Oh great it's the one year anniversary of the incident that my family forgot but I sure as hell did not. Fucking fantastic.
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God damn it!
I fucked up my foot.
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This mf is into my favorite show and game! Let's gooo!!
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Lord help me..
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Don’t neglect yourself. Remember the basics Posted by: u/mentholnasalspray Posted on: r/wholesomememes for more info, click here: https://ift.tt/GOzCZkY
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I'd care if the person I reblogged this from committed suicide.
Reblog this from anybody. literally. ANYBODY. even if you dont like them or even know them that well. YOU COULD SAVE THEIR LIFE.
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Hello everyone! If you're reading this it means that you're still here in this world with us and I'm proud of you for that. I wanted to remind you to take care of yourselves. Every single one of you is loved by your family, friends and me! I love you even if I don't know you, I'm pretty sure you're a really cool person! I'm happy that you exist. I'm happy that you're still here. I'm happy that you didn't end it all, even when the times got really hard. Don't give up.
Some nice words 🌸
Remember, it's ok to cry, it doesn't make you weak. It's ok to be sad, everyone has this feeling. It's ok to rest, it doesn't mean that you're being lazy.
You're not useless
You're not stupid
You're not a problem
You're not a disappointment
You are loved
You deserve to live
You are worth it
Taking care of yourself 💖
Eat and drink water. You deserve to be well fed and hydrated.
Don't stay up late. You need sleep.
If you had a stressful day take a bath or do something you like.
Go outside or just open a window. Clean air and sunlight helps a lot.
When you're doing your homework take at least 10 minute breaks every 20-30 minutes. Go get a snack, drink something, play with your pet (if you have one), walk around a bit because sitting all the time is bad for you.
Do some exercise! It doesn't matter what type of exercise you do. You can walk around the park, go to the gym, play your favourite sport, dance.. There's many things you can do!
You are valid 🌈
It doesn't matter what your religion, skin colour and sexuality is. Even where you're from and the way you dress doesn't matter! Clothes don't have a gender after all. Remember, you are valid and don't let ANYONE tell you otherwise. There's a lot people who support you for the way you are, so you should not hide your true identity and pretend to be someone you're not. You can love whoever you want. You can dress however you want. Just be yourself.
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It's the first of March y'all
My birthday is just around the corner.
I can smell it.
Yo I can't wait till my birthday I'm getting excited-.
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[id: a white userbox with a pastel purple border, and pastel purple text that reads “this user gets upset when someone tells them not to apologize all the time due to it being a trauma response”. on the left is an image of a pastel purple heart. /end id]
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Don't you love it when ya can't sleep
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“How do you feel?”
“Like I accidentally tripped into on coming traffic.”
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Y E A H ! >:(
“aren’t you tired of being nice” no!!!! i’m tired of everyone else being mean!!!!!!!!
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Nice.. ✨⭐🌟💫🌠
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[Untitled, unsung] // Part 28
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so um this is my uh first post um this i uh what am i doing with my life um i want cheetos
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Sorry I ghosted you I was staring at my wall doing nothing for six hours because I’m mentally ill
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I have many regrets
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