potatoesforash · 4 years
May I interest people in more fanficton? Or do people like not want that I’m not sure any more
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potatoesforash · 4 years
Ghostbur x reader- Ghostly love
Y/n’s POV
Walking along the path to the clearing in the forest where my cottage resides I notice a change in the weather and very quickly realise it was beginning to rain. Sighing to my self I start to slow my pace in walking enjoying the rain as it hit my skin. My cloak getting soaked but at this moment I could care less and that's when I hear it, a voice coming from behind me. It was soft almost distant but it was loud enough for me to hear. Looking in front of me I see my cottage that I could just run to but out of the kindness of my hart I turn to look at the person behind me. I was shocked to find a pale man with a large gash in his middle looking at me as if nothing happened.
"Hi sorry to bother you but do you think I could possibly come in?" the strange man said
"you see I'm a ghost and I melt in the rain and I would really not like to be out here for long" he added to his previous statement rubbing the back of his ghost head
"Uhh sure thing bud" I say telling him to follow me. Walking into my home the man follows behind rather fast and sits him self in front of my couch facing the fire place that was still blazing.
"This is a nice place you have here" He said looking back at me "If you don't mind me asking what aesthetic is this? Its nice but confusing" He asks
"Oh its Dark Academia and Cottage core mixed into one I um I picked it up from my old friend who taught me everything I know" I say trying not to drop any hints that could get me possibly killed by Dream
"So he was like your professor?" He asks looking at me with a twinkle in his eye
"you could say that" Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Turning to face the door that I hadn't moved from since we got in opening it slightly to find two rather tall men in front of me one with pink hair and one with blonde hair covered by a hat of some sorts, suddenly I feel the ghost man's presence behind me.
"Hello, can I help you two men?" I ask politely opening the door more for them to get a proper look at me
"Yes you can we were told that you could help us with a little problem" the blonde man starts all of a sudden the ghost behind me shouts a loud Phil and the blonde and Pink haired men look at me suspiciously. The pink man quickly draws his sword and holds the tip of it to my thought
"Why is Ghostbur here?" the man asks me with his rough sounding voice
"If I was you I would put your sword down before you regret it" I respond and he just chuckles at me
"What are you going to do-" He asks but is quickly shut up when his sword has been thrown into the clearing far enough away from him so he could not reach it without having to move away from the door. He slowly looks at my hands to see that I have a stick (so he thought) in my hand
"What did you do?" He asks in a threatening tone
"I warned you but you did not heed it so I will ask you this once and once only who-" before I got to question the men in front of me ghostbur spoke up interrupting me
"This is my brother Technoblade and this is my dad Philza" pointing at both the men "she was just letting me stay till it stopped raining she meant no harm" he says putting a hand on my shoulder making a shiver run up my spine, his hand was freezing like ice, Looking back at the two men in front of me I come to the conclusion to speak up finaly
"What did you two want? And how did you find this place" Techno looked at me like he wanted to kill me and Phil just sighs and takes off his hat
"us three where supposed to come find you together but Wil here wandered off and found you we where told you where a necromancer of some kind and where hoping that you could bring my son here back from the dead?" Phil asked with hopeful eyes
"I-I'm sorry I don't do that anymore not since Dream had threatened me with execution if I ever did it again considering what happened the last time" I say looking back at the eyes of this ghosts father "But I can provide warmth, tea and shelter considering night is falling near and it hasn't stopped raining." I say giving Phil a sad smile
"That would be wonderful thank you..." He stops realising that I haven't told any of them my name
"Oh its Y/n my names Y/n" I say moving to the side to let the boys into my house which they gladly step in out of the cold.
*Time skip to later on in the night*
Ghostbur's POV
Me and Y/n sat on her couch enjoying each others company while Phil and Techno shared her bed.
"I just realised your the necromancer that Tommy keeps going on about!" I shout with a chuckle
"Tommy? As in the kid who came to me because he needed some where to hide because of my brother Dream?" she says to me and I look at her shocked
"Your brother is Dream?" I ask in a quiet scared voice like she would hurt me at any time
"Hey don't worry I'm not going to hurt you I'm nothing like the heartless basterd of a brother I have, he threatened me with execution his own sister, so ive got nothing for him anymore" she says tears welling in her eyes. Reaching out to touch her cheek with my icy hand I wipe any tears that had been shed away from her cheek. I look at her up and down and only now I realise that she has a scar running over her eye brow and down towards her soft looking lips. I let out a sight and pull her into a hug rubbing their back giving them a kiss on the head. It was around four thirty in the morning when I realise she fell asleep in my cold dead arms. I can't help but think, think that if I had been alive when I met her maybe then I would stand a chance to get with her. Wait no bad Ghostbur you have only just met her...But for some reason I cant help but be infatuated with her. Just everything about this young woman interests me. Her pretty H/l H/c hair, her E/c eye's and her soft pink lips that just look pleasant to feel against my own. But I have just met her so why do I feel like this? Why do I feel this way about her?
"Son?" I hear Phil's voice come from in front of me "Why are you crying?" He asks looking confused
"Dad, I um It's uh It's stupid really" I say wiping my own tears away
"You can tell me kiddo" He says smiling sitting in front of the glowing fire
"Dad when you met mum how did you know that you like her?" I ask subconsciously rubbing Y/n's back
"Well your mother was all I could think about at any point of the day, Why do you ask son" He replied looking at me in the eyes making me look back down at the sleeping girl on my chest to which he lets out a small 'oh'
"I don't know what to do i just met her and she's all I can think about and it feel so wrong yet so right but I'm also dead and I just I don't know any more Phil!" I say getting louder as I go on feeling Y/n stir in my arms i stop and look down at her seeing that she was still asleep I look back at Dad to see him smirking
"Well I think you've got a chance considering that were the only people she talks to other than villagers for trades" He says getting up and patting me on the shoulder "Try to get some sleep son" with that he walks away back to bed to sleep
*Time skip to 4 months down the line cuz I'm a lazy writer*
Y/n's POV
It's been four months since I met Ghostbur and I met and I have found myself slowly falling for the dead man. But the one thing that has made me realise that is the fact that he has basically moved in with me. But what I didn't realise is that through the forest from my clearing there is a snow biome where Techno's retirement home was sat. But that meant that when my brother went to find Tommy at Techno's house I got a lovely visit from my dick head of a brother.
"Why hello there sister, Ghostbur" He said just waltzing in my front door
"Dream what do you want?" I say to him with an angry look
"What can I pay a visit to my sister?" he asked coming farther into my home that used to be ours till he left for the SMP
"You don't get to say that I'm your sister after you threatened to kill me" I say looking him in that blank lifeless looking mask with the twisted psychopathic smile painted in black.
"Oh sister dearest you know why I threatened you with that and you know what you did to our mother" He said looking over at Ghostbur who had a confused face "Oh you haven't told your little friend here what you did? How you killed our mother in cold blood?" he said trying to gas light me to get a bad reaction out of me
"That's quite enough Dream. I want you to get out of my house now. And I never. Never want you to step foot inside of this house for as long as you live" I say in anger drawing my sword and pointing it at him. He rises his hands in the air and spins on his heels towards the door starting to retreat out of here
"Okay sister but just so you know I will not hesitate to kill you if you step out of line" He said disappearing out of my line of sight. After what felt like eternity I felt Ghostbur's hand on my shoulder and turn me towards his cold body pulling me into a hug
"was what he said...True?" he asks me all I can do is nod my shaky ands grab onto his jumper
"I'm sorry, I if you hate me that's fine I probably deserve it" I say into his chest
"hay no, I don't hate you I just want to know what happened" he said rubbing my back softly
"I...I was born with magic but only one person every one hundred years is born....so at the age of sixteen some people came to take me away but my mum got in the way and....they killed her and well Dream has blamed me for it saying I killed her that it was my fault...But I would never kill my own mother I loved her so much and so if you go outside to the back of the house there is a small grave for her that I made after he left that same day for the SMP when he was seventeen and that's the day he threatened to execute me if I ever try to bring those people anywhere near him so... after they taught me magic they left and they swore never to come near me again" I explained to him all of a sudden Wil let go of me and ran to his room and came back with something blue in his hands
"Your sad hare have some blue it will make yo better" he said handing me the blue automatically making me feel better
"Thank you Ghostbur I feel better now" I say looking up at him to find him staring at me with admiration on his face "hey Will? you okay there?" I ask him but I got no response but before I could ask him again I felt a cold pressure press on my lips It took me a couple seconds before I realised that it was the ghost boys lips and kissed back putting one of my hands on his cheek and the other on his shoulder his hands going around my waist. Pulling away from his lips and press my forehead to his and giggle.
"Phil told me I needed to do that at some point" he said a small smile on his face "I um Y/n if you couldn't already tell I really like you and I would love for you to be my girlfriend" He said to me
"Of course Will! I really like you too" I say leaning back into his cold soft lips kissing him again this time for longer than the last. Every kiss got longer and longer before eventually we where sat on the couch making out. But the make out session was cut short when the loud child burst into the house with Phil shouting after him and Techno not far behind him all three stopping at the door when they see the sight before them and Will And I pull away from each other embarrassed
"Well then... uh I think we will come back later come on boys" Phil says dragging his two other sons out behind him shutting the door quickly leaving me and Ghostbur alone again both of us look at each other and we start laughing soon enough falling asleep in each others arms in front of the crackling fire.
And Ghostbur swore that he could feel warmth after months of not being able to feel it and it was all because of me and loving the sweet ghost boy.
Ayyyyyyy its me here and have this sweet fluff for Ghostbur but I didn't plan on spending four fucking hours on this. Its longer than I spend on my school work which hopefully shows my dedication to this poor book.
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potatoesforash · 4 years
dream x male!reader- Babe look I'm me!
*Y/N's pov*
Looking over at my boyfriend Clay I start to wonder what he's doing with black fingerless gloves and a fucking satchel over his shoulder. looking over what he's waring I can't help but stare at him.
"Hey babe?" Clay says snapping me out of my thoughts
"Yeah honey?" I say looking my smirking boyfriend in the eyes
"What do you think?" he asks me giving me a spin showing off his outfit entirely to me. Laughing lightly I walk over to my lover and give him a kiss on the cheek patting his chest at the same time
"Very sexy hun, but what the hell are you doing?"
"its a secret baby" He responds holding onto my waist pulling me into a hug kissing the top of my head "now imma go and do what I was doing and ill be back to cuddle with you later baby boy" he says to me giving me a soft kiss on the lips and disappearing out back to the yard.
"You and my brother are disgustingly cute" Drista says to me coming out of the kitchen with a soda in hand
"oh shush you" I say giving her a annoyed look before heading up the stairs to my boyfriends room grabbing his letterman jacket and putting it on before crawling into his bed and falling asleep.
*Dream's POV*
walking into my room to get changed I notice that my letterman jacket was missing from its perch on the back of my chair. looking over at my bed I see my loving boyfriend on top of the covers with said jacket on. I chuckled and sighed getting out of the clothes I was in and putting on a pair of sweatpants and crawl behind him hugging my sleeping boyfriend into my chest. giving him a small kiss on the back of his neck I fall asleep listening to his calm breaths.
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potatoesforash · 4 years
if you think that people putting tws on jshlatt is okay get the FUCK out
that is honestly one of the most dehumanizing things you can do to a cc and it’s so sad and genuinely just horrible. shlatt doesn’t deserve that, and you are disgusting and uneducated if you think he does.
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potatoesforash · 4 years
I’ve been putting this off for a while but I finally did it.
So my friend sent me ‘heat waves’ a fanfic written on achieve of our own by @tbhyourelame. I’ve been putting off reading it because I’m not too sure what I would make of it or if it was okay for me to read it.
But I finally started reading it today and I’m not finished it. I already think it’s such a good fanfic and I’ve only read 4 pages of it.
Now the reason I found out about this was not because of that friend infact I found out about it through Tik Tok and the song I knew about anyway.
Now I’m not saying go out and look for it because I’m not sure if anyone can read it with out a link or something but this is so good and I think the person who wrote it deserves a fucking medal for how well written it is.
Disagree with me all you want but I’m glad I started reading it now this is a perfect way to end my shitty year.
Also I do ship dnf so don’t come at me, I do it respectfully.
So please go listen to the song ‘heat waves’ by Glass animals and enjoy the rest of your year.
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potatoesforash · 4 years
When they find you crying
Head cannons with the dream team
Nick would most likely find you crying and hold you in his arms not making you tell him what's wrong making you comfy and warm. He'd hold you to his chest rubbing your back gently shushing you till you stop crying and tell him what's wrong.
clay would instantly ask you what's wrong and if is anything that he could do to help you at that time, if not he would take you to his room and sit you on the bed putting on a movie or tv programme and cuddling you into his chest occasionally asking if your alright waiting for you to tell him what happened
George would pick you up from where ever your sitting and hold you in his arms like that giving you little kisses all over your face calming you down, he would most likely sit on his gaming chair with you on his lap hugging you putting your favourite song on in the background helping you calm down asking if your okay after he feels your breathing go back to normal
your welcome guys have this :)
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potatoesforash · 4 years
Tumblr media
Can we please talk about this?
I thought Clay was hot before but now?
Like holy crap I have so much potential and power to write some stories about this cosplay he did and I am gonna do it.
But like I love it I really do he looks bad ass in the gloves too which is just a added bonus
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potatoesforash · 4 years
Hey guys i just wanted to let you know there is more of my fanfics at my Wattpad @potatosforash and they are the same as what I post on here so if you like my fanfics here you will like them there. Hope you enjoy
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potatoesforash · 4 years
I'm in love with an E-Girl...seriously- Wilbur x E-Girl reader
*will's pov*
Myself, Techno, Tommy, phil and (y/n) where all out having dinner for thanks giving (because techno is American) and were all having a blast (pun completely intended). Me and (Y/n) have been friends for a long time and quite recently she turned into a....a E-Girl and I guess you could say I'm in love with an E-Girl....seriously. I love everything about her, her (h/l) (h/c) hair, her (e/c) and her soft (s/c) skin. She's perfect, but I don't think she likes me like that. She's too good for me and I hate the fact that I fell for a E-Girl because *sigh* I guess the song was true.
*Phil's pov*
I look across the table to where Will sat staring at (y/n) with those hart eyes he always has towards her. I can see that he likes her without me even needing to ask. He looks like a love sick puppy.
"Hey, Phil, what's wrong your looking at Will like he killed your family" (y/n) asks
"Sorry, I zoned out" I said back to her giving her a smile "well I need to go get Tommy home before his parents get mad and techno needs to come with me anyway so should we all get going?" I say looking will in the eyes giving him a small smirk and a wink, the rest agreed and we payed for our meals heading out of the restaurant.
*(y/n) pov*
Me and Will wave good bye to the others and stand for a couple of minutes till they've gone.
"So, what do you want to do now?" Will asks looking down at me
"I don't know, we could go back to my house and watch a movie?" I suggest looking up at him, he just nods and starts walking towards my place.
When we got into my apartment we both sat on the couch and put on a horror movie.
God I love this man, he's so handsome and funny. He can play guitar and sing. Fuck he's perfect.
"You think that about me?" I hear him say. I freeze up realising what I just did.
"I-I said that o-out loud..." I say looking up at him, to which he nods and smiles down at me. He paused the movie and turns his body towards me grabbing my hands and pulls me into his chest hugging me putting his nose into my hair.
"I love you (y/n)...I have for a while" he says into my hair.
"I love you too will" I say back happily
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potatoesforash · 4 years
*y/n's POV*
Wilbur, Technoblade, Philza, Tommy and y/n are sat in the kitchen of y/n's house listening to music and the boys are just singing away with the lyrics that they know. As cry me a river starts playing Will, Techno and Tommy all start singing one at a time with different lines
"Now you say your lonely, your cried the whole night through" Techno had started
"Now you can cry me a river, cry me a river" Wilbur continues while looking at Tommy ready for him to just belt the rest out but he just didn't say anything. I just glare are Tommy and start singing the next bit
"Now you say your sorry, for being so untrue" I start walking towards the kitchen island where the boys sat with Phil.
"You drove me Nearly out of my head, While you never shed a tear, babe" I see Wilbur perk up at my voice joining in.
"Remember? I remember all that you said You told me love was too plebeian Told me you were through with me" we all try to where Phil is sat to see him singing the boys with a look of surprise on there face
"And now you say you love me Well, just to prove that you do" Tommy continues
It was techno who started the rest of it
"Why don't you cry me a river Cry me a river 'Cause I cried a river over you Over you. You say you love me, but you lie. Now, you say you love me"
"Well, just to prove that you do, Come on and, cry me a river, Oh, cry me a river, I cried a river, over you, I cried a river, Over you, I cried a river, Now you can, too, Cry me a river, Cry me a river." I belt the last little bit of the song and the boys look impressed Will and Phil both look at each other like they had just seen an opera singer preform while Techno and Tommy are clapping there hands. The door bell rings and Tommy gets his bag and tells us that he's going to Tubbo's house for the night and won't be back till the evening and waves his siblings and dad good bye.
*Wilbur's POV*
"So what song next?" Techno asks and looks at the four remaining people around the island in the kitchen.
"I don't know any ideas Phil?" I ask and look as dad "none of that weeb shit though" I add to the end
"Well then there's no ideas" he says taking his hat off and gets up grabbing a glass and getting some water
" y/n? Any ideas?" Techno asked y/n.
"Hmmmmmm how about....love on the brain by Rihanna?" Y/n asks techno just nods his head and starts playing it and grabs y/n for the fun of it and spins them around and starts swaying with them for a little bit. I look over to Phil who just looks and nods at techno who whispers something to y/n and sends her over towards me
"Hey will?" They look at me and They start to play with the rings on there fingers I stand up looking down at the smaller person in front of me and I pull her into me and start to sway lightly there head on my chest and my arms around there waist just swaying. It.was.bliss. Till Techno and Phil start taking the piss and doing the same actions we're doing.
*Y/n's POV*
This was like a dream come true. Holding will swaying in the kitchen with just nothing but music and my other friends it was all I ever wanted.
"I love you Will" I say with out realising what I had said before pulling away and apologising multiple times to him
*no ones POV*
Will looks at y/n and takes there hands in his and looks at them softly.
"Y/n I love you too" he says smiling at them.
"WHOOOO GO WILL!" Phil shouts from the other side of the kitchen still swaying violently with techno.
Will sighs and kisses there cheek as there cheeks go read they lean up towards him and kisses his nose.
They go back to hugging but this time as a happy little couple with Phil and Techno still taking the piss out of them. All y/n could think is this is there family this is where they belong.
Im not sorry for what I’ve written here if u don’t like don’t read
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