pehimvmnt · 4 years
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pehimvmnt · 5 years
how to stop procrastinating
set up a productive work environment. if you can’t seem to work in your bedroom, go out and study in a local library or a cute cafe! also, get out some water and put away distractions!
use the pomodoro method. work in 20-40 minute intervals and take breaks in between. you can use apps like forest to set a timer and also keep you off your phone. this method is helpful because your brain can’t focus and take in information for too long, so taking breaks can allow it to rest.
although i said to take breaks, don’t take breaks if you don’t need them. if you’re feeling super productive and feel that you can go on, don’t stop and break your focus. in other words, don’t use breaks as an excuse to stop working if you don’t actually need them.
use a planner if you don’t have one already. or some kind of planning system, like an app on your phone or a bullet journal. use it to jot down everything you need to do, so you never forget a deadline!
schedule out your week. note down when you’re at school/working or when you have extracurriculars to go to. this way, you’ll know when you have free time to work. i know that not everyone can follow schedules, but if you think you can, try this! however, it’s imortant not to over schedule, as you need time to rest to avoid burnout. don’t always take away personal time for work time!
just take the first step. focus on getting started instead of finishing. if you’re feeling overwhelmed, remind yourself that all you need to do is start. you can tell yourself that you’ll work for only 5 minutes, and by the end, you will probably end up feeling that you can continue.
use the two minute rule. if it can be done in two minutes or less, just do it now.
break tasks down into little manageable steps. let’s say you have an essay to write. don’t just write down in your todo list to write the essay. write down smaller steps, such as coming up with your thesis, finding evidence, outlining, etc.
stop multitasking. while it may seem that you’ll get more don’t this way, you won’t. focus your attention on one thing and complete it. also, if you find yourself wanting to do something else, just write it down in your planner and do it when you’re done with this current task.
do a little bit everyday. chip away at a task everyday for a week instead of stressfully cramming it on the last day before the deadline. for example, if you review your notes everyday for a couple of minutes, these minutes will add up and you’ll thank yourself for when you actually have a test.
get ahead!! this kind of ties in to the previous step, but the most productive people always start working even if the deadline seems far away. please save yourself the stress later! it also might be helpful to set yourself a fake deadline to finish an assignment early.
if you find yourself not wanting to do work because you’re struggling to do so, ask for help. write down some questions to ask your teacher the next day or call a friend or go to office hours. if you’re completely stuck, set the task aside and do something else.
give yourself rewards. this can be anything from hanging out with friends, watching an episode of a tv show, reading a book, eating some chocolate, or buying that thing you’ve been wanting for a while.
stay positive. it’s impossible to battle procrastination completely, so forgive yourself for not being productive all the time. don’t be tough on yourself, and instead focus on getting back on track now. some days, you just need to rest and take care of yourself.
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pehimvmnt · 5 years
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A really great opportunity for artist interested in
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pehimvmnt · 5 years
Looking Forward to Fall 2019
Here are some of the upcoming blog posts to expect from PeHi Mvmnt this year. If you come back later, you will be able to click the titles from this list and it will take you right to the post! 
(We post food blogs every other Wednesday )
Sweet Potato Chili 
No Bake Vegan Cake 
(Every other Thursday )
Top 8 Songs NY 
Top 8 Songs LA
Top 8 Songs NOLA 
New Galleries NY
New Galleries LA 
Galleries Africa 
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pehimvmnt · 5 years
Golden Goals
So the craziest adventure ensued today;
I was on upper east side,
walking to H&H bagels
to meet a client 💻📱⌚️,
when my iPhone went missing (Uh-Oh)
So no spoilers here, just common sense, I found my phone.
But, this is how it went down. I was Whisply turning from 83rd down to 3rd ave.
I walked into the bagel store and I was about to call my client, when I couldn’t find my darn phone. Dog’gonnit! 😖
I had just done a quick 3 minute meditation session on the train when before I had gotten to the shop, so I was able to keep my cool.
I’m apart of a small group of the human race who doesn’t lose their mind when their phone goes missing, but I’ll digress until a later day.😎
So I looked up and realized a good bit of the bagel patrons were tourists and I wasn’t asking a tourist for help with this.
I walked outside, to begin retracing my steps.
The first person I approached was a box truck unloaded. Tallish, cute curly brown locks. I asked him if he or his co-worker had seen a blue phone. They had not, but he offered to help me find it with his iPhone finder App.
I got a little flustered at first because I couldn’t remember my password. I changed it after verifying like three or four questions. Apple, thank you for not doing me dirty with the 2nd form of verification like heypal or blooogle.
After a few minutes we surmised that the phone was a few blocks up, near a coffee shop. So I jogged for the life of my phone and my first meet up with my new client.
🔔 🔔 🔔 🔔 🔔 🔔 🔔 🔔 🔔 🔔 🔔 🔔 🔔 🔔 🔔 🔔 🔔 🔔 🔔 🔔 🔔 🔔 🔔 🔔 🔔 🔔
Finally got all the way to the Coffee ☕️ and crepe store , I took a breath before entering.
When I entered, the mood was very fresh, just like the smell of the Colombian coffee beans being roasted. ♨️
I went to the counter to ask if anyone had seen my 📱!
The barista was making a drink so it took him a minute. 🍵
He looked up, blankly at me. 😶
“Phone ?”
I gestured .
What phone he asked
*rolls his eyes*
A couple that was getting coffee overheard me talking about my phone to the barista .
They asked how they could help
I explained that it was an IPhone and the woman helped me pull up my account on her phone. It was able to locate where my phone currently was!
I was just about to thank them and wave them off when her partner suggested they come to help me find the whereabouts of my IPhone!
It was crazy!
Of course I wasn’t going to decline.
We rolled out of the coffee shop like best buds headed out on an adventure into the jungle.
The woman was very beautiful. Olive skin, and big eyes and lovely brown hair. Her partner was handsome as well.
As we walked along the hot blocks of the Manhattan pavement, we took turns interpreting where the phone was on the map. It was pretty accurate for the most part.
We went up a few blocks & the woman’s partner mentioned that it seemed that is might be across the street at a deli, we went in and tried. No luck.
It was because the person had moved from the street they were at.
We went down a few more blocks and decided to walk faster now
It was because the person who had my phone was quite the speed demon, and had us thinking at this point that they were on a bike or running away with the phone.
As we walked up the next five blocks, the woman told me that they were actually getting married that day. It was an overwhelming act of love on their part to be with me instead of rushing to go commit to each other forever.
It was like they didn’t need to rush, because they always would have each other. It tickled my heart ♥️
We made it to an intersection where the buildings were all tall residential living.
I think it’s this one
Oh, but maybe it’s that one?
We took a moment in silence as if we’d been great cohorts for several scores.
Her partner took the phone and he twisted the map around a little bit.
It’s that one
He pointed towards the tallish black and brown building.
He was excited and so were we.
There was a rush that came over us as we got closer to the entrance of the building. We were definitely gonna play it cool, because it was for sure in the building.
As we walked in, there was a guy in the hall between the double doors who took up a bit of space, as he made calls on the phone.
Behind him, through the second set of double doors was an attractive older women, with platinum gray hair, who was talking to the lobby attendant.
The attendant greeted us.
“Would you happen to know if someone turned a phone in ? “
The woman looked at me and smiled
She reached in her purse
“We were just on the phone with your client, telling them you lost your phone”
She knew if she had it , she could at least turn it in so hopefully the owner would have found it.
The couple and I were feeling the energies of 12 levels!
This was amazing
We hugged her and high fived.
They congratulated me and I walked them to the train!
Farewells bid, and they headed to have breakfast before getting married!!
I wish the couple of Yogev the best of wishes with their marriage!
So I wrote a poem, for apple and one for the couple!
Thank you
I want to thank you for creating a new way for people to contribute to others in their world. The security so tight, they can’t break in. Taking a fully charged phone with an tracking services on could be the greatest sin or blessin’😅
Wedding bells
Summer bells ring and it’s the sultry sting of the sunlight that keeps the birds and bees singing. Veils or grails, very much so wishing you well. A heart like yours a mood like yours, blessings be yours forever more. 💐
I want to write a follow up to this about the energy and how it felt that day.
♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️
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pehimvmnt · 5 years
How do you move on?
You don't. You just live with it everyday and time shall pass, memories turns vague and it would feel like everything was just a dream.
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pehimvmnt · 5 years
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In 2012, I started to create a book of Vegan recipes. By 2020, I want to be able to send seeds of the plants in each of my meals in care packages to several countries in Africa and South Asia. With purchase of the book , you will be contributing to the shipping and handling associated with getting these care packages to different organizations in these areas.
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pehimvmnt · 5 years
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Really happy to see this at my local library
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pehimvmnt · 5 years
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In 2012, I started to create a book of Vegan recipes. By 2020, I want to be able to send seeds of the plants in each of my meals in care packages to several countries in Africa and South Asia. With purchase of the book , you will be contributing to the shipping and handling associated with getting these care packages to different organizations in these areas.
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pehimvmnt · 5 years
I would love to sing for this band. 😩😂 Actually, I just wanna start my own. 😜 @banditsontherun Performing this weekend! #mta #subway #newyorkcity #music #life #love (at New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1JTwX-FpAs/?igshid=1owzyz2p8y3wf
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pehimvmnt · 5 years
Kids See Ghost was most interesting.
Why were they in a box that high up? Is it because they wanted to be above the crowd, like separate on purpose? I've heard that Kanye has wanted to design their stage to ascend above the crowd before. Or, could is be because of safety? I was just a little off struck, because you could tell the energy of the crowd was subject to not being allowed to experience the full stage presence of these two characters ( Kanye and Kudi aren't characters, but for this explanation, they are!)
If I were at that concert, I MAY have benefited in this phone crowd experience; The one where I exhuast my fingers, around a phone that I could never get a grip around all that well, AND where the expensive decision to burn battery life, or be able to catch an uber ride after the show would come in
(Wooo, breathfull¡¤º♡)
Basic rules of concert viewership:
Yes, there were
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pehimvmnt · 5 years
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So you know how much I love to take photos of things happening in the subway right? Well  I caught a picture of someone's interesting expression on this photo. To be completely honest, does this photo's message actually catch you off guard though? American society has become very latent in being socially relevant; ie: connecting us by showing all of us an equal version of us. Ya digg? On a deeper level, what was this person thinking? She is an "Spanish" appearing woman, clearly holding a boxes of diapers with a white baby on them. It's funny to me that this would bother someone enough to cause them to strike in such opposition . I knew that the thought process behind this, was very quick and unapologetic.
Half wrong/ Half right.
Does she have stockholm syndrome because she bought the diapers, instead of rolling her baby up in cloth diapers?
Or is it because she was willing to take a photo to model for the company, (possibly knowing) not knowing that they would plaster white babies instead of brown babies?
I know right, why is this even a blog. I guess it's a thing I do now.
I think it might be, the added facial hair. I think that's how I know this person is racist. Don't even have to see your face. Oh,  I know,  you have Stockholm syndrome! Probably a fear of women of color. Love how you left the babies unscathed, as if it gives you clemency of some sort I thought you hated her master? IS THAT NOT THE PERSON WHO ALSO PUT THE BABIES ON THE BOX? ( + Look at the arrow)   Oh Well I guess this rant is done for now..
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pehimvmnt · 5 years
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Bold Squirrels in Madison Square Park
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pehimvmnt · 5 years
10 unusual language learning tips !
i see a lot of the same (sometimes unhelpful) tips being thrown around, so here’s my two cents:
1. write shopping lists/to do lists in your target language - often you don’t learn this vocab but it’s conversational & v useful! also writing yourself notes (lil pep talks on the bathroom mirror, for example) can work.
2. buy a small whiteboard and practice verb conjugation (esp. romantic languages) or script writing 
3. talk to pets in target language if possible!
4. look for quotes in your target language - often the turns of phrase are  more colloquial, and is a good opportunity to see how things are translated from your native language 
5. find a fairly easy news headline (in target lang) and try to re-write it w/ vocab you already have. you’ll quickly find gaps - this is a good thing! (if you’re feeling extra spicy, try writing a small subheading or description about the article).
6. create an imaginary friend who you speak with on the shower, or on the train, doing the laundry etc. talk w/ them in your target lang (in your head, obvs) about your day, future plans, etc etc.
~for more advanced learners~
7. when you’re more advanced, and have some grasp of past/future tenses, buy a children’s/tween’s/YA book that you’ve already read. highlight and annotate the shit out of it. you’ll know the general gist already, which makes context clues easier to find.
8. change wikipedia settings into target language - same goes for any social media site. this can be a mega challenge, but is so good for vocab, plus you’re more likely to remember the info since you worked so hard for it.
9. write a review for a book/film/record/whatever you’ve most recently consumed. maybe start a diary of them, or just have an ongoing word doc.
10. find a bilingual edition of poetry/literature if possible. you might find you can spot translation differences, but you’re sure to find some new vocab.
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pehimvmnt · 5 years
Reasons to learn a language (motivation)
Talking to new people.
Learnin about another, whole different culture.
Being able to read untranslated books.
Music in each country is different, your music taste will expand.
Knowing more than one language is always good when looking for a job, it gives more opportunities to get accepted or get better jobs.
Watch new movies from other countries. Some have some hardcore stories!
Being able to watch a TV show/series/movie in the language you’re learning while doing something else! My dream is to be able to watch anime while doing my homework, no paying attention to subs!
If you travel to another country knowing the language, you won’t get lost and your experience will be more enjoyable.
Play untranslated videogames. Nintendo, for example, tends to release some games just in Japan.
Watch new YouTubers!
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pehimvmnt · 5 years
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pehimvmnt · 5 years
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