promptsamillion · 1 year
You smelt my perfume and said “ah yes the scent of craziness” and disappeared and now I’m just trying to figure out why and who you are AU
- (ANON)
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promptsamillion · 1 year
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hey slurt
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promptsamillion · 1 year
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Sue zhao/Ryan O'Connell
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promptsamillion · 3 years
person a is asleep as the clock strikes midnight on new years. person b comes home from a new years party, and person a has left a note saying “happy new years my love, do not wake me up until the morning, because my new year’s resolution is a normal sleep schedule.”
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promptsamillion · 3 years
imagine your otp sitting at a picnic table when it begins to downpour. bonus if they end up saying “screw it” and continuing their picnic anyways.
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promptsamillion · 3 years
person a is gifted at technology. person b can only do the most basic things, and struggles to turn their ringer off.
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promptsamillion · 3 years
person a and person b are camp counselors together, and person c is the pool lifeguard who is sick of telling them to stop pushing each other into the pool.
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promptsamillion · 3 years
person a: why do you have so many spotify playlists?
person c: oh, you know, i have a lot of-
person b: c falls in love with everybody they meet.
person a: so where’s my playlist?
person c: you actually have three, let me send you the links
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promptsamillion · 3 years
person a: are you my new roommate?
person b: yes! i’m b, and you are?
person a: completely available.
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promptsamillion · 3 years
person a and person b fighting over what halloween candy is the best (bonus points if they’re stealing each other’s candy, late one halloween night)
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promptsamillion · 3 years
person a is a travel blogger, and person b is a disgruntled local, looking for a way out of their home country. a and b become a travel team; b acting as translator and regional expert, while an endlessly optimistic a manages to make even the most dismal places beautiful.
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promptsamillion · 3 years
person a does not know meal appropriate foods. person b has to remind them that cheesecake is not an appropriate breakfast food, a,
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promptsamillion · 3 years
person a: hey, could you watch my kids for a minute while i use the bathroom?
person b: sure, a!
person b to the kids: that’s my favorite, your teacher!
kids: yeah, we know. a talks about you all the time.
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promptsamillion · 3 years
person a: we can’t both go to therapy!
person b: how can you possibly say that? you’re finally going after years of not being in it!
person a: because then we’ll stop being so funny.
person b: our collective mental health is much more important than “humor.”
person a: AHH! IT’S WORKING!
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promptsamillion · 3 years
person a and person b are on opposite hockey teams. when person a gets a really bad injury and ends up in the hospital, b decides to go visit and try to cheer them up.
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promptsamillion · 3 years
person a: (taking a video) so, this is my dorm room, here we have some lights, that’s my computer, and-
person b: is that a picture of me on your laptop?
person a: n-no! of course not!
person b: oh, that’s too bad. because my laptop wallpaper is a picture of you. guess i have to change it now. 
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promptsamillion · 3 years
person a is a professional NASCAR driver, and an unenthusiastic person b gets dragged to a race by a friend. something about person a manages to capture their attention.
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