poffpublishing · 3 years
Weekly Posts Again
As life flows forward, some things are left behind not by choice but by necessity. My hope is to start writing again. Look for posts on Sundays.
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poffpublishing · 4 years
Weekly Post (First Post in Ages)
Weekly Post (First Post in Ages)
Good Morning!
It has been a long time since I posted. At this point I can’t even remember what was happening in my life when I stopped posting, but it was probably when I stopped writing. I know that I haven’t wrote a word, fiction wise, since the pandemic hit, though it may have been since I got sick in November. (I caught a “cold” and it took months to recover from it.)  
So, where am I…
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poffpublishing · 5 years
A Damsel's Discovery
A Damsel’s Discovery
It’s been a long time since I posted on a Sunday. Mostly because I have not been studying the Bible as I should be. I have, however, not been ignoring God in any way. As a matter of fact, I am been thanking Him, though not nearly enough.
You see, I am finally seeing my dream of being a teacher fulfilled.
God had me wait so He could…
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poffpublishing · 5 years
Art for the Week!
Art for the Week!
I found this wonderful artist while searching for animal art, and what a find!
For more of this wonderful work, check out the website below!
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poffpublishing · 5 years
Music for the Week! Amazing music from Iceland - don't worry it's in English and it is fantastic!
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poffpublishing · 5 years
Motivation for the Week!
Motivation for the Week!
Most of my readers know that I have been learning Norwegian.
I believe it’s almost been a year now and there have been days when my motivation to learn is at zero.
However, I constantly renew my motivation by remembering my language goals.
Not to brag, but rather to create those synapses in my head to help my brain as it ages.
This post is more targeted the Tuesday Motivation usually…
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poffpublishing · 5 years
Outdoors for the Week!
Outdoors for the Week!
The busy-ness of the workweek can often bleed into the weekend. Every once in a while this is okay but for your sanity, you should ensure you don’t make a habit of not relaxing and enjoying yourself.
This past weekend my husband and I went on the tiniest adventure.
We explored some small tunnels and caves in the wilderness monument near us.
It was less than an hour hike but just that short…
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poffpublishing · 5 years
Outdoors for the Week!
Outdoors for the Week!
Hello, my wonderful readers!
How have you been?
Let’s talk about hiking in late autumn!
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It is a beautiful time of year and if the weather isn’t too extreme, it is the perfect time to go hiking!
Yes, hiking.
But, it can be just a smidge more dangerous as the land and wildlife prepare for the long sleep of winter.
Here are a few tips to help you stay safe.
And remember, never stop…
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poffpublishing · 5 years
Music for the Week!
Music for the Week!
There are some songs that are beyond time and language. This is one of them!
If you love the singing check out his Youtube channel.https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoHW8oCZbWtNzFKJO3rG2-w
    I do not own the rights to this video. It was found on Youtube. No copyright infringement intended.
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poffpublishing · 5 years
Thankfulness for the week! As God's plan begins to unfold, I find myself overflowing with thankfulness. Here is a great video that talks about this very thing!
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poffpublishing · 5 years
Music for the Week!
Music for the Week!
A simple little video today of some upbeat music for your mid-week!
      I do not own the rights to this video. No copyright infringement intended.
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poffpublishing · 5 years
Motivation for the Week!
Motivation for the Week!
Our thoughts become words, our words become action.
Someone important said those words once, or perhaps they became important because they said those words. Regardless, they are words to live by.
Learning to control our thoughts is the first step in learning to control our lives – or as much control as we can have.
The video below talks about controlling our thoughts – I don’t believe his views…
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poffpublishing · 5 years
Outdoors for the Week!
Outdoors for the Week!
Ah, the crisp autumn air is so refreshing!
How can you bring the outdoors inside this time of year?
Take a tour of one woman’s fabulous decor to do just that.
      I do not own the rights to the video above, I found it via Youtube search. No copyright infringement intended.
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poffpublishing · 5 years
A Damsel's Discovery
A Damsel’s Discovery
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Never follow blindly.
Years ago, I had a friend who went by Alex. He was from Jordan and was Muslim. We had many religious discussions, some heated, some not, but regardless we respected each other’s beliefs.
The one phrase he said that stuck with me was that I, myself, could never understand the Quran. That, I had to have someone who was “anointed” explain it to me.
My reply was simple at the…
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poffpublishing · 5 years
Architecture for the Week
Architecture for the Week
For architecture lovers worldwide, April 15th, 2019 was a day worthy of tears as Notre Dame Cathedral, the infamous 856-year-old building, burned.
It was on many people’s bucket lists, including mine and while it is now a shadow of what it was, it will never be forgotten… especially with technology.
Here a few videos I found to help us not forgot it’s beauty.
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poffpublishing · 5 years
Music for the Week!
Music for the Week!
Music is such a diverse part of our lives.
It can help us remember.
It can make us happy or sad, delighted or depressed.
It can also help us completely relax.
The following music may not be to everyone’s taste but… I found it amazingly relaxing.
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poffpublishing · 5 years
Thankfulness for the Week!
Thankfulness for the Week!
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Ah, nothing feels better than recovering from an illness, whether it be an autumn cold or something more serious.
Either way, it helps us, if for nothing more than a day, to be grateful for our health.
As this cold begins to decrease and my health returns, I am ensuring I am in the moment so that I do not take feeling well for granted.
Being in the moment – that is an important part of life.
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