#Yandere Female Oc
2smolbeans · 7 months
Yandere CEO in a room with darling, handing them a contract sheet for them to sign:
"I know this company is going to miss you, but you have to understand why I have to do this. You deserve more than this, you deserve to have so much-"
Otaku darling already knowing yandere CEO's intentions and signing it immediately:
"Yep, don't care! Chain me up, don't care. All I ask for is funding for my lovely figures - and oh! A membership for all of these streaming websites. You're right, I deserve so much more, so take me now!"
Yandere CEO surprised but not disappointed as they take the signed contract:
"Okay..Didn't plan that to happen..But then again you always belonged to me. So why would I be surprised..?"
Darling immediately jumping onto their lap, happily hugging them as they accept their fate:
"Mhn-hmn! <3"
The aftermath of yandere CEO consensually 'kidnapping' an otaku darling <3
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Yandere Cheerleaders + Football Team
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The thing about cheerleaders and the infamous football team is that they’re quite accurate to their stereotypes
Now not every cheerleader team is run by a head girl who’s a massive bully 
Or that the football team is filled with dumb jocks that are just as violent if not worse
But they’re nothing to scoff at 
They’re beautiful
They’re athletic
And they're disciplined with confidence that comes with successful games and competitions
Such perks might give them quite a bit of power
Power that’s doubled when they’re working together
If you’d like to be happy you’re better off not figuring out just yet 
Since your arrival to the University, you’ve noticed more of your things have gone missing
Maybe this move made you more frazzled than you thought
Because you’ve found that you haven’t been able to keep friends like you used to
At least not without some help
“So you’re the new student, huh? Welcome to Energi University. As cheer captain, I’m really happy to welcome you finally!”
As she drags you along throughout your schedule, you’re waiting for the punch line
The moment she switches to embarrass you or smile coyly as she says something underhanded about your appearance
But she doesn’t 
Only twirling her hair as she asks you where you learned to glow like you do
You find it odd but you’re not complaining
Movies taught you that she and her team were top of the food chain 
so if they liked you enough maybe it’d trickle to some friends eventually
“Looking for a partner? Me too. How about we uh work together, freshie. If we finish before class ends you can have my varsity jacket and I can have yours.”
It seems it works as the beefy but beautiful captain of the football team partners up during chemistry
Between the two captains, you think you’re making progress
Finally beginning to make friends
But you couldn’t be farther from the truth
Already you were skipping right into the pitfall that was their playground—Energi University
It started with the cheerleader’s captain, gorgeous, rich, and with a serious attitude problem
She was making her daily rounds with her two main girls
‘Putting the worms in their place’ as she’d report to her team
Until she found something interesting 
a glasses-wearing nerd had been holding a file, scrolling through someone’s social page with such dedication they didn’t even realize they were being cornered
And its not just someone—you
while her girls were exploring the use of pins on the human body, she was going through this fairly thick file
A file all about you
Filled with hundreds of pictures of you some with consent some not
Extensive organized lists of your likes and dislikes
And a neat report on your current whereabouts and social circle
By the end of it, she was intrigued
She’s never been one for reading but she just can’t put it down
Having to be brought back into the real world when her girls are done playing 
“Already? Ugh, let’s go find the next one this little report of his might be worth selling to those stupid jocks.”
That’s just an excuse 
she’s combing over your photos again as she re-reads about the mundane drama in your life
“Babe, I thought you said you wanted to spend time with me? Not lose braincells studying!” 
Her boyfriend–captain of the football team is trying to draw her attention with kisses and inviting touches
But she’s just too focused
Eventually, he’s going to snatch it all away, taking a look at it
“Who’s this? Your latest victim?”
“Puhlease they don’t even know me…yet.”
The nights they spend together is searching you on socials as they filter through these words about your world
There’s just something about you that has them enraptured
For them it’s like when they first started dating, running off from their teams to gush about their latest finds about you
Texting all through the night about schemes to meet you
Whispering on the bus on their way to seasonal competitions
It isn’t long before the nosey teams start poking around
All it takes is a whispered mention of your name and they’re stalking your socials 
Some hire private investigators to tell all they can get their hands on
It’s like a virus how the whole team is eventually letting your distant lovely little life take up all of theirs 
At some point words and posts just aren’t enough
“Yo Cap, why don’t we just get them to come here?”
“Yeah! I know I can get my dad to extend a scholarship and dormitory if something happens at their old school.”
“Hmm, I do still have those lighter fluid canisters.”
“Oooh and I can get them out of the dorms for awhile!”
“Then  we can swoop in and be the knight’s of shining armor they’ll need!”
“C’mon, captain! Let’s bring them home, aren’t you tired of looking at them through the screen?”
“Don’t you think it’d boost our morale for the championship?”
“Yeah!!” Pleaassee!?”
What terrible captains they’d be if they let their teams down now
So the plan is set, you conveniently are stood up on a date when your dorm and campus is burnt down killing so many friends you made+
The mysterious fire destroying their security footage and all your belongings too 
Its natural you start looking for a new college, a safer option
“Hey (Y/n) why don’t you come to our next game? Forget about that horrible fire and cheer us on!”
“Wait how did you know–”
“Grapevine cutie! Now what do you say to a sleepover!?”
“Not after we do our victory party!”
“Oh, you’ll have to try our captain’s famous jello shot! It’s going to knock your clothes+ socks off.”
Both Captains will watch happily as the group swarms you 
Your questions about the slug you made plans with prior were drowned out in their shouting and giggling
Their goal wasn’t to make you worry 
After all, they had the power to dissolve all of that 
The Captains and their teams
“Now that we have them I don’t see any reason, why our teams won’t be planned for an all-around victory in the nationals.”
“Of course, though we could do it without them. Money and pure talent are a given for people like us.”
“Still there’s nothing wrong with sharing a good luck charm.”
“You are absolutely right..”
“Aren’t I always? That being said we’ll have to talk about the…hoarding issue.”
“Oh yeah, I wanted to talk to you about that. The next time one of your cheerleaders interrupts me, they’ll be dealing with more than broken legs.”
“And your players should know the next time they take my time with (Y/n) away they won’t just become paralyzed.”
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hiii!! still getting used to messaging bloggers, so i apologize if i seem rude 😭😭 im a lil shy…
just wanted to say i LOVE your writing and each of your yanderes! im literally obsessed each time you post and love each one of your OCs. 🥺🥺🫶 the amount of depth of details you put into them blows me away!! \(^ヮ^)/ you are one of my absolute fav blogs and for once a blogger that doesn’t make me feel uncomfortable to contact ❤️❤️
i hope you don’t mind me asking for more content of the farm fics!! i would love to see more big daddy and mrs béne, or the koi quintuplets! maybe how they would be if reader fell in love with them or confessed to them? feel free to ignore or take your time; personal matters come first!! ♡
can i be 🍧 anon?
Even sweeter than honey
a/n: awww shucks.. you got me blushing up a storm 🍧😊 also I'm guessing you already know how horny I make my ocs, so this'll be no excuse 😭🌺
Tw: none I think, just pure fluff and horny idiots
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tancho: he would want to belly flop with joy! When you finally say yes to his insistent need to mate with you, he'll nearly faint from all the blood pumping into his nerves. Expect lots of nosebleeds during the consummation
kiko: she's the more quiet one out of the five, giving you a happy smile and leading you a bit far away from the little dock. Where you can both mate peacefully with no surprise guests p.s. it doesn't work
hime: her little fin ears start wiggling with joy as she drags you into water, holding you and making you float along with her as she smothers you with her love. Making Happy clicking sounds, she splashes any of her siblings that get too close
Tsu: they clap their hands in joy and sit themselves up on the little dock next to you. Copying what they saw the other land dwellers do. Holding your hand, kissing your lips, and they may or may not do it Infront of their siblings. Giving the 4 a shit eating grin as they claim you
Koromo: who let this horny bastard out of the underwater cave. As soon as you agree he's dragging you into the water and into their cave. Already tugging off your clothes and ravaging your neck with kisses. Impatient to get you nice and full with his eggs
Mr's bené and big daddy: they're elated! Mr's bené Dragging you to the barn with big daddy close behind. If you're afab, she'll hold you close with your back pressing against her lactating tits, all while big daddy pounds into you. If you're amab, surely you can wait 3 more months until the baby is born? Meanwhile,you can get a head start with big daddy
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abbyfmc · 4 months
Yandere Empress! x Emperor! Reader Headcanons:
Hello everyone, I hope you are doing well in the midst of all this unusual heat (especially those of you who are in tropical areas and countries, like me).
There is a whole section on Tumblr and other pages regarding yandere kings and emperors, and although there are things about yandere queens and empresses, I don't see that they are usually given so much prominence, so that's what I'm here to try today.
Topics to be covered: Gender roles, murder, manipulation, obsessive behaviors and everything that entails. Maybe a little masochism.
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Most likely, first of all, the old gender roles are VERY marked and prominent, but that is no excuse for an empress not to be a yandere. On the contrary, she will discreetly open the doors to many possibilities.
Most likely, you met in childhood or when you were a prince. You didn't even choose her, but they chose her for you.
Maybe she didn't like you at first either, because she was forced to marry with you.
Whatever the case, she will have slowly developed obsessive feelings for you.
He will always address you with respect and affection.
If you loved her from the beginning, she will be very happy and everything will be fine.
She will clearly gladly help you govern. She would control the court and internal palaces, while you would only be in charge of political and state affairs.
And speaking of the internal court, there would probably be the imperial harem where the concubines, consorts, noble consorts, noble ladies and the first and second class assistants would be; while she is the main wife. All of them would be obliged to obey the yandere empress and would address her as "your/her highness".
Perhaps at first she does not attack the concubines or their children, and may even get along with them or at least be neutral towards them; But if she sees that they are trying to get closer to you to escalate power, overtake her or try to get your attention more than she considers safe, then she will start to act.
If she gets pregnant, she will be really very happy because she feels like she will finally have a little piece of you.
If the baby is a boy: He will internally want and beg you to make him the crown prince. She will treat him very well, with a lot of love, discipline and responsibility. *If the baby is a girl: He will take care of her with love, the same discipline and fill her with gifts and talents.
In any case, she would be a loving and responsible mother to your children.
If for some reason you prefer any other woman in the harem and her said son over the yandere empress herself and your legitimate son, then that will make her feel pressured and she will begin to act against that woman.
She will be able to pressure her children to stand out (especially if it is a prince); she would make the harem women attack each other; or, she would engineer situations in which she would cause tragedies to the consorts and concubines such as: "spontaneous" abortions, murders of women and princes, poisonings, "light" punishments, etc.; and she would do them in such a way that she would indirectly manipulate others into committing the crimes for her, and so she would never be guilty of the murders of her rivals and her son's rivals.
Maybe and just maybe she could have been a victim of palace intrigue, so she would discreetly kill people to not only have your love, but also to defend herself.
She will pretend to you that she cares about the problems of consorts and concubines.
She will appreciate ALL the gifts you give her.
She will punish all the servants who she considers do not treat you well, do not do their job well, or who simply discover their crimes for your love.
She loves when you visit her, but hates when you visit other concubines. She loves when you hug, praise and kiss her but HATES it when you do the same with others.
Does she see that a servant is VERY close to you and wants to seduce you? She will punish her with beatings to death; burning her alive or with more than thirty or forty lashes on that servant and her family.
If you notice her obsessive and strange attitudes towards you and become suspicious of her, she will feel paranoid.
If your mother, the Empress Dowager, is still alive, the Yandere Empress will take good care of her so don't worry.
When you get sick, she will take care of you personally.
If you die, even if she is the empress dowager, she will be extremely sad.
She will make beautiful birthday gifts with a lot of love just for you.
She will do ANYTHING for and for you, such as singing, dancing, accompanying you on trips, sewing clothes for you, eating with you, taking walks, etc…
If you discover her crimes and punish her, she will accept it. She will accept house arrest, kneeling for hours, slaps and even whipping; but the ONLY thing that would make her lose her sanity would be for you to demote and depose her, taking away her imperial position to put another consort of hers in her place. She would see it as a betrayal and it would drive her crazy.
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dipolardruid · 5 months
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Yandere, toxic relationship, kidnapping, attempted break up on readers part.
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"What...? No, I wasn't trying to, you know I wouldn't do anything like that!" Tina says with a desperate tone as she closes in on you.
You take a step back to create distance, which causes her to look at you with an unreadable expression "yet you knowingly do it, I've told you repeatedly to stop doing things because they make me uncomfortable, Even after that you still do them." At this she seems to look away a couple of times before making eye contact with you.
"I swear it's never on purpose!" Before you're able to respond or do anything, she continues on."I promise I really mean it! It won't happen starting today!" She says in a pleading tone as she lightly scratches and squeezes her fingers.
"You're right it won't happen starting today because I want nothing to do with you." You quickly turn away before Tina can respond to your words. However, you don't get far before you're grabbed by the back of your shirt "Wait stop w-where are you going?"
Pulling away from Tina, she tries to grab you again, which only causes you to become more aggressive in keeping her hands away, which results in Tina becoming more desperate to hold onto you "please don't go! I promise! I promise I'll stop!" The struggle is enough to cause you to trip over your feet, causing both of you to almost fall.
"Will you stop already! Just leave me alone!" At your raised voice, Tina flinches back, her eyes squinted, fist raised to her chest in a self soothing manner, but it seems to have stopped her from trying to grab you again.
At this, you walk away from her and out of her room, looking back every so often to make sure she isn't behind you. While walking towards the front door, you see both Petra and Jake walking towards you. Upon seeing your upset face, Jake puts up his hand to stop you.
"What's wrong?" He tries to make eye contact with you, but you avoid his gaze looking over at the floor."Go ask Tina." You tell him before walking past him and Petra they both take a quick look at each other before Jake speaks up. "I'll go check on Tina. " Petra nods before following behind you.
That day ended with Petra taking you home and Tina's nonstop calling and texting until you had to block her number.
Despite this, the others sat around you during school hours. Petra or Jake may talk to you, but it's mainly Paul who tries to get you to speak to Tina again.
"Come on, you guys had an argument that's all there is to it. What's the big deal?" He says he says wrapping his arm around your shoulder. However, upon trying to move out of his grip, he tightens his forearm around your collarbone, keeping you in place "ok how about this you just come over you don't have to make small talk with her or anything but just be around like before" you look at him to reject but before you can he speaks up "please..." he says pleadingly.
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You don't know why you accepted, you never should've, it would've been better to just take the guilt and walk away from him, to ask for help if he refused to let you go yet you didn't.
Now, here you were watching your face plastered on the screen as your parents beg for your safe return, promising all that they have and more. At this, everything begins to blur as a sob escapes your throat.
"Why...?" Is all that you could muster before the tightness in your throat becomes too much for you to continue talking.
Tina sits beside you, stroking your back. "You tried to leave, I would've handled this better if you listened to everyone else about just coming back, but you wanted to be stubborn about it"
You wanted nothing more than to smack her away and yell, but you knew the consequences of that. You lost count of all the things she's done to you after some time. Things were bearable if you simply let it happen instead of constantly fighting back.
"It's ok...it's ok, come here, no more crying. I don't like it when you cry." Tina says, pulling you closer to herself, your head on her chest.
"They're still looking for me....you can't keep me here forever, tina." You say between breaths as you try to catch your breath. "Really? I would say otherwise, the news has stopped talking about you, your disappearance came and went as everything else does, your parents... let's say they aren't a worry." Tina strokes your head as she says this.
At this you feel you feel your body stiffen and your breath catch in your throat.
As you're about to question her, Tina runs her thumb over your lips before speaking, "That's enough for today. It's late, so let's get you ready for bed." At this, you go to speak up only to be met with Tina's side glance, causing you to keep your mouth shut.
You hate it. You hate the way you fear her. The way your body tenses up as she tucks you into bed and smooths the blanket around you, yet you can't help but let it happen even if you did fight back, you're just a human. Physically, you could stand a chance. However, if she decided to use her power, you'd be on the floor clutching your ears in pain, not only that it'd alert everyone in the house along with the others.
So as much as you want to shove past her as she walks out that door, all you can do is lay in this bed watching her back as she walks out able to do whatever she wants, whenever she wants.
"One more thing." This causes you to look over at her " I love you, Goodnight"
You don't want to say it but you have to yet everytime you do it feels as if you're about to vomit. "Y/N" This causes you to flinch your head back as she says your name with a warning edge to it.
"I-I love you too..."
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Request are open!
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deuxcherise · 4 months
Collar Crimes: All Bark, No Bite (2/2)
C/w: Unhealthy relationship dynamic | Unhealthy behavior | Dubcon / Noncon (All PG, don't worry… well it’s Yandere PG) | Yandere | Yandere Female and Male OCs | Gender Neutral Reader | Harem x Reader | ANGST | Swearing | Includes a pic of a pair of golden rings for reference (you’ll see why~)
A/n: So this is the second half! This half isn’t as happy as the first one. Tryna make people feel the angst, you feel me? Haha, just kidding. This half is more sad though, and it kind of does have a long conversation scene near the end. Characters go a little crazy... Uh, what else? Oh, I highly recommend you read the first half of Part 3 before this half so that it makes sense. Also if this is the first time you’ve come across this series, I highly recommend you should start from Part 1 or Part 0. Enjoy~
TL;DR? Basically sad half of Part 3. Read Part 3 (1/2) first to make sense. If first time here, read Part 0 or Part 1. Enjoy~
Masterlist | Part 0, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 (1/2), Part 3 (2/2) (you’re here!), Part 4
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It has been five months since you and Lyn started dating. She had told you to be prepared, but you would have never dreamed of being prepared for this.
“I love you I love you I love you…”
She repeats those three words as she nuzzles your neck and hugs you from behind, sitting on the couch. You tremble on her lap.
Your phone dings on the table, and your heart skips a beat when she suddenly becomes quiet. She lifts her head from your neck. Before you can grab your phone, she snatches it quickly and unlocks your phone. It's a text message from one of your ex-coworkers who is getting worried you aren't replying lately.
“Lyn… Honey, I need to answer that.”
You reach for your phone, only for Lyn to push you out of her lap and stand up, holding the phone out of range. Her face is stone cold, her eyes narrow and sharp.
“... You know what? … This thing is starting to annoy me. I think… I think I know what I should do, ” Lyn says, with a smile that doesn't reach her eyes. “For the both of us.”
She then walks over to the balcony. The hairs stand up on your skin as you realize what she's about to do. You quickly get off the couch and rush to her, hands out. “No no no no no-”
Lyn chucks the phone over the rail, letting it fall 16 floors down.
You scream at her, “Why?”
She looks at you, unaffected. “(Y/n), I love you… so much.”
You freeze, as the whole situation dawns on you.
She spoiled you with presents, took you out on all kinds of dates, made you feel comfortable with her, made you think it was okay to live with her since you were spending time at her house more than yours, let her dress you however she wanted to, let her have her way with you whenever she wanted, locked you inside her house 24/7 with surveillance all over the place and even the bathroom, and now this?
“You don't love me…” you whisper.
Shock fills Lyn's face upon hearing your words, mouth agape. She looks away, as if there must be a camera somewhere, and then looks back at you. “What did you say?”
The more it dawns on you, the more you start repeating over and over like a broken record.  “You don’t love me. You don’t love me. You don’t love me. You–”
“(Y/n), what are you saying? Do you hear yourself?”
“I said, You. Don't. Love. Me!” you scream. “This isn't love! Maybe it was at first, but not… this! This is… This is obsession!”
Lyn flinches and stares at you in disbelief, mouth agape. Lyn places her hands on her hips and looks up at the sky, unable to understand why you're being like this.
After a few long moments, she then closes her eyes, takes a deep breath and looks at you with her usual soft eyes. The ones that made you think everything will be alright if you stay by her side. Those lovesick puppy eyes. It makes you want to forgive her, even though you know you can't.
“I know… that you don’t love me,” she starts off, voice uneven as tears start to form in her eyes. “And I know…  that you will...” She closes her eyes and pauses for a moment to collect herself, “never… never tell me that you love me. I… haha… I probably messed up, right? Ah… But you know what?” She opens her eyes again. “I think… I think I can live with that. As long as you're mine, I can live with that.”
You watch her reach into her pants pocket and bring out a velvet box. You think it’s another present, another bribe, but instead when she opens it, there are two golden rings nestled together. She takes them, throws the box without a care, places one ring on her left ring finger, and then closes the distance between you two to grab your left hand.
“W-what are you doing?” you screech, clawing at her hand.
“Hold still. This is for the both of us.”
Struggle all you want, she successfully places the ring on your ring finger. She then grabs your other wrist and takes a knee, just like when she first asked you out. She gazes lovingly into your terrified eyes, with all her twisted obsession, and begs,
“Marry me. Please.”
[Present day…]
Lyn walks down the street, playing with the golden band on her left ring finger. She smiles gently yet sorrowfully. The moment she walks up the bar, she puts on her serious mask at the sight of someone standing beside her boss’s father.
Ollie’s father, a man of a few words, nods towards Lyn as a greeting. Lyn nods back. “... Mr. Panthera, good evening. Is this–”
“Eris,” Eris responds, holding out his hand. “I’ll be taking over Mr. Panthera once I’ve been training for a week. Nice to finally meet you… Lyn. Heard a lot of great things about you.”
Lyn shakes his hand, somehow feeling something’s off. “... Likewise. You’re Ollie’s friend, correct?”
Eris lets go of Lyn’s hand, a little forcefully. “His best friend, yeah~”
“... Ah.”
Ollie’s father nods with satisfaction. Eris salutes the old man with a smile, and Lyn nods again, before the old man enters the bar to join his son. Lyn takes her position at the door. Eris stands beside her, with his hands behind his back.
Lyn raises an eyebrow. “... You can go home now.”
“Mm… “ Eris sucks in air through his teeth. “Yeah, I know… but I think I’ll stay just a little longer. To observe how you do things. That okay?”
Lyn shrugs. “... Suit yourself.”
Being the bouncer for the current shift, greets the guests as Eris observes. Ollie’s bar, The Cat’s Meow, is quite exclusive to a select few VIPs in the country, thus there is never a lot of activity, but there is always a lot of dough coming in.
An hour into Lyn's shift, when there’s no one around except for the sound of crickets, Eris finally breaks the silence.
“I see you have a ring on your left ring finger. You married?” he asks, stretching his arms above his head.
Lyn takes a deep breath.“... Yes.”
“Ohhh~ How lucky. How long have you been married?”
“... Six years now.”
Eris whistles in amazement. “That's pretty long. Congratulations.”
“... Thank you.”
“You must love your spouse a lot to last six years in marriage, huh?”
“... I do.”
The corner of Eris's mouth twitches. “... You know… You're a pretty dry conversationalist, huh?” Eris comments.
“... So I've heard.”
Eris nods understandably. “Okay… Well! I, too, have a lover waiting for me at home. I took this job so that I can show off my manly side, ya know? Show that I can provide, be a member of society, and not just use up all my inheritance.”
“... Good for you.”
“Mm hm! Mm hm! Hey, since you've been married for so long, could you give me some advice? Like how did you get your lover to marry you? Mine's not so keen on getting married, ya know? They’re kind of a hard nut to crack.”
Lyn pads her ring with her thumb. “... You shouldn't force your lover to marry you… especially if they don't want to.”
“I know right~? So I told my lover that we could elope instead. They aren't really big on labels, ya know? Honestly, I’m pretty okay with anything, really, as long as we're together.”
Lyn remembers you and asks, “... Won't you… start to resent them for… not loving you back the way you want them to… after a while? Won't you go insane thinking they might leave you for someone else?”
“Mmm… Nah. I’m pretty confident in my ability to love them for as long as it takes. I’ve dealt with a lot of bullshit since I was a kid, ya know? My lover… I can wait forever if that’s what they need.”
Lyn lets out a heavy sigh. “... Be careful then. Leave them before you start to hurt them.”
Eris scoffs. “Speaking from experience?”
Lyn flinches. “... No.”
Eris checks her reaction, raising an eyebrow “Huh, that's interesting. Didn't know Ollie hired a psycho for a bouncer.”
Lyn grits her teeth at Eris's audacity. “Excuse me?”
“You’re excused.”
“... You got a bone to pick or something?”
“Yeah, just a little bit.”
Lyn blinks multiple times in disbelief. “What do you want?”
Eris sucks in through his teeth, tilting his weight between the balls and heels of his feet. “You own the buildings around the intersection between 7th and 8th, right?”
Lyn doesn't want to question how he knew. “... What's it to you? Are you looking to buy?”
“Yeah, exactly!”
“Sorry, not for sale.”
“Ehhhh? Why not? Look, I have the money. I can even wire it to you today.”
“Was it my comments?  Sorry, was just sizing you up is all.”
“Still no.”
“Oh, c'monnn.”
“Tch. You remind me of my lover.”
“... ?”
“Obviously, you could never compare to them. It’s just that I offer money and gifts and they're always like ‘No’.”
“... Good. They know what they want. Stop annoying them,” Lyn advises, exasperated from this conversation.
“Mm, nah. I wouldn't say I annoy them,” Eris says, thoughtfully. “My lover's kind of a tsundere, if I think about it. I give them a hug, they tell me to stop hugging them, I continue to hug them, and then they just give up and let me. I'm pretty sure they enjoy my perseverance.”
Lyn pities whoever has the misfortune of being this guy's lover. “... Wow, good for you.”
“Yeah… so I'm looking to buy from you just one of the apartments on 7th and 8th. My lover lives there and honestly the landlord there is doing such a shit job making sure they're safe. D’ya know how many criminals I've had to take care of every time I visit my lover? My god, where’s all of the trash coming from…?”
Lyn thinks about the crime reports she received about the area around that building lately. It couldn’t possibly be this guy's doing, could it? One small guy… Impossible. Curious, she asks, “...Which one?”
“The red building.”
There's no way, right? Lyn thinks.
“... What a coincidence. My… spouse… happens to live in that building too.”
“Really? Wow… small world.”
“So, can I buy it from you?”
“Ugh, fine!” Eris sighs. “You know what I think?”
“.....” Lyn looks up at the night sky, hoping he'll go away...
“... What?”
Eris smirks. “I think you should give up the ‘married’ shtick. It's kind of lame.”
Lyn’s head whips towards Eris. “... Excuse me?”
“You’re excused,” Eris replies with a shrug. “We both know you're not married. You've got the…” Eris gestures to all her with a circular motion with a hand. “The sad puppy who got kicked to the curb look. And I did some research on you before I came here, so I know well for a damn fact you’re not married.”
Lyn shakes her head in disbelief. “... Ah, so that’s how you knew. And you called me a psychopath earlier.”
Eris shrugs. “I like to call it for what it is.”
“... Ah... I guess it's true when they say that it takes one to know one then.”
“Haha," his voice sounds hollow. "Yeah… Anyway, listen, I don't really want anything to do with you, but you're standing in my way.”
Lyn raises an eyebrow. Did she ever give him the impression that she wanted anything to do with him? "... What do you mean?”
Before Eris can answer, Ollie walks up to the bar’s entrance, giggling with the most maniacal grin on his face, like the cat that got the cream. Upon seeing the two, he stops and waves.
“Boss,” Lyn greets with a nod. “Good evening.”
“Ollie!” Eris greets happily before asking, “Why are you outside?”
Ollie can't contain his giddiness as he waves them off. “Ah, don’t mind me. Hehehe. Goodnight, you two. Stay safe when you go home tonight.”
After Ollie's goes inside, Eris prompts Lyn with, “Hey, why do you wear a ring if you're not married?”
Lyn looks at her ring, gleaming from the light of the streetlamp, and takes a deep breath. “... What does it matter to you?”
“Can you just answer the question, lady?”
Lyn sighs and rolls her eyes. If it'll get him to stop with this stupid conversation, she might as well comply.
“Fine. If you really must know, it's because it's a reminder. A reminder of how much I loved them. Loved them so much I wanted to be with them forever and always. Loved them too much until it hurt them. Loved them too much to let them go completely from my heart–”
“Sheesh, I was asking for a simple answer. Not a whole poem,” Eris cuts in. “Don’t you know how to talk to people?”
Lyn has half a mind to throw this man against the wall. “You asked for an answer, and you got one.”
“Sure, but you’re not together anymore, right?”
There is a sharp pang in Lyn's heart. “... Yeah. We aren't… together… anymore. This ring… is all I– huh?”
By the time Lyn had noticed, Eris had already left. Lyn lets out an exhausted sigh. What’s the problem with that guy? Rude.
It was a short walk from the bar to the city parking garage, and all the while Eris had his hands in his pants pocket. One of them fingers an item in his pocket, as he analyzes the whole conversation with Lyn.
Once he reaches his car in the city parking garage, he pulls out the item and looks at it, rolling it between his fingers.
A golden ring. Engraved in Latin with the words for “Love you forever and always” on the inside. He looted from your house during one of many nights he stayed over, without your knowledge. It matches the one Lyn is wearing. One half of a couple’s rings.
Eris smiles bitterly. “Now why, oh, why would you keep something like this, huh (Y/n)? When you have me now?”
He looks towards the vast space of the parking garage. No one would be able to find it, or someone might just pick it up and sell it for some quick cash. He makes a fist with the ring in his hand and reels it back.
Only to cancel the moment, from bowing over from a crazy laughter that suddenly erupts from his body. If there were any poor souls nearby, they would have believed something demonic was in the place, or there was an escapee from the nearest insane asylum.
“AUGH! I can't do it. WHY??” Eris shouts, gripping strands of his hair with his empty hand. “You're making me go crazy, (Y/n)! Is this stupid ring… so important to you that you’d keep it after all of these years? You’re not even together anymore, right? THEN WHY? This is… this is such bullshit! WHY CAN’T I JUST THROW IT AWAY!? WHY WHY WHY WHY!?”
With his heart pounding out of control, he takes several deep breaths. He releases his hair and starts rubbing away the heavy tears rolling down his face with his arm.“ Ah… Ahahaha… hic! … I can't… hic! … I can’t help but think… hic! ... that you might still… love… hic! … her… Do I… hic! … even have a chance, (Y/n)?”
After he takes some to calm down, he sniffs, straightens back up, and looks at the ring again.
“She... said it herself. You're not together anymore, right? And it’s not like you wear this either, so that means you don’t love her all that much anymore, right?” Eris asks the ring as if it is you.
“You’re probably just… holding onto the memories. Yeah… No wonder you're so closed off from me!” Eris begins to smile. “That’s fine. That just means I just need to do more to carve a space in your heart for myself, right? I’m not like her. I would never dream of hurting you. I just need to replace her little by little, right? It's okay, (Y/n). I can wait… Forever and always, ya?”
With that conviction, he pockets the ring, and gets into the car when his phone suddenly starts to vibrate.
Bzzt! Bzzt!
Huh. That's weird, he thinks. The only people who have his phone number are Ollie, his family, and well, you. Of course, it probably isn't you since you'd never– HOLY SHIT!
He has never picked up a phone call faster in his life. Excitement flows through his veins like liquid nitrogen. “(Y/n)-”
“You asshole!”
Well… small steps are better than nothing… Eris's smile grows really wide.
YEAH, THAT’S RIGHT! For once, you've called him first! And you felt comfortable calling him on his personal cell after all of this time. HECK YEAH! hat's progress! Ah, it’s so good to hear your phone voice again~ He bets Lyn hasn’t heard your voice in forever. HAH! Fuck you, Lyn! He's (Y/n)’s man now, not her. So much for a fucking ring. HAH!
“Hey! Are you listening to me?” you ask, annoyed.
Eris pouts. “Sorry, was just lost in my thoughts. Love, did you only call me to call me an ‘asshole’? Not that I mind, since I love your voice and all, but that’s really mean, ya know?”
He hears you groan on the other side of the line. “What’s with your voi– No, You wanna know what's mean? Stealing my family portrait. Give it back!”
… Huh? He feels flattered that you thought of him, but your family portrait? The one on your table? Sure, he took your ring… and he does fill your fridge with his home cooking, but typically he leaves everything where it is because it’s your apartment.
“I… Love, I would never touch your family portrait.”
“Well, your friend did! I don’t know who planned it, but tell him to return it immediately! Or I will… I will… Well, just bring it back. Please.”
You hang up.
To Eris, you sounded like you were crying. He calls you.
Briing! Briing! Tch.
“What?” you croak.
Eris can't help but giggle. You picked up his phone call on the first ring~
“I'm going to hang up.”
“W-wait!” Eris clears his throat. “(Y/n), I would never ask anyone to take your family portrait. Could you describe to me what my supposed friend looks like? What happened? Did you call the police?”
“Is…that so… No, I didn’t call the police because he said he was your friend and I thought you were playing a cruel joke on me. He said your name, Eris, so he does know you for sure. He had black hair, with white roots I think? Kind of like a tuxedo cat. Um… green cat-like eyes. Um, doesn't really talk much and stares a lot. But he has the audacity to eat someone's else food and then throw the bowl on the floor without so much of a ‘thank you’! Can you believe it?”
“Ah…” Eris flattens his mouth from spouting his inner thoughts.
GOD. You're so adorable when you ramble. You're really attached to your food, huh? You must really like eating some of his home cooking, since he knows you have nothing else in there. And the way you're describing the perpetrator sounds like you're describing a cat–
There's only one person who that reminds Eris of.
"Do you... need anymore details?"
“I think I know who you’re talking about.” His tone is unnervingly even.
“R-really? Oh, thank goodness. Thank yo– I mean, Good. Please return my family portrait quickly. ASAP. Bye.”
You hang up before he can bid you goodbye. He calls you. You pick up on the first ring again.
Hehehe. “Go to sleep soon, okay? I’ll take care of it. Love you~”
"... Okay."
You hang up again. Eris pockets his phone, before resting his head against the steering wheel. His smile turns into a frown as he absorbs and analyzes all of the information he's just received.
After a moment or two, Eris lets out a guttural sigh as gets out of the car. He slams the door shut, locks his car, and starts hurrying back to the bar, grumbling to himself, “One fucking obstacle after another…”
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glaucouscherubim · 1 year
↳˳;; ❝ Roxanne-Rose "Roxie" Parisᵕ̈೫˚∗
[Implied fem reader!]
First one to the month, Stereotyped queen bee and cheerleader. With a but of add ons...
Includes: Not pre-read, no drafts, Gay awakening, Mentions of kidnapping.
╳°»。 ∾・⁙・ ღ ➵ ⁘ ➵ ღ ・⁙・∾ 。«°╳
Plump lips, dirty blonde hair with a red scrunchie, short skirt, dressed in the school’s colors.
She wore a bomber jacket that matched her brother’s, dressed in her cheer uniform for spirit week. The bright red lip gloss complimenting her dark eyes. Her eyeshadow and mascara sparkling and shining.
All eyes on her and her friends.
The Regina George. The Heather Chandler. The-
“Roxanne-Rose Paris?”
“Here.” She raises her hand.
The Roxanne-Rose Paris.
She just goes by Roxie though.
Sophomore year, Cheer captain. She is rude, snarky, sarcastic, and the queen bee. She is a grade above you and lives in her Mother’s manor.
She had past relationships, from her brother’s friend and most of the captains to the sports team. Only a small fling though….
Then, she saw her brother looking over at a table... where you sat…
Wanting to one up her brother, she did it before her brother could: To walk over and introduce herself to you. And then her brother followed after [much to her annoyance.]
It was slow, but she thought your demeanor was cute, adorable even. You were so friendly! How could anyone not want to be with you?
She began to slowly hangout with you for a bit. Before practices, before classes and in between them. But, she began hanging out with you and clinging to you more when her brother hung out with you.
It wasn’t fair that he saw you on both A and B days! It wasn’t fair that he shared Five periods with you combined on A days and B days!
It wasn’t fair that her good for nothing older brother and his dumb small brain that couldn’t win a single game this season for some reason gets to have you all to himself!
She would rather have you wrapped up with rope and placed in her closet and duct taped to a chair so that she could admire you by herself! Keeping you away from her brother and having all your time 24/7! Two birds with one stone!
Oh gosh… she’s sounding like a psychopath…
Why is she so possessive over you?!
She sees you as only a friend… right? She sees you as only a friend. Keep cool, Roxanne-Rose. She is not closeted. She is not gay. She has never been gay. Not like that’s a bad thing, but she is not gay. She dated guys before! Multiple! She likes guys! She’s attracted to them!
But then she sees you running in track like a fucking hawk. How are you running so fast? Why do you run so quietly?…. Why do you have hunter eyes? Why does she feel the same way about you like when she had a crush?
Does she? SHE LIKES YOU?! Wait, you can’t like her back, right?
But… what if you did?! Would you love being hers? Being wrapped with duct tape and rope in a room?!
"Cool it Roxie. Just breathe in and out. You sounds like a maniac psycho. make sure no one suspects anything. Even if You had a chance, I'll just scare them off with my thoughts…."
╳°»。 ∾・⁙・ ღ ➵ ⁘ ➵ ღ ・⁙・∾ 。«°╳
“Hey, babe.” She greets you, joining you and her brother as they walk you to your chess club. She snaps her compact shut after fixing her lip gloss.
Just act normal, Roxanne. Act normal.
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darlingrini · 2 years
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You guys like yandere boys but what about...Yandere Women??? Specifically a college cheerleader, who loves cats and absolutely will stab someone for staring at you while you two are on a date. Kitten just is looking out for you <33 and wearing her best date outfits uwu ~
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dilfartist · 11 days
Making yandere striper fic. What should the gender be?
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pansexualpanic11 · 8 months
Alice Langley: Yandere Headcanons
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𝐀ffection - How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
✎✧.* Alice is a relatively harmless yandere, she shows her love and affection by being protective and a good friend more than anything. After all, the last thing she wants to do is force her affections on her darling in any kind of way. Because that way, she's certain her darling would never love her. She would never be intense with her actions towards her darling and it would vary on the actions the person commits, on how intense she gets with others. She won't make a move unless she sees that her darling needs her. She also shows her love and affection through doing things for her darling. Whether it be mundane and menial tasks that they need her help with, or they need help with something serious, Alice is always there to lend a hand. She doesn't mind spoiling her darling. It depends on where they are on how she'll be. If it's in Amedris, then she's not afraid of using her status as the hero to gain what she wants if it's for her darling. If they're from Alice's world, she'll use her status and wealth to get her darling whatever they want. Hailing from a well-known family, with a prosecutor for a father and a doctor for a mother, Alice has a pretty wealthy home life, so she's not afraid of splurging a little extra on the person she loves. Of course, there are limits to what she can do, because this is her parents' money, not hers. But she doesn't mind.
𝐁lood - How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
✎✧.* Alice isn't a violent yandere, at the most, she'll simply scare someone off through intimidation tactics. She doesn't like getting violent, because she doesn't want her darling to have a negative opinion about her. She'll only get violent with others if she feels as though she has to. As in if someone hurts her darling, then she'll get violent. Alice used to get into many fights with others, so she's not completely incapable of looking after herself in a fight. If she found out that someone hurt her darling, she would go to great lengths to make them suffer as a result of their actions. She's not afraid of getting violent and using some torture methods to make them regret what they did. If anyone tries to harm her darling, she'll do anything to protect them. Her darling is the most important person in the world to her and she'll do whatever she can to make sure that they're safe. Unprompted, she is quite safe to be around. While she can be moody and irritable sometimes, overall, she's an okay person to be around. She desperately wants to be by her darling's side and she'll do anything they ask. She won't kill for her darling, not even if they ask her to. Sure, she'd rough someone up a bit in order to defend her darling, but she would never kill anyone because she's not a bad person, she's just misunderstood.
𝐂ruelty - How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
✎✧.* She would never kidnap her darling. She trusts them enough to allow them to have free will. She also believes that she doesn't own her darling. Her darling isn't property to her and so she leaves them be. The only time she would ever kidnap her darling is if they're in some kind of danger. Whether it be from King Detsoldue or anyone else who may pose a threat to her darling. Alice would only kidnap them in this instance. Otherwise, she would leave them to just live their life normally. She definitely wouldn't mock them, as she's only doing this for their safety. Alice would never kidnap them under normal circumstances, and this mostly stems from her own upbringing; where she constantly felt as though she was trapped in a cage. As such, she would never willingly force this kind of thing on her darling. Not only because it's wrong, but because she loves her darling and would never want to do anything to hurt them. Alice wants her darling to be happy and safe, so she's willing to do what she can to protect them. She loves her darling and because she wants to stay by their side throughout everything. She'll try her hardest to make it up to her darling for kidnapping them, she'll give them all the freedom she can while keeping them safely locked away from the world. When it's safe, then she'll let them go.
𝐃arling - Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
✎✧.* Aside from kidnapping them, Alice would never do anything against their will. She didn't even want to kidnap her darling, she just wanted to protect them. King Detsoldue and his followers are extremely dangerous and she knows that even if she tries her hardest, there is no guarantee that she'll always be there to protect her darling from harm. As much as she tries to hide her love for them, many people know that she loves them, and as such they could easily use that to their advantage. Because of this, Alice knows she needs to go to any lengths to protect them. She's desperate to make sure that no harm comes to them and so that's the only reason why she kidnapped them. She understands if her darling hates her forever, however, in her mind, she's simply taking necessary precautions. After losing so many people already, she wouldn't be able to handle it if she lost her darling. They're the first person she has ever had romantic feelings for; so losing them would destroy her. Her darling is the main reason she's even fighting in this war to begin with. So, if anything ever happened to them, she wouldn't participate anymore. She only wants to save this world because of her darling, and that is the incentive for so many people to try and protect them, but also the reason so many people want her darling dead.
𝐄xposed - How much of their heart do they bear to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
✎✧.* During the early stages of their relationship, Alice is pretty closed off. However, as time passes, she slowly opens up to them. She opens up about her past and what happened to her that led her to being so reserved and cold-hearted. She shows her darling that she's not as bad as she seems to be on the outside. She loves her darling and wants to show more of herself to them, but she finds it hard. However, she shows her more vulnerable side to them. This is a side that not many people get to see because of how closed-off and cold she seems to be on the surface. Her darling is really the only one who gets to see this side of her. Not even her sister and brother get to see what she's really like for the most part. She does love her darling and she's not afraid to show it. She'll become completely submissive and vulnerable if they allow her to love them. Alice isn't used to being the one pleading and begging for attention and affection (Sure she wants it. Especially because her parents never gave her much attention and affection when she was younger). She just wants someone to love her and she just wants that person to be her darling. Her darling is the only person she's ever felt this way for and she makes that very obvious to them, qs she believes that they're the only person she will ever love romantically.
𝐅ight - How would they feel if their darling fought back?
✎✧.* She would be devastated if her darling fought against her. However, she would be expecting it. You can't just kidnap someone and expect them to be completely okay with it. She loves her darling, but unfortunately, she knows that right now, she's not on her darling's good side. She loves her darling more than anything in the whole world. She would be so distraught if they fought back against her, that she would be in complete despair and would fall to her knees. She would place her head in her hands and just sob loudly, as all she wants is for her darling to love her. She's desperate for them to show her even the smallest bit of attention. Her darling holds her heart in the palm of their hand, and if they use this to their advantage, they can bend Alice completely to their will and get them to do whatever they want. If they use this well, they'll be able to get Alice to do whatever they need (With the exception of letting them go). Alice is so desperate that she would quickly oblige to their demands. Alice loves them so much and she would be willing to do whatever she could in order to protect them. She doesn't care what happens to her, so long as her darling is happy. She would do whatever she could for the progression of their relationship. For her darling's sake, she would just blindly follow whatever it is that they're asking of her. This is especially because of the guilt she feels about the whole situation.
𝐆ame - Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
✎✧.* It's not a game for Alice, she just wants her darling protected from the dangers of Amedris. So watching them try and escape just makes her feel even more guilty. She never wanted any of this, but she wants to protect them, even at the cost of them completely hating her. She gets no enjoyment from watching her darling trying to escape, if anything it just hurts her watching them try and run away from her. However, she grew to accept that her darling would hate her for what she's done to them, a long time ago. It hurts her to see them hate her as much as they do, but she deals with it because she knows she's doing what's best for her darling. She'd do whatever she could in order to make sure that they were safe from any danger. She loves her darling and she's willing to deal with the verbal berating that she receives from them. She's doing this for their sake and in her eyes, once this is over with, they'll be thankful. She does intend on letting them go once King Detsoldue is dead. They can go about their life and live it as they want to, and not be locked up. She loves her darling, and watching them try to escape really breaks her heart. But she's at some ease knowing they won't be able to escape. Because she's the hero, she can have people watching over them all of the time and not only that but Alice herself is strong enough to stop them from escaping.
𝐇ell - What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
✎✧.* The kidnapping would be the worst experience. Alice loves them and would never hurt them if she could help herself from doing it. She would do whatever she could for them. Her darling is one of the most important people in the whole world to her. She would do anything for them. She loves them more than anything and she wants to make their life the best she can. She takes them outside from time to time, she lets them socialize with other people (However it's only people she trusts). Alice loves her darling and she can't picture her life without them. She just wants to be with her darling and she's not ashamed of admitting that she's in the wrong for kidnapping them. She hears from her sister that her darling is upset and afraid, and it completely destroys her on the inside to know that her darling is just so unhappy. It really hurts her. She loves her darling and so she's dedicated to trying to make her darling happy. She knows that they hate her and that does upset her, but she wants to continue trying her hardest for them. Once King Detsoldue is dead, they'll thank her, at least that's what she keeps telling herself to get through the pain of constantly being pushed away. If anyone's being put through Hell and having the worst experience, it's her. She's constantly fighting an internal battle between letting her darling go and be free and potentially losing them or locking them away until King Detsoldue is dead. But she believes she deserves this.
𝐈deals - What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
✎✧.* Her ideal future with her darling would be one where they can happily be together and not have to worry about King Detsoldue potentially killing either of them. She wants to be able to have a nice and quiet life with her darling, one where hardly anyone disturbs them and they can just live in peace together. She loves her darling and she pictures a wonderful future with them. But with the way things have been going, she believes that at this point, it's just fantasy. She believes that she'll never be able to have that quaint and happy future alongside her darling. She knows that her darling doesn't care for her; maybe even going as far as to hate her. Alice is fine with this, what else can she do? Her ideal future is something that will never happen in her mind. She knows that she's never going to get her happy ending with her darling. She knows this deep down inside. She knows that her darling's ideal future is probably being as far away from her as possible. But while that is their ideal future, hers is just settling down with her beloved. Even having a child together; maybe even multiple. She just wants any kind of happy future with them. A future where they don't hate her is good enough for them. She just hopes that once everything is over and done with, her darling can at least somewhat love and forgive her.
𝐉ealousy - Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
✎✧.* Alice gets jealous easily. However, she doesn't lash out at her darling. She doesn't want her darling to feel as though they're being forced into a relationship with her. Because that's not what she's doing, her darling can find someone (So long as Alice approves of them of course. She wants them to be in a good relationship). Her end goal has always been to protect her darling and make sure they're happy. So even if they're not happy with her, she'll be happy as long as they're happy. She would more than likely set them up with Solomon once all is said and done. This is because she trusts him quite a lot and she knows he would treat her darling well. Of course, Solomon wasn't involved in the whole ordeal, as she knew he didn't have the heart for it and he was too soft and most likely would end up letting her darling go. Who knows what would happen to them out there? Alice can't risk it, so for now, she knows that she has to keep Solomon at arm's length. Alice, if she were feeling jealous, would instead lash out by punching the wall or something like that. Of course, then she'd have to receive medical help afterward because she busted open her hand and she doesn't want it to get infected afterward. She would never hit her darling, ever. Not even playfully like she does with others.
𝐊isses - How do they act around or with their darling?
✎✧.* Alice acts protective and caring and overall she acts normal. Her darling gets to see her usual personality, for the most part at least. She has a more domineering and threatening personality, but that's only when she thinks her darling is in some sort of danger. She's very caring towards her darling and shows them the softer side of herself that not many people get to see. She's always there for them whenever they need her. Alice sleeps in a different room from them and never forces any intimacy on her darling and keeps contact to a minimum for the most part, as she knows forcing interactions on her darling wouldn't exactly be the nicest thing. She gives her darling three meals a day (More if they ask for more food). She loves her darling and so allows herself to be treated this way, which she most certainly wouldn't do if it was anyone else. If it were anyone else who was treating her with such hostility, they would receive a beatdown from her. She doesn't like being treated this way but she blames herself for it. As the hero, she has a duty to protect the many over the few. So if given the option to save her darling or thousands of people, she would have to pick the many. So by keeping them safe and out of the reach of other people, then they'll be safe. No one can ever hurt them and she won't have to choose between saving many or her darling.
𝐋ove letters - How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
✎✧.* Alice would go about just being herself for the most part. However, she would do things like making them food and sweets. Alice loves her darling and so wants to try her hardest to try and make them happy. She'll do stuff that her darling likes, even if she doesn't like them. Alice would do pretty much anything her darling asks of them (Except for letting them go), she would even sing for them. If there's one thing to note about Alice is that she hates singing, that's Lulu's thing, not hers. But if her darling asked her to sing for them, then she would accept without hesitation. She would do whatever her darling requests of her; and in fact she would view it as progress if her darling wanted anything to do anything for them. If they wanted to even interact with her, she would be so happy. She'd become giddy and excited after just talking with her darling. The courting before the kidnapping would be simple and sweet, with Alice just trying her hardest to try and gain their attention without being obvious. She would do small and sweet gestures in an attempt to try and gain their attention. However, she would always be second-guessing herself and thinking she's not doing a good job. She's a decent people reader, but when it comes to her darling, she's always doubting herself and whether she's doing a good job or not.
𝐌ask - Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
✎✧.* Her true colours aren't that different from what she presents to her darling. She loves her darling and so she shows them her true colours. She doesn't show them the more violent and colder side of her and instead shows them towards anyone who has the misfortune of double-crossing her. She has her dangerous moments and she can become hostile if pushed into it. She doesn't want to get violent, especially in front of her darling. It's safe to say that they changed her for the better. Even though she did kidnap them, she never wants them to feel like she's controlling or aggressive (Which is a bit too late considering at this point she kidnapped her darling and now they hate her). She tries to save face by being as nice as possible. She shows her nicer and more appealing side to her darling and hides cruelty, arrogance, and overall negative traits from her darling. She has these traits, so you could consider it a mask when she hides these from her darling. But on the whole, she shows them a more positive portrayal of who she is, rather than the person she is inside. These emotions never come out unless she's angered. She's always trying to try and portray herself in the calmest light possible with her darling. However, this facade does sometimes slip when she's with her darling, she just tries not to let it slip too much.
𝐍aughty - How would they punish their darling?
✎✧.* Alice believes being kidnapped and locked away from most of the world is punishment enough. Besides, she never ever wants to harm her darling ever. She loves them and the thought of harming them in any kind of way just doesn't sit right with her. So she never punishes them. Maidus suggests punishing them for the way they treat her, but she always rejects the idea, because, in her mind, she is the one at fault. She's doing this to protect them, but she knows she's not in the right. She bargains with herself, because she fights between justifying it and being angry at herself for kidnapping them. She hates herself for what she's done to them; but because she loves them so much, she can't let them go until she knows it's safe for her darling. She knows that the world will never truly be completely safe, but once she eliminates the biggest threat (That being King Detsoldue), she'll at least feel relaxed enough to allow her darling out into the world once again. She knows what she's doing isn't right. She knows keeping them locked away from the world is one of the most horrible punishments ever, but she's doing this for their own sake. She wouldn't want to punish them any further than they're already being punished. So she would opt not to give them any kind of punishment, even if they're being rude to her.
𝐎ppression - How many rights would they take away from their darling?
✎✧.* Aside from the right to speak with others freely and essentially go outside, no other rights are taken away from them. Alice doesn't even want to keep them away from the world. She's just doing what she thinks is best for her darling and so she's willing to do whatever it takes to keep them safe from harm. Alice wants nothing more than to let them go and live a normal life with them, but she knows that she doesn't really have a choice (At least in her mind) if she wants to protect her darling from the likes of King Detsoldue and his followers. She wants to keep them safe, so she'd do anything to make sure that she keeps them away from King Detsoldue at all costs. She knows that the more she keeps them away from the world, the more they grow to despise her, but she's fine with that, so long as they're not brought to any harm by anyone, then she's happy. Her darling is one of the most important people in the world to her (The only people who she would put above her darling are her sister and her brother). She prioritizes her s/o above her duties in Amedris and she'll continue to do that. She knows that this makes a lot of people dislike her darling; because they want her to take her duties as the hero more safely and not be attached to someone who will slow her down, but she really doesn't care.
𝐏atience - How patient are they with their darling?
✎✧.* She's quite patient when it comes to them, especially when compared to anyone else who riles up the wrong way. Her darling is very lucky she's not aggressive in any kind of way because if she was aggressive towards them, they would be living Hell on Earth. Alice is good in a fight, so if her darling were to receive a more aggressive Alice, they certainly wouldn't be having fun. However, Alice is very patient with them and understands that everything is a lot to adjust to. She knows that her darling isn't having the best time, and she's trying to be as understanding as she possibly can. However, she does sometimes struggle. But she won't take it out on her darling and will instead go and cry on her own, somewhere no one can hear her crying. When she's finished, she'll come and find them and act as though everything was normal and she hadn't just been bawling her eyes out minutes ago. Alice loves her darling and just wants them to be happy; she wants them to both be happy together. Of course, she does know that it's near impossible to achieve that goal because of what she did, but she still sometimes dreams about it happening sometimes. She manages to remain rather patient towards her darling, despite how many times they push her away. She loves them and it hurts her to see them like that.
𝐐uit - If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
✎✧.* Her darling wouldn't be able to escape. But if by some chance they did, she would hunt them down. In her eyes, she's doing this for their own good. She would look for them all over Amedris and she wouldn't stop until she found them. If they died, she would be completely devastated. She'd fall into a deep despair and just refuse to fight any longer. She would resent herself for not being able to protect them better. She would never be able to escape this despair because her darling was the first person that she ever developed such strong romantic feelings for anyone before in her life. So losing her darling would completely destroy her. She would never be the same again. She would never laugh or smile or do anything of the kind. All she would want is revenge against the person who took them from her. She would be on a mission to kill the person who took her darling from her, no matter what it took, she would make sure that she killed them. She wouldn't rest until they were dead by her hands, and if that meant killing King Detsoldue, then she would do it. She would be a shell of the person she used to be, she'd be willing to go to any lengths to get revenge. She would kill King Detsoldue to get her wish; because while at first she would have given up on her quest originally, she soon finds the drive to continue, so that she can resurrect her beloved.
𝐑egret - Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
✎✧.* She feels guilty about it every day. Every day it hurts her so much to see her darling be in such a state. It hurts her heart, just watching them destroys her inside. One day, when she's finally able to kill King Detsoldue, she will let them go, she stays true to her word and lets them go. She lets them live their life normally, or at least as normally as they can. Alice is a woman of her word and she would let them go. She would apologize for everything that happened and she'd wish them luck. She would expect them to leave, but if they actually chose to stick around, she'd be both surprised and over the moon. She would be so happy that she'd even do a happy dance (Something she rarely ever does). She would never kidnap them again. She was only doing that so that they would be safe from King Detsoldue; now that he's dead, she'll happily let them go. She just needed him out of the way so that her darling could be safe. She knows that she has a lot of making up to do to her darling; because while the bars to their cage were golden, it was still a cage. She may have had good intentions, but that doesn't take away from the fact that she still kidnapped them. If they chose to leave her, she would be completely understanding and would allow them to go and live their life. She wouldn't hold them back.
𝐒tigma - What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
✎✧.* Her childhood wasn't a pleasant one. Throughout most of her childhood, she was ignored and berated for not being what her parents wanted. As a result, she put up defensive barriers around herself and pushed people as far away as she possibly could. She grew up having a severe inferiority complex. The way her parents treated her left her afraid and alone. It left her with such strong doubts about herself that she pushed everyone who attempted to try and get close to her as far away from her as she possibly could. Her darling was no exception at first, but eventually, she warmed up to them. This protective urge came from the fact that she was verbally berated constantly and mistreated by her parents and so became so insecure that the thought of developing a bond with someone terrified her, so when she did find someone, she never wanted to let anything happen to them. The mere thought of losing someone who brought her such happiness and brought light and joy into her life for the first time in so many years scares her a lot. She wouldn't be able to handle anything happening to them, she would break down if anything were to happen to them. The intense desire she has to protect them also stems from the fact that she doesn't want to be alone; as her parents always told her that she would be.
𝐓ears - How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
✎✧.* It genuinely upsets her to see her darling upset and crying. Whenever her darling is upset, she'll leave them be because she knows that the last thing they want or need is her trying to come near them. She wants to try and help them but she knows that she needs to leave them be so that they can have some time to calm down. Because if she interjects herself now, that will make them even more stressed and that's the last thing she wants. She wants them to feel at ease when they're with her; so for now, she'll leave them be. Once they've calmed down, she'll wait a bit longer to make certain that they're okay before going in to talk to them. She often tries to reassure them that she'll let them go eventually, once King Detsoldue is dead. She doesn't know how long it will take because King Detsoldue is one of the most powerful beings in the entire of Amedris. Because of how dangerous King Detsoldue is, Alice keeps her darling safe. She would be willing to do whatever she could in order to protect them in any way she possibly could. She's strong enough to be able to stand her own ground, especially if it means that she can protect them from anyone who poses a threat to them. The more her darling pushes her away, the more guilt she feels. But she believes that she completely deserves it.
𝐔nique - Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
✎✧.* Alice falls into the Protective Yandere type (Hogogata), with small blends of the Harmless Yandere type (Mugaigata). This is because she is both protective and harmless, but she mostly falls into the protective trope. She's always on the lookout to make sure that no one poses a threat to her darling. She's also harmless in the sense that she wouldn't mind if her darling got into a relationship. As long as she believes that they're treating her darling well, then she's fine. She just wants someone who will protect her darling and take care of them. She's protective of them and as a result, her sight is as keen as a hawk. She's not going to risk someone dangerous coming into their life. She is extremely protective of them and she won't take any risks when it comes to her darling. She's fiercely protective but also wouldn't want to step in the way of her darling's happiness. She just wants her darling to be happy, even if that means that she can't be the one that they love. She loves them more than life and she would do whatever it took in order to make them happy. Alice essentially is a yandere doormat and her darling can use in whatever way they like. Since she's so devoted to them and doesn't want to be alone, her darling could easily manipulate her into doing whatever they want her to do.
𝐕ice - What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
✎✧.* The weakness they could use against her is by telling her how no one will ever love her; essentially affirming what her parents used to tell her during her childhood. Telling her this would destroy her and cause her to have a breakdown because it's the one thing that scares her the most. Whenever her darling tells her that she'll be alone, she'll go back to her childhood where her mother tells her that no one will ever love her and she'll die alone. She'll be completely vulnerable if her darling tells her this, so much so that she'll plead for them to forgive her. She'll beg and plead to them for forgiveness. If her darling is cruel then they can essentially pacify her by twisting and manipulating her fear of being alone. She would do whatever it is that they ask of her. She would do anything they want her to, so long as they don't leave her on her own and toy with her heart anymore. They can be as horrible to her as they want and she won't leave them. She's devoted to them completely and as a result, is a doormat. Alice is completely enamoured with her darling and she wants to protect them at whatever cost; she'll do whatever she can for them. She'll do whatever she can to make them happy as well. Whatever they ask of her (With the exception of murder) she would be willing to do for her darling.
𝐖it’s end - Would they ever hurt their darling?
✎✧.* Alice would never hurt her darling, they're the most important person in the world to her (Save for Lulu and Adam). She would never dare raise a hand to hurt them in any way, shape, or form. It would mortify her if she was to do something as reckless as harming her darling in any way. She loves them more than anything; so she would never want to psychologically hurt them or physically hurt them. They mean the absolute world to her. Even if pushed, she would never want to hurt them. Her darling is an exception. If it were anyone else, she would have retaliated and made them regret it. But because she loves her darling so much, the thought of hurting them never crosses her mind. She loves them far too much to ever want to hurt them. The thought of anyone else hurting her darling completely enrages her. If anyone tried anything anything on them, they certainly would regret it. Alice would never be willing to hurt her darling; she loves them more than anything. She would rather hurt herself before she hurts her darling. If her darling asked her to hurt herself then she would do it for them. She would do whatever it is they say. Her darling has her completely under their thumb and can convince her to esentially be an obedient puppet. They have her completely under their control.
𝐗oanon - How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
✎✧.* Alice worships her darling, she adores them more than anything. If they asked her to, she would get down on her hands and knees and begin worshiping them. She would tell them how much she worships them if that's exactly what they want. She would do anything they asked. If they asked her to cut her hair short, she would do it. She would dress however they like. She's willing to do whatever they want for them. She would go to any lengths in order to make sure that they're happy. Because at the end of the day, Alice craves affection (Though she often doesn't admit to it). She just wants someone to love her, she wants someone who will never leave her side. Alice loves nothing more than for her darling to give her affection and love. She knows that her darling doesn't exactly like her right now, but she's willing to work towards getting them to like her. She would go to any lengths to win them over and would happily do anything they ask of her. There isn't really an end to the lengths she would go for her darling. Of course, she wouldn't do any degenerate behavior against them, but she would however, do other things for them. At the end of the day, as long as she can get them to love her, she'll be more than happy to do whatever it is that her darling requests of her.
𝐘earn - How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
✎✧.* Alice never really snaps. While she does kidnap her darling, she never truly snaps. She kidnaps them to protect them and she's always the same person to them. What she does could be considered snapping, but also not at the same time. She loves her darling and she tries to retain as much of her patience and sanity as she can. She's not the type of person who will snap easily, it takes a lot to break her down. She tries to maintain as much of her sanity as much as she can. She tries to be as good of a person as she can be for her darling and she tries to keep her sanity and delusions in check. Even when snapped, she would never try and hurt her darling in any way. When she does 'snap' is that she would kidnap them and that's it. It's not even anything because of what her darling did, it's rather because she's completely terrified of losing them. She's afraid of someone hurting her darling. She doesn't ever want to love them. She's so scared when it comes to anyone hurting them because she's terrified that she won't be able to be there to protect them. She's afraid that something will happen to them and she'll be powerless to help them. She often has nightmares of losing her darling. All she wants is to be able to protect them at any cost; so she sees kidnapping them as the only way to protect them.
𝐙enith - Would they ever break their darling?
✎✧.* She would never intentionally break her darling. The thought of doing it sickens her. She didn't ever want to kidnap them, but she felt as though she had to in order to protect them. She would never intentionally hurt them in any way, she wants nothing more than to protect them. She of course might accidentally do it through the kidnapping, but she would never purposely do it. If she ever did break her darling, she would be devastated. In the end, she would technically get what she wanted... Her darling loving her. But this isn't what she wanted. She wanted to protect her darling, not break them. So while she has her darling's affection... Albeit not exactly in the way one would usually receive affection, she's not happy, because she loves her darling and she never wanted to hurt them. She would cry and plead for their forgiveness if she ever broke them. Because breaking them isn't what she wanted. Due to her crippling fear of losing her darling, she kidnapped them; and while she did have some idea of the negative side effects that they could have on her darling, she never once thought about how it could end up breaking her darling. So if she did break them, she would really have no idea what to do and she would try and get them psychological help as soon as she possibly could.
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yandereloveraw · 9 months
Vanilla/Pinkamena! Vanilla, to Y/N: I'm gonna put you into a blender with me! I'll set the oven to 350 degrees, and together forever we will always be~ Baked with love~! Like the cold and the warm when they join make a storm, just like cake needs to rise. If you look in my eyes, you'll see the recipe is true. The key ingredient is you~♡.
🎂🧁 Baked with Love 🧁🎂- Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake
[Song and lyrics belong to Pendleton Ward [Creator of Adventure Time]
[Pinkamena Diane Pie as well as "Cupcakes" belong to Sergeant Sprinkles.]
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2smolbeans · 7 months
Yandere CEO concerned for their otaku darling as they walk into their room, seeing the darkness and the collection of their hyperfixations: "Darling we need to talk..I'm going to turn on the lights."
Yandere CEO: *Turns on lights*
Otaku darling dropping their phone, falling to the floor while squinting their eyes: "HIIIIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!"
Yandere CEO apologizing while turning off the lights: "Okay, o-okay! Darling, I'm glad you were able to adjust happily into our home...And I'm satisfied with the love you've given me."
Otaku darling crawling onto the bed, grabbing their phone as they look at yandere CEO: "Okay? And what's the problem? Do you need more kisses? Do you want more qualilty time? Wait..I get it. You wanna fuc-"
Yandere CEO: "Nono! It's not that! Though I would like the last part you mentioned.. No darling. Those... things you like..
*Stares at the collection of plushies, body pillows, mini figures, and even the current otome game that plays on their phone*
I ..I don't think I can afford to buy another shelf or expand the room.."
Otaku Darling: "That's okay! I'm fine with what I have! I mean, as long as I have my games and gems-"
Yandere CEO: "Darling..It's 15 hours everyday on the phone. It's been 7 MONTHS, since you've left the house willingly. I know I said before about you never leaving here..But-"
*Stares at darling as they have eyebags under their eyes while they wear a bunch of merch. *
You need to go outside. And no more games, anime, or whatever the heck this is for a MONTH. You need a break."
Otaku darling, devasted as they immediately break down: "NO. NO. NO!! I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME?!"
Yandere CEO picking up their otaku closested darling over the shoulder, softly petting their back as they feel their legs kick repeatedly onto their chest: "Sssshh..It's for your own good, it's for your own good..Shhh..."
How the otaku darling moved in with Yan CEO <3
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Platonic Yandere Queen Step Sister
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She wasn’t always a queen 
Like every queen before she was a princess
But before she was a princess she was a count from a low-class duchy
Her mother had found your father
Old, ill, and enticed by the countess willing to entertain him
The countess herself wasn’t awful
She was civil, for the most part the only problem with her was her daughter
“And this is your new sister—Harley! Say hello!”
“Hmph just because your Dad’s the King doesn’t mean I have to like you!”
Harley was a menace
Snooty and rude
Every time she spoke to you it was like liquid acid spraying specifically at you
She was typically spoiled but she never mistreated the servants 
She was decent to your father 
But to you, it was like she hated your guts from the very beginning
“I’m glad I spilled all that cranberry juice on you! The little outfit you were wearing before matched your ugliness a bit too well.”
“That was a gift from my late mother!”
“Hm figures.”
Of course in turn you hate her too
And you don’t bother hiding it from your father when he weakly asks you to hang out with her
“Did you hear what she said to me? I honestly couldn’t care less if that horse she spooked stomped her flat.”
“(Y/n)! Hold your tongue, she’s your new sister.”
“She might be your daughter but that thing is not my sister.”
He doesn’t seem convinced as he continues putting you together with her in hopes it will strengthen your bond
It does not
And it will never be as your father succumbs to his illness
Naturally, you prepare to take on the throne despite your young age
But alas nothing goes the way it should since she’s been forced into your life
“As the former partner of the King, I gladly will take up the role until our child is ready.”
It’s infuriating as the advisor reads a part in his newly written will about this
How he ordained that his second wife have you in her care and the kingdom in her control
And of course decency dwindles as she becomes drunk on the social power
Fueling her gremlin of a daughter
“Mother’s forbidden you from leaving your room. So I figured I’d give you some of my company! You're welcome.”
“Go jump out the window.”
“How dare–MOM!”
It just gets worse and worse
You do think for a moment things will get better as The substitute Queen keels over her wine at a banquet
Thanking the heavens for whoever poisoned her, you’re prepared to take the throne
“I am so sorry (Y/n) but the council has ruled that for your safety as the kingdom’s only true heir, it’d be dangerous to let you take the throne. So we’ll give the role of Queen to Harley.”
It takes you everything not to stab the brat as she puffs her chest and flips her hair
“Won’t you congratulate me on my coronation!”
It’s agony that ripples under your skin as you have no choice but to flee the castle grounds to escape her stabbing presence and that only works for a day at most
With her mother no longer ruling she isn’t forced to take etiquette lessons away from you
Now she can demand your attendance for any minor meeting
“I don’t think we should mobilize our militia on that border. It’s far too much of an overreaction.”
“What about the villages that have been burned there? The people who need medical attention?”
“Hush (Y/n) I didn’t say you could talk in this meeting.”
It's all so frustrating feeling trapped
But you’re not the only one 
Harley is incredibly frustrated because of what keeps her trapped
And that’s her inability to say anything that she truly means
Especially with manners of the heart
Underneath layers of cruel insults, stifling rules, and personal jabs 
Is a step-sister who adores your very being but is stuck with her thorny exterior
She is forced to stick her nose up and sneer at you when you look her direction
When she’ll say “You look like death with the new family brooch. You might do better to just leave it off.”
What she means “I think you look even more gorgeous than usual with the family brooch, don’t ever take it off.”
If she wasn’t as backward demented as she was it probably wouldn’t be so hard to try being nice
To switch her compliments to insults for just a day to give you a kind compliment
But she hates actually making it so that
Naturally, this is why she killed her mother
She’d gotten in the way of her free time with you 
On top of looking down on you which she absolutely hates the most
Granted she’s certain you hate her with how much time she spends attempting to bring you down expressing her affection the only way she can
Sometimes she’s tempted to put it in writing 
just explain her condition so that she can jump into your arms as you connect the dots
But every time she’d written something out, she couldn’t help but confess how obsessed she was with you 
How happy she was that her whole job now was protecting you
She wasn’t exactly fond of the kingdom other than it being an inheritance for you
She hopes you’ll forgive her as she’ll  prioritize you and your safety above all else
No one but your father’s trusted advisor may see past her biting personality
Convinced with the council that it’s best to have her temporarily rule
If only until they get to the bottom of both the King and the Queen’s deaths
Should any council member question her or her motives 
she’d be quick to shut that down
She can’t have these old nobles get in the way of her dominion over you
“I hope you enjoy the joys of being accused of fraud. It’ll be nice to look back on your time when on the council when you’re rotting in jail.”
She has no mercy for anyone but you
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where the birds and fish gather
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A/n: my silly fish and bird hybrids! Few sexual references but mdni! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ASK ABOUT ANY OF THEM I'M DESOERATE FOR ASKS- ignore my grammar haha
ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ- ︶︶︶︶༉‧ ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ- ︶︶︶︶༉‧
★ sydney the cockatoo
sydney's the most mischievous bastard out of all of them. Your watch is missing? In his nest. Your necklace? His nest aswell. Your hat? He's wearing it. You're never getting it back. He sees something shiny, it's in his little claws. Like all the avian hybrids, his arms are wings and he's covered in feathers. Having a human face with little beak like lips. His legs are bird legs. Black eyes staring at you from his nest in a tree. Be careful where you step after any surprise snow in's. He's probably burying himself in it. 5'4
★ Evangeline the peahen
The elegant, sophisticated, coy, angelic Evangeline. Gabriel's mate but she despises his guts, similar to princess, she much prefers you. Often dragging you to their nest and squabbling with Gabriel when he tried taking you away. She may not be as pretty as he is outside, but she certainly is Inside. Proudly showing off her brown little feathers. 5'6 brown straight hair, black eyes and a little pale
★ gabriel the white peacock
Egotistical bastard. He hates his wife for being so ugly, but he does think you are extraordinarily beautiful. He could definitely envision putting his clutch inside you. He'll figure a way out, don't you worry! An albino peacock male with red eyes, white feathers and extremely pale. 5'7
★ fajarah the ring necked parakeet
she's sydney's little partner in crime, but lately she's mellowed out more. Now preferring to watch the koi mers swim around and munch on some chips she stole from the main house. Tilting her head curiously at something she finds interesting. Bright green feathers and hair, black eyes and tan skin. 5'2
★ foolish the owl finch
often seen in the fields with the cows and bulls, he's quiet and prefers to watch. Hopping around quickly and pecking things that catch his eye. There's not much to say about him since he keeps to himself alot, but he does seem to like the biscuits you bring for him.
★ simon the tyto alba
Simon is deaf and mute, having been found wandering around the farm as a little chick. Now the farmers are looking for any way to help him with his hearing long term, but he seems to have adjusted to looking for any vibrations on the ground. Pale and white hair,black eyes, very pointy beak like lips
★ the koimer quintuplets
There's nothing much different between the quintuplets except their different patterns. Just that tancho is the leader and more mature, Kiko is more curious and childish, Hime is sweet and reserved, tsu is a chatterbox and humble, koromo is loud and nosy
★ mason the "lake monster" (crocodile)
Mason is like an older brother figure for the quintuplets, teaching them Little bits of English and watching you interact with them from the depths of the lake or hidden behind some underwater trees in the lake. You may not always see him, but he's always there. Silently watching. Messy grungy hair, green eyes, and has a light tan. 6'4
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abbyfmc · 2 years
Servant! x Yandere Evil Queen! reader:
Before we begin, a belated Merry Christmas and New Year! I haven't updated because I'm really lazy lately, but I decided to change that and bring you something.
Reader is the yandere today, and she is based on the Bloody Countess Elizabeth Bathory. The other Oc of mine is called William.
Pictures are not mine!
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[Story told by a poor old man]
This story happened some time ago. It was 1580, the year in which in the great country of Zealia, near Romania, there was a time of very dark reign for all, originated by a cruel queen educated in politics, science, manners and arts named (y/n) (t /a) from Zealia, and anyone who finds out about this will say "Wow! How good! Many men must have felt envious that a woman surpassed them in that!" and yes, it was like that. But that smart girl was also a very dark and evil person with petty instincts and an incredible ego or pride.
As soon as (y/n) (t/a) is mentioned by the Zealin inhabitants, many adopt a bitter taste on the tongue almost immediately, since his term or reign was the bloodiest to date. She suffered from intense fits of anger or rage from a very young age. The Queen murdered the King who was unfaithful to her and his lover, which only exposed her cruelty and rancor. Finding herself alone, she practiced black magic with a very sinister court of witches, sorcerers, and alchemists, learning quite a bit from them.
It was a cloudy day when a young boy in his 20s named William, who was from a poor family after the death of his father, was desperately looking for a job to support the family. He wandered and wandered through the streets but found nothing anywhere, until he passed in front of the sadistic queen's castle. He thought about it for a moment, then made up his mind and tried to enter, but the guards blocked his way.
--What are you looking for here? Who the hell are you?-- asked one of them in a harsh voice, blocking his way.
--I-I'm here b-because i search j-job-- William replied stuttering.
--Ah, I see that you want the position of royal servant or butler, because with that ridiculous way of speaking, no one would want you as a royal guard-- The other guards laughed and let the outraged and humiliated William pass, who was led by one of them down a corridor where other men and women stood there, apparently nervously looking for a job just like him.
--Here it is, the Queen will be here in a moment. goodbye stuttering girl-- The guard said, walking off the way he came and leaving an intimidated William among other people.
Until she came.
--Good morning everyone-- The Queen greeted firmly and politely. She was a beautiful young woman who would captivate any man who did not know of her sudden outbursts and anger. Everyone looked at her, fell silent and bowed, even William himself, which made the highness and William's eyes meet for the first time, and what caused that? that the evil queen fell in love at first sight with that innocent boy.
--I see that you come to look for work. Well, they will be given training in which their ability and aptitude for the job will be closely monitored. The better you do, the more you will advance, and the more you advance, more privileges you will have-- The Queen walked around the room at a slow pace, looking at everyone until she stopped in front of William, who remained motionless and did not say a word.
--What's your name?-- she asked him.
--William Cruz, Your Majesty-- She nodded, captivated by those pretty emerald green eyes as William felt uncomfortable.
--Interesting, and you?-- She once again walked around the room asking the names of each future employee or guard and after finishing with everyone, she returned to her starting place.
--Perfect. Now all that remains is to explain the rules that they will be forced to follow while working here unless they want to go back to sleep in their filthy houses or on the streets and starve to death-- By the words with which she addressed the social classes of those present, she implied that she could probably be a class person. He proceeded to explain the rules which were as follows:
--Number One: You should always be there when called. -Number Two: Ensure the safety of her royal highness and the palace or the kingdom, especially for those who want to be guards of the royal army. -Number Three: Obey everything without question. -Number Four: Willing to travel long distances if ordered to. -Number Five: Be respectful and respond politely to royals, guests, etc. -Number Six: Always dress appropriately. -Number Seven: It is forbidden to give out personal royal information to anyone unless the Queen gives permission. -Number Eight: Keep everything clean, especially for future maids, butlers, etc. -Number Nine: Prepare the food and drinks very well and try them before the queen to avoid poisoning the aforementioned. -Number Ten: Inform your Highness of any attack or conspiracy carried out against it. -Number Eleven: Punish anyone who dares to attack your highness, especially for future guards or executioner executioners. -Number Twelve: Don't steal ANYTHING. -Number Thirteen: Ask permission to send letters to your relatives. -Number Fourteen: If you want to see your families, you must still ask permission. -Number Fifteen: Get up very early and be very punctual.
And a lot more rules, but so many, that William and the others turned pale to hear the Queen say so many demands. At that moment a couple of people arrived, a stocky and tall man of intimidating appearance in the uniform of a royal guard and a woman of apparently no more than 45 years old with maid clothes and a wrinkled face of not very friendly. The Queen introduced them as Adrian to the royal guard and Bellatrix to the maid, who will be the instructors in the training of these people.
--Those who want to be royal servants follow me-- Bellatrix said. Then William and another small group of men as well as all the women followed the lady, while another large retinue of men stayed behind with the royal guard to be arduously trained in the army. Bellatrix was saying that if they break a rule, they can be fired or punished in whatever way the queen and her royal court dictate, which made young William swallow hard.
--You can rest in your rooms for today. are these from here-- She led them to some rooms which weren't very pretty, but at least they had a bed, some sheets and rugs and some dirty and threadbare wooden tables. William sat on his new bed and looked around his room for a bit. The decoration was not very striking, as there were only extinguished torches and decayed paint on the walls, apart from some old curtains that covered a large window that let in the evening light.
--Thank you God for helping me find a job-- He whispered under his breath, lying down on the bed and slowly falling asleep.
The boy did not know that in his work he would only see misfortunes.
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Time passed and William had about nine months of hard training to be the Queen (Y/n)'s personal assistant, after she saw for herself his high performance (or at least used that to spy on him how in love she was). of the). He prepared her meals, he was very polite with royalty, he always tried to keep everything clean, he obeyed his instructor and trainer Bellatrix in everything, he learned very quickly and followed all the rules to the letter, standing out far above all the others servants and maids.
To the point that the Queen herself appointed him her royal confidante or company man, which at that time was unusual, but no one would question the bloodthirsty yandere queen, neither would William, so he had no option to refuse or choose, in front of everyone in the throne room so William accepted. Happiness was visible on the young man's face, since now he would be surrounded by privileges that others wanted.
--I hope you don't fail me, my dear confidante-- William nodded while remaining on his knees in a respectful manner, to which the evil queen smiled.
But sooner rather than later, the misfortunes began.
At first, she simply sent her court members to write many letters when they were away, checked that their food and drinks did not have any kind of poison, played any musical instrument for her, helped her with her baths, dressing, etc. comb her hair and ensure her safety and make sure that EVERYONE has respect for her everywhere she steps. The uninformed young man believed that this would be a small price to pay for his promotion and profit due to his efforts, but in reality all this was happening because the queen wanted him to spend more time with her and only her.
She made him punish everyone who went against him in horrible ways with whipping, burning, beating, public humiliation and even once in winter, the queen (y/n) made William drag a girl who flirted with him into the garden snowy, naked and then proceeded to have William pour cold water on her in buckets until the girl froze to death. He also had Will force another girl with a reputation for being flirtatious to sit on a red-hot iron plate of ice from which she was not lifted for two hours just for talking to her love target.
However, the terror began when she gradually developed an unhealthy obsession with beauty, which caused her love for William to turn into madness. He constantly asked her if she was beautiful, William, out of fear and to please her, he told her "Yes, Your Majesty, you are the most beautiful" however, that did not improve things at all, on the contrary, it only made them worse.
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--WILLIAM!-- The queen called the young man out loud in a furious manner as soon as the boy arrived from his family's house with the mission of bringing food and medicine to his mother and brothers with the permission of the queen (Y/n). So he ran to her furious highness's room.
--What's up your highness?! Who made you suffer this time?!-- He entered the room where he saw an angry (Y/n) with a slightly red cheek from what appears to be a burn and a beaten up maid on her knees sobbing and begging for what William overheard was her life.
--Look what this maid has done to me! That makeup had something acid in it! And to think that it was a good idea to let this random do my makeup!-- He now saw His Majesty's outbursts of rage more clearly, to which William nodded, leaning forward slightly in reverence. Then he took the maid who was crying inconsolably for fear of the punishments of that sadistic psychopath.
--Wait, I want you to know that when I slapped her, I cut her cheek a little with my fingernail and I swear I saw the skin on my finger rejuvenate, so I want you, Adrian and Bellatrix to cut her neck and veins and That they then empty their blood into a barrel so that I can then prepare my bath-- William was completely horrified by the orders of his yandere mistress, but out of fear he did not question any of her words, he said "Yes, your majesty" and left the room, taking the maid who was imploring for her life while William tried not to cry, helpless for what he has to do in order not to be severely punished by the queen. Then Adrian and Bellatrix appeared down the hall and William warned them about their mistress's order and they, not being at all surprised by the meanness and meanness of Miss (Y/n) (Y/a), obeyed.
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The months passed and the situation escalated for the worse.
The queen (Y/n) would have maids tortured and then have Adrian, William, Bellatrix and other servants drain the blood of those virgin maids into buckets to then be carried away and emptied into the queen's large private tub when she asked for a bath on the condition that William is the one who prepares it for her and who watches her bathe, sometimes forcing the poor boy to come in with her.
--Come here. now-- She ordered him authoritatively and William unfortunately had to obey her whims, take off his clothes and enter with her.
--You will be mine, only mine-- She took him by the cheeks and forced him to kiss her, standing with her beautiful naked body in front of him.
--I am capable of bathing in the blood of any woman you talk to. Noble, peasant, relative or friend. I don't care as long as I have you in my power-- William nodded fearfully. He agreed to submit to its power because he himself has seen what the tortures that occur in the dungeons of that place are like, such as gout torture, the metal pear, the wheel or the famous iron maiden in which she would push young girls inside and once they closed it, spikes would stick into their bodies, causing them to bleed profusely.
But that wasn't the only thing the yandere queen forced the unfortunate William to do.
--Finally we are both alone-- She would sneak into his room at night or lock the boy in his to force him to have 'nightly passion soirees' where she was satisfied while the unfortunate boy was disgusted, but kept quiet so as not to lose his skin.
--I love having you all to myself-- The queen (Y/n) was saying after reaching orgasm in William's mouth after blackmailing him into executing his mother so that he would agree to be just one with her that night.
--Do you love being only mine? tell me yes-- Then she proceeded to bite him on the neck and other parts, which was not very well seen, especially if it came from a woman, but the queen's castle (Y/n) was known to be a place of spilling or baths of blood and sin.
--Yes majesty-- He made her moan and come several times. It made her feel unique, powerful, commanding, and very much alive.
And she wouldn't share her man with anyone.
He would be hers forever and she wouldn't let him go, or so she wanted to believe. Why is that? Because there were no longer any maids in the castle, which made the queen angry (but on the one hand it made her happy since no one would flirt with her love interest), so it occurred to her to disguise her atrocities with the excuse that she would make her castle a boarding school for young girls from noble families, which was successful for some time until the queen was able to satisfy her insane desire to be the most beautiful and always be young (to the point that if she did not bathe in the blood of her victims, she would he would chase down any woman who tried to compete with him or any man who insulted her) while forcing William to torture every girl he spoke to. Meanwhile, young William, already fed up with everything, set out to plan an escape together with other girls daughters of nobles to report what is happening to the authorities.
Luckily people were already starting to take notice. Too many disappearances of noble girls in the Zealin castle and how difficult it was to hide the corpses. The emerald eyed one pretended like everything was the same whether it was sending letters to his family along with food and medicine, cleaning, pleasing his mistress, preparing their baths and now, hiding girls' corpses in a distant field until a certain night.
One of those girls came from a noble family very close to the prince of the neighboring kingdom called Darius II of Iwrira, so she collaborated with the escape to go with her family and for her family to notify the prince to see if an intervention can be made military with his Iwrirnense army.
They went out at night. William sneaked into a dark alley where he took off some of his clothes while the little he still had on he dirty with a little mud and took other ragged rags and a torn sheet that was in the trash that served as a cape. black which smelled very bad, but it was enough to look like a bum and not be discovered by the guards. The girls who escaped did something similar.
--Very good, now only this is missing-- He bent down and scooped up some water from a bucket to pour on the ground and put the mud on his face. Now he really didn't look like the elegant butler he used to. He even messed up his hair a lot and then put the cape on top. William walked stealthily between alleys until he ran into the girls, or well, two of them and they went away from the castle area.
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Thanks to the girls and their noble families, it was possible to report to Prince Darius from a neighboring army the case of the queen (Y/n) (Y/a) and the millions of dead maidens or young women, which caused the prince to send her army to the Zealin castle in order to make her pay for her crimes.
Obviously there was a confrontation between the Darius army and the Zealin army in which the Zealin lost. Servants, guards, butlers and finally the queen (Y/n) (Y/a) were seized, who was shouting curses left and right about her being betrayed, asking for William and demanding with a great fit of anger that he she stabbed him from behind, that they look for him and even implored for his freedom for according to her being pregnant with William (which was true thanks to their nights of passion).
The justice of Prince Darius II of Iwrira did not listen to her word, not because of the issue of being a woman or not, but because of the horrible murders and tortures that were carried out in her castle due to her dark instincts. The families of those victims WANTED her head.
--Well, Madame (Y/n)-- Darius said in a court next to his royal court of respectable aristocrats where the queen was being tried.
--Because of the crimes you committed, you will be executed by guillotine and your servants will be sentenced to burn at the stake-- The prince ruled as the final sentence, since in his kingdom he was the one who sentenced criminals. Thereupon, he ordered her to be taken to the large main square where a large guillotine was led, where people were settling around her while she was grabbed like anyone in dirty and ragged clothes while the others yelled "DEATH!".
And at that precise moment the former queen (Y/n) saw someone special in her audience. To her traitor.
To the only person to whom she gave her evil heart.
William, but he had his cloak and dirty rags on him, which was why no one recognized him. But it was too late to ask for release, besides that the evil queen would never regret it as long as she died being the most evil, the most self-centered and the most beautiful.
But also with a broken heart and full of betrayal.
Until the metallic blade separated her head from his neck. The same thing happened with the servants at the stake.
[End of old man's story].
Finally came years of peace for us Zealinenses. There was no tyranny and not as many people died as in that crude reign, but the damage that (Y/n) (Y/a) of Zealia caused is still there. Many families are sad or devastated by the loss of a daughter, sister, mother, wife, and of course, the odd father, brother, or son alike.
Today I have my own family. A wife just as old as me, my children and my grandchildren who ask me questions about my life and my history, and I tell them and they are surprised and amazed when they hear my words.
--But… grandfather… If there were so many corpses, where did they bury them then?-- The eldest of my grandchildren, Fabián II, asked me while the others, even the girls, continue to look at me expectantly since history apparently has them on the edge of their seats.
--Well, do you see the great white wall in the distance from our cornfield? In that cemetery all the bodies of those people who were murdered by that evil queen were buried-- They agreed, understanding what I taught them in previous days while they helped me pick corn together with my old wife.
--However, no one knows where that bloodthirsty harpy is buried, so don't ask that-- I warned them. At that time no one agreed with the queen (Y/n) being buried there, so no one knows exactly where her body is, but no one was interested in knowing. They didn't even want to mention her name, so Zealia remained in mourning and silence for a while.
Now we are ruled by a very distant relative of that evil queen in a more peaceful way.
--Grandpa, one more question-- My ten-year-old grandson named Javier tells me who had remained silent until then. I realized that the other children left with their parents who came looking for them.
--Yes? Tell me--.
--How do you know the details of that terrifying story? What happened to William?-- I knew that question would come one day. I never told the whole story, because I wasn't so sure how my listeners would react.
--Oh well. If you are the one who lives the story in the flesh or yourself, you should know all or most of the details when telling it-- Javier's jaw dropped at my revelation, since I always used the name Alejandro, hiding my real identity for fear of getting caught.
--So you… you were William all this time?-- I went 'Shhh!' with my finger between my lips as a sign to keep quiet, to which he agreed.
--Yes, I was William all this time-- I told him in whispers.
--But promise me one thing-- He moved a little closer to me, nodding.
--You must not tell anyone of my true identity-- He nodded and then went to his brother Fabian who was talking about I don't know what in front of my little house. Only my wife knows, with whom I escaped from that martyrdom and spent some time working for her noble family, earning a certain salary. And yes, I visited my family at that time and dedicated myself to agriculture to survive in secret.
When mom died and my brothers each went their separate ways, my wife and I settled here and had our offspring. I did not tell the truth to any of my children for fear that they would catch me and kill them, so I always told the story in the third person while calling myself Alejandro and I even made my wife refer to me like that instead to use my real name in public.
--What did you already tell them? When would you tell our children?-- Asked my wife, who appeared behind me, coming out of the kitchen.
--Only Javier-- I answered turning to her.
--Be very careful who you tell it to--She warned me.
--I know Mary-- I answered her calmly again.
At least I know that my last days will be calm. If I can't kill a guard, my age will sooner or later and the same with my old wife. But I will be happy because I will die without someone having me by their side, kidnapped while bathing in blood to increase their beauty.
-The End.
The (Y/n) of this chapter was inspired by Erzebeth Báthory, the bloody countess.
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dipolardruid · 2 years
Yandere stepmother when the reader says I love you
As you get ready to head out the door you see Betra sitting at the table writing something on a worksheet "Betra." As you call out her name she continues writing "yes?" She says still very focused on what's she's writing
"I love you, goodbye." Opening the door to get ready to step out you hear a pen fall and some shuffling before a chair scrapping against the floor causing you to look back at Betra only to see her hurry towards you with her hands outstretched.
Out of instinct you step back slightly only be grabbed and pulled forward into a strong hug you lift up your hands and set them on her upper back, upon doing this she squeezes you tighter hearing sniffling soon after.
"Betra sorry I don't want to ruin the moment but the bus is here." You say tapping her back with your hands "It's fine, I'll call saying you're sick let's go out somewhere where ever you want." Betra gives you a gentle smile as she gently lays her hands on your upper arms.
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