up at the young woman; and that gleam in her eyes caused [First Name] to swallow nervously. Taking a step towards her, Coffee's lips twisted upwards into a large and sadistic grin. One she had never seen before. She didn't like the gleam in her eyes. It made her uneasy. But before she could make a break for it, Coffee grabbed her bonnet before yanking her backwards. This caused her [Hair Colour] hair to tumble out.
"Oh no, I won't punish you~ Rather someone you care for. Now tell me, who do you want to be punished? Your brother? Or your sister? Or maybe even both?~" she grabbed onto her wrist and yanked her forward. [First Name]'s eyes widened; there was no way! She couldn't seriously be considering hurting Katsuya or Shizuka. Her entire life, she had wanted to take care of her brother and her sister and the thought of this snake causing any harm to them made her want to break down. Coffee cocked her head playfully to the side as she placed her hand against the girl's cheek, using her thumb to softly brush against her skin.
"No! Please don't! I'll do anything! Just don't hurt them!" She shrieked. Coffee shook her head before snapping her fingers. As soon as she did this, a young man with shaggy black hair swiftly approached. She recognized the man. When her brother was beaten up, along with Coffee, this man had been there to step in and defend her. She didn't want any harm to come to her siblings; she wasn't sure if she could ever forgive herself if anything ever happened to her siblings. All she could do was sob loudly as she fell to her knees and for a brief moment, a look of remorse appeared on the young woman's face.
"Reminazawa-San. Take [First Name] back to her room and make sure that she doesn't escape, I'll be back soon," and with that she swiftly turned on her heel and walked away. [First Name] began to scream as she was lifted over the man's shoulder; her legs flailed around and she began to cry. All she could do was hopelessly kick and flail her legs as she was taken back to her prison. She had been so close to escaping but she got nowhere. All she had done was potentially risk her brother and sister's safety. She kicked and flailed about, desperate to try and stop the woman from hurting her brother and sister.
"I'm sorry, you've brought this on yourself. You shouldn't have tested her like that," he frowned as his grip on her waist tightened. He dropped her down onto the bed and stared down at her. A few minutes later, Coffee returned with shackles. They didn't look all too comfortable, but they appeared to be made out of gold. Handing them to the man, he attached the chains to her ankles. He made sure to attach her ankles first and then her wrists before pulling away and getting to his feet. Once he finished, Coffee gave a simple nod of her head, silently telling him he could leave.
Once he left, he closed the doors behind him. "Look, I won't hurt anyone, so long as you behave. Remember who owns you. If any harm does come to them, it'll be your fault for forcing my hand. Just take this as a warning, okay?" She frowned as she placed a hand on her hip. [First Name] dried her tears before nodding her head. Wrapping her arms around the young woman, she nuzzled her head into her chest. [First Name] looked down at her, a feeling of disgust ruminating throughout her body. She hated this, this was complete Hell. But it was a Hell that she could never escape from, unless Coffee died.
"Look, I don't want to keep you tied up anymore because I'm sure you know now what will happen if you disobey me. But I feel as though I have to. But I mean, even if you were to somehow escape and call the police, don't think they'd listen to you. Most of them are in my parents' pockets. They would do whatever they can to get on my parents' good side because of their previous connections with Gozaburo Kaiba," she stated as she placed a hand on her hip, the ghost of a smile playing on her lips for the briefest of moments. However, it soon faded from her lips as she narrowed her eyes at him.
Looking at her, she wondered how easy it to would be to snap her neck in half like a twig. However, she internally slapped herself for thinking of the idea. She knew if she tried that, her manservant would find out and as a result would probably do something worse to her. She knew that she wouldn't stand a chance, he was so much bigger and stronger than she was. She would be subdued in an instant. "You're mine and no matter, what you're not escaping, because I love you~" she smirked as she looked at the poor girl with a dull look in her eyes. It almost seemed as though she had no life left in her eyes.
"I love you, so never leave me. If you do, you know what will happen otherwise," she looked at her with a cold expression. All [First Name] could do was lay in terror, not knowing what she could do. There was no escape and she knew that. After all, if she wanted her siblings and the rest of her friends to be safe, then she had to listen to Coffee and do whatever she said. Coffee was a powerful person, she came from an influential family and she could get away with stuff that not much other people could. She was influential and so was the rest of her family. So there wasn't much that she could do, especially with threats being made towards her family.
Looking up at Coffee, she couldn't help but feel all the hope draining from her body. She knew that no matter what, there was no escape. Because from the very beginning, she had been caught in a spider web and she had been completely unaware of it. Now it was too late for her to escape her. Taking the girl's face between her hands, Coffee smiled widely. "No matter what you do or where you go, I'll find you and at the end of the day, you're never leaving me. If you ever leave me, I'll hunt down everyone you care for and I'll slaughter every single one of them~" she mused as she looked down at her.
But maybe... Maybe it wouldn't be so bad. If she allowed herself to grow more accustomed to living with Coffee. Maybe she would grow to eventually like it? She didn't know, but it was better than having someone she loved die. After all, Coffee did genuinely love her right? She loved her enough to give her three meals a day, snacks and gifts. She loved her enough to not go through with her threat despite her having made an escape attempt. So perhaps staying with Coffee wasn't that bad, at least she was away from her abusive father. Maybe staying here wouldn't be that bad? Maybe she really did love her.
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pansexualpanic11 · 4 months
Yandere Capricorn
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Trigger Warnings: A perverted yandere, Implied homophobia (Stated but no slurs or anything like that), Mental abuse, Non consensual groping on drunk reader, Stalking, Forced intimacy.
Don't say that you don't love him... He'll think you're just playing hard to get
"Another day of rain, haven't we had this all week?" Alice questioned as she placed a hand on her hip. Standing in the safety of a doorframe, the three girls watched as the rain pattered down onto the concrete. [First Name] looked up at the Vanilla Blonde haired woman, her lips twisting into a small smile. Lulu sighed softly and combed a hand through her long blonde locks, watching as a stern breeze rustled the leaves. All the three girls could do was watch the rain, knowing they couldn't exactly go anywhere with the rain being like this. Not when they had to be looking their best for where they needed to be going.
"Maybe we should call a taxi or something?" Lulu questioned as she placed her hands over her lap. Placing her finger under her chin in thought, [First Name] pondered in thought. Her lips twisting into a small smile; it wasn't the worst idea and she knew the Langley sisters had more than enough money. She on the other hand... Wasn't so lucky. She didn't want to feel indebted to the sisters if one of them were to pay for her. She already felt guilty enough as it was whenever they would pay for her lunch; sure they said she didn't have to pay them back, but she didn't want them to feel as though she was taking advantage of them.
Looking over at the girl, Alice sighed and shook her head. "We're paying, [First Name] and don't even try and talk your way out of it." Looking up at the blonde, her lips pulled into a frown. She knew that Alice was trying to be nice, but whenever she talked, she more often than not sounded pissed off. She knew the woman cared though. Ever since she started dating Solomon, a boy from another wealthy and elite school, she had started becoming a nicer and happier person. Ever since she had known her since childhood, Alice had always been someone who was difficult to get along with, due to her brash and sometimes violent personality traits.
"I don't want it to feel as though I'm taking advantage of you both though. You're both so kind to me and I don't think I can ever repay you for how you've treated me so nicely... Ever since childhood." Placing her hands over her lap, Lulu approached the girl and wrapped her arms around her, bringing the [Hair Colour] haired girl's head to rest on her chest. She could feel her cheeks beginning to turn a soft shade of pink as she could hear the soft and steady beating of Lulu's heart. By this point, it was common knowledge to both Alice and [First Name] herself, that she had romantic feelings for Lulu; she just couldn't bring herself to confess.
Lulu was about to say something, when the sudden sound of a horn beeping caught their attention. "That's the taxi, come on, let's go." [First Name] couldn't help but be surprised by how quickly that the taxi had arrived. Shielding their heads, the three girls hurried over to the taxi and climbed inside. With [First Name] climbing in the front and Alice and Lulu climbing in the back. Alice had already put the details into the app of where they needed to go, along with paying for the ride. Their destination wasn't too far away; so [First Name] wondered if she should even start up a conversation with the driver or just remain silent.
The driver was a handsome man, his hair was a soft creamy white colour and his eyes were a beautiful light brownish colour that verged on being gold rather than brown. Looking behind her from the corner of her eye, she could see Alice sorting out Lulu's hair. Ever since they were children, she couldn't help but be slightly jealous, she wished she had a twin sister. "So, you're going to a party?" He questioned. His voice was quite relaxing and sultry as he spoke. Looking over at him, [First Name] couldn't help but smile. Now that he was speaking, he seemed so much more friendlier than the first impression she had gotten off him.
"Ah, yeah, it's my friends' brother's birthday. He's come all the way from England for the event, so that he can spend time with his entire family," she smiled. Alice and Lulu still seemed to be too preoccupied with each other than listening to what the driver was saying; which [First Name] couldn't help but laugh at. They were always so preoccupied with each other; well, more so Alice with Lulu. Ever since they were kids, Alice had been staunchly protective over Lulu and refused to ever really let her leave her sight. Because of this, [First Name] was shocked she had managed to befriend Lulu, let alone the both of them.
"Mmm, explains why you're dressed up so nicely. My name is Yuzuki Shoto by the way; it's nice to meet you," he offered her a small smile. While she offered him one back, she couldn't help but feel dirty as she felt his eyes wander over her body. She watched as he licked lips lips, almost as though he was a predator hunting for its prey. She shifted in her seat and nervously stared down at her lap, her lips pulling themselves into a small frown. It felt all too long before she arrived at their destination and as soon as they did, she quickly got out of the car, uttering a quick 'thank you.' As soon as she reached the safety of the doors, she felt a hand on her shoulder.
"Hey, what's wrong? You look really upset," Alice questioned. Lulu stood next to her, an equally worried expression plastered across her face. Swallowing nervously, [First Name] couldn't help but look to the side anxiously. She didn't want to blow anything out of proportion, especially when the day was supposed to be about Adam. Besides, what if she was worried about nothing and she had just imagined it? She didn't want to ruin someone's reputation over what could be her own mind playing tricks on her. Sensing her uneasiness, Alice wrapped an arm around the girl's shoulders and offered her a small smile.
"Hey, you know you can tell us anything, right?" She smiled. It was a genuine and kind smile; and [First Name] couldn't help but smile. She had the most beautiful smile. Whenever she was genuine with her actions, she really did light up the room. It was a shame she never showed that much and that was because of her parents. Alice's parents weren't nice people and as a result, this made Alice the way she was, and it was a complete and utter shame that was the affect it had on her. Her mother was a raging homophobe and because she could tell that [First Name] had romantic feelings for Lulu, she often tried to keep the two of them apart.
"It's just that driver... He really creeped me out. It was like he was undressing me with his eyes or something. I just... Ugh." Giving her shoulders a small squeeze, Alice pulled her close to her side and offered her a small frown. Before she could say anything, the door opened and Alice and Lulu's mother, Talia stood in the doorway. Her arms were folded tightly to her chest, her lips pursed into a stern frown and her eyes narrowed in disgust. Alice's entire body tensed up at this; and [First Name] found herself becoming extremely angry at how the older woman made Alice feel. But she kept her lips sealed, she didn't want to cause any fights or drama right now.
"You're late. Come on, inside," the four of them made their way inside. The entire building was alive with music and cheerful chatter as the guests socialized amongst themselves. As the three entered, Alice's gloomy face changed from sadness to one of happiness as she saw Solomon standing by the drinks table. Hurrying over to him, she wrapped her arms around him and pulled him into a warm embrace. Resting his hands on her hips, he leaned down and pressed a gentle peck against her forehead. Watching the two of them, [First Name] couldn't help but smile as she placed her hands over her hips. They were cute together.
"I'm happy Alice found someone who can bring out the worst in her," Lulu's voice caused [First Name] to look over her shoulder. She smiled softly and nodded in agreement; the fact Alice found someone who made her happy was really great. Ever since she had known Alice, she had always seemed so guarded. It was due to how she was treated at home though and [First Name] knew this; because she had witnessed first hand how much of a wreck some of the treatment made her. She still remembered the first time Alice truly broke down because of something her mother had said to her and it destroyed her to see her usually strong and confident friend like that. ﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌ "Hey, I was thinking maybe you could get Alice out of her room. Ever since she got into that argument with Mum, she's been in her room crying. She won't even come out to talk to me." [First Name] frowned as she followed Lulu up the stairs; by now her mother had left so the girls were on their own in the house. Reaching the top of the stairs, the two girls approached Alice's room. With a shaky and nervous breath, [First Name] raised her fist to knock on the door. There was no response, so she decided she would have to get in by other means. Lulu had already informed her ahead of time that Alice had locked the door.
"How am I supposed to get in?" She questioned with a frown. Lulu placed her index finger under her chin and pondered for a moment, before an idea eventually struck her. Taking [First Name]'s hand in hers, she guided her towards her bedroom. Once inside, she closed the bedroom door and headed over to a hatch in the wall. Opening it, she couldn't help but sigh, Alice's side was closed and all she could do was hope that it wasn't locked. "Right, you should be able to access Alice's room from here, if she hasn't locked it of course. It didn't cross my mind to try this for some reason," she frowned slightly.
Crouching down, [First Name] began to crawl through the space. Lulu closed the door so that Alice couldn't push her back out. Giving the door a small push, she expected it to be locked, but it wasn't. So she went tumbling onto the carpet. Alice's eyes narrowed as she got up from the bed, her eyes were puffy and face her face was covered in smeared makeup. "What the fuck are you doing in here?!" She yelled. Sitting up, she couldn't help but flinch at the sheer aggression in Alice's tone. She had never seen her like this before and it was heart-breaking. Drying her eyes with the backs of her wrists, Alice got to her feet.
"Get the fuck out!" She yelled, storming over towards the door. However, despite every instinct inside her telling her to leave, she couldn't just let her friend keep crying like this. So instead, she got to her feet and seized Alice's wrist. The girl immediately attempted to recoil her hand away from her, but [First Name] refused to let her go. "Let me go!" Yanking the girl down, she wrapped her arms around her torso and held her close to her chest. At first the girl struggled and kicked and screamed; however, eventually she settled down and relaxed into her embrace before beginning to sob loudly while holding onto her tightly.
"I don't get it. Why does she hate me so much? She says she's ashamed to have me as a daughter. What did I do to make her not want me? I just want her to love me," she wailed as she burrowed her face into the girl's shoulder. Combing her fingers through her long blonde locks, [First Name] couldn't help but swallow harshly as she allowed the girl to continue weeping. Seeing her like this shattered her heart; sure she knew that they didn't have the best relationship, but she didn't know it was to the point where Alice would cry over it. It was awful to know that her friend was being treated so horrifically at home, she wanted to ease her pain, even if it was just a little bit.
"Alice, you're worthy of so much, please don't let what she says affect you." Alice continued to sob loudly as she clung to the girl, almost as though her life depended. Due to having such kind parents, [First Name] didn't understand how she felt, but she knew that she must be torn up inside. Sure, Alice could be hard to handle sometimes, but she knew that was likely because of their horrible parenting. She had seen the nicer sides of Alice and the fact that something they said managed to send her crumbling and spiralling, it tore her up inside because usually Alice was so stern faced and headstrong. Now... She was vulnerable.
All Alice could do was cry as her fingers gripped onto the girl's body. Seeing her like this was painful; it was hard to see her be so emotionally damaged. Her parents were true monsters and she couldn't help but feel awful for Alice. So for a while, she just sat there, cradling the girl in her arms and allowing her to sob. By now, her shirt was damp with tears and slightly crumpled from the way she held onto her. However, she didn't care. All she cared for right now was getting Alice to feel better. And so the two girls sat there for a good few hours until Alice stopped crying and was thankfully in some way, feeling alright again. ﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌ "Hey, are you sure you're okay after earlier? You seemed really shaken up about that driver," Lulu frowned. Reaching out a hand, she gently took [First Name]'s hand in hers before giving it a firm but reassuring squeeze. Looking over at Lulu, the girl tilted her head to the side slightly before giving her a warm smile. Wrapping her arms around the blonde, she held her in a warm embrace, holding her close to her chest. She couldn't help but let out a content sigh as she felt Lulu wrap her arms around her. The sensation caused her heart to flutter rapidly in her chest as she took in the woman's caramel and brownie scent; it felt nice.
"Hey... Lulu. I love you. I love you so much that I can't even stand it." The words just slipped out, she didn't intend for them to, they just did. Lulu instantly tensed up at this and she pulled away slightly before placing her hands on the girl's shoulders and looking into her eyes. The way she was staring... She stared straight at [First Name] in a way that she had never done before. Her eyes were serious and she held a look that she had never worn before. Lulu was always known for her gentle and kind hearted personality and approach to things. So to see her looking like this and being so different. It was strange... Uneasy even.
There was a moment, a brief moment where Lulu spoke, not a single world. The two of them said nothing to one another a few minutes. "I'm so sorry, [First Name]... But I don't feel the same way about you," she placed her hands over her lap. Her heart sank at this, she couldn't help but feel so humiliated. Before Lulu could say anything else, the girl turned on her heel and walked into the crowd. For a moment, she contemplated on following after her. However, she eventually decided that it was best if she left her be for a while and the two of them could talk about things later on once [First Name] was feeling better.
[First Name] took another swig of her vodka as he rested her head against the bar. Her lips were twisted into an uncomfortable frown. "Hey, don't you think you've had enough?" She felt someone place their hands on her shoulders. Looking up, she struggled to make out who the person was. But they looked an awful lot Adam... At least that's who she thought it. All [First Name] could let out was a feeble whine as she pressed her face into the table. The person sighed and wrapped an arm around her waist before lifting her up by swinging an arm over his shoulders and offering an apologetic frown to the bartender.
Taking her outside, he helped her over into a car, in the back seat and laid her down. "Get some rest, I'm taking you home," he offered her a smile. As he pulled away, his hand slid down her leg slightly before resting on her thigh and giving it a small squeeze. At this, she couldn't help but feel uncomfortable once again. Adam had never done that before; as far as she was aware, he viewed her as a younger sister figure. So the fact that he did that seemed weird; even in this drunken state, she could tell that something was up. However, she attempted to shrug it off. She had been drinking her sorrows away for the past whoever knows how long.
As she laid on the back seat, she allowed her eyes to try and focus on the driver. "Adam... When did you get white hair?" She questioned groggily. However, he didn't respond and instead draped a blanket over her. A crooked smile twisted onto his features, not that she would be able to see that of course. She found herself being unable to stay awake; most likely due to the large amount of alcohol she had consumed. She knew that it wasn't the best idea to drink that much, but she couldn't help it. For all she knew, she had completely nuked her relationship with Lulu, and most likely Alice in the process. She needed something to take her mind off stuff.
As she rested in the car, she noticed her phone vibrating. It was Alice. She reached over and grabbed it; not noticing how tense the driver seemed. "Alice-" "Hey, [First Name], it's urgent. You know that taxi we got into earlier, that wasn't the taxi we were supposed to get into. I received a charge on my card today for a waiting fee because we made the driver wait ages. Whoever we got into that car with wasn't the right driver. Where are you right now?" It took a while for everything to sink in, but once it did [First Name]'s eyes widened in horror and she soon found herself becoming alert, even through the daze of her tipsiness.
"I'm in the car with Adam." The line went quiet for a couple of seconds before Alice spoke up once again. "That's not possible, I'm here with Adam right now. I'm actually just about to give him his Birthday present... [First Name], whoever you're with, you need to get out of there right now!" Her voice was desperate. However, before [First Name] even had the chance to respond, the car came to a sudden stop. The person reached into the back of the car and snatched her phone straight from her hands before throwing it out of the car. He then proceeded to drive over it before driving off, much to the girl's horror.
"Go to sleep love. We have a long journey ahead of us and you'll need all the rest you can for later..." however he didn't elaborate further on that fact. Before she could respond, he hit her in the neck, causing her to fall unconscious almost immediately. By the time she finally awoke, she was found herself tied to a bed with some sturdy rope. Looking at it, she could tell that it was a constrictor knot, so she knew it would be near impossible to get out of. "Oh? You're awake?" Hearing a familiar voice, she looked up and saw that damn fucking taxi driver entering the room. Or could she even call him a taxi driver at this point.
"You really don't recognize me, do you? I'm not surprised, I mean I look so different from that nerd you knew back in High School after all. I really hoped that you would recognize me though. However, I suppose it's a good thing that you didn't because that could have blown my cover after all. I've been watching you for a while now. Ever since we graduated high school." After a couple of moments, everything sunk in. It was that boy from her school that she had known all those years ago. She never spoke much to him, but she had always seen him hanging around, though she never spoke much to him.
"I can see by that look on your face, you're remembering me now. I'm glad. I was so worried that you would never remember me. After all, you leant me a pen once and ever since then, I knew you were the one." The girl attempted to shift away as he came towards her and climbed on top of her. Her legs flailed about as she began screaming loudly and attempting to get him off her. "Don't fight back please. I love you and I just want the best for you," he began to caress her cheek as she leaned towards her face. However she moved her face away from him, trying to get away from him. She didn't want him anywhere near her.
"Look, it's no use trying to escape. I made sure to tie you up real good. I love you and I'll do anything to make sure that you never leave my side ever again. I mean heck, I almost lost you... That was until I realized you were still friends with those Langley sisters. Stupid girls really. I mean what were they thinking? They post everything online and it makes it easy for people... Including myself, to find out everything I need to know," he smirked as he looked at her with a wide, predatory grin. She felt sick to her stomach. What was he getting at? Was he indicating that he was going to hurt her friends if she didn't comply?
"Hmm, so you are smart. Know that it's not a threat. It's a promise, I will kill your friends if you're not careful," climbing off her, he let out another sigh. "I'll be back with some food soon, so stay here... Heh, who am I kidding? It's not like you can go anywhere," he smirked as he placed a hand on his hip. All she could do was wait for him to come back as she stared up at the ceiling, her lips pulled themselves into a thin frown. What could she do in this situation? She had no idea what she was supposed to do. She missed Alice and Lulu already and she had no idea when she was going to be able to see them again.
After a couple of minutes, he finally returned. In his hand was a plate of food and a drink. "I'm going to untie you now, and you've got free reign so long as you behave. But trust me, if you attempt to escape, I'll find out about it," he frowned. Swallowing nervously, all the girl could do was nod her head. Placing the food down on the bed, he untied her before turning to leave. "I'll leave you to eat in peace and I'll be back to check on you in an hour... I have work I need to do." But before he could leave, she stopped him. "Wait... I need to ask you something," he stopped to look at her. "What is it Love?"
"Are you an actual taxi driver?" She questioned. He shook his head "No. It was pure luck that when I was following you, you were talking about hiring a taxi. I bugged your phone so I can hear what you talk about everything," he smiled. "So, I seized my opportunity to reintroduce myself into your life," he looked down at her. Furrowing her brows, her lips pulled themselves into a frown. "I'd do anything for you, you know that?" "Except for letting me go?" "Except for that," he stated with a cold frown. Placing a hand over hers, he offered her a smile, but she felt sick to her stomach just looking at him.
"Look, everything I do is for you and I'll do anything to make you love me because really at this point... You're just playing hard to get~" he smirked when he did this, but all [First Name] felt was disgust. Playing hard to get? Was he serious?! The young man's lips pulled into a large grin as he placed his hand on her cheek and brushed it over with his thumb. She attempted to shove him away, however, she was unable to even so much as push him away from her. "Stop fighting back. You know that fighting is completely futile, right?" He questioned as he looked down at the young woman with his lips pulling into a frown.
She scowled; she hated him so much. How could he so disgusting to her?! But she knew she had to behave him because she knew that he would hurt Alice and Lulu otherwise. Sighing, he combed his fingers through her hair and he leaned towards her and pressed his against hers. She let out a nervous whimper as he bit down on her lower lip; her lips parted slightly due to the shock. He pushed his tongue inside her mouth and began exploring her wet cavern as he gripped onto her arms. After a couple of seconds, he pulled away, a thin trail of salvia connecting their lips. "I've always wanted to do that, you know?"
Her lips twisted into a bitter frown as she looked up at him. Taking her jaw between his index finger and thumb, he forced her to look away from him. "I hate the fact that you keep pushing me away. I know you're just playing hard to get, but you'll learn to behave for me and you'll grow you appreciate me eventually," he stated as he looked into her eyes. Swallowing nervously, she attempted to push away from him. His cheeks flushed with a lewd pink hue as he looked down at her. "You know, I might have to break it out of you if you don't behave because I really don't want to have to hurt your friends," he smirked.
A small gasp escaped her lips as she looked up at him with a horrified expression. "Just kidding~" he teased. "I'll let you at least try and get settled into your new life before doing anything too drastic," he teased. Pulling away from her, he patted her on the head and moved from the bed and leaving towards the door. His lips twisted themselves into a wide grin before leaving, Slumping back onto the bed, she brought her knees to her chest and began to sob quietly. She didn't want to eat or drink right now; she didn't feel happy, she felt sick to her stomach and just wanted to leave. She wanted to just go home and curl up and cry.
He was nothing like the person she knew in school; then again, she didn't know him back then. From what she had seen of him, he was aloof and a tad bit weird, but she didn't think too much of it back then. She could never have thought he could have turned into a complete and utter monster like this. She could only hope that Alice and Lulu would find her and rescue her; but she doubted that they would. After all, she had no idea how far he lived away. If he was willing to pretend to be a taxi driver to get closer to her, then she didn't know what he was willing to do to get closer to her. All she could do was hope and pray everything would be okay.
However, just as she sat wallowing and crying, there was a knock at the door. She wondered who it was; had someone come to help her. She heard Shoto open the door and so she quietly got to her feet and made her way towards the door to listen in (Of course the door was locked though). "Good afternoon officer, what seems to be the problem?" "Hey, we received a call from a concerned neighbour that they saw you with a girl that's been missing on the news. It also checks out with apparently you pretending to be a taxi driver, do you wanna explain yourself?" She heard the officer question him gruffly.
"Oh, she must be mistaken. I haven't had anyone over all day, but you're more than welcome to have a look around. Also, that was an accident. I simply went out for a drive to clear my mind and these girls climbed into my car. I felt bad for them since it was pouring it down and I didn't want to kick them out, so I took them to where they needed to go," Shoto offered the man a smile. Furrowing his brows, the officer stepped inside and proceeded to have a look around the house. Shoto was a usually anxious and pessimistic person, however, right now his resolve was strong and he only wanted [First Name] so he'd do anything for her.
After an hour or so, the officer came back downstairs. "My mistake, I'm sorry for bothering you. You're a good man, I'll let you go about your business. You have a nice day now sir." Shoto shook the officer's hand and allowed him to leave, before closing the door. At hearing him say that he found nothing, she couldn't help but be confused. How had he not found her?! The door began to rattle and [First Name] sprinted towards the bed before jumping onto her bed and pretended to be asleep. As the door opened, Shoto smirked down at her. "Hey~ Don't try and pretend to be asleep because I know you're awake and were listening into that."
[First Name]'s eyes opened as she looked up at him. "I've been planning to kidnap you one day. I just waited for the right moment to do so. I built this room a while ago and I made sure that only I would be able to find him," he stated as he folded his arms to his chest as he looked at her with a small smirk. "No one is coming to rescue you, I hope you know that." He placed one of his hands on his hips as he sauntered over to her. She had no idea how long she had been here for but she knew that it had certainly been more than a day and all she could do was silently pray that she wasn't going to be there much longer.
Sitting on the bed, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into a hug. She didn't make a move to hug him back and all she could do was sit there and stare at the wall. "I love you and know that I will do whatever it takes to make sure that no one touches you again. You broke my heart a while ago by falling in love with Lulu, and for a while, I gave up on it because I just couldn't handle it. But I came back with a harder resolve. Because you're mine and mine alone and we were destined to be together. One day you'll grow to realize that I'm what's best for you and you'll grow to love me too." And that's when her living hell began.
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pansexualpanic11 · 4 months
Dragfur Maidus: Fluff Headcanons
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𝐀ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
✎✧.* Maidus is busy more often than not, so he doesn't have a lot of time for his s/o, as unfortunate as that is for him. However, in the small bit of free time he gets, he enjoys teaching his s/o similarly to how he would with Solomon. He likes to help them learn and develop their skills. When he's not tutoring his s/o in his spare time, he's making them tea and regaling his many stories throughout his years. He appreciates and admires the fact that his s/o seems genuinely interested in his life, as he has lived for many, many years. As a result, he is extremely wise. Maidus is a lot more casual with his actions than most of the others are; such as in the sense that you can't tell whether he and his s/o are on a date or if they're just hanging out. He also takes his s/o to extremely fancy dinners and takes them shopping at high-end places that most normal people wouldn't be able to afford. He wants to spoil his s/o and give them the best in life. It doesn't matter what it is that his s/o wants to do, he is more than willing to cater to their wants and needs. If it's something that his s/o wants, then that's what they get. He also just enjoys sitting with them while he's working. Every so often glancing over at them and offering them a small smile, to show that he knows that they're there, he's just busy.
𝐁eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
✎✧.* Maidus admires his s/o's eyes. In his opinion, they have the loveliest eyes he's ever seen, and he isn't afraid to tell them that. He will sometimes gently take them by the face, his index finger and thumb on both of her cheeks, before tilting their head upwards to look at him. With his usual charming smile, he'd comment on how beautiful their eyes are and he'd remark how he could stare into them all day if he could. Maidus loves all of his s/o. Whether they be skinny, chubby, or curvy, he loves his s/o for who they are. Every aspect of them is perfect to him; however, their most alluring aspect is definitely their eyes. To him, their eyes are the window to their soul, and so he enjoys staring into them. He also admires his s/o's kindness towards those less fortunate than them. Growing up in extreme poverty, to the point where he had to steal just to even have one meal in a week. The reason why he never dated anyone of his class, was because a lot of them had no cares for those who weren't as fortunate as themselves. He would only date someone who treated those around them with respect and compassion and his s/o would be the perfect example of this. Their kindness is one of the main reasons why he fell for them and he's not afraid of commenting this to his s/o whenever he can.
𝐂omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc?
✎✧.* On the whole, he's used to this kind of stuff happening. As a child, Solomon used to worry about his skills as a sorcerer, and as a result, he would send himself into a panic attack when he believed he'd messed up something severely. So, he does the same thing to his s/o that he used to do to Solomon. He'll sit next to them, wrapping an arm around their shoulders, before bringing them down to cuddle with him and embracing them into a full hug. Combing his fingers through their hair, he'll reassure them that he's always going to be there for them, no matter what. He always makes sure to help his s/o whenever they're down or scared; going as far as to drop everything for them. He would do whatever he could to ease their pain and suffering. He'll cradle them in his arms, holding them close to his chest, a warm smile spreading across his face as he places gentle and tender kisses against the side of their head and on their forehead. His embrace is gentle and his words are reassuring and kind. He always makes sure to be gentle with his s/o, as they're the first person (Aside from Lulu) he's felt this way about. While he has been married before, he's never felt this way about anyone. His former wife was a gentle soul but even she has nothing on how his s/o is and he wants to take care of them.
𝐃reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
✎✧.* He pictures a quiet life with his s/o, he wants to lead a nice and low-profile life with them. He's never wanted fame or anything, but he's always wanted to be rich. Unfortunately, that comes with drawbacks, such as unwanted attention. He wants to be able to lead a nice and easy life with his s/o. He loves them and wants to eventually have kids with them. Having been a father beforehand (Unfortunately his daughter passed away), he has a good understanding of what he's supposed to do. He loves his s/o and if they don't want children, then it's not the end of the world. He loves his s/o and would do whatever he could do for them. If they don't want kids then that's fine by him. So long as he has them by his side, he's happy. He cares quite a lot for them and any future with his s/o in it, then he's more than happy. He pictures a wonderful future with his s/o, settling down with them in married life. He preferably wants to get a pet with them one day as well, though it all depends on what pet s/o wants. So long as it's not a lizard or another scaley kind of creature; as he heavily dislikes them. He's overall very happy to do whatever it is that his s/o requests of him and is willing to follow them no matter where they go. He just wants to have a life where he's happy with his s/o, as long as he has that, then he's happy.
𝐄qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
✎✧.* He would be the dominant one in the relationship. He would never go for a dominant s/o, he likes passive and sweet people, similar to how his mother was. However, that's not to say he doesn't like a person who can stand up for themselves if the situation calls for it. He just prefers more quiet and soft-spoken partners. This was the reason why he fell for his first wife and Lulu Langley as well. He likes shy and demure people. His tastes slide more towards female partners, but he's not opposed to dating men either. He's a dominant figure (This is mostly because he's one of the most powerful people in the whole of Amedris and is the teacher of the most powerful sorcerer of all time). He is extremely tall, muscular, and imposing, so his stature is enough to already make him scary. However, for the most part, Maidus is a docile and calm man. However, if angered, while he never expresses this anger, his aura is enough to show how intimidating he can be. Maidus is not a passive person, so his s/o shouldn't be fooled into thinking that he is, because he is the furthest thing from a passive man. A calm man? Yes. A passive man? No. Maidus is composed and calm, but don't let that fool you into thinking that by any means he'll be the passive and submissive one in the relationship. He is a sadist after all.
𝐅ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
✎✧.* Maidus doesn't enjoy getting into fights, that and he's quite hard to anger. So his s/o had to have done something pretty bad to warrant him being angry enough to get into a fight with them. He is extremely calm and relaxed a majority of the time, so he's hardly ever seen angry. The only way to make him angry is by either insulting his mother, his daughter, or Lulu. There's a chance that Lulu and Maidus' s/o wouldn't get along, due to Lulu being the first one to capture his heart before s/o did. Even if they don't like her, however, he won't tolerate any badmouthing of her. You can dislike her all you want, and that's fine by him, you can't like everyone. However, he won't stand any mistreatment of her. The fighting can't even be considered a fight really. More so a verbal beatdown. With a cold and hallow voice, he'll point out each of his s/o's weaknesses and fears and completely expose and crush them. He will tear them down piece by piece until they're a shaking sobbing mess. Once he's finished doing that and he thinks they've learned a lesson, he'll crouch down beside them and wrap his arms around them while kissing their cheek and telling them he loves them and he's sorry for what he said. Then he'll proceed to tell them that he forgives them for being so badly behaved and he hopes they never do it again. He might seem docile, but he can be extremely manipulative towards his s/o.
𝐆rattitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
✎✧.* He's generally quite grateful for what his s/o does for him because he does love them and he knows that they do a lot for him. He's also happy that they're even giving him a chance. After Lulu left him, he fell into a bit of a downward spiral. However, his s/o was there to pick him back up and help him get over the break-up. Of course, one would expect him to be angry with Lulu for what she did, but Maidus doesn't want his s/o to get angry at her. In his eyes, their relationship just didn't work out. As long as his s/o isn't mean towards Lulu, he'll be the perfect boyfriend. He's grateful for how kind they are towards him and he's thankful that they're a part of his life. He loves his s/o and makes sure to show them his appreciation. Due to how much he works, he never really has the time to put in to take care of himself. He's a busy man and he pretty much prioritizes his work above all else. He loves his s/o, but work is always put above all else and that unfortunately includes his s/o. This is due to his fear of living in poverty like he did when he was younger, so he's always busy. He's grateful for everything his s/o does for him. He's thankful for the fact that they take such good care of him. So he does try and make time for them to show how grateful he is for what they do for him.
𝐇onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
✎✧.* There's a lot that Maidus keeps hidden from his s/o because he knows that it will forever change their perception of him. He never wants them to find out these secrets about him, so he makes sure that they never find out. Aside from the major secrets he's hiding, he tells them pretty much everything. He wants a mostly open and transparent relationship with his s/o and wants to be the opposite of his father. His parents had a very rough relationship. In front of him, they seemed like the perfect couple. However, behind closed doors, they were extremely toxic. With his father cheating on his mother and even poisoning her; Dragfur only discovered this as an adult. All he wants is to not be like his father. So he'll try and be as open as he possibly can with his s/o, with the few exceptions of the severe lies that he's not telling them. He believes that relationships are built on honesty and that's what he wants for his relationship with his s/o. He reveals a lot of information to his s/o and he's willing to do whatever he can for them. This includes expressing things to them that he hasn't revealed to anyone (Aside from Lulu). He wants his s/o to be just as open with him as he is with them, as he really does love them and he just wants them to view him with as much respect as he does with them.
𝐈nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
✎✧.* His s/o didn't change him, at least not in any drastic way. Maidus is the type of person who just simply changes. No matter who you are or what you do, he'll never change for someone. He's very set in his ways and as a result, he's not willing to change. His s/o does however help him overcome some personal problems, and he is thankful for that. However, his s/o will never change him as a person, because Maidus is stuck in his ways. The only person who could ever change him is his mother and she's unfortunately dead, and is the whole reason why he even changed to begin with. While he loves his s/o deeply, he wouldn't be willing to change, at least not drastically. He still prioritizes work above all else (Even during in his relationship with Lulu, he still prioritized his work). It doesn't help that whenever he's down, he throws himself into his work. His s/o might help ease his anger a bit or they could provoke it. Some minimal changes they make go to better him as a person. However, for the most part, he still largely remains the same. He doesn't like the idea of someone setting themself out to change him, in fact, it actually irritates him. In his eyes, it shouldn't be someone else's job to change someone. If they set out with that goal in mind, then you don't truly love that person in his eyes.
𝐉ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
✎✧.* While he might not seem like it on the surface, deep inside, he can get extremely jealous. However, because he seems so calm and composed on the surface, he can fool his s/o into believing that he isn't jealous. His calmness and composure is near impossible to see through. Only some people can see through this, and his s/o isn't one of them. Another appealing factor for him in a s/o is someone who isn't stupid but is naive. Someone who doesn't know he's not exactly a great person underneath all that charisma. Maidus isn't exactly healthy when it comes to his jealousy. He didn't do well with Lulu getting hit on by others and he's not great with anyone flirting with his s/o either. He would turn anyone to gold who would flirt with his s/o. He would do it without anyone's knowledge and would sell the body, and then no one would be any the wiser. When his s/o questions where the person has gone, he'll act oblivious and instead comfort them. He would never reveal what he had done to them to his s/o because of course, they'll end up freaking out. And he can't have them ever find out what he did. He's very good at masking how he feels and he's excellent at hiding what he's doing. He's done this many times before, and as such, by this point, he's an expert at disposing of bodies.
𝐊iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
✎✧.* He's a very good kisser. He's had a lot of experience; having already been married before getting with his s/o and even Lulu and many other women. Before he met Lulu (And later his s/o), he was the type of person who would just have one-night stands. He never got together with anyone because he didn't have the time, that and his wife's death actually deeply affected him. His wife wasn't his first time, however. After discovering what his father had been doing to his mother, he sought revenge. And so, he seduced both of his step sisters (Which involved having sex with them). He learned a lot before being with his wife and Lulu and then eventually his s/o. The first kiss between Maidus and his s/o is a tender but passionate one. He waits until the right moment before sealing the deal. Wrapping an arm around their waist, his free hand will slide up their neck and to their jaw before tilting their head up to face him. Leaning down, he'll close the distance between them and press his lips against theirs. After a couple of seconds, he'll pull away, his butterscotch-scented breath softly fanning against their skin. Once he sees his s/o's flustered expression, his lips will twist into his usual charismatic smile and he'll pull away while commenting that their lips taste nice, before going to do his work.
𝐋ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
✎✧.* He would make a grand gesture to proclaim his love. He would put aside his work for the day so that he could focus all of his attention on making the surprise for his s/o. He would first prepare a delicious three-course meal for them and would decorate his manor with their favourite flowers. He'll hire a band to play some romantic music and he'll even buy some fancy jewelry and other things his s/o likes. Then he'll invite them around to his home and once the time is right, he'll confess how he truly feels (If his s/o hasn't already clocked on to the fact he's in love with them due to the scenery). He'll confess how grateful he is for everything they've done for him and how he's truly happy whenever he's around them. Taking their hands in his, he'd bring them to his chest and promise them that he'll take care of them if they agreed to be his. It would make him so happy if he had accepted. After his confession, once they accept, he'd wrap his arms around their waist and pull them close to his chest, his fingers combing through their hair as he relaxes. He'd rest his chin on their head, his lips twisting themselves into a smile as he looked down at them. He'd be extremely happy, but he'd keep a calm and composed demeanour. He'd keep completely composed, as he doesn't overly express himself too often.
𝐌arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
✎✧.* ✎✧.* Maidus does eventually want to marry his s/o; he's not sure when, but one day, he wants to marry them. He loves them deeply and he knows that he wants to spend the rest of his life with them. The ring he gave his deceased wife was an heirloom ring that's been passed down through his mother's family for generations. He'd give that same ring to his s/o (It holds great significance to him). He loves his s/o and he'd hope that they would accept the ring. Both the engagement ring and the wedding ring are both heirlooms and he'd be honoured if his s/o accepted his proposal. Married life wouldn't exactly be bliss. They would be living in comfort, but Maidus would be busy working. He wouldn't have been surprised if his s/o said no to marrying him because of how much time he spends working. However, he is thankful that they agreed to marry him. He does try and be there for his s/o so that they know he does love them. Because he does love them more than anything. With no living relatives left, he was pretty much on his own (Excluding Solomon), and so his s/o really did make some of the best changes to him and he's grateful that they're a part of his life. He does love them, but he does worry that they'll leave him one day. However, he'll cross that bridge when he comes to it.
𝐍icknames - What do they call their s/o?
✎✧.* Maidus isn't one for nicknames. They really remind him too much of his first wife. He doesn't enjoy being nicknamed, but he will give his s/o nicknames. Maidus has nicknames for his three loves. For his first wife, he used to nickname her 'Lovey' for Lulu, he nicknamed her 'My Jewel.' As for his s/o, he nicknames them 'Golden Lotus.' His not a big fan of receiving nicknames, and would inform them ahead of time that he didn't want them to nickname him anything. He loves them, but he's not about to tolerate any kind of nicknaming from them, especially if it's similar to what his deceased wife used to call him. She used to nickname him 'Sugar Cookie.' It was because sugar cookies are his favourite dessert and he once ate a lot of them when they went to see the dancing lights together on one of their dates. Nicknames in his case just have a stigma for him. However, in time he might soften to nicknames, just not ones that remind him of those he lost. His name is Dragfur, but he prefers to go by Maidus as he wants to disassociate himself from his father. Maidus was his mother's last name and he prefers to be associated with her over his lying, cheating, bastard of a father. But that's more of an alias than a nickname. He might like nicknames in the future, but for now, it's a no.
𝐎n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
✎✧.* The first time Maidus truly fell in love, he was a bumbling mess. He happened to fall in love with his childhood friend, Cordelia. She later became his first wife. He was such a mess when it came to being in love, but then again, he was a child. Now as an adult, he's much better at handling his emotions. He's a lot more composed when it comes to being in love now. He's had enough lovers to make him a master at disguising his true emotions. So not many people (Save for some) would know that he was in love to begin with. Maidus is a very romantic person and expresses his love through dates (Which while they rarely happen, are always well thought out and catered to what his s/o wants or wants to do). He even takes them to see the dancing lights, which is something that he only did with his deceased wife (And Lulu one time). Not just anyone gets to go with him, as he views this as a very intimate thing (This is due to the fact that he and his wife wanted to view it one day together, ever since they were children). Since these lights only occur every single ten years, it's a rarity to be able to see these. Especially as they occur just on the edge of the furthest reaches of Amedris. He cares a lot for his s/o, so taking them to go and see the dancing lights is extremely important and significant to him.
𝐏DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
✎✧.* Maidus isn't one for bragging; he believes it makes an ass out of someone. He detested the way his father used to brag about how much money they had; keep in mind, they only received this money after his mother died and his father completely ran them into extreme poverty. So, he doesn't like it when people brag about their wealth. As someone who is wealthy, Maidus prefers to keep it on the down-low. He buys expensive things, but unlike his father, he never went around loudly declaring the fact that he had money and was hosting lavish parties and the like. Maidus doesn't even like bragging about his relationship as he considers it to be bothersome. However, he isn't afraid to give his s/o a peck on the lips when other people are watching. He was very similar when he was in his relationship with Lulu. He doesn't mind being affectionate in public. He'll sometimes give them a kiss on the cheek, comb a hand through their hair, and rest his head against theirs. However, he mostly prefers to perform his PDA when they're behind closed doors. He loves his s/o, but he's not big on being public. Even when he was with his wife and when he was with Lulu, he wasn't overly big on flirting with them in public, so it's not much different now that he's with his s/o. Though he does love them.
𝐐uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
✎✧.* Maidus loves making jewelry for his s/o. His specialty happens to be making necklaces. He'll craft beautiful and intricate designs for his s/o and he'll present them to his s/o when they least expect it. He has his random spontaneous moments of romantic moments (Which are at least to some extent planned out). Maidus likes to follow a set idea; he doesn't like improvising if he can help it. He likes to have a strategy or at least some kind of idea planned out. He doesn't like going into things blind; so he always has some kind of idea of what he wants to do. He's good at planning events and ideas that he's sure his s/o will like. In many ways, they're quite similar to his wife and that makes them slightly predictable. He is good at sussing out what his s/o likes and dislikes, based on intuition. That and he will sometimes ask them what they want. He believes communication is key to a healthy relationship with his s/o. He knows his s/o quite well and he knows them just by looking at them. He knows exactly what they want without even really having to talk with them. Maidus has a keen eye and good intuition when it comes to his s/o and what they enjoy. Maidus is good at cooking and will also cook for his s/o and will prepare delicious foods for them whenever they want him to.
𝐑omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
✎✧.* He's quite romantic and was more than happy to take them out on dates. He wants to make them happy at any cost, even going on some dates that he wouldn't usually go on. What with his deceased being interested in going around zen gardens (Which didn't appeal to him at all). He's happy to do things for his s/o that he wouldn't do for himself, so long as they're happy. He's rather creative when it comes to surprising his s/o, he can be extremely surprising as well, pulling off things that his s/o never thought he would do for them. He would do anything he could for them, even stuff that he wouldn't usually do, and all for them. He's interested in learning every he can about his s/o and he would want to use that on his s/o. He performs romantic and sweet gestures for his s/o whenever he's not working. He's never cliché when it comes to his expressions of love. He always thinks about what he can do for his s/o. He thinks about their likes and dislikes when it comes to performing romantic gestures for his s/o. He's very similar with his s/o to how he was with Lulu. Because back when he was with his first wife, he wasn't as well off as he was when he was with his s/o or when he was with Lulu. He loves his s/o and so he would do whatever he can for them. Even if it's just something small.
𝐒upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
✎✧.* Maidus actually doesn't believe in his s/o. He acts like he does, but he gaslights them all the way into thinking that they'll never succeed. He'll say he believes in them one moment and the next he'll tell them he doesn't but he'll do it sneakily so they believe there's something wrong with them. He loves his s/o and doesn't ever want them to leave him, so he can't risk them ever gaining independence and leaving him. He loves them and whenever they bring up their goals, he often tries to dissuade them from pursuing their goals, because he doesn't want them to leave. When he lost his first wife, he was completely devastated and didn't move on until Lulu. When Lulu left him, he was struck with more sadness and grief. When he met his s/o, he decided that never again would he allow someone he was in love with to leave him ever again. He's not sure if he would be able to handle the crushing pain of someone ever leaving him again. He nearly tipped over the edge when Lulu left him, but he's able to pull himself together due to his s/o being there. Without them, he would have most likely gone insane. And that thought scares him. He's not a good person by any means, but he doesn't want to lose himself and become even a fraction of what his father was like as a person, because he detests his father.
𝐓hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
✎✧.* Maidus is always up for trying something new with his s/o. He's always willing to give a go at whatever they want to do. Something that does intrigue him is when his s/o wants to try new stuff in the bedroom. Hey, he's not complaining, he's always excited about something new in that department. He's always happy to try new things with his s/o, he loves his s/o, so he's more than happy to do whatever it is they suggest. This is with the exception of threesomes. Maidus is a one-person type of partner. The only exception to this is Lulu, no one else. He's very picky about whom he lets his s/o interact with. It's not class that he's worried about (As he grew up poor). Rather it's a person's character. He only wants good people to hang around his s/o. He believes that way, then no one else will be able to be a bad influence on them in any way. He only wants the best for his s/o. He wants nothing but the best for them; he loves his s/o more than anything. They're the only person he really has in his life, with the exception of Solomon. They're the only person he actually loves as well (Excluding Solomon and Lulu) so he'd do anything for them. He'd be willing to try a lot of new things for his s/o if that's what they want. There are some places he wouldn't tread, but for the most part, he's open to anything.
𝐔nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
✎✧.* He knows his partner quite well and is somewhat empathetic to their plight. After all, all he needed when he was younger was for someone to be empathetic to him. He wants his s/o to know that he's there for them no matter what (Unlike many people in his life when he was a child). Growing up, Maidus went through a lot of struggles, without anyone to really help him. His father moved on quite quickly from his mother (At least in his eyes) and he didn't really have the time to grieve over her. He would make sure that they know that he'll always be there, no matter what. He's very understanding of their problems and is always there to comfort his s/o. When he sees that they're down, he'll go to comfort them. First, he'll prepare them a nice cup of tea, then he'll make them some sweets. After he's done that, he'll run them a bath and he'll make sure that the bed is extra comfortable. Then after they've taken some time to calm down, he'll sit them down and have a talk with them. He'll listen to all of their problems and what's been concerning them. Once they're finished explaining, or even if they don't want to talk about their problems, he'll wrap his arms around them and he'll place a tender kiss on their forehead and tell them how much he loves them and no matter what, he'll be there by their side and he's not leaving.
𝐕alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is its worth in comparison to other things in their life?
✎✧.* He highly values his relationship with his s/o. Though not as much as he does with his fortune. He would never go back to living the way he did, even if it was for his s/o. He hated the lifestyle he used to live; as he would go for days without eating and he rarely had clean drinking water. As a result, he has a very intense fear of being stuck back in the place he was before. With his new ability, he knows that he has no chance of becoming poor again. However, there is always a nagging fear in the back of his mind, that he will be sent back to that place. The thought scares him and so he prioritizes it over everything else, even above his s/o. He loves his s/o, but this is the most important thing to him and his relationship with them takes second place to his desire to not be poor again. He wouldn't let his s/o know this of course, because they need to think that they're the most important person in the world to him. He loves his s/o and he does value their relationship. He admires his s/o and he admires their kindness and compassion. He doesn't ever want them to leave him, and so he'll pull out all of the stocks. If he can't convince them to stay with his charms, he'll guilt trip or gaslight them into staying with him. But he'll do it in a way so that they never even consider what he's doing.
𝐖ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon
✎✧.* Maidus enjoys combing his fingers through his s/o's hair while he works. He likes having their head on his lap as he finds it comforting. He likes knowing that his s/o is there and that they haven't left him. He likes knowing he's not dreaming and that his s/o really is okay. He likes to hold them close to his chest at night and comb his fingers through their hair. He also just enjoys opening up to his s/o; he's happy to know that they're there for him. His s/o is one of the few people he opens up to about his past, as he is extremely reserved when it comes to his past and hardly ever tells anyone. It's a symbol of trust for him. Only Solomon and Lulu know what happened in his past (They don't know the whole of his past), but they do know quite a bit. Now his s/o knows his past, which makes them one of the very few people he trusts enough to reveal this secret to. He doesn't feel comfortable with revealing his past to a lot of people, as it's extremely personal. The thing that he has never revealed to anyone, not even his wife, is that he was the one who killed his mother after she begged him to kill her. He only ever told Lulu and his s/o about this. He loves his s/o and he is comfortable enough to reveal this very large secret to them, but this would be much further into their relationship.
𝐗OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
✎✧.* Maidus loves to kiss and cuddle; it's just that he's too busy to do it more often than not. Kissing his s/o is one of his favourite things to do. He does also enjoy cuddling them. Sometimes he likes to come up behind his s/o and wrap his arms around their waist while resting his chin on their shoulder. He'll nuzzle his face into the crook of their neck while telling them how much he loves them. Sometimes when he's working, he'll take his s/o by the hand and pull them onto his lap. He'll rest his head on their arm as he works away. Once his s/o is asleep (Because he works for hours on end), he'll scoop them up into his arms bridal style and carry them to the bed, and lay them down, before tucking them in and placing a gentle kiss against the forehead. He'll then climb into bed next to them and wrap his arms around them. He'll combing his fingers through their hair and give their body a small squeeze, all with a warm smile on his face. He also enjoys booping them on the nose and teasing them about how cute they are. Overall, he can be a very affectionate person, it's just that more often than not, he's far too busy to show affection to them. It's something that he dislikes; but whenever he does get the chance to show them affection, he'll happily seize that opportunity, because he does really love them.
𝐘earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
✎✧.* Maidus is good at hiding when he's pining after his s/o. However, Solomon can easily tell that he's missing his s/o. He can see right through his calm and composed demeanour. Maidus throws himself into his work whenever he's missing his s/o (More so than when his s/o is there). He loves his s/o and so whenever he's without them, he's very lonely and he tries to take his mind off the fact that they're gone. After losing so many people, Maidus sometimes gets those flashbacks when his s/o isn't there. In order to cope, he just focuses on his work. He likes to focus his attention on anything but his s/o. While he seems completely normal to most people, Solomon would be able to see right through him. Maidus' voice on the whole is more melancholic, he seems a bit more stressed as well. He's on the whole not doing well when he's without his s/o. Whenever he's without his s/o, he feels lost. However, he's good at keeping a calm and composed smile. Only a very few amount of people can tell that he's not feeling great and that he's yearning for his s/o. When he's without his s/o, he just distracts himself to the point of exhaustion. When his s/o finally does return, he keeps a mutual face and pretends that he wasn't phased by them leaving, when in reality he was upset and missed them.
𝐙eal - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
✎✧.* He is willing to go to great lengths for their relationship. He'll do whatever he can for his s/o and for the progression of their relationship. He's not a good person and has done many terrible things during his life; so he's not above underhanded tactics in order to keep his s/o with him. He can be very manipulative and he would use those tactics on his s/o if he believed that they were trying to leave him. He loves his s/o, so the thought of them leaving concerns him. He already lost his wife and Lulu, he's not going to lose his s/o as well. He loves them too much to allow them to leave him. He would not only manipulate and gaslight them to do whatever he wants, but he would also scare other people away so that no one is able to try and convince them to try and leave him. All while acting like the sweet hard working boyfriend they know him to be. While his s/o would probably pick up on the fact that people are avoiding them, they would probably never once presume that it had something to do with Maidus. And Maidus intends to keep it that way. And if he believes someone might go squealing to his s/o, he won't hesitate to turn them into gold and ship them off as far away as possible. Even if it's someone that's close with his s/o, he still won't hesitate to turn them into gold. So long as it means keeping his s/o around.
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pansexualpanic11 · 4 months
Alice Langley: Yandere Headcanons
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𝐀ffection - How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
✎✧.* Alice is a relatively harmless yandere, she shows her love and affection by being protective and a good friend more than anything. After all, the last thing she wants to do is force her affections on her darling in any kind of way. Because that way, she's certain her darling would never love her. She would never be intense with her actions towards her darling and it would vary on the actions the person commits, on how intense she gets with others. She won't make a move unless she sees that her darling needs her. She also shows her love and affection through doing things for her darling. Whether it be mundane and menial tasks that they need her help with, or they need help with something serious, Alice is always there to lend a hand. She doesn't mind spoiling her darling. It depends on where they are on how she'll be. If it's in Amedris, then she's not afraid of using her status as the hero to gain what she wants if it's for her darling. If they're from Alice's world, she'll use her status and wealth to get her darling whatever they want. Hailing from a well-known family, with a prosecutor for a father and a doctor for a mother, Alice has a pretty wealthy home life, so she's not afraid of splurging a little extra on the person she loves. Of course, there are limits to what she can do, because this is her parents' money, not hers. But she doesn't mind.
𝐁lood - How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
✎✧.* Alice isn't a violent yandere, at the most, she'll simply scare someone off through intimidation tactics. She doesn't like getting violent, because she doesn't want her darling to have a negative opinion about her. She'll only get violent with others if she feels as though she has to. As in if someone hurts her darling, then she'll get violent. Alice used to get into many fights with others, so she's not completely incapable of looking after herself in a fight. If she found out that someone hurt her darling, she would go to great lengths to make them suffer as a result of their actions. She's not afraid of getting violent and using some torture methods to make them regret what they did. If anyone tries to harm her darling, she'll do anything to protect them. Her darling is the most important person in the world to her and she'll do whatever she can to make sure that they're safe. Unprompted, she is quite safe to be around. While she can be moody and irritable sometimes, overall, she's an okay person to be around. She desperately wants to be by her darling's side and she'll do anything they ask. She won't kill for her darling, not even if they ask her to. Sure, she'd rough someone up a bit in order to defend her darling, but she would never kill anyone because she's not a bad person, she's just misunderstood.
𝐂ruelty - How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
✎✧.* She would never kidnap her darling. She trusts them enough to allow them to have free will. She also believes that she doesn't own her darling. Her darling isn't property to her and so she leaves them be. The only time she would ever kidnap her darling is if they're in some kind of danger. Whether it be from King Detsoldue or anyone else who may pose a threat to her darling. Alice would only kidnap them in this instance. Otherwise, she would leave them to just live their life normally. She definitely wouldn't mock them, as she's only doing this for their safety. Alice would never kidnap them under normal circumstances, and this mostly stems from her own upbringing; where she constantly felt as though she was trapped in a cage. As such, she would never willingly force this kind of thing on her darling. Not only because it's wrong, but because she loves her darling and would never want to do anything to hurt them. Alice wants her darling to be happy and safe, so she's willing to do what she can to protect them. She loves her darling and because she wants to stay by their side throughout everything. She'll try her hardest to make it up to her darling for kidnapping them, she'll give them all the freedom she can while keeping them safely locked away from the world. When it's safe, then she'll let them go.
𝐃arling - Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
✎✧.* Aside from kidnapping them, Alice would never do anything against their will. She didn't even want to kidnap her darling, she just wanted to protect them. King Detsoldue and his followers are extremely dangerous and she knows that even if she tries her hardest, there is no guarantee that she'll always be there to protect her darling from harm. As much as she tries to hide her love for them, many people know that she loves them, and as such they could easily use that to their advantage. Because of this, Alice knows she needs to go to any lengths to protect them. She's desperate to make sure that no harm comes to them and so that's the only reason why she kidnapped them. She understands if her darling hates her forever, however, in her mind, she's simply taking necessary precautions. After losing so many people already, she wouldn't be able to handle it if she lost her darling. They're the first person she has ever had romantic feelings for; so losing them would destroy her. Her darling is the main reason she's even fighting in this war to begin with. So, if anything ever happened to them, she wouldn't participate anymore. She only wants to save this world because of her darling, and that is the incentive for so many people to try and protect them, but also the reason so many people want her darling dead.
𝐄xposed - How much of their heart do they bear to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
✎✧.* During the early stages of their relationship, Alice is pretty closed off. However, as time passes, she slowly opens up to them. She opens up about her past and what happened to her that led her to being so reserved and cold-hearted. She shows her darling that she's not as bad as she seems to be on the outside. She loves her darling and wants to show more of herself to them, but she finds it hard. However, she shows her more vulnerable side to them. This is a side that not many people get to see because of how closed-off and cold she seems to be on the surface. Her darling is really the only one who gets to see this side of her. Not even her sister and brother get to see what she's really like for the most part. She does love her darling and she's not afraid to show it. She'll become completely submissive and vulnerable if they allow her to love them. Alice isn't used to being the one pleading and begging for attention and affection (Sure she wants it. Especially because her parents never gave her much attention and affection when she was younger). She just wants someone to love her and she just wants that person to be her darling. Her darling is the only person she's ever felt this way for and she makes that very obvious to them, qs she believes that they're the only person she will ever love romantically.
𝐅ight - How would they feel if their darling fought back?
✎✧.* She would be devastated if her darling fought against her. However, she would be expecting it. You can't just kidnap someone and expect them to be completely okay with it. She loves her darling, but unfortunately, she knows that right now, she's not on her darling's good side. She loves her darling more than anything in the whole world. She would be so distraught if they fought back against her, that she would be in complete despair and would fall to her knees. She would place her head in her hands and just sob loudly, as all she wants is for her darling to love her. She's desperate for them to show her even the smallest bit of attention. Her darling holds her heart in the palm of their hand, and if they use this to their advantage, they can bend Alice completely to their will and get them to do whatever they want. If they use this well, they'll be able to get Alice to do whatever they need (With the exception of letting them go). Alice is so desperate that she would quickly oblige to their demands. Alice loves them so much and she would be willing to do whatever she could in order to protect them. She doesn't care what happens to her, so long as her darling is happy. She would do whatever she could for the progression of their relationship. For her darling's sake, she would just blindly follow whatever it is that they're asking of her. This is especially because of the guilt she feels about the whole situation.
𝐆ame - Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
✎✧.* It's not a game for Alice, she just wants her darling protected from the dangers of Amedris. So watching them try and escape just makes her feel even more guilty. She never wanted any of this, but she wants to protect them, even at the cost of them completely hating her. She gets no enjoyment from watching her darling trying to escape, if anything it just hurts her watching them try and run away from her. However, she grew to accept that her darling would hate her for what she's done to them, a long time ago. It hurts her to see them hate her as much as they do, but she deals with it because she knows she's doing what's best for her darling. She'd do whatever she could in order to make sure that they were safe from any danger. She loves her darling and she's willing to deal with the verbal berating that she receives from them. She's doing this for their sake and in her eyes, once this is over with, they'll be thankful. She does intend on letting them go once King Detsoldue is dead. They can go about their life and live it as they want to, and not be locked up. She loves her darling, and watching them try to escape really breaks her heart. But she's at some ease knowing they won't be able to escape. Because she's the hero, she can have people watching over them all of the time and not only that but Alice herself is strong enough to stop them from escaping.
𝐇ell - What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
✎✧.* The kidnapping would be the worst experience. Alice loves them and would never hurt them if she could help herself from doing it. She would do whatever she could for them. Her darling is one of the most important people in the whole world to her. She would do anything for them. She loves them more than anything and she wants to make their life the best she can. She takes them outside from time to time, she lets them socialize with other people (However it's only people she trusts). Alice loves her darling and she can't picture her life without them. She just wants to be with her darling and she's not ashamed of admitting that she's in the wrong for kidnapping them. She hears from her sister that her darling is upset and afraid, and it completely destroys her on the inside to know that her darling is just so unhappy. It really hurts her. She loves her darling and so she's dedicated to trying to make her darling happy. She knows that they hate her and that does upset her, but she wants to continue trying her hardest for them. Once King Detsoldue is dead, they'll thank her, at least that's what she keeps telling herself to get through the pain of constantly being pushed away. If anyone's being put through Hell and having the worst experience, it's her. She's constantly fighting an internal battle between letting her darling go and be free and potentially losing them or locking them away until King Detsoldue is dead. But she believes she deserves this.
𝐈deals - What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
✎✧.* Her ideal future with her darling would be one where they can happily be together and not have to worry about King Detsoldue potentially killing either of them. She wants to be able to have a nice and quiet life with her darling, one where hardly anyone disturbs them and they can just live in peace together. She loves her darling and she pictures a wonderful future with them. But with the way things have been going, she believes that at this point, it's just fantasy. She believes that she'll never be able to have that quaint and happy future alongside her darling. She knows that her darling doesn't care for her; maybe even going as far as to hate her. Alice is fine with this, what else can she do? Her ideal future is something that will never happen in her mind. She knows that she's never going to get her happy ending with her darling. She knows this deep down inside. She knows that her darling's ideal future is probably being as far away from her as possible. But while that is their ideal future, hers is just settling down with her beloved. Even having a child together; maybe even multiple. She just wants any kind of happy future with them. A future where they don't hate her is good enough for them. She just hopes that once everything is over and done with, her darling can at least somewhat love and forgive her.
𝐉ealousy - Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
✎✧.* Alice gets jealous easily. However, she doesn't lash out at her darling. She doesn't want her darling to feel as though they're being forced into a relationship with her. Because that's not what she's doing, her darling can find someone (So long as Alice approves of them of course. She wants them to be in a good relationship). Her end goal has always been to protect her darling and make sure they're happy. So even if they're not happy with her, she'll be happy as long as they're happy. She would more than likely set them up with Solomon once all is said and done. This is because she trusts him quite a lot and she knows he would treat her darling well. Of course, Solomon wasn't involved in the whole ordeal, as she knew he didn't have the heart for it and he was too soft and most likely would end up letting her darling go. Who knows what would happen to them out there? Alice can't risk it, so for now, she knows that she has to keep Solomon at arm's length. Alice, if she were feeling jealous, would instead lash out by punching the wall or something like that. Of course, then she'd have to receive medical help afterward because she busted open her hand and she doesn't want it to get infected afterward. She would never hit her darling, ever. Not even playfully like she does with others.
𝐊isses - How do they act around or with their darling?
✎✧.* Alice acts protective and caring and overall she acts normal. Her darling gets to see her usual personality, for the most part at least. She has a more domineering and threatening personality, but that's only when she thinks her darling is in some sort of danger. She's very caring towards her darling and shows them the softer side of herself that not many people get to see. She's always there for them whenever they need her. Alice sleeps in a different room from them and never forces any intimacy on her darling and keeps contact to a minimum for the most part, as she knows forcing interactions on her darling wouldn't exactly be the nicest thing. She gives her darling three meals a day (More if they ask for more food). She loves her darling and so allows herself to be treated this way, which she most certainly wouldn't do if it was anyone else. If it were anyone else who was treating her with such hostility, they would receive a beatdown from her. She doesn't like being treated this way but she blames herself for it. As the hero, she has a duty to protect the many over the few. So if given the option to save her darling or thousands of people, she would have to pick the many. So by keeping them safe and out of the reach of other people, then they'll be safe. No one can ever hurt them and she won't have to choose between saving many or her darling.
𝐋ove letters - How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
✎✧.* Alice would go about just being herself for the most part. However, she would do things like making them food and sweets. Alice loves her darling and so wants to try her hardest to try and make them happy. She'll do stuff that her darling likes, even if she doesn't like them. Alice would do pretty much anything her darling asks of them (Except for letting them go), she would even sing for them. If there's one thing to note about Alice is that she hates singing, that's Lulu's thing, not hers. But if her darling asked her to sing for them, then she would accept without hesitation. She would do whatever her darling requests of her; and in fact she would view it as progress if her darling wanted anything to do anything for them. If they wanted to even interact with her, she would be so happy. She'd become giddy and excited after just talking with her darling. The courting before the kidnapping would be simple and sweet, with Alice just trying her hardest to try and gain their attention without being obvious. She would do small and sweet gestures in an attempt to try and gain their attention. However, she would always be second-guessing herself and thinking she's not doing a good job. She's a decent people reader, but when it comes to her darling, she's always doubting herself and whether she's doing a good job or not.
𝐌ask - Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
✎✧.* Her true colours aren't that different from what she presents to her darling. She loves her darling and so she shows them her true colours. She doesn't show them the more violent and colder side of her and instead shows them towards anyone who has the misfortune of double-crossing her. She has her dangerous moments and she can become hostile if pushed into it. She doesn't want to get violent, especially in front of her darling. It's safe to say that they changed her for the better. Even though she did kidnap them, she never wants them to feel like she's controlling or aggressive (Which is a bit too late considering at this point she kidnapped her darling and now they hate her). She tries to save face by being as nice as possible. She shows her nicer and more appealing side to her darling and hides cruelty, arrogance, and overall negative traits from her darling. She has these traits, so you could consider it a mask when she hides these from her darling. But on the whole, she shows them a more positive portrayal of who she is, rather than the person she is inside. These emotions never come out unless she's angered. She's always trying to try and portray herself in the calmest light possible with her darling. However, this facade does sometimes slip when she's with her darling, she just tries not to let it slip too much.
𝐍aughty - How would they punish their darling?
✎✧.* Alice believes being kidnapped and locked away from most of the world is punishment enough. Besides, she never ever wants to harm her darling ever. She loves them and the thought of harming them in any kind of way just doesn't sit right with her. So she never punishes them. Maidus suggests punishing them for the way they treat her, but she always rejects the idea, because, in her mind, she is the one at fault. She's doing this to protect them, but she knows she's not in the right. She bargains with herself, because she fights between justifying it and being angry at herself for kidnapping them. She hates herself for what she's done to them; but because she loves them so much, she can't let them go until she knows it's safe for her darling. She knows that the world will never truly be completely safe, but once she eliminates the biggest threat (That being King Detsoldue), she'll at least feel relaxed enough to allow her darling out into the world once again. She knows what she's doing isn't right. She knows keeping them locked away from the world is one of the most horrible punishments ever, but she's doing this for their own sake. She wouldn't want to punish them any further than they're already being punished. So she would opt not to give them any kind of punishment, even if they're being rude to her.
𝐎ppression - How many rights would they take away from their darling?
✎✧.* Aside from the right to speak with others freely and essentially go outside, no other rights are taken away from them. Alice doesn't even want to keep them away from the world. She's just doing what she thinks is best for her darling and so she's willing to do whatever it takes to keep them safe from harm. Alice wants nothing more than to let them go and live a normal life with them, but she knows that she doesn't really have a choice (At least in her mind) if she wants to protect her darling from the likes of King Detsoldue and his followers. She wants to keep them safe, so she'd do anything to make sure that she keeps them away from King Detsoldue at all costs. She knows that the more she keeps them away from the world, the more they grow to despise her, but she's fine with that, so long as they're not brought to any harm by anyone, then she's happy. Her darling is one of the most important people in the world to her (The only people who she would put above her darling are her sister and her brother). She prioritizes her s/o above her duties in Amedris and she'll continue to do that. She knows that this makes a lot of people dislike her darling; because they want her to take her duties as the hero more safely and not be attached to someone who will slow her down, but she really doesn't care.
𝐏atience - How patient are they with their darling?
✎✧.* She's quite patient when it comes to them, especially when compared to anyone else who riles up the wrong way. Her darling is very lucky she's not aggressive in any kind of way because if she was aggressive towards them, they would be living Hell on Earth. Alice is good in a fight, so if her darling were to receive a more aggressive Alice, they certainly wouldn't be having fun. However, Alice is very patient with them and understands that everything is a lot to adjust to. She knows that her darling isn't having the best time, and she's trying to be as understanding as she possibly can. However, she does sometimes struggle. But she won't take it out on her darling and will instead go and cry on her own, somewhere no one can hear her crying. When she's finished, she'll come and find them and act as though everything was normal and she hadn't just been bawling her eyes out minutes ago. Alice loves her darling and just wants them to be happy; she wants them to both be happy together. Of course, she does know that it's near impossible to achieve that goal because of what she did, but she still sometimes dreams about it happening sometimes. She manages to remain rather patient towards her darling, despite how many times they push her away. She loves them and it hurts her to see them like that.
𝐐uit - If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
✎✧.* Her darling wouldn't be able to escape. But if by some chance they did, she would hunt them down. In her eyes, she's doing this for their own good. She would look for them all over Amedris and she wouldn't stop until she found them. If they died, she would be completely devastated. She'd fall into a deep despair and just refuse to fight any longer. She would resent herself for not being able to protect them better. She would never be able to escape this despair because her darling was the first person that she ever developed such strong romantic feelings for anyone before in her life. So losing her darling would completely destroy her. She would never be the same again. She would never laugh or smile or do anything of the kind. All she would want is revenge against the person who took them from her. She would be on a mission to kill the person who took her darling from her, no matter what it took, she would make sure that she killed them. She wouldn't rest until they were dead by her hands, and if that meant killing King Detsoldue, then she would do it. She would be a shell of the person she used to be, she'd be willing to go to any lengths to get revenge. She would kill King Detsoldue to get her wish; because while at first she would have given up on her quest originally, she soon finds the drive to continue, so that she can resurrect her beloved.
𝐑egret - Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
✎✧.* She feels guilty about it every day. Every day it hurts her so much to see her darling be in such a state. It hurts her heart, just watching them destroys her inside. One day, when she's finally able to kill King Detsoldue, she will let them go, she stays true to her word and lets them go. She lets them live their life normally, or at least as normally as they can. Alice is a woman of her word and she would let them go. She would apologize for everything that happened and she'd wish them luck. She would expect them to leave, but if they actually chose to stick around, she'd be both surprised and over the moon. She would be so happy that she'd even do a happy dance (Something she rarely ever does). She would never kidnap them again. She was only doing that so that they would be safe from King Detsoldue; now that he's dead, she'll happily let them go. She just needed him out of the way so that her darling could be safe. She knows that she has a lot of making up to do to her darling; because while the bars to their cage were golden, it was still a cage. She may have had good intentions, but that doesn't take away from the fact that she still kidnapped them. If they chose to leave her, she would be completely understanding and would allow them to go and live their life. She wouldn't hold them back.
𝐒tigma - What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
✎✧.* Her childhood wasn't a pleasant one. Throughout most of her childhood, she was ignored and berated for not being what her parents wanted. As a result, she put up defensive barriers around herself and pushed people as far away as she possibly could. She grew up having a severe inferiority complex. The way her parents treated her left her afraid and alone. It left her with such strong doubts about herself that she pushed everyone who attempted to try and get close to her as far away from her as she possibly could. Her darling was no exception at first, but eventually, she warmed up to them. This protective urge came from the fact that she was verbally berated constantly and mistreated by her parents and so became so insecure that the thought of developing a bond with someone terrified her, so when she did find someone, she never wanted to let anything happen to them. The mere thought of losing someone who brought her such happiness and brought light and joy into her life for the first time in so many years scares her a lot. She wouldn't be able to handle anything happening to them, she would break down if anything were to happen to them. The intense desire she has to protect them also stems from the fact that she doesn't want to be alone; as her parents always told her that she would be.
𝐓ears - How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
✎✧.* It genuinely upsets her to see her darling upset and crying. Whenever her darling is upset, she'll leave them be because she knows that the last thing they want or need is her trying to come near them. She wants to try and help them but she knows that she needs to leave them be so that they can have some time to calm down. Because if she interjects herself now, that will make them even more stressed and that's the last thing she wants. She wants them to feel at ease when they're with her; so for now, she'll leave them be. Once they've calmed down, she'll wait a bit longer to make certain that they're okay before going in to talk to them. She often tries to reassure them that she'll let them go eventually, once King Detsoldue is dead. She doesn't know how long it will take because King Detsoldue is one of the most powerful beings in the entire of Amedris. Because of how dangerous King Detsoldue is, Alice keeps her darling safe. She would be willing to do whatever she could in order to protect them in any way she possibly could. She's strong enough to be able to stand her own ground, especially if it means that she can protect them from anyone who poses a threat to them. The more her darling pushes her away, the more guilt she feels. But she believes that she completely deserves it.
𝐔nique - Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
✎✧.* Alice falls into the Protective Yandere type (Hogogata), with small blends of the Harmless Yandere type (Mugaigata). This is because she is both protective and harmless, but she mostly falls into the protective trope. She's always on the lookout to make sure that no one poses a threat to her darling. She's also harmless in the sense that she wouldn't mind if her darling got into a relationship. As long as she believes that they're treating her darling well, then she's fine. She just wants someone who will protect her darling and take care of them. She's protective of them and as a result, her sight is as keen as a hawk. She's not going to risk someone dangerous coming into their life. She is extremely protective of them and she won't take any risks when it comes to her darling. She's fiercely protective but also wouldn't want to step in the way of her darling's happiness. She just wants her darling to be happy, even if that means that she can't be the one that they love. She loves them more than life and she would do whatever it took in order to make them happy. Alice essentially is a yandere doormat and her darling can use in whatever way they like. Since she's so devoted to them and doesn't want to be alone, her darling could easily manipulate her into doing whatever they want her to do.
𝐕ice - What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
✎✧.* The weakness they could use against her is by telling her how no one will ever love her; essentially affirming what her parents used to tell her during her childhood. Telling her this would destroy her and cause her to have a breakdown because it's the one thing that scares her the most. Whenever her darling tells her that she'll be alone, she'll go back to her childhood where her mother tells her that no one will ever love her and she'll die alone. She'll be completely vulnerable if her darling tells her this, so much so that she'll plead for them to forgive her. She'll beg and plead to them for forgiveness. If her darling is cruel then they can essentially pacify her by twisting and manipulating her fear of being alone. She would do whatever it is that they ask of her. She would do anything they want her to, so long as they don't leave her on her own and toy with her heart anymore. They can be as horrible to her as they want and she won't leave them. She's devoted to them completely and as a result, is a doormat. Alice is completely enamoured with her darling and she wants to protect them at whatever cost; she'll do whatever she can for them. She'll do whatever she can to make them happy as well. Whatever they ask of her (With the exception of murder) she would be willing to do for her darling.
𝐖it’s end - Would they ever hurt their darling?
✎✧.* Alice would never hurt her darling, they're the most important person in the world to her (Save for Lulu and Adam). She would never dare raise a hand to hurt them in any way, shape, or form. It would mortify her if she was to do something as reckless as harming her darling in any way. She loves them more than anything; so she would never want to psychologically hurt them or physically hurt them. They mean the absolute world to her. Even if pushed, she would never want to hurt them. Her darling is an exception. If it were anyone else, she would have retaliated and made them regret it. But because she loves her darling so much, the thought of hurting them never crosses her mind. She loves them far too much to ever want to hurt them. The thought of anyone else hurting her darling completely enrages her. If anyone tried anything anything on them, they certainly would regret it. Alice would never be willing to hurt her darling; she loves them more than anything. She would rather hurt herself before she hurts her darling. If her darling asked her to hurt herself then she would do it for them. She would do whatever it is they say. Her darling has her completely under their thumb and can convince her to esentially be an obedient puppet. They have her completely under their control.
𝐗oanon - How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
✎✧.* Alice worships her darling, she adores them more than anything. If they asked her to, she would get down on her hands and knees and begin worshiping them. She would tell them how much she worships them if that's exactly what they want. She would do anything they asked. If they asked her to cut her hair short, she would do it. She would dress however they like. She's willing to do whatever they want for them. She would go to any lengths in order to make sure that they're happy. Because at the end of the day, Alice craves affection (Though she often doesn't admit to it). She just wants someone to love her, she wants someone who will never leave her side. Alice loves nothing more than for her darling to give her affection and love. She knows that her darling doesn't exactly like her right now, but she's willing to work towards getting them to like her. She would go to any lengths to win them over and would happily do anything they ask of her. There isn't really an end to the lengths she would go for her darling. Of course, she wouldn't do any degenerate behavior against them, but she would however, do other things for them. At the end of the day, as long as she can get them to love her, she'll be more than happy to do whatever it is that her darling requests of her.
𝐘earn - How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
✎✧.* Alice never really snaps. While she does kidnap her darling, she never truly snaps. She kidnaps them to protect them and she's always the same person to them. What she does could be considered snapping, but also not at the same time. She loves her darling and she tries to retain as much of her patience and sanity as she can. She's not the type of person who will snap easily, it takes a lot to break her down. She tries to maintain as much of her sanity as much as she can. She tries to be as good of a person as she can be for her darling and she tries to keep her sanity and delusions in check. Even when snapped, she would never try and hurt her darling in any way. When she does 'snap' is that she would kidnap them and that's it. It's not even anything because of what her darling did, it's rather because she's completely terrified of losing them. She's afraid of someone hurting her darling. She doesn't ever want to love them. She's so scared when it comes to anyone hurting them because she's terrified that she won't be able to be there to protect them. She's afraid that something will happen to them and she'll be powerless to help them. She often has nightmares of losing her darling. All she wants is to be able to protect them at any cost; so she sees kidnapping them as the only way to protect them.
𝐙enith - Would they ever break their darling?
✎✧.* She would never intentionally break her darling. The thought of doing it sickens her. She didn't ever want to kidnap them, but she felt as though she had to in order to protect them. She would never intentionally hurt them in any way, she wants nothing more than to protect them. She of course might accidentally do it through the kidnapping, but she would never purposely do it. If she ever did break her darling, she would be devastated. In the end, she would technically get what she wanted... Her darling loving her. But this isn't what she wanted. She wanted to protect her darling, not break them. So while she has her darling's affection... Albeit not exactly in the way one would usually receive affection, she's not happy, because she loves her darling and she never wanted to hurt them. She would cry and plead for their forgiveness if she ever broke them. Because breaking them isn't what she wanted. Due to her crippling fear of losing her darling, she kidnapped them; and while she did have some idea of the negative side effects that they could have on her darling, she never once thought about how it could end up breaking her darling. So if she did break them, she would really have no idea what to do and she would try and get them psychological help as soon as she possibly could.
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pansexualpanic11 · 4 months
Colour Code
Red - Yandere
Purple - Friend
Blue - Goodbye
❦ - Fluff Headcanons
What I Do
Coffee Hall Ⅰ
Yuugi Mutou Ⅰ
Alice Langley Ⅰ
Alice Langley (1) ❦
0 notes
pansexualpanic11 · 4 months
Alice Langley: Fluff Headcanons (1)
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𝐀ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
✎✧.* Alice is pretty easy regarding what she wants to do with her s/o in regards to spending time with them. She's not really fussed on how she spends her free time with them because it's the person she's with, not what they're doing or where they are. The thing she enjoys doing the most is just sitting and talking with them. It doesn't matter where they are, as long as they can have a pleasant conversation with one another. If they can do that, then she's more than happy. Sometimes she'll prepare a nice picnic and will take them to a nice place. While they're enjoying their picnic, she'll take her s/o into her arms and hold them close, all while feeding them food. She likes knowing that they're nearby. She likes knowing that they're with her and knowing that she's not truly alone. So anywhere they are, then she wants to be. She enjoys their company, so it doesn't matter where they go. They could be litter picking and she'd still be happy so long as she's with them. She doesn't mind where they are, she wants to spend time with them. As long as they're spending time together, then there will always be a smile on her face and butterflies in her stomach. Her s/o can make her laugh like no other. So whenever she's around them, she's always happy. They can always brighten her day, even when she's at her lowest.
𝐁eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
✎✧.* Alice admires her s/o's legs. Whenever they're talking, sometimes her eyes will cast down to their legs for a brief moment. She doesn't like admitting that (Especially in the earlier days of their relationship). Sometimes she just rests her hand on their leg and traces her fingers along their skin. She sometimes will ask them to get her something just so that she can look at their legs. She will also buy stuff that will define their legs and their figure. She also will sometimes rest her head on their lap when going to sleep and will caress their legs when she's just laying her head there. She isn't sure what it is that draws her to their legs, there is just something that makes her find them quite attractive. She likes them but she won't tell her s/o because she doesn't want to be seen as a pervert. She has her perverted moments, like most people, but she doesn't want her s/o to just think that's her mindset 24/7. She'll also get on top of their lap from time to time and just sit on their legs. All while leaning close to them and resting her head against their shoulders. She enjoys sometimes leaving hickeys on their neck and shoulders, as she enjoys seeing that she's left a mark on them. But she's more than happy to help them cover up if they're not feeling comfortable or anything with people seeing the markings or their legs in general.
𝐂omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc?
✎✧.* Alice isn't an overall touchy person and this is due to how she grew up. She was extremely touch-starved growing up and as such she just doesn't hug or kiss others very often. It took her a very long time to open up to her s/o and forge a relationship with them. If this were at the beginning of their relationship, she wouldn't know what she's supposed to do because seeing them there in that condition, it triggers her fight or flight reflex. Though she would try and comfort them. However, later on in the relationship, she'll feel more comfortable with affection. She will wrap her arms around them and pull them close to her chest and kiss their forehead. She'll comb her fingers through their hair and hum a soft tune to them until they feel better. This is if they're having a panic attack. If they're feeling sad, she'll make them a hot drink and put on a movie and just cuddle them. Alice might not be the best at expressing her real emotions, but she does care. She doesn't want her s/o to feel alone and so she'll do whatever she can to help them feel better. Whenever her s/o is feeling sad, distressed or any other negative emotion, she'll always be there to try and console them. She wants them to know that no matter what, she'll always be there for them. She's simply one phone call away and so, whenever they're not feeling great, all they have to do is call or text her and she'll be right there.
𝐃reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
✎✧.* She pictures a life where she and her s/o can just be content together, without anyone interrupting them. She wants a future with her s/o where she doesn't have to worry about being judged. Due to having two very strict parents who judged her for the slightest of things, she knows it'll be hard to have that kind of life with her s/o without cutting her parents out of her life. While she still loves her parents, she can't picture a nice life with her s/o with them still a part of her life. She doesn't have any specific plans, such as kids and whatnot (Save for the fact that at some point in the future she does want children. Preferably one boy and one girl. Whether they are adopted or biological, she just wants children one day, but she's comfortable with waiting, as there's no rush for her). She lives in the now rather than the future, so she isn't fussed on having kids right now. She plans on living with her s/o one day after they graduate from university. She pictures marrying her s/o one day; when she's not sure, but she knows that one day, she does want to marry them. She wants to create her own business and work there alongside her s/o - preferably she wants to go into the tattoo artist industry, as she has a real knack for drawing and she's always liked ink on skin. So working in a tattoo shop alongside her s/o would be the ultimate dream for her and she wants to make it a reality.
𝐄qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
✎✧.* It depends on who her partner is. Alice often takes on the more dominant role in a relationship due to her hot-headed and strong-willed personality. Due to this attitude, it's hard to find anyone who could be more dominant than she is in a relationship. If her partner is equally as dominant as her, then they would be on the same wave length. Alice has her passive moments where she becomes completely submissive. But for the most part, she is quite dominant and takes on the leading role in everything she does. This is especially apparent when it comes to any kind of relationship she has (Save for if it's her sister, Lulu). It all depends on who her s/o is, because if they're more dominant than she is, then she'll be the submissive one in the relationship. She doesn't mind being the passive party if her s/o wants her to be. It all matters what they're like rather than her preferences. Alice would prefer someone who is able to stand their own ground, someone who can take care of themselves and not have to rely on her for everything. However, she's not against having a more gentle partner. It's her preference to have someone on the same level as her because then she doesn't have to constantly tell them what to do. She is used to taking on leadership roles, however she would prefer to not have to do that in her relationship and take a break from it.
𝐅ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
✎✧.* Alice doesn't take well too confrontation by someone she loves because of what she went through with her parents. She's used to being berated by her parents constantly. As a result, when being confronted by someone she cares for, her first instinct is to completely shut down and become unresponsive. When arguing with someone she doesn't care for or like, she will argue and yell. However, if it's someone she loves, she'll struggle to even get any words out. She'd be completely quiet and essentially give her partner the cold shoulder shoulder because she's not sure how to fight back against someone she's close with. Also if they're the one who starts it, she'll be extremely upset. She would have a lesser opinion of her s/o if they're the one who starts the argument. If she started it, she would be quick to apologize and she'd find a way to make it up to them. However, if it was her s/o who started it, it would take her a while to forgive them. But eventually, she would end up forgiving them. But it would take a lot of apologizing. If she was the one who started the argument, she would do anything and everything in her power to make it up to her s/o. She would cook their favourite food and she'd take them out somewhere nice, like their favourite place and she'd constantly apologize until they forgave her and she'd continue to try and make them feel better afterwards.
𝐆rattitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
✎✧.* She knows what her s/o does for her and is extremely grateful to have them in her life. She's never had someone who's given her affection and love before in the romantic sense quite like her s/o has and does. She makes sure to express her gratitude through the little things. Such as making her s/o lunch, making them hot drinks without being asked, and sometimes (Very rarely) she'll offer them a massage and help them relax after they had a difficult day or whatnot. She loves them and is thankful for everything they've done for her. Since Alice has never had a partner before in her life, she's often surprised that her s/o even likes her. She thinks she's not good enough for them and is genuinely shocked that they seem even remotely interested in her. She loves her s/o and she shows her gratitude through small gestures as in her opinion, it's the little things that mean the most. Sometimes she'll perform a big gesture, but she believes that big gestures are important when you do them rarely because they'll come off more than a surprise and it'll be more genuine. Every single romantic gesture she performs for her s/o would be heavily catered towards her s/o's likes, and dislikes. The gestures would be related to something they like; so she heavily pays attention to what they enjoy.
𝐇onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
✎✧.* She likes and tries to be as honest and open with her s/o as possible, but sometimes she will keep her true emotions and some other things a secret. Alice has never been good at being upfront with her emotions because of how she was raised. So, being open and upfront with her s/o all of the time is difficult for her. Whether or not she's honest with them about something all depends on the severity of what it is. She likes to be honest and share everything with her s/o, even when it comes to stuff that might upset her s/o. However, she will sometimes hide stuff from s/o, but that's only in somewhat rare circumstances or when it comes to how she's feeling, as she doesn't want to burden her s/o with her thoughts and problems. Growing up, she was always worried about expressing her true feelings with her parents as all she would receive in return was judgement. So with s/o, she sometimes worries she'll receive the same treatment. Even though she knows her s/o is a kind person who would never cast her aside like her parents would do (Usually in turn for Lulu or Adam), she still struggles with being honest with them all the time, especially when it comes to how she feels. Despite this having significantly improved during the relationship with her s/o, she still does hesitate sometimes.
𝐈nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
✎✧.* To say that her s/o changed her is a complete understatement, they really brought her out of her shell. Because of her s/o, she became a more open and honest person. She became kinder and learned how to smile more and because of them, she also learned how to laugh more. She is more willing to try new things and becomes more touchy-feely with her s/o than she was before she met them. Before she met her s/o, she really didn't like being touched by others and would recoil away from it. At the beginning of her relationship, she was like that with her s/o. But gradually as their relationship progressed, the more she began to ease up and become a softer and nicer person. She would laugh more and smile more and grow into more of a social butterfly than she was before she got into the relationship. She overall became a sweeter and nicer person in general and especially around her s/o. They help her overcome her personal issues. Beforehand, she would only give love and affection to her younger sister and older brother, but because of her s/o, she shows it to more people. She enjoys just spending time with him and even other people because of how much of an effect that they had on her. Because of them, she has a kinder and more open personality and she is very grateful for that.
𝐉ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
✎✧.* Alice gets jealous quite easily, it's something she can't control (Try as hard as she might). However, she won't act on it unless something happens like them getting too handsy with her partner or if she sees them getting uncomfortable. It's only then will she make a move on the situation. She won't be aggressive or anything of the kind, as she left most of her aggressiveness behind when she progressed further into her relationship with her s/o. She'll simply wrap an arm around her s/o's waist and give the person making the moves the glare of a lifetime. She's not overly possessive and trusts her s/o enough to allow them to just go about their business without interfering. She'll only step in if she feels she absolutely has to. If she sees her s/o is happy and chatting away like nothing is wrong, she won't step in because she knows they're happy. If she feels like she has to do something, then she'll step in without hesitation. She's prone to jealousy but her s/o helped her overcome a lot of the hurdles she faced beforehand. Had this been at the beginning of their relationship, then she would have had a much more intense reaction. It's only due to knowing her s/o on a more intimate level and essentially having been changed by them that she's able to handle the situation. Because, she would have gotten into a fight with whoever it was if it was in the earlier days of their relationship.
𝐊iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
✎✧.* Alice has only ever been kissed once before and it was a surprising one for her and only lasted for a couple of seconds. The first kiss with her s/o would be extremely awkward. She would have no idea what to do, as she has never kissed someone before, save for that one time. She'd be completely unsure of what to do with her s/o; so her s/o would be the one who would have to guide her through the process. If she were to take the lead, she would lead forward and give her s/o a peck on the lips. Her lips are soft and her breath has a subtle scent of cherries. Her kiss is gentle but is filled with passion and love; although brief, her kiss is hungered and filled with desire. It would be an awkward first kiss, but as time progresses, she improves. Her kisses are quick and not very steamy, at least for the most part as she's not an overall PDA girl. Though this is when she kisses in public. In private, her kisses are a lot more passionate and romantic. She'll straddle her s/o, wrapping her arms around their waist and sitting on their lap. Her arms will wrap around their neck and she'll lean in and press her lips against theirs. Her kisses are heated and she'll grind herself against their lap. She gets better with her kisses over time and this is especially apparent when they're in private. Whereas she is more timid in public when it comes to kissing.
𝐋ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
✎✧.* She would be completely unsure of how to go about it, as she has never fallen in love before. Love is a completely foreign concept to her. Even now, she is still bewildered that anyone likes her romantically, let alone someone like her s/o. She knew Toma liked her, but she always brushed it off as a brief crush or would sometimes tell herself that she was imagining things; it was a mix of the two. So the fact that she has such strong and intense feelings for her s/o is completely new to her. Despite being honest and blunt, she's not quite sure how to go about confessing. She'd be a nervous wreck and she'd go to her sister for advice. Once Lulu gives her advice, she'd have more confidence in confessing to her s/o (Although on the inside, she'd still be quite nervous). However, after going over what her s/o likes and dislikes, she'd formulate a plan on how to confess. It would be something that would be important to her s/o; it would cater towards their hobbies, likes and dislikes. Once she has the right moment, she'd finally confess how she feels. It wouldn't be anything that would draw unwanted attention to them, and instead it would be an intimate moment between the two of them. She'd confess her feelings and how grateful she is to have them in her life and how happy they've made her, all while being a blushing mess.
𝐌arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
✎✧.* Alice would want to get married someday as it has always been a dream of hers to get married. However, she's not sure when. She just knows that she wants to get married one day. She would propose in private as she wouldn't want to create a scene. She isn't the most public type of person, as being public is extremely awkward for her. She's not a PDA person and she hates eyes on her. She would put on a romantic movie, and towards the end, she'd comment how being with them makes her so happy. She'd tell them that being with them makes her feel like she's loved. She'd then tell them that she wants to spend the rest of her life with them. And then she'd pop the question. Being married to her would be a rollercoaster; there are good times and there are bad times. She's someone who greatly struggles with her self esteem; she has struggles with accepting herself. Being with s/o does help her quite a lot, but that doesn't mean that her worries have bled away. She loves her s/o and so she's constantly trying to change herself for them. She is trying so hard for them, but it's hard changing herself for them. As long as her s/o is there to support her, she feels better. As long as she has them, then she's able to get through the pain and worries that she feels. The only times they have their lows is when Alice gets into one of her moods and doubts herself.
𝐍icknames - What do they call their s/o?
✎✧.* Alice isn't one for giving nicknames on the whole. She's only ever given nicknames to her older brother, Adam and her twin sister, Lulu. Aside from that, she never gives nicknames to anyone. However, when she starts dating her s/o (Later into the relationship), she would start giving her s/o pet names. Like 'Darling' and 'Love' and she would only really use them behind closed doors. Alice is an affectionate person, but only when in private. She's not really fond of doing stuff like that in public, as she doesn't like eyes being drawn to her. She very much likes her own privacy and finds unwanted attention annoying. In private she's a lot more affectionate and cutesy with her s/o. In public, she'll just address them by their first name or a shortened version of their name. She will often address them by their nickname alone when they're together. She'll often say things like "Love, can you remind me to pick up [Insert Random Item Here] from the shops?" or "Hey, Darling, I was making myself a hot drink, would you like one as well?" maybe even "Sweetie, would you mind grabbing me an extra pillow from the sofa please?" She doesn't have over the top nicknames for her s/o, like her brother or extremely cutesy nicknames for her s/o like her sister does. Alice is more on the basic side.
𝐎n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
✎✧.* Alice is the type of person who likes to keep her emotions to herself. She dislikes being readable to others. At first when she falls in love, her instinct is to push the person away. She'll constantly tell them to leave her alone and to stop bothering her. However, deep inside she wants them to stay with her, she's just afraid of getting hurt by anyone. As a result, she pushes them away. It's obvious to those who are close to her (i.e. Solomon, Adam, Lulu and her other friends) that she has romantic feelings for s/o, she's just unable to open up about these feelings to them. Eventually, after she's finally accepted that she's in love with them, she finally starts acting nicer. She'll do small things for them, such as making them food, offering to spar with them, reading with them, things such as that. She'll also be friendlier around them as well. This is when other people would begin to catch on to the fact that she has romantic feelings for her s/o. Beforehand, it would only be close friends and relatives that know that she has romantic feelings for them. This of course has the exception of her parents, as they never pay attention to her likes and dislikes and couldn't care less that she has someone she loves romantically. As long as she doesn't disgrace the family name. Overall, it's a bit of a rollercoaster of emotions for both Alice and her s/o when she's in love.
𝐏DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
✎✧.* Alice isn't an open person, so she's not open with the fact that she's in a relationship with her s/o. They're not open to being public and romantic with her s/o in front of others. Not many people will know about her relationship with her s/o, because she doesn't want people to know. PDA embarrasses her and as a result, she doesn't display it often. The furthest she'll go is holding her s/o's hand and giving them a peck on the cheek. She doesn't brag about her relationship with her s/o with anyone, save for her sister and brother. She's also too shy to kiss her s/o when other people are watching because she gets too nervous. She doesn't like her s/o kissing her in front of others as well, she'll become flustered. It's a boundary she has. She doesn't like her s/o being open with their PDA in front of others. She doesn't like people staring at her and as a result she'll become a bit defensive if people are watching her and her s/o having any kind of PDA. What she lacks in the PDA department, she makes up for when they're alone. She loves her s/o, but she's extremely reluctant to have any kind of romantic interaction with them outside of their home. She hates being touchy with anyone in public and she's not even very touchy with her sister and brother, so she certainly wouldn't be like that with her s/o.
𝐐uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
✎✧.* Alice is a decent cook. She can't cook as well as Lulu, but she's still a pretty good cook. She can make pretty good meals and she'll cook for her s/o. She likes to do things such as make her s/o breakfast in bed, she'll make them lunches and she'll even make a nice dinner. Her favourite things to make are Udon, Tempura, Sashimi, Donburi, Oden, Soba, Kashi Pan, Miso Soup, Mentaiko, Curry Rice, Shabu shabu hot pot, Gyoza, Kaisa Ryori, Yakisoba, Wagashi and much more. She likes preparing feasts for her s/o, so really they never have to worry about cooking. Receiving praise from her s/o for her cooking will make her even more dedicated to preparing them food. More often than not, she'll cook whatever her s/o craves. She's more than happy to cook food for them, especially if they praise her cooking. Alice is constantly trying to improve on her craft for her s/o's sake. She wants to make delicious food for them and she wants to make them happy. So much as receiving even the smallest compliment from her s/o makes her so happy. She'll become giddy and her cheeks will flush bright pink and she'll offer to make them even more food. While she certainly isn't as good as her sister, she is constantly trying to improve her skills so that she can be the best, all for the sake of her s/o.
𝐑omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
✎✧.* She's very romantic, but it's more so in private. She's not an overall open person and doesn't like drawing attention to herself as it makes her uncomfortable. However, despite this, she loves her s/o and she wants to do things to impress them. She would do pretty much anything her s/o wanted to make them happy. She's quite creative when it comes to making them happy. She knows what they like and dislike and so whenever she makes her romantic gestures, she often thinks about those when performing them. She'll often make them food or draw them pictures. Alice has a talent for drawing and some of her grand gestures are made through the illustrations she makes. Her gestures are only in private, so she won't do any grand gestures in front of others. She can sometimes be cliché, especially at the beginning of their relationship, as she's not exactly sure what she's supposed to do in a relationship. So a lot of her romantic gestures would be from her experience with watching movies. It's only after she gets deeper into the relationship with her s/o that she gets better at coming up with her own genuine symbols of love. She mostly does the little things on the whole, however, the big romantic gestures she makes are significant, but she still does them in private.
𝐒upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
✎✧.* She has a lot of faith in her s/o and encourages them through everything. She tries her hardest to help her s/o achieve their goals and she wants to make them happy. If she doesn't have faith in her s/o, she will tell them as much, but she'll do it as gently as possible. It's so she can prevent them from getting hurt. If it's something minor, she doesn't mind encouraging them through it and she'll be there to help them when it fails. However, if it's something that will hurt them, then she'll tell them her true feelings. If her s/o still wants to go through with it, she'll do all she can to help support them. She is always there to support her s/o and would do whatever she could to make sure that they know how much she loves them and how much she's willing to do for them. She tries to be as supportive as possible and tries to show them that she really does support them. Of course there's the exception of if she thinks that something will hurt them, then she'll do her best to try and sort out the issue quickly and as gently as possible. She never wants to upset her s/o and so she's always trying her hardest to support them and make them know that she's always there for them. As someone who's parents had never encouraged her dreams, she never wants her s/o to feel as though she's not supportive.
𝐓hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
✎✧.* Alice is all for trying to try new things in a relationship. So long as it's not a threesome. Alice is the type of person who wouldn't be able to share her s/o because of her self-esteem. She'd be worried her s/o would leave her for the threesome partner. She's willing to try anything her s/o wants. She's keen to try and explore new things with them; she'll try date nights, different things in the bedroom, anything. She'll do whatever she can for her s/o, and that includes a lot of what they'll ask of her. Her s/o just needs to ask something of her and she'll happily do it for them. That is, with the exception of threesomes. The only people she would be willing to share with are Lulu, Adam and Solomon. Everyone else is a no go for her. She doesn't like sharing and so if her s/o wants to be apart of a threesome with anyone but Lulu, Adam or Solomon (With no budging on the matter), Alice would consider that a deal breaker. She has a lot of insecurities and the thought of her s/o leaving her terrifies her. Growing up, her parents often told her that she would be alone because of how she acted, and because of this, she has a deep rooted fear that this will happen. Because of this, she doesn't want to create an opportunity where her s/o would want to leave her for someone else. At least with her sister, brother and Solomon, she knows they wouldn't do that to her.
𝐔nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
✎✧.* Alice knows her partner quite well, she's good at reading them (Later on in the relationship). She can see how they're really feeling and if she sees that they're feeling down, then she'll be empathetic towards their plight. She can tell when they're lying to her as well, at least for the most part. She understands her s/o doesn't want to open up to her about everything and she's patient in that regard. She knows that opening up to others is a lot harder than it looks and so is there to support her s/o throughout it all. She's always there to lend an ear or be a shoulder to cry on. No matter how trivial the matter that her s/o has, she's always there to listen to them. She's extremely empathetic no matter the situation, even if it's just her s/o having even the smallest of problems in their day, she's there to listen to them. She knows that her s/o needs her at her best, and as such, that's what she always tries to be around her s/o. Her s/o essentially gets the best side of her, a side that not many people get to see. She's always trying to be there for her s/o, to the point where if she can, she'll drop everything just so she can be by their side. She wants to be by their side and comfort them throughout their hard times, no matter what the issue is, she wants to try and help them through every single issue they're going through.
𝐕alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
✎✧.* Her relationship with her s/o is extremely important to her and she values it very highly. Her s/o understands her on a level that not many others do. Even more than her siblings in some regards. She cares a lot about the relationship and does everything in her power to maintain it. She cares a lot about making sure that the relationship is healthy and that her s/o is happy. It's worth a lot more than pretty much everything else in her life. With the only exception being her relationships with Lulu and Adam. She would never leave her s/o; with the exception being if her s/o purposely tries to start fights with Adam and Lulu, without being provoked. In that instance, she would leave extremely quickly. This is because aside from her s/o, her sister and brother are the most important people in her life. However, she would never be dating her s/o if they weren't a good person. Alice loves her s/o and she admires them for being able to stick it out with her as far as they have. Not many people would stick with her for as long as her s/o has. She really does love her s/o, and she values their relationship highly. It's extremely important to her to make sure that her s/o is just as happy as she is in their relationship. So she does prioritize her s/o more than she does with most of the other things in her life.
𝐖ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon
✎✧.* Alice loves combing her fingers through her s/o's hair and leaning on them for support. She rarely opens up about her true emotions, but when she does, she shows how vulnerable she can really be and it takes a lot of trust. It's very tender and soft and it shows a much more gentle side to her that not many people get to see with her. Due to being so guarded, she never really shows her true emotions to others, but she will around her s/o. So having them there for emotional support makes her happy. Them holding her in their arms makes her feel as though she's not completely alone in life. She loves just being around them in general; holding them close and feeling their warm embrace. Any day where she's with her s/o, she's happy. She also enjoys sitting on their lap while reading a book so that she can nuzzle her head against their chest. Being close with them like that always makes her happy. She's just completely enthralled by them and spends every single second of every day fantasizing about ways that she can make them happy. So long as she's by their side, nothing can really put a damper on her day. Just being with them is enough to clear up any bad day she's having. Seeing her s/o makes her so happy, it brightens up her entire day. Just so much as receiving a single text message from them is enough to lift her entire mood.
𝐗OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
✎✧.* Alice can be very affectionate in private. She loves to kiss and cuddle with her s/o when they're alone. She'll often approach them when they're laying down and wrap her arms around their waist and cuddle into them, resting her head on their side. Another thing she enjoys is just spending time with her s/o. She loves it when they praise her for something, as it makes her feel special and happy. She enjoys holding their hand and just walking side by side with them. She'll sometimes bring their hand to her lips and she'll press a gentle kiss against their skin. She'll rest her head against their shoulder and just stay like that, her lips pulling themselves into a small smile. Sometimes, she'll just look up so that she can see what her s/o's facial expression is. Being sat next to them, it makes her stomach fill with butterflies and she'll just look up at them with nothing but pure love in her eyes. She loves just cuddling and kissing them, she loves just being with them. Their cuddles cause her to feel tingly and excited. It makes her feel bubbly and happy. She can't ever truly describe the way her s/o makes her feel, but she knows they make her feel happy and content inside. She's only ever affectionate in private, as being affectionate in public makes her extremely uncomfortable and uneasy, so she just avoids it.
𝐘earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
✎✧.* Alice misses her s/o whenever they're not there and will try and take her mind off them. She'll try and think of anything but her s/o so that she's not not overly sad or anything. She'll try and take her mind to something else, like reading or cooking. But she'll subconsciously read things that her s/o likes or cooking things her s/o likes. It's enough to make her a bit of a flustered mess. People can usually tell that she's missing her s/o and pining for them. Her older brother will often tease her for being so obvious with her true emotions (Much to her annoyance and chagrin). Alice tries not to show that she really cares for her s/o in front of others. Of course, Adam often teases Alice's s/o about how much Alice really cares for them. Alice cares a lot about her s/o and being without them makes her sad. She hates being without them and she's often quite sad when they're gone. Growing up, Alice was extremely lonely, with the one friend she actually had turning on her and abandoning her. As a result, this left her with quite a few trust issues and led her to ostracize herself and become quite lonely. As a result, while she is used to her own company, she doesn't always want to be alone. This is especially obvious and apparent when it comes to her s/o, she never wants to be alone after becoming official with them.
𝐙eal - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
✎✧.* She's willing to go to great lengths for the relationship, such as performing grand gestures of romance, even in front of others if that's what her s/o asks of her. However, she won't go as far as to commit a crime for her s/o. She has a hard no on committing crimes as that's not her style and she's not a bad person. If they wanted her to, she would go back to the way she was before, aggressive towards everyone else besides her s/o (But she would act slightly tsundere for s/o). She wouldn't really want to be that way with her s/o, but if that was what they wanted, then she would be willing to do that for her s/o. She wants to be the ideal partner for her s/o and she would do whatever she could in order to make sure that they're happy. She loves her s/o and she's willing to do whatever her s/o requests of her. Of course, with the exception of committing a crime. Alice used to be someone gangs feared and she was constantly getting into fights with people. If her s/o admired her like this, she would be willing to change back into how she was before she got into a relationship with them. She loves her s/o, so if that's what they want from her, she would be willing to do it (Beating up people and everything). She never really wants to go back to this way, but if it's what her s/o wants then that's what she'll do.
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