prplpnk · 6 months
Finally back on this shit lol
Of Love and Forgiveness
Part 4 of Within the Fox's Shadow series
Summary: Reno is no longer able to hide from the darkness that haunts him and Cloud realizes what he truly wants.
Chapter 1 of 2.
Rated M -- Mild depictions of Violence and Swearing. Major Character Death.
Please do check it out! <3
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prplpnk · 11 months
A Dinobot/Optimus Oneshot
Summary: Dinobot demands an answer after Optimus Primal saves his life in exchange for returning to Cybertron. It only leads to more questions and a choice to be made. [Takes place after 'Victory']
Rated: T
Enjoy! <3
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prplpnk · 1 year
A Cloud/Reno Series -- Mature/Explicit Content -- NSFW -- Angst
Summary: An unexpected hook up leads to a path neither Reno nor Cloud planned to walk; a trail leading to shadows.
Please do check it out! :)
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prplpnk · 1 year
A short blurb about Duke and a precious Star.
Rated: E
Words: 912
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prplpnk · 2 years
Optimus Primal attempts to find closure after losing his cherished lover.
Rated: T
Words: 2,691
Warnings: Angst, Comfort
Part 5 of the Connections Series
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prplpnk · 2 years
Optimus has a question for Dinobot.
Rated: Explicit (might be over-rated, could possibly be considered M)
Words: 3,462
Warnings: Robotic Foreplay, Minor Angst
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prplpnk · 2 years
Vanquish, Chapter 2: Destiny
Overcoming his past comes at a cost, and Dinobot makes a decision about the path he wishes to walk.
Rated: M
Words: 8,002
Warnings: Violence, Mind Control, Suicide Attempt, Suicidal Thoughts
Part 4 of the Connections Series
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prplpnk · 2 years
Despite being stranded backward in time, far away from the Tripredacus Council, Dinobot's past catches up to him.
Chapter 1 of 2
Rated: M
Words: 5,083
Warnings: Violence, Mind Control
Part 4 of the Connections Series
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prplpnk · 2 years
Rejoining the Predacons had been Dinobot's choice, but the repercussions of that choice reached deeper than he ever expected.
Rated: M
Words: 5,840
Warnings: Violence, Non-Explicit Sex
Part 3 of the Connections Series
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prplpnk · 2 years
Summary: A rare moment of peace allows Dinobot to speak to someone he lost and the advice he is given is tested by Optimus.
Rated: T
Words: 3,354
If you like that one, please do follow up by reading the second part, Sentiment. It's linked as part of the Connections Series on Ao3. :) (Or Right Here, if you prefer.)
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prplpnk · 2 years
Under the Moonlight
Summary: Merekai's chill walk takes an unexpected turn.
Rating: PG
Warnings: Some Mostly Non-Descriptive Nudity, Non-Human Characters
Words: 1,480
Merekai belongs to @farseerdri
Merekai Korveris slowly breathed in the cool night air, enjoying the calm ambience around him. It had been some time since he was able to appreciate something as simple as a late night walk; the sudden loss of his wife and son had been a constant flickering rage in his heart, persistent and stubborn as time passed. The pain left him angry and empty, never able to calm enough to be the human he still was beneath the fur, teeth and claws of his wolven body. However, through a very patient and caring partner and some time with one of the wolven elders, Merekai had finally felt more at peace than he had in years.
He walked through the forest surrounding the small wolven village, the leaves and foliage still wet from a short storm that had passed through a few hours before. The clouds had cleared and bright beams from the full moon fell through the branches about him, making the area sparkle. It was very picturesque and Kai regretted for a moment not asking his partner, Jin-chou, to accompany him. Jin had a knack for taking amazing photos and creating gorgeous landscape paintings; the surrounding forest as it was would make for the perfect wall mural, once they decided to find a place to settle down, of course. Merekai made a mental note to at least tell Jin about that idea.
His musings were interrupted as he neared a pebble-covered path close to the treeline and heard someone walking the more open trail. Kai saw long, dark red hair between the branches and caught a quick glimpse of a pale, freckle-covered face. An adorable face he recognized.
Karaendir Leishyd had only been in the village for a month or two. He was fairly quiet and kept to himself, so no one really knew much about him. That was something Kai wanted to change; now that he had more control over his emotions, maybe he could at last approach the redhead and ask him out without the fear of a rejection throwing him into a furious rage.
The only thing that stopped Merekai from doing so in that moment was the late hour; what was Karaendir doing out here? True, many denizens of the town were more nocturnal than diurnal, but this was a fairly remote area away from the village itself. It just felt a bit odd, especially considering the redhead already lived in a remote location.
Karaendir’s steps were determined as he walked down the path and Kai decided to tail him, his curiosity getting the better of him. Just making sure he’s alright, he told himself as he stuck to the trees and quietly followed the redhead. Nothing wrong with that.
Karaendir didn’t deviate from the stone walkway and soon Merekai realized he was heading toward Lake Celeste, a large, windy body of water that filled an area between the Three Sisters Mountains. The lake was beautifully clear during the day, one could see right through to the deceptively deep floor. On a night like this, with the bright moon in the star-filled sky, the lake practically shimmered in the moonlight, almost appearing to glow with the moon’s reflection gently wavering on its surface.
A short pier reached out over the water; a popular area for fishing and swimming. The earlier storm seemed to ward off the rest of the population tonight and Karaendir stepped onto the wooden walkway.
Merekai remained hidden behind the trees, watching silently as the redhead slowly gazed around him. Karaendir was still and quiet, although Kai, being part wolven, could smell some anxiety on the gentle breeze. He scowled slightly; was Karaendir okay?
After a few moments of looking around him with cautious, dark golden eyes, Karaendir released a heavy sigh and shook his head, a small smile curving his lips. Then, to Kai’s surprise, he began removing his clothing.
Skinny dipping?! was his shocked thought as the redhead carefully folded his oversized sweater upon the pier and slipped off his flip-flops. Didn’t think he was the type….
Merekai tried to be a Good Boy and not ogle the pale man as he pulled off his soft-looking pajama pants, but truly couldn’t help a glance at the perfectly round rump presented to him as Karaendir stood at the end of the pier. The moonlight nearly made the other’s pale complexion glow and Kai watched as the redhead put both arms above his head and jump into the sparkling water with a gentle splash.
He chuckled to himself, wanting even more to get to know the new outsider, and debated if he should chance joining him for a quick swim. Although their interactions had been fairly few, it had quickly become apparent Karaendir had a very low blush factor and when those freckle-covered cheeks and pointy ears turned pink, dark gold eyes turning away, he certainly became irresistibly cute to Merekai. There were a couple times he had to stop himself from scooping the redhead up and taking him away from everyone; some deep, instinctual feeling would overcome the wolven to protect.
The want to keep Karaendir safe had been there the moment Kai had seen the redhead, but he realized it wasn’t nearly as overwhelming as it had been. A very good thing, as he really didn’t want to suddenly grab someone he truly didn’t know and kidnap them to some cave or far away location and keep them hidden away against their will.
I’m in control now, Merekai thought with some pride. I can keep these instincts in-check; no awkward ‘I did this because I felt I had to’-style first date for sure!
But was now really the right time to approach the redhead? Kai hadn’t decided yet, but a cold thread of worry began to weave into his mind.
The water was still. The breeze calm, only carrying the sounds of crickets and frogs over the lake. No splashing, no ripples from movement. Just a tranquil, quiet night.
Where was Karaendir?
Fear blossomed in his heart like an icy rose and Merekai stepped away from his hiding spot behind the trees to get a better look over the water. No sign of anyone was around. What happened? Did Karaendir come out here so late to do something awful?
That instinct to protect flared up with a vengeance and this time Kai let it overtake his thoughts. It shoved away the fear and the part-wolven began stepping onto the pier, determined to find the redhead and bring him to the surface. I have to help him!
Just as Merekai made it halfway across the short pier, there was a splash of water and the part-wolven stared as Karaendir burst from the lake. His pale skin was covered in deep blue-purple scales that wrapped in intricate designs around his torso and arms, the scales thick over the fish-like tail that he now had instead of legs.
Karaendir twisted in the air, his entire merfolk form leaving the water, and Merekai swore time slowed. He stared in awe, moonlight shimmering over the redhead’s body, making him appear ethereal over the water and Kai couldn’t look away. He was enthralled at the beauty he was witnessing, only vaguely noticing the redhead’s eyes were closed as spun around, his usually dark red hair now actually glowing a soft neon red, a color also matched by his freckles. He was gorgeous, a perfect creature Kai had never laid eyes on before.
Another loud splash and the part-wolven blinked rapidly for a moment, the spell broken, Karaendir once again vanishing into the lake.
Merekai stood for several, long moments. His thoughts were scattered, his heart thundered in his chest, and mouth dry. Swallowing thickly, he took a shaky breath as one coherent thought crossed his shell-shocked mind; …maybe now isn’t the right time.
Swiftly, and as quietly as he could manage, the part-wolven backed away from the pier. Deciding against slipping back into the woods, he quickly made his way toward the house he and Jin were staying at. His thoughts were jumbled, the image of the fish-tailed Karaendir burned in his memory and he wanted to keep them there.
His attraction to the redhead only intensified and Merekai knew he had to pursue this, before it drove him to unlearning all he had recently learned about keeping the more instinctual side of himself under control. …after a day or two to calm down. Right now, that want to take Karaendir away was stronger than it should be and Kai definitely did not want that to be a first impression. I told myself no awkward first date, he reminded. Let’s keep that promise.
Merekai took a deep, calming breath as he walked the path, again grateful to finally have his control back.
He would not let it get the better of him again.
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prplpnk · 3 years
Final Fantasy VII, Cloud/Reno, NSFW
Part 3 of Within the Fox’s Shadow
Summary:  Cloud begins to discover a path he wishes to walk as Reno continues to tread in Shadows.
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prplpnk · 4 years
A short, self-indulgent blurb. Please enjoy!
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prplpnk · 4 years
What's Reno to do when he can't sleep and has the number of one Cloud Strife?
takes place after To Seduce A Wolf -- Enjoy! :)
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prplpnk · 4 years
Reno's unlucky night on the prowl takes a surprising turn when he bumps into Cloud, but he gets more than he bargains for as Strife pulls at shadows Reno would prefer remain hidden.
Please enjoy this monster I worked really hard on lol
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prplpnk · 5 years
Karamaru stared at his phone, the dulled screen unchanging in showing him the very short list of contacts he had. As an introvert, Kara wasn’t bothered too much by solitude, but lately he’d been feeling… disconnected. A part of him wanted to reach out, to ask if it was alright to hang out somewhere with someone, but he was forever stalled.
Karamaru knew he wasn’t his friends’ only friend; they had others they talked to and hung out with, a much more active social life than he had. What right did he have to essentially say, “Hey, I’m lonely, so pay attention to me!” when they might’ve been dealing with other issues he had no idea about? Even if he asked just for something casual and vague, what if they were hanging out right now? Or someone else having an even rougher time than just dealing with loneliness?
He’d be a bother. It wasn’t fair of him, expecting his friends to come and comfort when they have other people to worry about. Talk about annoyance, he imagined, to hear him complain about not having anybody to hang out with when he put himself into this situation to begin with.
Putting the phone down, Karamaru sighed in defeat. This was his fate, he supposed. Lonely, loner people existed for some bigger purpose, he had to get used to the fact that he was one of them. Lousy at making friends, even worse at keeping them, enjoyed the quiet and used to the dark. It was where he belonged.
The voice was always encouraging and Kara, having nothing else to do, obeyed. He stood and walked to his door, grabbing a shovel as he exited his small house.
The shovel was the perfect size for him and worn; the metal scratched and stained from years of use, the handle slightly bent from when Kara had tried to break it once. Now he had to grip it in a slightly weird position and his right shoulder always became sore after a short time of digging.
People stopped asking about the ever-growing pit around Karamaru’s house years ago. It circled his property, only about four feet deep, but grew wider at a fairly regular pace. What started as a ditch was now a wide trench and it held a dark-colored mist, something like a black fog that swirled within, moving aside only when Kara dropped into it. It pulled back away from the wall of dirt he had been last digging out, widening the trench another foot.
Eyes glazed over, his consciousness only half paying attention, Kara began digging into the soil, finding small comfort at the cold darkness at his back. It was something familiar, a sensation, a presence that had been around for a long time. Better than nothing.
Keep digging.
Karamaru nodded and did as he was asked. It was something to do, even if it probably wasn’t the healthiest.
Stop digging! A few people had demanded that of him, a long time ago. He remembered only looking up at them from his trench, covered in dirt and holding his shovel close. …I can’t, Kara would reply. Frustration would be shoved his way at that, these people angry he wouldn’t do what they say, claiming he wasn’t listening and that this digging was now his choice. Then they’d walk away to leave Kara to his digging.
Kara had tried! He lost count of the times he threw his shovel away, locked it up, or even buried it in a remote location that took him all day to get to. Every time, every time, he would wake up the next day, shovel in his hand and a few feet added to the trench. Nothing worked, the shovel was his and it wasn’t going anywhere.
Might as well use it. Karamaru continued to dig, the shadow his only companion.
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prplpnk · 5 years
When going to the Wildmother for rest, someone else decides to show Fjord a coming storm.
Rated T -- Fjord/Caleb Widogast
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