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Hey can the Cards Against Humanity people see if they can run tumblr please?
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Hey Floridians
Im writing a story that takes place in Florida, but I live in nice, crisp Ohio, and I haven’t been to flower state since I was like 6.
I just need to know, what is North Florida like in November?
A little research tells me that it’s about 78 or so degrees usually, with less rain than usual. To me, that sounds like f*cking paradise, but maybe not to a Florida native.
Thanks for you help and marry Christmas!
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Not my usual thing, but very disconcerting. Please read.
“When did slavery end in America?”
If you ask a white teenager, you might get the answer, “Four hundred years ago.” But that’s not the answer. Four hundred years ago was 1615, when the Jamestown colony had only existed for eight years and chattel slavery was just beginning.
Others might say, “When Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, of course.” But that’s not right either. That only freed slaves in Confederate territory seized by the Union. The Union slave states—Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland, Delaware, and the then-in-formation West Virginia—were exempt and allowed to keep their slaves, along with Tennessee, which had more or less been returned to the Union, and Union-loyal areas of Louisiana (including New Orleans) and coastal Virginia. Because it was unenforceable in most of the Confederate states, only about 1-2% of slaves were freed by the Emancipation Proclamation.
“Well, then,” they might say, “it was definitely when the Thirteenth Amendment was passed.” And still, they would be wrong. While that pivotal law did free the vast majority of America’s slaves, the text of the law is this: “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.“
So when did slavery end in America? The answer is, “Never.”
As discussed in the PBS documentary Slavery By Another Name (available in full by clicking the link), as the federal government withdrew funding and support for Reconstruction, the South began a system of leasing prisoners—allowed by law to be used as slaves—to the plantations to replace their free labor. Those affected by this system were treated even worse than those held in bondage under slavery before the Civil War, as slaves were an expensive investment—the $800 average cost of a slave in 1860 is roughly $21,000 in today’s dollars—but leased prisoners were replaced by the prison if killed and payment continued as scheduled, deincentivizing what little humane treatment was afforded slaves.
It was so profitable and in such high demand that, within ten years of its implementation, the stereotype of black people in America had changed. Prior to the Civil War, the stereotype of black people was that we were inherently docile, servile, and loyal. This only makes sense, because if we were viewed as inherently violent and thieving and criminal like we are today, why would they have trusted us with their livelihoods, their crops, and their children? (Side note: this is also where the stereotype of black people loving watermelon came from—the idea that if we were just given a cool slice of watermelon on a hot day, we would work forever). But once they were no longer allowed to own us outright and had to lease us from prisons, police and judges did everything in their power to make sure they had a robust source of free labor. Black people were arrested on false or trumped-up charges, and within ten years, the recorded arrest and conviction rate for black people had skyrocketed so much that the stereotype was entirely inverted from what it had been previously.
The prison system may have stopped leasing prisoners to plantations, but they still lease prison labor to corporations and local governments. Prisoners—primarily black, of course, because we are targeted—are forced to fight wildfires, manufacture consumer goods, and even make goat cheese for Whole Foods. Our economy was built on slave labor, and it still runs on it to a disconcerting extent. And to make that work, black and Latino neighborhoods are targeted by law enforcement and manipulated through things like school closings and schools being unfathomably underfunded to ensure an ever-growing population of prisoners, an ever-growing population of slaves.
So the next time someone asks you when slavery ended in America, tell them the truth. Tell them, “Never.”
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Yeah, this would be pretty cool. I better get started on my fanfiction.
Hey so I’m curious, would any of you be interested in an event like the Oscars but on tumblr and for sanders sides fanfiction?
Because if enough of you are, then I’ll think about actually making a blog for all that. I think it should take part in februar aka the same night as the real oscars
Please reblog because I find this idea pretty neat (and maybe tag a few people because I’m too anxious to do so)
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Gotta try later
heres a neat little quiz for getting your real life stats
tell me what you get
heres my fucking embarrassing textbook nerd stats
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Want to know how corrupt the pharmaceutical industry is?
See this?
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This is called Afrezza. It’s an inhaler for diabetic insulin. That’s right. An inhaler. That means no more needles. It’s only for fast acting insulin, but it could still vastly improve the life of a lot of diabetics. 
Imagine having to constantly prick yourself with needles to keep yourself alive, and then suddenly there’s a new product that could change the whole way you live your life for the better.
And here’s the thing: it works. It works really really well. People with diabetes that have been lucky enough to have used it think it’s amazing.
But sadly, it’s probably going to end up as a failure because the pharmaceutical company (a French company called Sanofi) that was in charge of marketing it didn’t care enough to actually try. Not only that, but they made it incredibly expensive so hardly anyone could afford it. Most people have never heard of it, and the way things are going, no one else ever will.
Please reblog this to raise awareness of this product and hopefully get another company to market it. It could change so many lives.
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Brandy: *kissy noises* "come e're mow mow"
Channary: *clicks tongue* "kitty kitty" *wiggles finger*
Dulcie: "Come here widdle one. Cutie. Dearie."
Liberty: "Alright, get over here asshat."
Maiara: "Come, cat. I have food for you."
Theresa: *weird gibberish* "c'merekittykittycomeoncomeheremeowbegoodkitty."
What term does your OC use to call cats?
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Brandy: Crow/Raven
Channary: Flamingos or Cockatoos
Dulcie: Lovebird or French Mountain Pigeon
Liberty: Bearded Vulture
Maiara: Barn Owl
Theresa: Wild Pheasant
Does your OC have a favorite bird?
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What grades did/does your OC get in school?
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Norweigian Forest Cat : Freya
Black American Short-hair Cat : Melanie “Mel”s
Dachshund : Tiktaalik “Tikky”
Many, many houseplants
Blue lovebird : Tutti
Green and red lovebird : Fruity
5 Goldfish : Rosie, Tangerine, Lemon, Sunny, and Spot
White Persian Cat : Cotton
Grey Pit-bull: Bebe
3 Huskies : Rough, Tumble, & Riot
White Cockatoo : Smartass “Smartie”
Orange Persian Cat : Empress
Short-hair Tortoiseshell Cat: Dian Hong “D.D.”
Xoloitzcuintli : Crab
3 Black pigeons : Sirius, Betelgeuse, and Polaris.
Ballhead Python : Medusa
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Favorite Breakfast
Fruit Smoothie
Toast with sun-butter
Hard Boiled Egg 
Blackened tomato steaks
Stir fried bell pepper strips
Blueberry waffles 
Orange juice
Sausage links
Sweet grits
Poptarts (if she has time)
Black coffee.
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Alarm Tone
Channary Playlist of Katy Perry, Sara Bareilles, Beyonce, Miley Cyrus, and Lady Gaga.
Maiara Mechanical beeping.
Dulcie Bird chirping tracks.
Liberty Her favorite song at the time.
Theresa Her favorite radio show
Brandy Metal/Dubstep playlist
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reblog before december 17th
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[I wrote this as a continuation of What They Have which I’m not going to tag because I’m rather partial to my writing being able to be found. These are probably definitely going to become part of a series I randomly decided to make by combining two unrelated timelines into a single story.]
Summary: Logan is trapped in a fusion with Deceit, and this slowly causes him to lose his sense of identity. (A.K.A. I like making Logan suffer and I’m sorry.)
Characters: Logan Sanders, Deceit Sanders, Virgil Sanders, Pride Sanders, Apathy Sanders, Patton Sanders, Roman Sanders
Warnings: Snakes, Snake bites, Injuries, Physical numbness, Manipulative Deceit, Choking, Dark Sides, Identity loss, Violence, Passing out, Panicking (let me know if I missed any.)
Ships: Royality
Word Count: 2093
I had to get out. 
I ran for the walls of what I assumed was our combined consciousness in the fusion, hoping there was some way out hidden within the dark, towering dome, when I felt a stinging pain in both my wrists before getting pulled to the ground. I looked down, feeling my arms going numb, and there were two snakes clinging to me with their fangs stabbed into my wrists.
I tried to stand back up, but the vipers pulled me down more, forcing me into a kneel. I then felt two more snakes crawling over my legs. I looked back at them and watched as the two snakes which had formed out of the ground tighten around my legs, dragging them down until my legs had disappeared beneath the surface.
We searched around for Deceit, finding him raised on a pedestal, another snake laying calmly across his shoulders. “Deceit, what’s going on?” I practically screamed up at him. “What are you doing?" 
Deceit looked down at me, glaring, and we realized far too late that he didn’t actually care about me. And we couldn’t believe I had let myself fall for it.
That was when Virgil had walked in, calling for me. I opened my mouth to speak, but was cut short as my neck was lunged at, constricted as it was also pulled down. I instinctively gasped for air before remembering how most nonvenomous snakes kill their prey depends on just that. I calmed my breathing as Deceit began speaking, his words repeated in a raspy voice by us. ”I’m afraid there is no Logan anymore. From now on, you may call us Loceit.“
Virgil stared, wide eyed, before backing out of the room, turning and running towards the commons. We watched him leave, screaming at him to come back, to help us, but of course, all he even could have heard was the static and the beeping.
We calmly watched him leave, waving a hand at the door, willing it to close. Once the door had closed, we turned from it, locking it with another swift hand gesture.
We saw a door on the other side of the distorted room, one we didn’t recognize. We walked towards it and opened it, revealing what looked like the commons, but it was darker, more faded. It appeared to be in a state of disrepair.
Standing by the door, waiting for us, was somebody that looked somewhat like Roman, but wearing black rather than white. His entire outfit was so much darker, and somehow more extravagant. He had dark red shoulder tassels, and a black crown rested on his head. He walked up to us, examining our body. "Hmm, let me guess, Logic? Good choice.” In his expression, there was mainly curiousity, a sort of mild interest, but hidden behind that was something else I couldn’t quite recognize. 
“Get out of my way Pride.” We waved a dismissive hand at him and before we turned away from him we caught a glimpse of that unrecognized emotion again, and we realized it was fear.
We were already the leader here, and now we have even more power. And that makes us terrifying.
From over on the worn couch, we heard a voice we immediately recognized as Apathy. “It only makes sense. Not only will Logic be the least likely to be missed, it is also the best factor to have influence over.”
As if on cue, we sensed Thomas calling, Virgil having brought up our absence. Thomas was of course anxious, and I tried telling him, telling all of them, that I needed help, but then I felt the fangs in my wrist deepen, and our mind went fuzzy.
We’re fine, Thomas. There’s nothing to worry about.
We didn’t actually believe that, and we wanted to keep calling for help, but the numbness now flooding through our body kept me from doing anything.
Thomas did believe the lie, and then we no longer felt him calling for us. We realized there was no way of getting out.
That night, we saw the binary in our right eye begin flashing red, and through our left eyes the entire rooming began warping. It felt like we were unfusing. We stood jerkily, stumbling to our room. In that time, I could feel the grasp on me weaken, and I became able to think again. That was my chance. I tried pulling myself back up. I was almost able to stand before being pulled back down again. Our fusion reached its room, sitting down against the wall. Its tongue went towards the nearby outlet. We gasped as we felt a sudden jolt, the red flashing in our right eye stopping, the lines of code returning to its normal green. Our mind went numb again. 
We began falling asleep as we sat there, recovering from the drained feeling. We knew we couldn’t let ourselves lose that much power again. We almost fell apart.
We forced ourself to stay awake, knowing that if we fell asleep like we wanted to, we’d completely lose control. Then we’d really have no way out. We struggled to stay awake the entire night, even as the fusion fell asleep, barely keeping ourself conscious. 
The next morning, we felt the buzzing in our head end, only to be immediately replaced by the numbness from the venom reaching my mind. And so the events of the previous day repeated, with us struggling to find a way out, or even just keep from passing out.
We couldn’t help but wonder how this was effecting Thomas. Apathy said that we were the best trait to have influence over, and we assumed that meant Thomas was having some sort of change because of this. However, we couldn’t find any sort of connection to Thomas through the numb fog surrounding our mind. 
This became our life for… we didn’t even know how long. Life for us became timeless buzzing of fatigue, and it really did seem like nobody missed us. Any time when Thomas called us to a video I just made Logan tell him that he’s fine, but can’t make it. So then I’d be able to manipulate Thomas’s line of reasoning without me or Logan ever being there.
Even when desperate little Virgil brought their attention to Logan’s constant absence, I doubted they’d actually do anything to get him away. We did end up getting pulled into the other side of the Mind Palace, being met by Royality demanding I release Logan. 
“Oh, that won’t do much good anyway,” I hissed at them. “There’s barely anything left of Logan anymore.” At this point, I doubted there was much left of Logan at all. I hadn’t been paying attention to him for at least a month now.
“You’re lying!" I blinked slowly as I turned to face Virgil, the little brat being too loud to ignore. I took a step towards him. ”Do you care to test that, Virgil?“
We felt a sudden pain in our abdomen and pulled our head up, as much as we could with it being pulled to the ground, and we saw Royality pointing their wand at us. "I said to let him go!” They shouted at us, but of course, we stayed trapped. We watched Royality raise their wand again and braced for impact. We surpressed a scream of pain as another burst of energy hit us. We looked up, and the rest of us wasn’t even reacting.
Our vision flashed white as we were hit again. And again. And again. And again. And again.
“You’re only hurting him, you know,” we heard the raspy voice speaking, giving us a moment to recover. We tried to keep ourself from gasping in pain as we listened to my voice. “The only person you’re hurting right now is Logan, and that is not a lie.”
I smiled as Royality lowered their wand, clearly realizing that there was nothing they could do to me. I watched them as I began turning around, receiving no reaction as I began leaving.
We jerked our head up, panic setting in and clearing some of the haze from our mind.
They’re really just going to watch as we leave? Don’t they know I’m still trapped in here? No no no no no no no they can’t just leave me I can’t do this anymore they have to get me out please please please help me I can’t do this get me out please help me help me help me get me out of here please please please please please 
I ripped my hands from the mouths of the snakes holding them down, ignoring the extreme pain from my wrists being ripped open as I wrapped my hands around the snake coiled around my neck. I ripped it away from my throat, fighting away from the vipers trying to get their fangs back into my arms. “LET ME OUT!” I screamed, the fusion stopping in its tracks as my voice came out, real words through the static instead of code. “I DON’T CARE WHAT HAPPENS TO ME, JUST GET ME OUT OF HERE!” The vipers grabbed hold of my arms again as our throat was constricted, even tighter than before. My head was pulled all the way to the ground, then all we could do was watch as we were stared at. Then Royality nodded to themselves before raising their wand again. We braced for impact. Our vision went white as we felt the hit, then faded to black. 
When we opened our eyes, the first thing we noticed was how we were in a bed, which was unusual, since we usually just sat against the wall as we charged. Then we noticed our room looked bigger than usual. And brighter. And blurrier. Then we heard a voice beside us, even though we never let either of the others into our room. “… it’s been three days, and he was in there for months. What if he doesn’t wake up, and it’s our fault?” I squinted towards the voice, and I saw Pride standing over someone we didn’t quite recognize. We thought it might have been Deceit in his disguise, but we were part of him, so that couldn’t be right.
“It’s gonna be okay Patton,” we heard Pride saying. “It’s Logan, he’ll get through it.”
Patton. We recognized that name. We searched through our memory, trying to think of where we recognized it from. Our eyes widened as we remembered where it was from. The other Sides. We’re at the other part of the Mind Palace. 
Patton looked at us as we stared, wide-eyed at him, and we began panicking. We might hurt him and we’d have no way to stop ourselves.
“Logan, you’re awake! Are you okay? How do you feel?” Patton leaned closer to us, dangerously close. This was the closest anyone had ever come to us, and there was no way he’d be allowed to get away with it. We pushed ourselves back, ignoring the pain in our entire body. If we’re moving ourselves then this was the most control we’ve had over ourselves in an eternity, and we had to use it to keep Patton as save as possible. However, Patton kept coming closer, holding his hands out to us. “Logan, you need to lay down.” We pushed ourselves away until we felt  back hit the wall. We began curling in on ourselves. “Get away from us!” we screamed, but we paused as we registered our voice. It sounded completely normal. No raspy, whispering voice. No beeping, no static. We looked down at ourselves, breathing heavily. It was a familiar body, but one we barely recognized anymore. We-I looked up, into the concerned faces of Patton, Roman, and Virgil, who had apparently joined them. 
As I sat there staring, I remembered what happened. I remembered Loceit being summoned. I remembered the pain of being hit again and again and again by the energy from Royality’s wand. I remembered having to rip my hands from the mouths of snakes, the feeling of them tearing open my wrists, how my nails dug into my neck as I struggled to pull away the serpent around my neck so I could speak. I remembered blacking out, and waking up here.
I leaned up against the wall behind me. “I’m myself again,” I said in a sigh of relief that came out more as laughter. Then the pain of everything caught up with me again, and I blacked out.
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