Devastating... but also why I adore these books. The depths of grief are rarely explored to this extent. Grief does become a part of you. It is there in the mirror. Grief is as natural a process to life as loved. The characters who cannot grieve, who will not open themselves up to loved or grief suffer too. I would rather be haunted than afraid to love.
hey you ever think about how harrow and nona have the same face and how paul isn't really palamedes or camilla but they body they're in used to be camilla and how it's the only face pyrrha ever knew as palamedes and how gideon is the spitting image of wake and how every time pyrrha looks in the mirror she sees her recently dead best friend, right down to the eyes. cause i do. that woman is haunted haunted. you can't take loved away but maybe it would be kinder if you could.
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[ID: Screenshot of tweet by user ovaryactorr, renamed Ninth Ovary, with a skull emoji PFP. The edited tweet reads:
See how I re-read The Locked Tomb series 9 times?
Very neurodivergent, Very hyper fixated
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Original tweet below the break
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[ID: Screenshot of tweet by user ovaryactorr, with Blossom Powerpuff girl PFP. The tweet says:
See how I rewatched that show 8 times?
Very neurodivergent, Very hyper fixated
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[to Aiglamene]
“I guess I’ll disgrace you,”
Gideon admitted easily.
“I feel like I was born to it.
I’m naturally demeaning.”
Gideon the Ninth, Act 1, chapter 1
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Aiglamene: “And the pornography?”
“I did offer him stupendous work of a titty nature, and he got offended,” said Gideon. “It was a very perfect moment. "
Gideon the Ninth, Act 1, Ch 1
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#I miss SexPal & Cam so much sobs #Cytherea, or as I refer to her, Fake Ass Dulcinea #2nd read-through was me seething at FAD the whole damn time #you killed my friends, now die already #Pal & Cam, such friggin wholesome badasses, I didn't even know that was an option
If I was Camilla I would be giving "Dulcinea" the hard fucking silent treatment too watching Palamedes bring her tea and tenderly drape her in his bathrobe only for her to barely give him a second glance or even say hello and go back to batting her lashes at the first well-muscled butch teenager she laid eyes on. Never mind the fact that she literally doesn't acknowledge the fact that Camilla exists when Camilla thought they were at least friends. She's not wearing the pulmonary drain he invented for her even though it works as intended and she audibly badly needs it. I'd be on the news
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“Gideon Nav, take back your honour and give your lady a weapon.”
Gideon couldn’t help herself:
“Are you asking me to … throw her a bone?”
Gideon the Ninth, Act 1, Ch 2, pg 31
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💀 Ninth Radio 💀
SPOILERS for Gideon the Ninth! I've been building some Locked Tomb playlists. Bury a Friend by Billie Eilish reminds me of Gideon's experiences at Canaan House. Bonus for an official music video with a horror theme 💀 Music Video Content warning: Needles!
Lyrics with notes about Gideon the Ninth after the break.
Lyrics for Bury a Friend, with annotations in bold.
Other Houses, especially the Fifth, friending Gideon early on at Canaan House during her vow of silence:
What do you want from me? Why don't you run from me? What are you wondering? What do you know? Why aren't you scared of me? Why do you care for me? When we all fall asleep, where do we go?
Um, Gideon talking to Harrow... thinking about Harrow *blush* (Come here) Say it, spit it out. What is it exactly? You're payin'? Is the amount cleanin' you out? Am I satisfactory? Today, I'm thinkin' about the things that are deadly The way I'm drinkin' you down Like I wanna drown, like I wanna end me
The pain of the trails, especially Gideon being siphoned by Harrow in Chapter 20. Step on the glass, staple your tongue (ah) Gideon losing Isaac... then shortly after, Jeannemary. Bury a friend, try to wake up (ah-ah) Cannibal class, killing the son (ah) Bury a friend, I wanna end me
I wanna end me I wanna, I wanna, I wanna… end me I wanna, I wanna, I wanna…
What do you want from me? Why don't you run from me? What are you wondering? What do you know? Why aren't you scared of me? Why do you care for me? When we all fall asleep, where do we go?
These lines really could be Gideon and Harrow talking to each other, about NOT talking to each other enough early on, then regrouping. (Listen) Keep you in the dark. What had you expected? Me to make you my art and make you a star? And get you connected? I'll meet you in the park, I'll be calm and collected
Final battle(s) at Canaan house, in chapter 36, conversation between Cytherea and Gideon (quotes below lyrics) But we knew right from the start that you'd fall apart 'Cause I'm too expensive
Cytherea: "I almost wish you'd been mine." "You couldn't fucking afford me," said Gideon. (page 411).
Gideon going to The Sixth after finding the head of Protesilaus, and Gideon bearing her heart to The Sixth: It's probably somethin' that shouldn't be said out loud Honestly, I thought that I would be dead by now (wow) Calling security, keepin' my head held down Bury the hatchet or bury a friend right now
Gideon as bondswoman to The Ninth, but also her dedication to Harrow, who encapsulates the future of The Ninth: The debt I owe, gotta sell my soul 'Cause I can't say no, no, I can't say no
This bit really fits with Palamedes freezing Gideon using necromancy, outside the room of Dulcinea (chapter 35, pages 397-398):
Then my limbs are frozen, my eyes won't close And I can't say no, I can't say no (Careful)
Step on the glass, staple your tongue (ah) Bury a friend, try to wake up (Ah-ah) Cannibal class, killing the son (ah) Bury a friend, I wanna end me
I wanna end me I wanna, I wanna, I wanna… end me I wanna, I wanna, I wanna…
Towards the middle and end of the song, the chorus really starts to feel like Gideon's questions to Harrow leading up to and including the pool scene (chapter 31): What do you want from me? Why don't you run from me? What are you wondering? What do you know? Why aren't you scared of me? Why do you care for me? When we all fall asleep, where do we go?
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(whilst lying facedown on the dusty ground)
Gideon: "Why was I born so attractive?"
"Because everyone would have throttled you within the first five minutes otherwise," said her necromancer.
from the book of Gideon the Ninth, Act 4, Chapter 35
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Song for Harrow the Ninth Soundtrack
I am working on a playlist for each of the Locked Tomb books... The song Riverside by Agnes Obe made me think of Harrow the Ninth, in reference to The River.
Are there any songs that make you think of The River?
Lyrics for Riverside below.
Riverside Song by Agnes Obel
Down by the river by the boats Where everybody goes to be alone Where you won't see any rising sun Down to the river we will run
When by the water we drink to the dregs Look at the stones on the river bed I can tell from your eyes You've never been by the riverside
Down by the water the river bed Somebody calls you somebody says "Swim with the current and float away." Down by the river everyday
Oh my God I see how everything is torn in the river deep And I don't know why I go the way Down by the riverside
When that old river runs past your eyes To wash off the dirt on the riverside Go to the water so very near The river will be your eyes and ears
I walk to the borders on my own And fall in the water just like a stone Chilled to the marrow in them bones Why do I go here all alone
Oh my God I see how everything is torn in the river deep And I don't know why I go the way Down by the riverside
Oh my God I see how everything is torn in the river deep And I don't know why I go the way Down by the riverside
Oh oh, I Oh oh, I Oh oh, I
Down by the riverside Down by the riverside
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One flesh, one end.
"If the cavalier and necromancer do not take 'One flesh, one end' as a maxim for their passion for each other, their bond is nonexistent. They must each take the other as their ideal. The necromancer must be a pure expression of their art to the cavalier. The cavalier must strive for perfection in theirs, to gain the necromancer's admiration and trust…
Their love is the love that fears only for the other: the love of service on both sides. Some have tried to characterize this relationship as the cavalier's obedience to the necromancer, but the necromancer must be in turn obedient to the needs of the cavalier without being asked or prompted: theirs is arguably the heavier burden. "
— A SERMON ON CAVALIERS AND NECROMANCERS taken from the collected works of M. Bias, book of Gideon the Ninth
Extended reference:
Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir, excerpt from pages 449 - 450 in the First Trade Paperback Edition: July 2020
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Una carne, un fin.
Si la caballera y la nigromante no tienen ese "Una carne, un fin" por máxima para la pasión entre ellas, su vínculo es inexistente. Tienen que ser perfectas la una para la otra. La nigromante debe ser una expresión pura de su arte para la caballera. La caballera debe esforzarse para alcanzar la perfección y así lograr la admiración y la confianza de la nigromante...
Su amor es un amor que solo siente miedo por el otro: el amor de la dependencia de ambas partes. Hay quien ha intentado caracterizar dicha relación haciendo hincapié en que la caballera le presta obediencia a la nigromante, pero le nigromante también debe obedecer a las necesidades de la caballera sin cuestionárselo: la suya es una carga aún mayor si cabe.
PRÉDICA SOBRE CABALLEROS Y NIGROMANTES extracto de la obras completas de M. Bias
Gideon la Novena (Saga de la Tumba Sellada 1) escrito por Tamsyn Muir, en EPUB Febrero 2021
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OMFLJ, Oh my Frigging Lesbian Jesus
The land that shall receive thee dying, in the same will I die: and there will I be buried. The Lord do so and so to me, and add more also, if aught but death part me and thee," said Gideon.
"See you on the flip side, sugarlips." The Word of our Prince and Savior, from the book of Gideon the Ninth, Act 5, chapter 37, page 438
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Lesbian Jesus gets her own post because this is one of my favorite tlt things I've ever drawn and I can do what I want
From Reinaeiry's Take Me to Church but it's EPIC video.
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Bone Empress 💀 😍
"I serve you with fidelity as big as a mountain, penumbral lady. "
"I am your sworn sword, night boss."
"Surprise, my tenebrous overlord!" said Gideon. "Ghosts and you might die is my middle name!"
— From Gideon Nav Talking Time, the book of Gideon the Ninth, Act 2, Chapter 13, pages 151-152
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☠️ We do bones, motherfucker. ☠️
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"Me gustaría hacerte una última pregunta, Reverenda Hija" expuso Gideon.
"¿Nav?" dijo Harrow, algo inquieta.
Gideon se inclinó hacia ella. "¿De verdad te pone burra una rarita congelada en un ataúd?"
Uno de los equeletos la empujó por la espalda y la tiró al agua.
— Del libro Gideon la Novena, capítulo 31
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"One last question for you, Reverend Daughter," Gideon said.
Harrow said, a little unsteadily: "Nav?"
Gideon leaned in. "Do you really have the hots for some chilly weirdo in a coffin?"
One of the skeletons punted her back into the water.
— From the book of Gideon the Ninth, chapter 31, pg 359
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[ID: meme anatomy image of a transparent blue person from the waist up. The body is turned to feature the spine in white outline, reminiscent of an x-ray. There is a white and red light burst at the base of the spine. One hand is placed at the nape of the neck and the other hand is at the hip. The meme has been edited to feature a Ninth house moment between Harrow and Gideon.
Harrow: skull emoji
Gideon: I am your creature, Gloom Mistress. Your body is a temple, necromantic and crumbling. Probably cursed and mega haunted.
Harrow: STAHP.
End ID]
Image source:
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"after that she stopped thinking with her brain and started thinking with her arms, which were frankly where the best of her cerebral matter lay." Only the most adorable self-aware himbo in all the Nine Houses.
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expectations: intimidating dark vestal who took a vow of silence
reality: himbo with a dirty mouth
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