pastorepi · 3 years
More of You
How do you pray for fellow believers and church leaders who have wounded you deeply?
           One of the biggest warnings I was always told in sermons and lectures was that the world will judge you, hurt you, and not understand you. Yet, one of the biggest wounds I have ever experienced didn’t come from those who didn’t know better (the world), but from the hands from those that should have.
In the case of receiving wounds and hurt from the world, Jesus warned His disciples in John 15: 18-21. If I could oversimplify Jesus’ warning, “Don’t be surprised when the world acts like the world.” Jesus’ instructions in how to be in the world yet not of it, remain true today as they did for the disciples back then, to love one’s enemies (Matt. 5:44), to love others as we love ourselves (Matt. 22:38), and do good to those that hate you (Lk. 6:27).
But How Do We Respond To Fellow Believers Who Caused The Pain?
           Jesus’ relationship with the disciples is the greatest example for the Christian who has been wounded by fellow believers. He not only went to the cross for those who would reject Him (including the disciples), but served them, taught them, empowered them, and ultimately reconciled with them.
           Our pursuit of union with God will produce Christlikeness that will guide us to respond to hurt and disappointment as Jesus did/does. But we need to give ourselves time and room to heal without the pressure for immediate results. Yes, a miracle can happen, and you can extend forgiveness immediately and not have a hint of pain. For someone who has experienced betrayal, forgiveness might need to be extended every day. Each person’s pains and wounds are unique but tended by the same God who holds the name Jehovah-Rapha (The Lord who heals). The main idea is that God desires for you to forgive and be healed and not remain stagnant becoming embittered towards a person, believer or not.
What’s A Step I Can Take Towards Healing?
           Prayer is powerful and we are called to pray for our fellow believers, the world, and those in authority (1 Tim. 2:1-3). Your pain may keep you from praying for blessings upon those who have done an injustice towards you, so what can you pray? Here is my recommendation for a baby step that will hopefully lead you to pray more specifically as wounds are healed.
“Lord, I lift up [insert name here], give them more of you.”
I have experienced pain and wounding as well, from fellow believers, and I asked the Lord for a starting point. I know my anger/disappointment/frustrations, which I strive to surrender every day, led me to pray for rebuke, chastisement, and justice. On the other hand, I know in my years of experience I haven’t been the perfect leader and may have caused hurt in others as well. So how can I pray for others as I pray for myself? “Lord, more of You.” I desire more of God in my life. I desire His correction, grace, forgiveness, presence, anointing, gifting, opportunities, blessings, and chastisement.
My step of obedience is praying for all, including those who caused hurt, “Lord, more of you.” How God desires to respond is up to Him. If He desires to answer that by correction and rebuke, yes Lord! If He desires to answer that through blessing and honor, good for them, I am not ready to celebrate that quite yet…
Don’t remain stuck in pain and hurt, take a step and pray for those who have caused you pain, “Lord, more of You.”
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pastorepi · 3 years
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All Christians need this reminder, whether you lead in your home, classroom, or business the only form of healthy leadership is servant-leadership. #leadlikejesus
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pastorepi · 3 years
Felt so good to be able to preach again. 
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pastorepi · 3 years
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I want to tackle the day with the awareness of God’s presence, from the time I wake up to the time I close my eyes to rest. I encourage you to do the same. https://www.instagram.com/p/CKNzXnthwEj/?igshid=fzr8zdtg4jtk
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pastorepi · 3 years
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As I was driving through Wyoming, I noticed that there was nothing but small hills and a whole lot of empty space. I was reminded of the truth that even there God was with me. Just as David wrote in Psalm 139: 7-12, there is no place that I can escape the presence of God. Whether I am in the middle of nowhere or in the middle of a major city, He is there. When I am feeling good and when I am feeling like trash, He is there. I find comfort in knowing that He is with me because Scripture tells me that He isn't scrutinizing my every word, action, or thought, waiting for me to mess up. No, he is invested. He is with me on this journey. He is with you as well. You too live in the reality of the inescapable presence of God. https://www.instagram.com/p/CJFsJOJBV3E/?igshid=buda9sb2fg5g
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pastorepi · 3 years
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Jesus is awesome. https://www.instagram.com/p/CI9x13DBBCA/?igshid=1bfz31qp3lapf
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pastorepi · 3 years
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I am humbled and delighted to inform my friends and family that I will be serving as a pastor and Director of Crossroads School of Ministry and Leadership. I will be focusing on equipping, encouraging, and empowering men and women for the work of the ministry in Illinois and beyond. I will continue to upload my sermons and lessons on Soundcloud and Youtube. I will also continue to keep my website active incase you’d like to reach me. I am grateful for those that have continued to pray for me and my family. I am also grateful that the leadership at Crossroads Community Church is placing their trust in me to lead this venture. https://www.instagram.com/p/CI1arjQhxCm/?igshid=c1ka3yjpen0j
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pastorepi · 3 years
As we get closer to Christmas my heart is to approach the reason for the season with awe. I just finished recording my newest Bible Study that focuses on the nativity story from the Shepherd's perspective. Check it out and make sure you subscribe to my YouTube channel and Soundcloud.
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pastorepi · 3 years
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I have been encouraged by this quote recently. In the season of celebrating the birth of Emmanuel, “God with us,” while in a season of uncharted territory, my heart is to be content in anything and everything knowing that He is with me, sustaining me, and leading each step of the way. If you are in a similar season, I hope you will be encouraged to know that you are not alone, needing to depend on your own strength, but you have an amazing God who is WITH YOU in this journey of life. https://www.instagram.com/p/CIq4lsxh2T3/?igshid=1eh3x4w2itepc
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pastorepi · 4 years
On the eve of Thanksgiving, I can't help but be thankful for the God who is with me... and who is with you. Do you need a reminder of how close God is to you right now?
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pastorepi · 4 years
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pastorepi · 4 years
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pastorepi · 4 years
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I uploaded my sermons, devotionals, and podcasts I have created throughout the years. I plan to continue to upload new material in the near future on SoundCloud. All you have to do is search for pastor_epi in the search bar, one benefit of having a unique name. https://www.instagram.com/p/CHuKbD6hbms/?igshid=1s3xsy6kt1ad0
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pastorepi · 4 years
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pastorepi · 4 years
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