partsofanelephant · 4 years
Pure Love
I looked into his eyes
and he looked up at me
And I could see
An expression of pure love
This little ray of sunshine
This fluffy monster
This ragtag fighter
This gorgeous boy
Our feelings are the same
His and mine
A feeling of pure love
My heart glows with love
It has sunken deeply
His eyes close sleepily
I love him so much
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partsofanelephant · 4 years
A Feeling
The moment I've been waiting for
Just after all the things have been done
Just before a nice, long rest
The opportunity for fun
Relaxation and exhilaration
Music and art, games and crafts
Time to flex your emotions
The opportunity for laughs
Something is holding you back however
It's the pause before you touch
Your toe to the pool surface
That anticipation and such
But it's also trepidation
What if I'm forgetting a task
What if I choose the wrong thing
I must do anything but relax
As if it were a duty, I carry on
Knitting and cleaning
Showering and painting
Writing and preening
Then like a switch, the sun goes away
The day ends as time has passed
Did I do all the things?
Am I finally relaxed?
One night of loneliness
How bad can it be?
Doing what I want
At the whims of me
I work through the feelings
They flare up like a storm
I slowly stand back up
This is my norm
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partsofanelephant · 4 years
Pandemic Anxiety
Restless, disengaged, lonely
Sitting in the dark
Hours early to bed
Wanting a break
A chance to shut my eyes
And not contemplate
Another to-do list
Or countdown
Or budget or list of goals
Lists of responsibilities
Fill my phone
And my head
I want to breathe the summer air
Feel the fur of my cat
Enjoy the cushion of my mattress
Weeks have gone by
And my word well has been dry
Nothing to say or write
Nothing to express
I'm holding on for something
And I'm doing a good job
But something's gonna break
I can feel it
The world is on pause
Holding its breath
And I'm reveling in the
I want to get out and eat
Be outside
Be with friends
Be with my girlfriend
But I also cherish my life
Working from home
With my cats
A better balance
No more commuting
No more dieting
No more pressure
No more rage
I'm scared of it ending
Even though I know it will
I'm anxious
But trying to enjoy it still.
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partsofanelephant · 4 years
Calm. Tranquility.
That still.
Not the kind that proceeds from a sentence
Still I say--
No. Still.
Calm. Tranquility.
An empty night
One where the raindrops beat the leaves
Dot the pavement
Send people inside
Not a word spoken
Constant droplets
Yet nothing said
Calm. Tranquility.
A rhythm. A mood.
A breeze. Gentle as air
Caressing your cheek
Entering your lungs
Entering your nose
In a sweet scent
Borne from the gods
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partsofanelephant · 4 years
Drinking in the sweet breeze am I
Face speckled with droplets of water
Eyes gazing out to see in the lamplight
The branches of a tree with leaves down turned
It pours from open sky and splashes all the earth
Where is that belov'd wren, harmed by men?
Does she hide when thunder crashes?
Is she wet in the branches of some tree?
Is she happy like me?
Perched am I 'bove the drenched land
Filling my lungs with intoxication
Pure as it sweeps from my brow
The long lengths of golden hair
My soul is at my mouth
It has surfaced from within
To greet this happy moment
This tempest of the hour
From out my window flashes light
And a steady light flows green
A lighthouse in a storm
Guiding those outside home
My cat flew off in a fright
From the bed he went, after a sniff
Crack! Went the clouds
Coming down from on high
The feeling in my being
The hug from inside
As I watch the storm
Oh, night, do you know what you have given me?
Excitement, peace,
Rest, happiness,
And a poem
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partsofanelephant · 4 years
Feelings Dump
Somebody tell me what it means
To be so sad that you cannot paint
To feel so off that a fresh dress
And some tea can't make it right
What is this--depression?
Do I sleep all the time with no rest
Only to wake up tired again?
No! I'm sad. It has to be sadness
That's what claws at my heart
Makes my day dreary from coffee to beer
Makes me feel alone and lonely
Waiting for someone to help
Is there hope for me, o Somebody?
Or do I cry out in vain to an empty room
Filled with silence and all my emotions?
Will I become happy--
But of course because it's a cycle!
It's always a cycle of sad and happy
Joy then depression, tired and mania,
I make plans and then I break them
I feel beautiful then I feel like a lump
It's a mood disorder, a brain imbalance,
Incurable, a sign hanging around my neck
"Bipolar: that's why she's like this"
But it's much more than that.
Anxiety, stress, low self-esteem, BPD,
A mildly traumatic childhood
And a dose of perfectionism
It's a recipe that won't bake at 375
The ingredients just don't come together
Wet and dry then wet again
When do you add the eggs?
Never! You close them up forever
And never let them go into the world
To your mother's disappointment
What did you expect? This came from you!
So underneath the sadness was an anger
And underneath the anger is hurt
The hurt comes from wounds
That haven't healed yet.
I'll drink my tea and write this down.
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partsofanelephant · 4 years
I lift my head as though to speak
I lift a brush to paint
I used to knit and knit a lot
But I can't.
But I lift a pen as though to write
And fill a journal's once-blank pages
Write a letter to a friend.
Craft a poem.
The other things I cannot do
Although I try, I cannot start.
I plan a walk outdoors
But I can't. I don't know why but I can't.
The words I write come freely to me
And beg to be written
As if they are writing themselves
So I can write.
I'll write about what I hope to do
Wish to do, want to do,
And maybe if I try hard enough,
I can do them.
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partsofanelephant · 4 years
Picnic for Two
Picnic for two
Broken in two
Lasted for just a half hour
Invaded by bees
A bug from the trees
Or perhaps from a nearby flower
She left for a bit
To go have a fit
And left me with all of this food
The picnic for two
Is making me blue
A not so great resulting mood
So here I wait
With an empty plate
A bowl of fruit by my side
A just opened wine
Then my phone chimes
A message from her inside
I collected the spread
And went on instead
To bring the picnic inside
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partsofanelephant · 4 years
Giddy, with a dash of unease
Flowing through me
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partsofanelephant · 4 years
Key in hand and shoes on feet,
I stepped outside to check the post
And on the concrete I did meet
The dearest friend I love the most
The steps were splotched with tan and brown
But first of all, the smell!
Sweet grassy scents from watered ground
--A feeling that all was well
I had not noticed from inside
That rain had fallen from the sky
Too brief to color all the outside
--Enough to make me sigh
The scent of rain freshly poured
Stands high in my list of things,
Things I treasure in all the world
For all the feelings it brings
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partsofanelephant · 4 years
Typical me.
Instead of writing a poem
I wrote a to-do list.
See my brain is reeling
With words, ideas, stresses.
Paper is always the answer.
"I get it down on paper
It's no longer inside of me,
Threatening the life it belongs to."
Sometimes the best words
Have already been said
By someone else.
Sometimes the words
Are still inside
And will eventually come out.
When it's time.
When they're ready.
When you're ready.
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partsofanelephant · 4 years
Sharp, stabbing pains radiate from my side
My knee rocks briskly back and forth,
my foot perched on my other ankle
Sure as streaks form on the window when it rains,
My stomach hurts, both clenched and hungry
This pain! Am I supposed to live with it?
I'm told to breathe as if air is calming.
Have you ever seen a tornado?
Have you ever seen a hurricane?
Have you ever gasped for breath underwater?
I'm pretty sure my veins are flowing with lemon tea
I drink to calm the turmoil. It doesn't work.
I write to clear my mind yet words flow
They've flowed since I was 10
Writing in my first journal
Maybe if I figure out why, I can ground myself
I can breathe easier and stop feeling dizzy.
I can sit calmly, basking in sunlight,
Feeling the air flow through me and around me.
But there is no reason. It simply is.
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partsofanelephant · 4 years
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Tree roots do not grow from my feet
Down into the earth and its many layers
Some other thing holds me to my seat
And it purrs
Wrapped in a blanket, velvety blue
I came down to sit and write a bit
Down came a cat in a golden hue
With fluffy mits
I'm told to breathe, in and out,
Deeply and mindfully, too
Be it not for him, I have little doubt,
That I wouldn't hold true
Cast a radiant light and look up to the sky
Lay in the pond on a clear summer's day
Let the water lilies float on by
Beside me he lays
A fluffy little anchor for my troubled heart
Peaceful as he lies, eyes closed
He is a pure work of art
With paws posed
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partsofanelephant · 4 years
The Artist
While sitting, thinking
Waiting, worrying
A pit inside me grows
Running, fleeing
Rather poorly
The storm within me shows
Hunting, winning
Weakly I fall
Trapped inside its throes
Consumed entirely
Panicked entirely
Entirely, head to toes
Then I breathe.
And my thoughts breathe too.
The pressure loosens.
It breathes new.
I get it out on paper
And it releases its bond.
It brings back a feeling
Of which I am fond.
I created a space
For both to live.
I remember my humanity
And artistry give.
I hated it and needed it,
This struggle, this fight.
This anxiety bursting
Through my might.
I need to remember
Just to be.
And keep coming back
To my artistry.
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partsofanelephant · 4 years
I am sad
Even though drops of rain beat against the window above
And wash the earth
And leave that scent of newness behind
Even though a very loving, patient cat
Has crawled into my lap for protection
And crosses her paws
Her fur silky and smooth
Even though my lemon tea sits brewed
And sweetened
In a favorite mug
beside my bed
Even though a peaceful book with many answers
Waits beside me
Turned to its page
Waiting for me to come back
I am sad
I am isolated
I crave change
And routine
I want so much
And am so lucky
This conflict resides
In me
For now
#quarantine #covid #poetry #depression
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partsofanelephant · 8 years
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partsofanelephant · 8 years
The river turned over in its bed, shaking drops of water from its twisting frame. It's so restless in the late morning. Then, as if eager for the night, it hastens through the day, crashing into rocks and railing against its confines. There are two things in life that mesmerize man: running water and burning fire -- always the same, yet always changing. They are worth observing, the wise tell us. Some nights, you get drunk and gaze into the bonfire, the warm arms of summer wrapping around your shoulders. You resolve on your peace and feel more together as a person. Wisps of smoke rise above your head and disappear into colder air. Many of us, lost in the mist, afraid to gaze at the river.
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