psycho-thing · 2 years
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Let's get this wagon train a'movin!
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psycho-thing · 5 years
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psycho-thing · 5 years
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drawn by John Grosjean
colorized by tofuthebold-art
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psycho-thing · 5 years
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We’re the Avengers
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psycho-thing · 6 years
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psycho-thing · 6 years
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- Joseph Gordon-Levitt
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psycho-thing · 6 years
The world was cold. Every breath she made was visible as she walked up to the fogging window of the coffee shop. It wasn’t crowded inside yet, she had arrived just before the rush of people that came in for their lunchtime drinks and snacks. It never registered in her mind why she chose such a loved chain to be the coffee shop she goes inside of every week, but it was now a habit. Each Thursday, at 11:30 AM, she would walk inside of the building, buy herself a drink, sit within the window and watch for an hour. She watched every week with no result, but she wasn’t going to stop her weekly routine. 
Her lonely visit did have a purpose, but she couldn’t figure out exactly what that purpose was. All she knew was that she woke up a few months back and had to do exactly this. That first Thursday morning the sun was shining brightly in the sky, the ending summer still warming the Earth’s surface gently. When she woke up she felt an overwhelming urge to go to the coffee shop in the centre of town and to sit in the window, a place that the workers called ‘her spot’. Every worker was fond of her and made sure her table was kept clear every Thursday at 11:30. Every Thursday she felt off, there would always be a stabbing pain and a sick feeling that crept up her stomach and sat heavy in her throat until she was able to sit in that window. Nothing and no one could explain to her what made her this way, but she knew it had to happen.
Today she felt different sat in that window, curled up in the faded blue armchair with a worn book in her lap. That book was full of fantastical stories of mythical beings, a book she read countless times as a teenager but stopped when she reached 20 years of age. On that fateful Thursday, she began her journey to the coffee shop was also the day she decided she wanted to pick the book up once again. 
Her eyes glanced up from her book, the yellowing page pressed gently between her delicate fingers. Across the street, she saw someone, a familiar face that she didn’t know. A pair of eyes mixed between flecks of green and blue met hers and she was flooded with a feeling of panic.
In an instant, she pushed herself out of the worn chair and the book fell from her lap onto the wooden floor with a bang. She left everything behind at her window seat, walking out of the shop as if she was in some type of trance. The cold breeze hit her harshly the moment she was outside, every person passing by clad in winter clothing. She paid no concern to those passing her, to her it was as if they weren’t even there. All her eyes could see was the glowing orbs across the street, those bright things that made her feel at home - though she didn’t understand why. Each step brought her closer to the man, her feet carried her across a road flooded with cars that all seemed to blend together as they came to a screeching halt in order to avoid her. 
Within moments she was before him, staring up at the faced carved from stone. Who he was, why he was there and what he meant to her was all a mystery... but she knew he was the reason she was called to that coffee shop each week. She knew, at that moment, that she had been waiting for the man dressed in black.
The world around them had frozen. Every person was watching the pair in wonder, muttering comments between themselves to keep the world from drowning in silence. The traffic had come to a complete standstill, a large gap in the centre of the road where no car had dared to move in fear of hitting the woman who seemed in a daze.
“I’m sorry,” the man whispered softly and pressed his lips gently upon her forehead. “I had no choice.”
Once he had come into contact with her skin the life she knew was washed away to nothing, being replaced with one of fighting and desperation. She gulped at the air as she began to remember everyone from her past, the happy memories came first. Then she was struck with the ones of fear. The blood, the knife, the green energy of his powers as he saved her by turning her mind human so she would forget the pain of that day. Everything came back at once, all the pain and all the happiness. 
Finally, it was over. The rest of the world was still watching.
She was her once again. Slowly she lifted her shirt to expose a large scar across her left side, reminding her once again of the pain she felt that day when she had finally lost a battle. Her legs became weak and she dropped instantly, but he caught her before any damage could be inflicted upon her body. He would never forgive himself if he were to allow her to get hurt again.
“Loki,” her voice was shaken.
“Never again, my love,” he promised, holding her frame close to his. “I just couldn’t let you die.”
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psycho-thing · 6 years
Here’s to the people, the Monsters and the love to make MOVIES! Let’s DANCE! David Marti
Longer version of David Marti’s video posted on Instagram
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psycho-thing · 6 years
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Got this changing sequin pillow for Black Friday! I don’t think I’ve ever spent money better! Perfect for my Stony shipping ass! How can I show RDJ so he’ll put it on Facebook like he does with other Stony things?
@superhusbandswithasideoffamily this reminded me of your bears so I thought you would like it!
@sabrecmc I also wanted to show you because it sparkles like stars and I instantly thought of CN!
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psycho-thing · 6 years
Some things will never change…
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psycho-thing · 6 years
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This is a thing that exists. I wish I could think of something smarter to say, but that’s it. This is out there.
Now, what about some facial hair?
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psycho-thing · 6 years
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psycho-thing · 6 years
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Tom Hiddleston has been perfecting his right moves for some time now…
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psycho-thing · 6 years
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Dance-off, bro!
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psycho-thing · 6 years
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Bruh, Pete just helped his dad fight of three aliens, was then beamed up onto a spaceship, nearly fell off said spaceship (but his dad caught him of course), he then helped to rescue a wizard with his dad and a flying cloak while thinking about old sci-fi movies….
Poor Peter was probably expecting there to be an invisible man there.
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psycho-thing · 6 years
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I love [this moment]. Danai’s performance is so fantastic. [Okoye’s] whole mission is to keep the king safe, to protect the king, and the king disappeared in her arms. — Anthony Russo
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psycho-thing · 6 years
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Death Thanos doesn’t discriminate between the sinners and the saints. He takes and he takes…
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