...of this post of mine, aka the Shadowhunter!Stiles saga continues and I give no fucks.
(Also, I really should read City of Fallen Angels and City of Lost Souls, welp)
This part involves everyone being a puppy and a badass simultanously  and Scott being related to Raphael. Yup. (Because I'm too obsessed with Posey playing Raphael too, don't judge me)
So Stiles decides to go back to New York to help to kick Jonathan's butt, because they are his friends. Allison really doesn't want to go, because she's angry at the Clave. So is Stiles, but Lightwoods trump the Clave, so.
He starts out alone, but when he scrambles in to the car next to his dad, who insists in taking him to the airport, the back door opens, and Scott jumps in.
They meet Isaac, Lydia and the twins on the airport, moving their baggages.
When they had already sat down, they see Allison walk in, sitting down next to Lydia.
Stiles is only a little bit surprised when Cora and Derek are the ones waiting for them in the airport, after they land.
So they team up with Team Good, maybe at first not... very obviously. Like it'd be hard to explain just why does Stiles and Allison roll in the Institute with a bunch of overeager wolves and a banshee following them. But you know, helping from afar.
Scott and Stiles definitely use the Alliance rune. Allison goes between Lydia and Isaac, depending on what she needs at that moment.
They are helping from the distance. Arrows from a distance. Wolves rushing in, who aren't in Luke's pack and no one knows them, and just running out after the danger is over, without answering to questions.
Then by circumstances (or by Luke's persuasive skills) some of them end up showing themselves in their real forms.
Isaac is as unhelpful as he can be, with curly hair, and a shit-eating grin. They see the "bind to" mark on his neck, but he doesn't answer to the question that whom is he bound to.
The twins are just simply annoying, and everyone is creeped out how they can form one giant wolf together.
The Hale siblings seem like they made a bet at who can glare at them more sharply, and which one of them can snark back at them quicker. Jordan had heard about the Hales, Talia Hale had been the last leader of Praetor Lupus. Then they all thought all Hales died. Derek only says "obviously you thought wrong". (After Talia died, no one thought Laura would be good for the position, including herself. She was young and just been shattered by the fire.)
But the Alpha is the weirdest one, I mean he's just a kid, barely even adult even by werewolf-standards, and he bears an almost uncanny resemblance to a certain dickish vampire. But he's also so different, with a smile on his face, he's like a frowning little puppy when people jerk back from him when they see his human form. And under the band-tatto on his arm, there's the "bind to" rune.
It's all weird, but when Allison, Stiles and Lydia appear too, it shortly starts to make sense.
And it's not that bad, really, once they get used to the fact, that a werewolf pack consider two Shadowhunters to be packmates. Well, that'll probably never cease to be completely weird, especially as they start to grow on them. Lydia and Isabelle bond very quickly, and after that ice is broken, the two groups slowly start to merge. Especially after the painful breakup of Magnus and Alec, everyone feels like it's their duty to yank them out of it. (Alec might or might not have kicked Aiden after he suggested Alec should try to "talk' with Ethan. Aiden later swore that he really just meant talk. Alec doesn't buy it.) But it turns out it's not the best idea to watch Doctor Who marathon drunkenly, because drunk!Alec is a sentimental Alec, and no one wants to bring that up. Because sober!Alec is a deadly weapon, and everyone values their lives. The Star Wars marathon was fun, altough Jace, Isabelle and Alec all collectively groaned at the "no, Luke, I am your father scene" like "not this shit again".
And for the resemblance between Raphael and Scott? Well, turns out, Raphael had a younger sister, who married a man with the last name Delgado. From that marriage came little Melissa Delgado, knowing about vampires, and probably about other beings too. And knowing her never-aging vampire uncle, Raphael, still around, and thank you, she didn't want any of it. So when a young police officer/aspiring FBI agent/take your pick showed up and she fell for him, and him for her, they ran away. She never told him, or their baby boy, Scott what she knew. Not even after her husband left.
She knew what's in the dark, and she knew they are everywhere. What she didn't know that she might even see her son turn into something... something different as well. She was scared. She remembered her uncle, her forever-young uncle, who was so inhuman, even if he still visited them, he was still so distant, and Melissa was scared she'll lose her Scott. But then went "fuck it, Scott is not Raphael".
So maybe eventually they meet too. Raphael would be probably royally pissed at the idea of having a werewolf great-nephew. And Melissa would totally tell him off, because she's the biggest BAMF of the series.
And Simon would totally be smitten with Melissa McCall because it doesn't matter who tells Raphael Santiago off, he's gonna love that person. ("Hands off" says Stiles "She's about to marry my dad" and Melissa blushes, and Scott grins and fistbumps with Stiles.)
One day, I'll probably write a part 3, about all my shippings. Yep. But I'm gonna stop here.
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Okay, plan B
 After this post of mine, another idea.
Shadowhunter Stiles.
Wait, hear me out.
Claudia was born by the name of Claudia Starkweather (I have an appreciation to that family don't judge me), but when she fell in love with the Sheriff, she left the Clave. She told her son stories, about because she knew the Clave would try to get him, so he made sure Stiles knew about his heritage.
Then Claudia died, and Stiles said yes to the Shadowhunters. He wanted to be strong. He wanted to be there for Scott, for his father, but he didn't want to leave his family, you know. The Clave let him to stay there for the school year, and he ended up going to the New York Institute for the summer. He didn't question why exactly there (probably because there was at least another Starkweather), and why did they let him keep in contact.
He didn't find out about that one until years later.
The years passed. He kept going, summer with the Lightwoods, school with Scott. He spent school pining after Lydia Martin, and the summer with adoring Izzy and Alec, while keeping a distance between his two lives. Scott knew, Scott always knew. The Lightwoods didn't know much - Stiles rarely talked about Beacon Hills. He told them stories, about Lydia, about Scott, who would have been his parabatai if he weren't a mundane, about Danny. (He didn't miss the way Alec looked hopeful when he mentioned the way Danny came out, and no one had a problem with it. Save Jackson, but his only problem was that Danny told him he isn't his type, so that doesn't count either. But it didn't matter in the end. Beacon Hills was far away.) He loved Izzy and Alec, liked to rush into trouble after Jace, and adored playing with Max. Respected the adults (well, in his own way), and really liked the kids.
Then Scott got bitten.
He knew he should have called the Clave instantly. There was a rogue werewolf on the loose, but... but Scott. He know how they treated Downworlders. And then the Argents came either way, older, more respected Shadowhunters. The Clave knew about the rogue wolf, there was no reason for Stiles to call. (Allison had no idea about her heritage. The Argents were always the odd ones out, believing in training their children without Marks.)
Derek obviously knew what Stiles was. It would have been hard to miss the marks, even if it was winter, and Stiles usually had multi-layered clothes, there were permanent, and faded runes on his neck and hand too, and there was no way Derek would not know what they were. Not after Kate.
The Argents knew what Stiles was, and he looked into their eyes and said he has no idea who the rogue wolf was (truth) or who the young beta was (total lie).
No matter how weird the Argents are, Kate was still a criminal of course.
Then everything happens in Seasons 1-2, and for that summer, both Allison and Scott go to the Institute, agreeing that there's no reason to tell them what happened. Not even the kids. (Allison didn't trust them. Stiles' heart broke, because oh man, how much he wanted to tell them, he hated lying to them, but for Allison's plea, he shut up.)
Then the Clary-thing happens that summer (City of Bones-Ashes-Glass) (yes I know those things extend to September too, but I am already screwing up the timeline here, just bear with me). They are both there in Alicante, altough not fighting really (not yet 18). They return to Beacon Hills hopeful that now there are Downworlders in the Council, maybe, if everything works out, they can even introduce Scott to their other friends. And Stiles returns, with his crushes being even more hopeless. Lydia obviously loves Jackson, Izzy loves Simon, and Alec is with Magnus, but he returns with his head high like "fuck yeah, king of the world".
But then the Alpha Pack comes. But then they find out who the leader of the Alpha Pack is. A pack who kills other wolves, emissiaries. And no one does a thing. Who the Demon Wolf is, and why did Luke and Maia went eerily silent when they find out who was the new representative of the Moon Children in the Council.
Yep. Deucalion, well-known mass murderer is in the Council, still merrily going on their way to kill.
Every faith they had in the Clave is shattered, they feel like they still don't care about Downworlders. They don't care if Downloaders off each other. Especially if it's werewolves kill werewolves.
They don't call the Clave. Not even Chris does (they obviously don't exit the Clave, so there's no retirement there). They just fight back, and meanwhile, knowing more things, Stiles figures out why was he allowed to stay in Beacon Hills.
It wasn't about him staying. It was about staying there.
They didn't think the Nemeton could be re-powered, that's why they were content with just letting an overly curious child stay there. We know the Clave isn't exactly famous for paying attention to threats they deem small (aka HELLO VALENTINE IS STILL ALIVE), so they didn't think the Nemeton could be re-powered.
Much less they thought two Shadowhunters and one young werewolf would do it.
Now, I didn't read the other two City-books (Fallen Angels and Lost Souls) yet. But I'd say that Stiles and Allison do not return there to help, way too disillusioned (and, by the way, way too busy with the Alphas and the Darach). Or maybe Stiles does. Stiles is more likely to return (if he can, after repowering the Nemeton), because unlike Allison, he had years of being attached to them. To Alec, to Izzy, to Jace. Especially as Derek leaves too, the angel knows where after the whole thing is over.
(Derek and Stiles have an even weirder relationship, with him drawing stronger paralels to Kate, seeing as they are both Shadowhunters, so Derek is understandably distrustful at first.)
Now as I'm reading it I'm more inclined to Stiles returning to New York to fight against Jonathan. He is living his double life ever since he was eight or nine, and he is damned attached to the Lightwoods. Maybe Scott goes with him, because this time, he can. He knows his friend goes to battle, his almost-parabatai, his we-would-totally-be-parabatai-don't-even-say-otherwise. And this time, he's strong enough to help.
And after Scott goes EVERY FUCKING ONE because he's a puppy. So even Allison goes because how can you say no to puppyface McCall.
Afterwards, no idea yet. No idea about endships either - probably I'm because I'm such a polyamoury fan that I'm leaning towards everyone/everyone. Also, Stiles is totally still an emissiary.
And I think mountain ash usually repels Shadowhunters, because their angel blood make them "supernatural enough". It's only Stiles, Allison and Scott are special enough. I mean come on, those three had always been connected to the Nemeton, maybe it marked them ever since that night when Scott got bitten. That's why Stiles can wield mountain ash. That's why Allison could part the mountain ash in the vault. That's why Scott could break the line. It's about their connection to the Nemeton. Deaton probably knew somehow. Ms. Morrell too. That's why Alan gave the ash to Stiles. That's why Maren told Allison to come out when the fight started. It had always been the three of them.
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The Infernal Devices fancast
Will Herondale - Michael Fjordbak
Jem Carstairs - Sam Tsui
Tessa Gray - Kaya Scodelario
Gideon Lightwood - Garrett Hedlund
Gabriel Lightwood - Daniel Sharman
Sophie Collins - Anna Popplewell
Cecily Herondale - Katie McGrath
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I know I haven't posted in a while but seriously
Please show me someone else who ships Stiles Stilinski from Teen Wolf and Alec Lightwood from The Mortal Instruments.
You know that'd be amazing
Because Stiles isn't really like Alec's type, you know? Both guys we see Alec crushing on is basically similar in some stuff. Both Jace and Magnus are radiant, they go in somewhere and people stare at them and they like this attention, they are flirty, they are confident. They are like frikkin suns when they go in somewhere.
Stiles? Stiles nah. He's not the sun. Your eyes would first skip through him, especially if he enters after Jackson, or Lydia, or something. He's the one who'd roll his eyes and snark at people, but only those around him would hear how witty he is.
It would take a while for Alec to really notice Stiles. Stiles is not like them, he's annoying, he's an asshole, and he makes that stupid face whenever Alec doesn't get one of Stiles' jokes, or sarcastic comments.
And Stiles? Stiles would be like great, another asshole, but hey, at least he doesn't think he's the center of everyone's attention like Jace. But as untouchable and distant as his sister, because damn, Isabelle is amazing (and instantly became good friends with Lydia and Allison, yeeeaaah, beautiful people hang out together, we know).
And then somehow everything goes to shit, and it's up to Alec and Stiles to save them because who else? They are the protectors. Alec is the one protecting his family, and Stiles is often first in line to protect his pack.
And then they work together and can you imagine that? Stiles is the smarter one, his quick thinking, planning ability, and he's starting to grasp this whole emissiary/spark thing, and Alec is strong, very strong and skilled, able to kick everyone's asses.
Just someone gimme gimme gimme gimme some Stalec ok? Or does someone know if I can find some somewhere?
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Dorium: And Doctor St. James, in prison, all his days? Doctor: His days, yes. And his nights... well. That's between him and me, eh?
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Jesse: You're going to have to trust us this time. Doctor: Trust you. Sure. But first of all, Dr. St. James, just one thing. Who are you? You're someone from my future - getting that - but who? *silence* Doctor: Okay. Why are you in prison? Who did you kill? Hm? *silence* Doctor: Now, I love a bad boy, me, but trust you? Seriously?
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About tonight's Glee
Honestly, it was too fucking emotional, and I amost had to stop watching. For the second when Dave thought that the guy didn't tell anyone, and then he saw... damnit. Up until when his dad found him.
On a personal level: almost no one knows about my suicide attempt, only my parents, and the doctors who saw me afterwards. But a few months ago, one of my classmates killed himself. And in a few hours I'll have to go back to that class.
We had a talk about suicides later as well. And I have to admit, that Will's was way, way better than the one we had. The one we had was way too cruel, and everyone kept saying that "he was selfish, I'm mad at him, I can't forgive him for killing himself", etc. And the adults were focusing on "he's dead we have to let him go", instead of really talking about suicide, etc. (Besides, was it really appropiate to use a metaphor about "life is like a train ride" when he stepped in front of a train?)
So. Will's reason to think about suicide might have sounded silly, yes. But as he said, people commit (or try to commit) suicide for reasons we might consider silly. Heck, I'm sure that my reason for trying sounds silly for some people. But all in all, I think this was an instance when Will Schuester WAS a good teacher.
Okay, rest of the episode. I'm really happy for Sue, and I hope that the father of the baby is not going to be anything creepy like "she asked Terri to give her Will's sperm because she stole some while they were together".
For shipping: I ship Faberry more and more by each and every episode. Suester is perfect, and THEY should get married. Klaine is still awesome. But if Sebofsky happens, I'll scream, in a bad way.
I liked to see Sebastian apologising. He looked really sincere, and I can imagine him trying to help Dave so come to terms with himself. But not romance, just no. Dave should transfer to Dalton. And Seb to Carmel, so St. Smythe can happen.
Also, while everyone made sure to point out that the teachers, or Kurt are not responsible for Dave's attempt, no one said anything to Sebastian, when he felt guilty. So because he's been an ass, he deserves to feel like it? Fuck no.
Also, the Kurt-Karofsky scene was good. I liked that both of them aknowledged that Kurt doesn't HAVE to forgive and help him. But he CHOSE to. And that's good.
My biggest problem about Kurtofsky, that a lot of shippers seem to think that "Dave apologised so all is well now", no it isn't. And being scared doesn't make it okay, not at all. Now, I agree that he needs to have a second chance. He deserves. And Kurt can help him, if he wants to (and apparently he wants to), but he doesn't HAVE to help.
Huh, what else. Finchel wedding. Gosh, no, you don't. I bloody loved Leroy and Burt. They are perfect. But why were Kurt and Blaine both with the girls? Oh well at least they were together this time, not like in Summer Nights.
And Quinn. I was so happy for her throughout this ep, she was perfect. And she can't die. She just can't.
Ryan Murphy, this is not American Horror Story where everyone dies. Please return to Glee, will ya? Thanks.
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if you dont support LGBTQ rights and Poly* relationships then unfollow me right effing now.
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I... think I should read this. Holy shit the last quote ajdhjgfdhjg.
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The Life and Times by Jewels5
“I’ve got an idea, Carlotta.” Remus descended exactly one step. “Why don’t you run along to your boyfriend and spend as much time as you can with him, because honestly, with all of this Shelley business and everything else, for some reason or another, I just can’t imagine it lasting too much longer between you two. Cheers.”
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After the Regionals performances, Sebastian runs into someone slightly unexpected in the restroom. St. Smythe
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Jesse is standing alone at New Year's Eve, but a certain ex-Warbler wouldn't let him go to 2012 alone. St. Smythe, slight AU.
Teacher/Student relationship
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this gif will be the death of me...
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I feel like Bradley is thinking ‘What the fuck? Put your arm completely around me, you twat.’
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merlin: where the fuck is the fucking airport
arthur: no fucking clue
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