phil-jyp · 9 years
No motivation to study for my exams....
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phil-jyp · 10 years
...finals are creeping up on me. Need to get my shit together
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phil-jyp · 10 years
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phil-jyp · 10 years
Can we just take a moment to admire how beautiful Lydia Paek is...
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phil-jyp · 10 years
A bit of a throwback
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phil-jyp · 10 years
The more I listen to the song, the catchier it gets...
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phil-jyp · 10 years
Anonther Year Has Gone By...
...I guess I'm officially 22 now. Feeling old.
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phil-jyp · 10 years
current addiction for some reason...
I guess it's catchy?
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phil-jyp · 10 years
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phil-jyp · 10 years
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phil-jyp · 10 years
Oh baby please Just let me go
I just can't take your love any more
You say it's love I say it's dust
Check out this song. My current addiction
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phil-jyp · 10 years
What's one of the worst thing one can feel? Physical pain? No. 
One of the most painful and depressing feeling that I can think of is having to stand helplessly and become a witness to your world shattering in front of your eyes. And you know as hard as you try to grasp on to it before the damage gets worse, things will eventually change and it will be gone no matter how hard you try.
These agonizing moments of knowing something good might slip right through your fingers is definite one of the worst pains one can feel. Not because you doubt something else that is just as good will come next, but rather because you know you will always miss what you had.
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phil-jyp · 10 years
On repeat while studying.
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phil-jyp · 10 years
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Lol very accurate representation of my life
Finals week is kicking my ass.
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phil-jyp · 10 years
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Lol something innocent and cute.
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phil-jyp · 10 years
Scratching the Surface Continued...
One of the realities of life is that people come and go from it. Since a young age, I already experienced enough goodbyes that it begins to feel like people leaving is not a question of if they will, but rather when they will. out of the thousands of people we meet in our life time, chances are a lot of them become forgotten faces blended in with a crowd of strangers. But one of the saddest things we face is when that stranger was someone you once believed would be in your life forever. These people you once called a best friend, or girlfriend will eventually disappear from your life.
I never want to look weak. I don't want people to feel sorry for me. And I do not want to burden anyone else with the problems and demons that I have to face everyday. But truth is, I do not want to admit to myself how broken I may actually be. How defeated I may actually be in what seems like an endless war against all the monsters that have come to haunt me in life; a war that I may be losing so tragically. I never wanted to be this person who seemed to have been dealt with a bad hand. This person who feels so flawed and misunderstood. A person who could be surrounded by loved ones but still feel alone. Don't get me wrong, I do have a supportive family and caring friends, but sometimes I feel like I don't have that security in my life. So here I am. Lost and confused. With this darkness building up inside of me that I'm scared to admit I have. It's something that consumes me, awaiting for the day it destroys me. I can only hope that one day, these broken pieces will be fixed.
Here's my attempt to fix these broken pieces.
It is crazy how one simple word like "hello" could be the beginning of something so much more. How one stare shared between two people could end up changing their lives. And how two complete strangers could one day mean so much more. It is funny how a start of a relationship can happen by complete chance. How you never really know who you may fall for. Haven't you ever wondered why relationships with the people you were initially attracted to don't manage to go as far as other people you didn't really expect? Or don't you wonder how a friend could end up being something so much more- how could you of missed someone standing right in front of your eyes? And what makes one "hello" so much more special than so many other hellos that you have given countless times before? It makes you realize how every love story has a unique beginning. That if can surprise you at any given time, even when you least expect it. Some start with romance, others start with live at first sight, there are some that start off with a friendship, others have rocky starts, while others begin with two people not being too fond with one another, and sometimes they can start off with a simple hello
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phil-jyp · 10 years
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