pennpapper · 2 years
Art of Writing: No Excuses, Only Results!
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This year, you resolve to make your writing the best it can be. Here are eight tips to help you succeed:
💣Write the first draft as fast as you can. Get it out of your head and onto the page. Don't worry about making it perfect - just get it done.
💣Never publish the first draft. Rewriting may seem tedious, but it's essential for improving your work. Take the time to revise and edit your writing to make it the best it can be.
💣Show, don't tell. Instead of simply stating things as you see them, try to put yourself in the shoes of your audience and paint a picture for them. Use sensory language to help them experience what you're writing about.
💣Write to one person. Focus on connecting with just one reader at a time. Use the word "you" frequently to make it feel like you're speaking directly to them.
💣Spark joy. Write about something that brings you joy, and it will show in your work. If you hate writing, it will come through in your writing.
💣Read everything out loud. This is the best way to hear how your writing sounds and to catch any mistakes. Pay attention to your tone and make sure it reflects your voice.
💣Write every day. Building a daily writing habit will help you improve significantly over time. Even if you can only write a sentence or two, it's important to practice regularly.
💣Go analog once in a while. Consider writing by hand or using a typewriter to slow down the process and help you focus. This can help you produce higher-quality work.
By following these tips, you can become a better writer and achieve your writing goals in the new year.
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pennpapper · 2 years
A study by Backlinko found that the average word count of a Google first page result is 1,890 words. Using Yoast SEO's readability analysis can help you ensure that your content is comprehensive and easy to read.
Check out my new blog on 5 Ways to Optimize Your Website Content With Yost SEO to learn more about website optimization with Yoast SEO.
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pennpapper · 2 years
Safety Precautions for Baby Photography
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Newborn photography can be a little bit difficult sometimes as parents trust you with their new, tiny baby. It is obvious that you want to capture incredible and amazing images that will become a treasure for a lifetime, but you also have to ensure the safety and comfort of the baby in mind. So, let us help you with some safety precautions for the baby photography session.
Make a Plan
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First of all, it is obvious that you have to have a plan for your photography session. Newborns are a precious gift to every parent, so they want to capture every single moment of their tiny one from the beginning. Thus, most newborn photography session takes place when the babies are between 5 and 10 days old. At this stage, newborns are super sleepy and fairly flexible and moldable. So, this is not so easy to get whatever cute little pose you are attempting. So, make a draft of your plan about it, it will make things a bit easier for you to do your shoot.
Safety Before Photographing Newborn
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Newborns are really vulnerable and delicate, and as a photographer you always want to use the utmost care when moving and posing a minor. Always wash or sanitize your hands before starting a newborn photo session. Ask parents’ permission before touching the baby or ask for their assistance in posing. It goes without saying that, you need to re-schedule the photo shoot if you think you might get sick.
Prepare Your Space
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When photographing your newborn, it is important to create a warm space where the baby will feel comfortable sleeping. If you are going to use a heater then, you should not point it directly at the baby. I personally don’t feel comfortable using heating pads in my setups. Make sure while you are shooting, your camera gears and other equipment are in your grip, so that you don’t have to leave the setup for getting them.
Choose Props Wisely
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When choosing props for your baby there are a few things you should keep in mind. Make sure whatever props you purchase is big enough to SAFELY fit a baby. Make sure the baby can straighten its legs. Make sure there is nothing sharp sticking out. It is good if you can use baskets that are wide and shallow. But if you choose baskets that are taller, make sure you weigh the bottom of them with sandbags so that they won’t tip.
Check and Double-Check
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As is said earlier, newborn babies are a bit delicate to handle. So, it is obvious to check and double-check things while shooting newborns. Is baby warm enough? Is the space heater safe from the baby and are they comfortable with the temperature? As a photographer, this is your job to make sure that baby is comfortable and safe in that environment and in every pose you do.
The newborn babies are a little miracle and the opportunity to photograph them is a great honor. But we must remind that the safety of the baby is the most important aspect of your session. And, parents will also feel more comfortable throughout the session knowing that their baby is in safe hands. After all, as a photographer baby’s safety is your first priority.
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pennpapper · 2 years
Motion Graphic on this Father's Day. Prepared for #ConveyanceApp the product of the company i'm working at right now-Monico Technologies Limited.
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pennpapper · 3 years
5 Facebook Feed Plugin for WordPress to Grow Your Blog
We live in an era where social media marketing is on another level, which is why the Facebook feed plugin for WordPress comes to play. Let's face it, we all know that Facebook has a vast audience, and if you want to boost your user engagement and the time they spend on your site/blog, then showing a Facebook feed can be a good idea. And to do so, you have to install the Facebook feed plugin for WordPress.
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I've put together the five best Facebook feed plugins and their key features in this article, and we will discuss how the Facebook plugin works and the benefits of using it. Let's dig in!
In this Article:
How does the Facebook Feed Plugin for WordPress works
Benefits of using Facebook Feed Plugins for WordPress
5 best Facebook Feed Plugins
How does the Facebook Feed Plugin for WordPress works?
Facebook plugins are the WordPress tool that lets you connect your Facebook account with your blog, and there are various ways to do so.
By Adding a Sharing Button
These facebook sharing buttons will be displayed in your blog on a post or page and let your reader share the post on their Facebook feed with an easy click.
Automatic Blog Posts on Facebook
This plugin will automatically publish your posts on Facebook once you post on your blog. It helps you distribute your content to your readers quickly.
Adding a Facebook Feed to Your Blog
Using a WordPress Facebook feed plugin, you can display your Facebook comments, videos, photos to support your blog content. This plugin is helpful if you have a Facebook group or company page, so you can be sure that your readers see all your posts and comments.
Talking about the usefulness of the Facebook feed, let's dig in more to find out its benefits.
Benefits of using Facebook Feed Plugins for WordPress
As I have mentioned earlier, Facebook has a vast audience, and it is a simple and very effective way to get more audience for your blog. Other benefits of using it:
More Engagement
Showing your Facebook feed on your blog/site will encourage people to visit both places, which means more engagement.
Increases users dwell time
The amount of time a visitor stays on your website doing meaningful engagement is called the dwell-time. When the audience engages more with your website, they tend to stay more and return for more. Using the WordPress Facebook feed plugin, you can engage your audience, which helps increase your website's dwell time.
Get Instant SEO Boost
Your blog will get support from all keywords in Facebook posts and comments if you install the Facebook feed WordPress plugin into your blog. It's an instant SEO boost without much work or coding.
Now that you know the benefits of using it, let's check out the best Facebook feed plugins to install on your WordPress blog.
5 Facebook Feed Plugin for WordPress
There are both free and paid plugins here, and all are regularly updated. But just a word of warning before using them: Facebook is a third-party service and not associated with WordPress or developers making WordPress plugins. So, you might get in trouble with deactivated plugins if you violate any of Facebook's trademarks or copyrights. Now let's get to the plugins:
1. Smash balloon
The smash balloon social posts feed, a simple way to embed Facebook feeds and individual posts. You can pull feeds from pages or groups. Visitors can react to the posts, leave a comment, and this will redirect to Facebook. This plugin doesn't limit how many elements you embed on your site. Your embedded feeds are compliant with the gdpr, and since it doesn't use iframes, search engines will be able to crawl the elements on your website. If you want to add lots of Facebook content to your website, this WordPress Facebook feed plugin is for you.
Key Features:
Mobile Adaptability and Optimization
Multiple Facebook feeds with a customizable look to match the appearance of your site
Suitable for both Facebook pages and groups
it's free with a pro version starting at $49 per year.
2. Easy Social Feed
Although It is similar to the first plugin, there is a little twist. It enables you to embed Instagram feeds to your site and complete control over how you display them. It has a popup feature that lets users view content more closely without leaving your site. This WordPress Facebook feed plugin also offers built-in templates which you can use to show your feeds either from Facebook or Instagram.
Key Features:
Auto popup view of contents
Built-in Templates to customize your social feeds
Multiple feeds from Facebook and Instagram​
The free version of this plugin limits you to only one social media platform embed at a time, but the premium version starts at $39 per year for the Facebook or the Instagram plugin alone, or you can spend $69 per year for both.
3. 10Web Social Post Feed
Another amazing Facebook feed plugin for WordPress is the 10Web social post feed. This plugin enables you to control how your Facebook feed will appear. You can embed Facebook feed along with specific publications on your website. You will be able to add feeds using a widget. Thus it will show up on your site as a sidebar without distracting visitors. It also comes with a lightbox feature that lets your user click an item to enlarge.
Key Feature:
Multiple feeds along with specification publications
Highly customizable and responsive layouts
It comes with a lightbox feature
Can show as sidebar using widget
There is a pro version of this plugin with some extra features for which you have to count $25. but you can also enjoy the free version too.
4. The Facebook Feed
This is a four-in-one plugin to show your Facebook feed, image gallery, video gallery, and event calendar on your website all in one. It is fully responsive and ready to use for any screen.
Key Features:
Responsive and ready for any screen size
Customizable and includes like and share button
Supports WPbakery and more
This is a premium WordPress Facebook feed plugin that costs $39. But the premium version includes a lot of features that are worthy of the price. Try it out.
5. Flow-Flow
Flow-flow is a social stream plugin that allows you to add feeds from the most popular social media services, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest.
Key Features:
Compatible with all the third-party services
Customizable and ready for any screen size
Works perfectly on any web browser
This is free to download the plugin, but a pro version enables you to show feeds from other sites like YouTube, Linked In, Tumblr, Soundcloud, Vine, Dribbble, Flickr, and more. Now, you decide which version works fine for you.
Now that you know the 5 best Facebook feed plugins for WordPress, it will be easier to choose the right one for your site. However, when it comes to plugins, you will often have to install and test a few of them before moving on to the one that suits your requirements. The features of Facebook feed plugins can vary, so it all depends on what you want to do with Facebook on your blog.
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pennpapper · 3 years
Zoom Vs Cisco WebEx: Which one is better?
Online meetings are always been there but during this pandemic period, it has become an integral part of the 'New Normal'. Today all the major companies are allowing their employees to do ‘work from home’ to maintain safety from COVID-19 and thus this virtual meeting is becoming an integral part of their daily life. But it is a must say that online meetings are a bit difficult to arrange than a physical meeting. It is really important to plan the meeting well before its schedule, to make sure everyone in the meeting stays on track. And the virtual meeting tools have made this problem a little less with their easy-to-use functionalities.
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Talking about virtual meeting tools, Zoom and WebEx are the two of the top video conferencing tools that have been used to hold high-quality online meetings among global businesses. Now which of the two is the best tool for you it depends on why you are using them and how much you want to pay? Both companies offer a “free trial” period, where Zoom comes with the basic plan and WebEx offers a 30-day free trial.
Let’s get into a detailed comparison between Zoom and WebEx so that it’ll be easier for you to pick the best option.
Zoom Zoom is a newbie in this market. But with its feature packet plans along with reasonable pricing, it has become a popular video conferencing tool on the market. It provides video webinars, Zoom Rooms, online meetings, and group messaging, where you can also record the meetings in high quality for further notation. With a cost-effective, user-friendly interface, zoom is an ideal tool for any business.
Cisco WebEx
Since 1995, WebEx has been a dependable online meeting tool by CISCO. It is undoubtedly a great way to hold high-quality online meetings which include up to 500 participants, allowing you to organize events, webinars, and video conferences. It offers a free plan for 30 days and but it’s still pricier as it is $26.95/Month for a business plan.
Overall, both of the tools are great in different terms but if talking about futures, UX, and pricing, then Zoom is the right choice. Other than that, both of them have the same capabilities to hold global communications. But if features are relatively similar then the cost is a great tiebreaker. So, in conclusion, I would prefer Zoom for holding a virtual meeting for any kind of business over Cisco WebEx.
It was a a content writing project for a startup it client. Their requirements was, well researched content on virtual meeting platform, small content with well enough information to hit the target customers. 
Here is what I came up with and the client was happy with the results.
like my work and want me to do some work for you? get in touch with me here- -iamrezwanaa
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pennpapper · 3 years
মানুষের মানচিত্র
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সবুজ হচ্ছে প্রকৃতির স্নিগ্ধতা, কোমলতা। সময়ের সঙ্গে সঙ্গে রাজধানীর জনসংখ্যা ও আকাশচুম্বি ভবন বেড়েই চলছে, সেইসঙ্গে পাল্লা দিয়ে কমছে সবুজ রংটিও। ক্রমাগত সবুজ হারানো এই শহরে বুক ভরে একটু স্বস্তির নিঃশ্বাস নিতেই ধানমন্ডি লেকের পাড়ে আসে মানুষ। আমিও এসেছি। শুক্রবার, সাপ্তাহিক ছুটির দিন হওয়ায় মানুষের উপস্থিতিও ছিল চোখে পড়ার মতো। হাঁটার পথেই পেছন থেকে কেউ বলে উঠলো, “আপা, দুইটা চকলেট লন।” ঘুরে তাকাতেই দেখি এক ছেলে, বয়স ১০ কি ১২।
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চকলেট বিক্রি করছে সে। গ্রীষ্মের ঠাঁটা পড়া রোদে, চেহারা লাল হয়ে আছে ছেলেটার। মায়া মায়া একটা ভাব পুরো চেহারা জুরে। ছায়ায় বসিয়ে প্রশ্ন করলাম “নাম কী তোমার?” উৎসাহী ছেলেটি এক নিঃশ্বাসে বলতে শুরু করলো- “আমর নাম শাকিল। উইযে, উই হাসপাতালের পাশে থাকি। আব্বায় মারা গেসে, থাকি মায়ের সঙ্গে। গেরামের বাড়ি বরিশাল, কেউ নাই। কামের জন্য ঢাকায় আইসি, এখন ভিক্কা করি আর চকলেট বেচি।” কথা গুলো শুনে মনটা কেমন যেন আবেগী হয়ে উঠলো। প্রশ্ন করলাম, “গ্রাম থেকে ঢাকায় আসছ কেন? শাকিলের উত্তর, “গেরামে কি সবাই কাম পায়? পায় না! কেউ কাম দেয় না।” জীবন-জীবিকার জন্য মানুষ কত কিছুই না করে থাকে। সাধারণত পড়াশোনা শেষ করে প্রাপ্ত বয়স্ক হওয়ার পর আমরা জীবিকার তাগিতে ছুঁটতে শুরু করি। কিন্তু কেউ কেউ আছে যাদের জন্মের পরই খুঁজতে হয় উপার্জনের পথ। নির্বিঘ্নে পড়াশোনার সুযোগও নেই তাদের। সুবিধাবঞ্চিত এমন শিশুদের দেখা মেলে রাজধানীর পথে, ট্রাফিক সিগ্নালে বা পার্কের সবুজের ভিড়ে।
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এমনই আরও দুই শিন্নমূল শিশুর দেখা মিলল লেকের কিছুটা ভিতরে যেতেই। দুই শিশু ফুল বিক্রেতা পুতুলি আর রমজান। বয়স ১২ ও ১৪। তাদের দুজনেরই বাড়ি বরিশাল। ছোট বেলা থেকেই ঢাকায় থাকে পুতুলি। প্রশ্ন করলাম ঢাকায় কেন এসেছ? পুতুলি বলে, “কষ্টের কারণের ঢাকায় আইসি আপু। দ্যাশে ফুফু আছে, দেখে না আমাগোরে। দ্যাশে কাম নাই, ভাত পাইনা। তাই এইহানে আইসা আমি ফুল বিক্রি করি আর মা আর ছোট বৈনরে দেখি। বাপে অসুস্থ, কিডনি নষ্ট। মায়ে বোতল টুকায়।” এভাবেই অল্পবয়স্ক এই শিশুরা ঢাকা শহরের বিভিন্নস্থানে ফুল বিক্রি করে থাকে। কারো বাবা-মায়ের আয় দিয়ে সংসার চলে না, তো কারো কারো বাবা নেই। এমন অবস্থায় এই শিশুরাই নিজে হাতে ধরে নিয়েছে সংসারের হাল। ঢাকায় থাকতে কেমন লাগে জানতে চাওয়ায় পুতুলি বলে, “আপু, ঢাকা বড়লোকদের জায়গা, এইখানে আমগো মতন গরিবেরা থাকতে পারেনা। সারাদিনে ফুল বেইচা ১০০-২০০ টাকা কামাই। এই দিয়া চলি কেমনে? বাসা বাড়িতে কেউ কাম দেয় না। যদি কেউ দেয়, তো মাইরও দেয়। তাই বাসা বাড়িতে কাম করিনা। কিন্তু রাস্তায় ভালো আছি। কেউ মারে না।” এতো কষ্টের মাঝেও এসব শিশুদের অদম্য ইচ্ছা কিছু করার, ইচ্ছা বেঁচে থাকার। পড়াশোনা কর নাকি এমন প্রশ্নের উত্তরে পুতুলি বলে, “হ আপু। ক্লাস ফাইভে পড়ি, অপরাজেয় বাংলাদেশ। ইচ্ছা আছে পড়াশোনা কইরা বড় হইয়া ডাক্তার হব।” সকালে স্কুলে যায়, স্কুল শেষ করে দুপুর থেকে রাত পর্যন্ত তারা ফুল বিক্রি করে। যেদিন স্কুল বন্ধ থাকে সেদিন সকাল থেকে রাত পর্যন্ত চলে ফুল বিক্রি করে। মূলত গাছ থেকে বকুল ফুল সংগ্রহ করে মানুষের কাছে বিক্রি করে। কেউ ফুল কিনছেন প্রিয় মানুষকে উপহার দেওয়ার জন্য, কেউবা নিজ ঘর ফুলের গন্ধে মোহনীয় করার জন্য।
রমজান চকলেটও বেঁচে আবার টাকা চেয়ে ভিক্ষা করে বলা চলে। পড়াশোনার কথা জানতে চাওয়ায় রমজান বলে, “আমি ক্লাস ওয়ানে পড়ি, পুষ্প কলি ইস্কুলে। বড় হয়ে ‘পেলেন’ চালাবো, তাই পড়াশোনা করি। বাপের অসুখ আছিল, তাই ঢাকায় আইসি। মায়ে ভিক্কা করে। বড় আপায় বিয়া করি আলাদা, এক ভাই বিয়া করি আলাদা থাহে। দেহে না আমগোরে। বাপের অসুখ নাইলে আইতাম না। এইহানে ভালা লাগে না।”
আলেয়া, বয়স ৪ কি ৫ হবে। এই ছোট্ট শিশুটি বলে, “আমি ১০টা ফুলের মালা নিয়া বাইর হইসি। এহন আছে ৫টা। আপু, একটা মালা লন না, ১০টাকা।”  আলেয়ার বাবা ডিম বিক্রি করে। আরো ৩ বোন আছে আলেয়ার। তাদের বিয়ের জন্য টাকা জমাতে হবে বলে বাবা মেয়ে মিলেই পথে নেমেছে কাজ করতে। বাকি বোনরাও এমনই ফুল, চকলেট এবং নুসনি বিক্রি করে বলে জানায় আলিয়া। ঢাকায় থাকতে কেমন লাগে জানতে চাওয়ায় আলিয়া বলে, “ভালো লাগে না। মায়ের কথা মনে পরে।”
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২ ঘণ্টা সময় নিয়ে পার্কে হাটতে যেয়ে জীবনের এমন কিছু গল্প জানা যাবে ভাবিনি। নিজের সীমিত জ্ঞান নিয়ে এই শিশুরা তাদের জীবনের কথা যেটুকু বলেছে তা শুনে মুগ্ধ হয়তো কেউ হবেন না। জীবন যুদ্ধ যাঁদের সবচেয়ে বেশি কঠিন করে, তাঁরা তো নিতান্তই সহজ কথার সাধারণ মানুষ। তাঁদের কথা খুব একটা শোনা বা শোনানোও হয়না। অবহেলিত হয়েও তারা বেঁচে থাকার স্পৃহা আর জীবন যুদ্ধে জয়ী হওয়ার ইচ্ছা নিয়ে এভাবেই প্রতিদিন লড়ে যাচ্ছে।
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A weekly feature by Rezwana Sarker published in a national online news portal named Bangla Insider
like my work and want me to do some work for you? get in touch with me here- -iamrezwanaa
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pennpapper · 3 years
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Copywriting & Designing for Instagram: Fashion Blitzs
You can get a customer to take the action you want by connecting emotionally with them. But how do you do that? By using ‘copywriting’ spell. This project had the same goal, to connect with the customers/viewer using social media posts. 
The client wanted me to create posts for their Instagram account, posts that have great visuals with strong copies to attract their customers. I have done 60 posts(designed images with the taglines, prepare the copy and relevant hashtags). 
And here are the results in front of you. 
like my work and want me to do some work for you? get in touch with me here- iamrezwanaa
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