prongsie-pie · 5 years
WHO SAID YOU WERE ALONE @screamingforsirius
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prongsie-pie · 5 years
hey prongsie, i lovv u ❤️❤️❤️ sincerest regards, dogstarr
HI! I love you too!
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prongsie-pie · 6 years
Of course. But we’d have it published in the Quibbler. That way Moony’s not at risk or anything you know? I’m thoughtful like that
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prongsie-pie · 6 years
Are people going to start caring soon?
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prongsie-pie · 6 years
Umm... no? I don’t know who that is. Where’d that picture come from??
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prongsie-pie · 6 years
Moony is fine, babe. I was just... drunk? I can’t remember much to be honest. What did happen? @harryandhislittledragon
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prongsie-pie · 6 years
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Earlier I got a request for lesbian and asexual edits of this post. I changed the background color to gray in order to accommodate flags with black stripes.
(Image description: a gray background with pride flags on the left side of the image and green text on the right side which reads “still here, still queer, won’t be erased.” The post includes the nonbinary, asexual, more color more pride rainbow, bisexual, lesbian, pansexual, genderfluid, bigender, aromantic, and intersex pride flags. End image description.)
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prongsie-pie · 6 years
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For any of you who are writing ‘across the pond’-here is a little guide I put together of some common differences between British and American English!
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prongsie-pie · 6 years
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prongsie-pie · 6 years
That’s gayyyy
Like me
Cause I’m gay
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prongsie-pie · 6 years
Yup! Something always ends up happening...
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prongsie-pie · 6 years
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There are pencils that turn into plants when you’re done using them. 
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The ‘Sprout Pencil’ is the first sustainable pencil in the world that can be planted after use.
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“We have chosen the seeds for our pencils with great care, and they germinate quickly: i.e. within 1-3 weeks, depending on the seed variety. Most plants can be grown both indoors and outdoors.” 
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It’s made of natural materials: the body is cedar wood, and the “lead” is a mixture of clay and graphite.
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Sprout pencils are available in 22 varieties, including sunflower, mint, lavender, sage, forget-me-not, cherry tomato, sweet pea, cilantro, and wild strawberry.
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What to do
“When the Sprout Pencil has become too short to write with, it is ready to be planted. Follow the simple instructions below and see your Sprout pencil sprout.”
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They are also available in the colored pencil variety, which makes me oh-so-happy! 
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prongsie-pie · 6 years
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For my Floridian friends, please check to see if your mail-in ballot was tabulated!
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prongsie-pie · 6 years
Does anyone genuinely call their siblings sis, sister, little/big sis, bro, brother, little/big brother etc. as constantly as this appears to be portrayed in media? I’m extremely sceptical. Now, affectionally addressing them by something like “slug”, “toad”, “fool”, and “bitch”, or even dare I say it, their gotdamn name, is, from my experience, so much more natural. 
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prongsie-pie · 6 years
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prongsie-pie · 6 years
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prongsie-pie · 6 years
HP Consent Fest 2019!
Fest Rules and Guidelines
After all of our participants made 2018’s H/D Consent Fest a resounding success, we have decided this year to make Consent Fest HP wide! We invite all ships and no ships, any genre, trope etc. (Rarepair shippers and GEN fic authors, we can’t wait to see what you have to add to the fest!) General Guidelines Like last year, the primary theme of this fest is consent. We’re here to give prompters, authors, and artists a space to explore consent in a variety of situations and relationships including but not limited to platonic, familial, and romantic. Every submission must feature some form of consent or discussion thereof. How you depict characters expressing or discussing consent is up to you. We encourage all prompters and participants to think outside the box when it comes to our titular theme—last year creators rose to this challenge with aplomb, writing about consent when it came to kink negations, personal/emotional disclosures, medical situations, and parenting, to name only a few examples. We just ask that all prompters and creators keep in mind that the purpose of this fest is to showcase the creative possibilities of consent. Please adhere to the spirit of the theme. Creators who have questions or concerns as they work on their submissions re. how they are conveying consent should email the mods. We are here to help! Ratings Submissions can be of any rating. Participants must be at least 14 years old and participants under 18 may not claim prompts or read/view submissions that feature explicit content. Also, any creator under 18 must keep their own submission to a rating of PG-13 or lower. Creators under 14 are only permitted to select from the non-explicit prompts. Beta reading All submissions must be beta-read. If you have difficulty finding a beta, please contact the mods. (No) Minimums There is no minimum word count or like restrictions on art. Prompting Prompts will be submitted through a Google Form. Once prompting closes, our precious prompts will be compiled into a Google Doc for all to peruse. Claiming Claims will be made through a Google from 1-14 December. Each prompt can be claimed once for fic and once for art. Creators can claim their own prompts. Creators are welcome (and encouraged) to claim additional prompts once their first ones are filled and submitted to the HP Consent Fest 2019 AO3 collection. Posting Posting will be anonymous, and we’ll reveal all of our wonderful creators once posting has finished. All works will be posted to AO3. This is a self-posting fest; posting instructions for AO3 are forthcoming. Timeline Prompting: 2 November-30 November Claiming: 1 December-14 December Creative works due: 7 February. Posting begins: 1 March Reveals: One week following the last post HP Consent Fest is hosted on DreamWidth and Tumblr so if you want to participate or just lurk, follow us to remain up to date! This year we are also launching an HP Consent Fest discord so that we can all hype together, so keep an eye out for that. Last year the Drarry Squad Discord provided a very supportive space, and we want to thank every single person who contributed to that, especially carpemermaid, the DS mod. That said, as we’ve broadened beyond HD, we don’t want to monopolise that server’s already busy event/fest channels, particularly during all of the (wonderful!) squee-ing during posting. Remaining questions? Just email: [email protected].
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