puffykitten19 · 5 years
“The only way you can possibly trap me is if you have a trail of cevapi leading into a cage”
-APH Croatia (probably)
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puffykitten19 · 6 years
Joke I just made up
One day, an American man went into a forest with his hunting rifle. There, he shot and killed a massive grizzly bear. Instead of taking the whole bear, he just ripped off the limbs and left the rest.
Sometime after, someone found the body of the lifeless creature and reported it. The police were able to find the man who did it and bring him to court for illegally hunting. When they asked him why he did it, the only thing he said was,
“I’m protected by the 2nd Amendment”
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puffykitten19 · 6 years
Guns and Ships or Satisfied?
If you’re a part of the Hamilton fandom, you would definitely know of Lafayette’s Guns and Ships. Many people say that it’s the hardest song to sing out of the whole musical.
But did you forget about a song?
Right after Helpless, the song Satisfied is sung by mainly Angelica, talking about what happened between her and Alexander. Not only does she sing her part faster than Lafayette does with Guns and Ships, but she also sings a lot more than him.
Maybe it’s because the song is less known? Maybe it’s because the song is cut out of some showings of Hamilton to save time? I’m not really sure. But if you haven’t listened to it yet, I would highly recommend it to everyone.
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puffykitten19 · 6 years
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puffykitten19 · 6 years
*Non-Stop playing*: John Jay got sick after writing five, James Madison wrote twenty-nine.
Me: HAMILTON WROTE... *inhales, then screeches*
THE! OTHER! 51!!!!
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puffykitten19 · 6 years
Lord of the Rings Fandom: Shipping a Man and an Elf isn’t really that bad, right guys?
Hamilton Fandom: Hey, um, is it normal to be shipping old white men who already have wives?
Hetalia Fandom: Hey look, sane people!
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puffykitten19 · 6 years
Top 10 Iwatobi Free! ships
10. No
9. Iwatobi
8. Free
7. Ship
6. Is
5. Better
4. Than
3. The
1. ReiGisa
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puffykitten19 · 6 years
Teacher: Okay! Time for everyone to show their drawings to the class! *points to me* how about you go first?
Me: Ok *Holds up my drawing* I drew a picture of things that twinkle
Teacher: Umm... But isn’t that a map of the world?
Me: *Dramatically gazes into the sky* Exactly
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puffykitten19 · 6 years
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Just a reminder that this exists and is canon
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