porlanox · 6 years
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“it’s not your fault”
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porlanox · 6 years
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Compilation of Coran lookin’ like the snack he is 
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porlanox · 6 years
waiting for all the fanfiction writers to sastify the void in my heart:
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porlanox · 6 years
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Wanted to see how it would look with water effects. Please do not take. Thank you.
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porlanox · 7 years
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My son, I will never ask you to forgive me.
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porlanox · 7 years
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voltron s5 was good. + blaytz, alfor, Haggar, Zarkon, original paladins
아 이제 저는 앵스트 밖에 떠오르지 않고… 헤가….어쩌죠…ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
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porlanox · 7 years
11 Questions!
was tagged by the lovely @sixelamarr
Rules are:
♡ Post the rules
♡ Answer Questions Given
♡ Write 11 Questions of your own
♡ Tag 11 people (if you want )
1. What fantasy world would you like to be in?
not to be biased but I would totally want to be in the Voltron world, close in 2nd would be Kingdom Hearts. Just picture going to all the Disney worlds !!! 
2: What inspires you to create?
Voltron, My mother, other artists that I follow in social media and my culture lately.
3. Do you have any pets?
SHIRO! my black cat, my #1 boi, my moonlight and starts, my child. I spoil him too much, to be honest, but I plan on getting another cat for him so he isn't that lonely at home while I am at work.
4. What is your current favorite song?
Post Malone - Feeling Whitney 
5. What is your all-time favorite TV show?
It’s kinda obvious, Voltron! also My Hero Academia! 
6. Do you still dream?
Kinda, I get this weird like ‘Visions’ of something that’s gonna happen sooner or later. Those are my dreams consist of lately. 
7. What is your favorite food?
I am basic, Tacos. Tacos de alpastor are life.
8. Do you know how to bake?
YES! I bake cakes with my mom and other stuff like brownies and cheesecakes with my younger brother.
9. What fictional monster scares you?
does Chucky count?
10. What is your favorite color?
11. What is your favorite gem?
I like Garnet and Clear Quartz.
Tag @ anymore who wants to try this!!! same questions
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porlanox · 7 years
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This is the funniest fucking thing wtf
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porlanox · 7 years
Theory: Lotor is in fact a Rift Creature and he doesn’t know.
Let’s start with this:
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Zarkon gives a helmet for a young boy to Allura as a gift. 
How come he had such a thing?
The simplest explanation: he and Honerva were to have a child… but then they didn’t. 
That’s why he looks… not happy when giving it to her.
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To take it further, consider this: Zarkon and Honerva were trying to concieve for years and they couldn’t. 
Or, Honerva had a miscarriage.
Or… miscarriages. As in, many. (Follow me here)
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So, when Alfor, years (decades? What are decaphoebes anyway?) after Allura was born, comes to visit Zarkon and Honerva, he finds Honerva looking like this:
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We are led to believe that it’s the research that made her forget herself and waste away, but Honerva loved science before and she never looked like this. 
Maybe it was indeed Quintessence poisoning, but Zarkon was by her side all the time and he wasn’t affected.
…or maybe, the many failures of her body to concieve got her like this. 
We know that she and Zarkon loved each other dearly, it’d be only logical they’d want children. 
And a miscarriage can be soul-wrenching.
Imagine if she had many of them.
Back to the scene, Alfor and Honerva disagree on how to proceed with the research and right when Alfor leaves them…
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Honerva collapses. 
It’s natural for us to think that this is Honerva’s obsession getting the best of her. 
But, I believe, that this is the moment they find out that she’s finally, finally pregnant. 
But, once again, the fetus is in danger and Honerva cannot face this again. As Alfor said, “it’s been decaphoebes” since Allura was born. Decaphoebes of failures for Honerva to bring one child to term. Anxiety and desperation get the best of her. 
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Zarkon is by her side in her delirium, where we see her muttering about Quintessence. Specifically, not its use as fuel, something Zarkon has been focusing on so far, but…
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…in its life-giving qualities.
Honerva and Zarkon have just found out that she’s pregnant and that the child is in danger. Again. 
So, Honerva, pushed to the brim and with all hesitation out of the window for this one chance the fetus may life, gives her solution: use Quintessence, large amounts of it, to save her body and thus the child growing inside her. 
She had already done it successfully with a sick creature itself:
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…maybe even as a successful experiment after her first miscarriages, so as to find ways to save someone who is “ill”. Like a fetus. 
That’s why she says this at the end of the scene:
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(”The only way to save our child.”)
And if we focus on Zarkon’s stance right next to her…
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…he has his hand on her belly. 
He had that particular hand on her cheek right before:
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But as she kept on chanting “Voltron, Voltron, Voltron…” he moved it.
And her last line, “it is the only way”, makes him hang his head in defeat next to her:
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Zarkon was no scientist. He had no idea of complications or dangers. He simply trusted and followed Honerva’s idea. 
And he wanted to become a father, too.
And so, it happened. They went into the rift…
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…and got possessed.
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Only there were not just two people who got possessed.
There were three.
They came back to (un)life, the war began and maybe in the aftermath, or during it, it was time for Honerva to give birth.
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…and she did it. Finally, finally, their son was born. Lotor.
But, if the creatures possessed Haggar and Zarkon, or at least, affected their minds and their bodies, it makes sense that they did so to Lotor as well. 
So that would make this visual literal and not just metaphorical:
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Lotor got possessed while he was not even big enough to swell Honerva’s belly. 
Let’s remember this: Haggar had her normal face in one instance when she remembered her past for the first time.
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It means that she can shapeshift. So, Lotor with his eyes not glowing, can be an unconscious shape shifting from his part. He’s still possessed, despite the lack of glowing eyes. 
And here’s the biggest hint: The Black Bayard. 
While Zarkon has it in his zombie/vampire state, it looks like this:
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While it normally looks like this:
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…just like all the other Bayards when they’re not in use. 
And it makes sense; after all, just like the Lions, the Bayards are made with Quintessence. They would be affected by creatures practically swimming in Quintessence inside the Rift. 
And when Shiro holds it, it looks normal because he’s not possessed/affected.
But, when Lotor holds it:
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…it looks exactly like it was when a possessed/poisoned Zarkon holds it.
He’s possessed/affected as well. He was the third person inside the Rift, still in Honerva’s womb.
And speaking of Zarkon, take a look at this:
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This is Zarkon’s hand as he’s dying from the wounds Lotor gave him. 
During the whole fight, the Black Bayard was in the “corrupted” form. 
But, right before he dies, the Bayard returns back in its original form. 
Right before he died, the creatures left Zarkon’s body. We didn’t see them because he was wearing a full-body armor, but they did. And for a moment, finally free, Zarkon could hold the Bayard in its normal form.
The creatures left his body because it was dying. For good. They could prevent it from aging, but not from wounds. Zarkon and Honerva became unaging, not unkillable. 
And the fact that Lotor is centuries years old…
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…only adds to the proof of that.
One thing is for sure: the Bayard changing its shape has nothing to do with the fact that they’re Galra. Half Galra or full Galra, it doesn’t make any difference. 
Keith is a Galra himself. Enough to awaken his mother’s blade, which requires Galra blood. But, when he used the Bayard…
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…it still had its normal form. 
So no, Galra blood in itself does not affect the Black Bayard any differntly than any other kind of blood. 
It’s the Rift Creatures that “corrupt” it. 
And Lotor… does corrupt it.
Because these creatures are inside of him as well.
And maybe, just maybe, that’s why he wants to open the Rift so much: the creature inside of him, screaming in his subcosncious (just like in Zarkon’s and in Haggar’s) to bring the other creatures in this reality.
The Rift Creatures are the bad guys and the Zarkon family are their puppets. 
Or, the creatures bring out the worst part of their character. The exact effect they have on their hosts remains to be seen.
But, if Lotor got possessed from when he was still a fetus… IS there a person called Lotor, son of Honerva and Zarkon at all? 
Is there a Lotor without the creatures holding his mind and body for theirs?
Does Lotor even… exist? 
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porlanox · 7 years
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porlanox · 7 years
shancers @ season 5
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porlanox · 7 years
I love the fact that Shiro decided to ask for help to Lance out of all the paladins
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It prouves that he trusts him to discover what’s wrong, he knows he’s smart and can understand things quickly like when Rover has been hacked by the Galra and provoked an explosion
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Shiro values Lance and knows he has a lot of qualities as a leader. He knows the paladins trust Lance’s judgement, and will listen to him if he explains to them that something’s wrong about Shiro
This is really important for Lance’s character development. He has self confidence issues, so being shown by his hero that he is trusted to deal with such a bad situation can make him doubt himself less. He is not just a goofball, and everyone on the team can see that.
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He is the one you go to when you need advice, or when you feel down because you know he will help you out of this situation and make you feel better.
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When the black lion chose Keith
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When Allura doubted herself
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When Keith realised he had done things the wrong way
Lance is a leader, and a very caring and smart one.
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porlanox · 7 years
I love how Lance just cares so much about Allura's wellbeing. He's not smotherly about it. But the thought of her being in pain is unbearable to him. Then there's how she sought him out to comfort and validate him when no one else does. She's pretty in tune/sensitive w/his moods too in ways others aren't.
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lance has been keeping an eye on allura–and not just romantically–since season 1, and it’s only grown in intensity since then. even when there’s nothing to worry about, he tries to position himself right next to her, either to potentially defend her or to offer comfort when necessary, or even just to be near her because hey he really really really likes her. 
when there is something to worry about–woo boy, he’s downright annoying about it, but it’s all he can think about. if allura might be hurt, there’s nothing else that’s on his mind. 
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all the while, he never questions allura’s abilities; in fact, he believes in her more than anyone else, save perhaps coran. the only time he did question her was when it involved lotor, someone whom he’s deeply suspicious of. he knows allura is great, he’s just concerned. 
as for allura’s side of things…
Keep reading
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porlanox · 7 years
I've thinking this for a while since season 3 and seeing the latest clip with Lance, again makes want to know. Do you think Lance is actually following in Alfor's footstep intends of Keith's. Although Alfor was the original red paladin, does not embody the traits of the red paladin so well like Keith does. Allura also keeps referencing Alfor a lot around Lance, is this a coincidence? Would Allura see similarities with Keith too if she sees it with Lance.
lance is absolutely following in alfor’s, not keith’s, footsteps. 
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if he were following keith’s footsteps, then his sword bayard would have looked the same as keith’s. instead, it’s the same as alfor’s.
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allura also mentioned alfor when encouraging lance to answer the red lion’s call, comparing them directly. they both valued the team over glory, which is a trait that allura admires. 
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furthermore, while this wasn’t directly stated, lance paralleled alfor in s1e01 because allura reached out for alfor 10,000 years ago only to fall into lance’s arms instead. 
alfor is an unconventional pilot for the red lion, given what we know about the red lion’s preferences, but he was her first paladin… 
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keith and alfor’s obvious commonality is their recklessness. aside from that, i don’t really see any traits shared between them. allura is the best judge as to who most strongly resembles alfor, and she never once mentioned alfor to keith, while she’s done it twice now with lance, so…
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i’m glad that lance is following in alfor’s footsteps rather than keith’s. while being compared to keith is associated with lance’s insecurities, being compared to alfor is associated with lance’s resolve. 
that being said, lance is still very much his own person. 
i’m so excited to see how this develops!
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porlanox · 7 years
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yall know what i had to Do
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porlanox · 7 years
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porlanox · 7 years
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