While I agree with your statements of Azula & Ozai (they indeed look very alike), I disagree with Zuko and Ursa
Zuko remarkably looks like Ozai, not necessarily like Ursa. In fact, it is comfirmed by the creators that he was intentionally designed to be similar to his father in appearance.
Except, Zuko's features are kinda softer, his jawline is comparatively rounder than Ozai's; and he also has a perfectly straight nose whereas Ozai has a slightly hooked nose.
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But yes, Azula definitely looks like a younger, gender-bent version of Ozai. But still, you can also see her mother's features in her too. In my opinion, Azula was designed to look like a mixture of Ozai and Ursa
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I’m totally on board with the idea that Azula is Ikem’s daughter. Then she can go ahead and live in the woods with Ikem and the Wolf Spirit, run around the forest, skip stones in the lake or whatever that is, basically run away from the world.
Maybe I’ll join her. I wouldn’t mind a…
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Ursa: Never forget who you are
Also Ursa: *Causally forgets who she and her children are*
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Mother knows best
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Same here. I mean I can see Azula's resemblance to Ursa. But I think she looks more like her father with her comparatively more angular jawline, widow's peak, and sharp features that could puncture the hull of an empire-class Fire Nation battle ship leaving thousands o drown at sea...
It's a nice touch that she looks like both her parents a lot, just like how it happens in real life.
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When you look like your parents
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We also see how bad Cersei is at image politics. Once Robert died and Joffrey was crowned, the first thing she did was getting rid of all the Baratheon symbols in the throne room...
And that's a very stupid thing to do. Cersei knew that Stannis was planning something, and could very well expose the fact that her children weren't legitimate heirs of Robert.
People immediately believed Stannis' "rumors" mainly because of Joffrey's appearance. The boy looks nothing like a Baratheon. This is why Cersei should have used Baratheon symbols to make him appear more like "Robert's son".
Take a look at Robb. He takes after his mother in appearance, yet he brilliantly uses the Stark symbols. He has a literal direwolf beside him. And we've seen that Robb was mimicking his father's behaviors too.
If Cersei knew how to use image politics, she could prevent all the rumors about her children's parentage.
Rereading AFFC and it’s really striking how much training Margaery got to be queen when compared to Cersei. I wish we had a Margaery POV but it’s obvious that she doesn’t just happen to love activities that just so happen to be great PR for her and her house. Maybe she enjoys some of it and being so social and active but look at how she spends her days. Going to see the daily catch at the docks, giving alms, riding horses and boats where everyone can see her and her ladies, favoring merchants and tradespeople all over the city, praying publicly in the sept of Baelor rather than privately in the Red Keep. Someone taught her that if she bought a snack from a street vendor that man would tell the story of how he met the Queen for the rest of his life and there is power in that. She knows how to politic and what her role is and how to go about queening. And her family trusts her! Trusts her to do well! Trusts her enough to leave her to it!
And seeing it from Cersei’s POV is sort of startling in that she can’t see what Margaery is doing and even when she can see it she doesn’t really understand why it’s important. Tywin Lannister was obsessed with his daughter becoming the queen since the moment she was born but never bothered to teach her a single thing about politics or how to be a queen. Not that Tywin had an eye for image politics but still. He really just thought that Cersei’s job as queen is to look pretty, give birth, and do what he tells her to. It’s a downright lack of imagination on his part. And a failure to prepare her.
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Do you think its fair to say Jaime was complicit/responsible in Tywin's war crimes (Raynes of Castamere, sack of Kings Landing, Riverrun) because he kept staying by his side while he was alive, and didnt revolt against him? (ftr this question doesnt steam from any fandom fight, at least not recent, and not on tumblr if you're worried)
I think this is an interesting question, but reaching the answer always feels weirdly mathematical, leaving out the human element of 'what would you do if you were Jaime'. To me that's the more interesting question, and I think it's the one ASOIAF more often poses.
Like Jaime genuinely can't help who his dad is: the Reynes of Castamere happened before he was born and Tywin ascended to his seat as Lord of the Rock when Jaime was like... one, so he's basically been born into war crimes. It doesn't matter if he likes his dad and what he does (and plainly he doesn't) - this is just a grim reality that's out of his control. He doesn't like that his father employed the bloody mummers, or Gregor Clegane, or what happened to Elia, Rhaenys and Aegon... but what can he do, his dad's this godlike being, the most powerful man in the country (even if Robert nominally is), and that is the way Tywin has chosen to do things.
And if he were to revolt... well, I think Jaime is disillusioned by the alternatives: the KG were corrupt, Robert's corrupt, Aerys was Aerys - so whatever, he's a Lannister and so he's Tywin's team, it is what it is. That seems like a pretty real resignation to me - someone whose ideals were crushed at a young age just strips things back to their bare bones and decides he's on his family's side if he's on anyone's, so fuck the rest.
But obviously in ASOS Jaime's forced to confront exactly what Tywin's legacy meant for Westeros and what it has meant for his family, and that instills more conflict in him over his complicity. So following Tywin's death, again, there's the fact that he hates the allies Tywin's made them (the Freys, Sybell Westerling, etc) and admires the Starks' allies (the Tullys, the Blackwoods, Jeyne Westerling, etc) and wants peace and order and crops for the smallfolk... but the fact remains that if he wants to protect his family, he has to uphold Tywin's legacy - because that is the fragile foundation of their security.
If he doesn't preserve this, his children, sister and extended family have about five minutes left on this earth. He can say he wants peace and amends but men like Brynden Tully fundamentally do not believe him capable of it, so in AFFC we see Jaime regularly struggling with doing what he has to do in the way he'd prefer to do it whilst convincing everyone else it's Tywin's way of doing things, because that's the bluff that's holding all this together (until it isn't).
Because it fundamentally doesn't come down to whether Jaime is or even wants to be complicit or not, it comes down to what will happen if he's not. And now that he's pulled away from the Lannisters to run off into the woods on a zombie adventure with Brienne... what is going to happen to his children. What is going to happen to Cers. What, most imminently, is going to happen to Genna and Daven lol. The answer is nothing good, because they were only safe as long as Tywin's campaign of fear lived on, and it died with him. Unfortunately Jaime was born at the start of that campaign of fear and so born into complicity, with everything he loves as a stake in that. and IMO this is so much more interesting than just pointing at the various stages in the narrative where he could've gone 'fuck you dad it's your dream not mine'
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Lmao, okay but this is lowkey funny😂
First of all, Aegon and the Strong boys didn't intend to bully Aemond. They were just joking around.
Aegon may be old enough to recognize bullying though. It's arguable. So, I won't say much about him. But Strong kids were literally kids, not older than 8-9 at the moment.
You guys really be hating elementary school kids for "bullying" each other? Lmao you guys are weird
And let's not forget, it was Aemond who started the whole thing by claiming his cousin's dragon. Jace and Luke only defended the twins.
Now, I understand Aemond too. Maybe not intentionally, but his brother and nephews were still bullying him for not having a dragon. So I can see why he had an ego boost after claiming the biggest and oldest dragon. And of course, losing his eye in the process is a hella traumatic incident. And it was his own nephew who did it to him...
I'm not blaming any of them. Because as I said, they were all fucking children. They're not responsible for anything. If the whole fight happened in the real life, Strong kids wouldn't be judged or accused with crimes...🙄
So wait, that hater really said Aemond is a cheap Daemon wannabe with less fashion sense when 1) Aemond changes his clothes 2) Daemon is an undeniable misogynistic narcissistic prat 3) Aemond respects women 4) Daemon has never been bullied 5) Aemond has only ever been bullied 6) Daemon wears the same outfit in practically every episode 7) Aemond isn't a whore like Daemon 8) Aemond is hot PERIODT and 9) Daemon used to be hot now it's like how appealing is misogyny? Was that person trolling because they cannot be this stupid...
*Daemon was never bullied.
I am convinced they are really that brainless.
It's funny because there was some random meme on IG something about "Rhaenyra spent half the season pregnant and if I was her I'd let Daemon impregnate me 24/7 too" and I said "I bet you'd let him beat you every night too" in the comments and all the replies just reinforced how delusional I took these R x D stans to be 😂🤣 They were all very into the idea, to say the least..One of the comments was like that was a show decision, it's not in the books, so I was like ig you don't know he has a mistress in the books too.. Sure if you like your men abusive cheaters whatever rocks your boat but Aemond is nothing like that.
The hater also said the Strong boys didn't bully him Aegon did. It makes me completely side with psychotic Aemond and psychotic team green, go for the kill. I wish Alicent HAD managed to cut out one of the Strong boys eyes instead of an accidental knick on poor Rhae Rhae's arm. These pathetic haters would deserve an L.
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Beautiful art! It makes me want to ship Margaery and Sansa even harder, they're so cute!
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Last of all, Margaery brought her before the wizened white-haired doll of a woman at the head of the table. “I am honored to present my grandmother the Lady Olenna, widow to the late Luthor Tyrell, Lord of Highgarden, whose memory is a comfort to us all.”
The old woman smelled of rosewater. Why, she’s just the littlest bit of a thing. There was nothing the least bit thorny about her. “Kiss me, child,” Lady Olenna said, tugging at Sansa’s wrist with a soft spotted hand. “It is so kind of you to sup with me and my foolish flock of hens.”
Sansa I, A Storm of Swords
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I just don't understand the "anti tyrion" hashtags.
I totally understand disliking a character and it's all okay, but why do so many people in Tumblr seem to hate Tyrion so aggressively?
Tyrion is comfirmed to be the villain by GRRM, and you can't blame a villain for being villainous🤷‍♀️ It's like blaming a dog for barking or a cat for meowing...
Now don't get me wrong, no one has to love Tyrion ofc. And hell, he sure had many bad deeds!
The most obvious one is that he's working for his own family to keep Joffrey on the throne even though he very well knows that the boy has no right to be the King, and he shouldn't be since he's a cruel, incompetent child tyrant and doesn't deserve to be the King
I really hated when Game of Thrones whitewashed his character to make him seem more lovable to the audience. Like, come on! Tyrion is a fucking villain! Why make him more sympathetic?
However, I think those "anti tyrion" hashtags are out of control. I literally saw people blaming Tyrion for Tysha incident as if he's also not a victim in here🙄
That was just an example but hope I made my point...
But just in case, I want to say that I'm not fangirling Tyrion or ignoring all his had actions. But there's just an unnecessary hatred towards him particularly in Tumblr and I don't see why :/
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Azula is indeed Ozai and Ursa's daughter, and Zuko's sister
The angry face has Ozai in it,
You can see Zuko in the concerned expression,
And the side profile is literally a photocopy of Ursa!
I love how realistically they're all drawn by the creators
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[Edits of azula without makeup]
She was 14 man
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Lol I haven't seen your arts before, so I have no idea how you draw characters🤷‍♀️
Why would you draw Dany weird looking tho?😂
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aegon/aemon/naerys doodles I did as a warmup the other day. wanna draw them properly sometime cuz they compel me. I keep seeing art/fancasts of aemon & naerys that make them very beautiful & ethereal but I like drawing aemon blunt-faced & eyebrowless (aegon was the handsome one) + naerys looking like I want to feed her a xanax out of my open palm as if feeding a nervous horse
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Correct me if I misremember it, but wasn't Daenerys supposed be similar to Naerys in appearance?
If so, then she indeed needs to be very beautiful since Daenerys was constantly called beautiful..
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aegon/aemon/naerys doodles I did as a warmup the other day. wanna draw them properly sometime cuz they compel me. I keep seeing art/fancasts of aemon & naerys that make them very beautiful & ethereal but I like drawing aemon blunt-faced & eyebrowless (aegon was the handsome one) + naerys looking like I want to feed her a xanax out of my open palm as if feeding a nervous horse
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One of the common misconceptions about The Owl House is how fandom views Odalia as a sociopathic women. I kinda agree, she has some sociopathic behaviors. Yet, it's not enough to claim that she's a clinical sociopath. If anything, Odalia is a textbook narcissist.
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I understand that those conditions can be confusing since they both include lack of empathy and remorse, being selfish and manipulative... It makes sense since both narcissism and sociopathy/ASPD are listed ad Cluster B disorders. I won't describe those terms, or this essay will be absurdly long. But hey! Let me explain why I think Odalia is a narcissist and not a sociopath:
1-) We know for a fact that Odalia was forcing Amity to dye her hair green. And here's the reason: We can clearly see that Amity has Odalia's features. She looks so much like her mother. So, the reason why Odalia was forcing her daughter to dye her hair is because she wanted to see herself in her. For narcissistic people, love is a conditional case. They only seem to love their children as extensions of themselves. Also, it's common among narcissists to favoring the child who looks more like them. Think about it, she could make Edric and Emira dye their hair brown to make her children "color coordinated", but she didn't. Instead, she made Amity keep her hair green. Because she wanted to see herself, again her narcissism is showing. A sociopath wouldn't give a darn about their children or how they looked.
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2-) Odalia is a materialistic btch who only cares about money, status and looks. Narcissistic people are most likely to be shallow and materialistic. Sociopaths, on the other hand, not so much... While they can come across as highly ambitious individuals, they don't necessarily regard those things above anything else, unlike narcissists who will do anything to seem good to other people. It's because sociopaths don't really care about how society views them. They're actually (over)confident individuals with big egos whereas narcissists lack true self-esteem and self-worth. They fake confidence as a coping mechanism to deal with their inferiority complex and satisfy their own fragile egos. Which is why they often seem like arrogant and cocky jerks. But you can actually separate a truly confident person and a narcissistic person. A truly confident person (or a sociopath in this case) might be ambitious and eager to achieving their goals, but they will hold back if it means sacrificing their other desires/needs. But a narcissist won't. Narcissists need constant admiration and materialistic things to feel important. A truly confident person wouldn't need that to feel important or worthy. This is exactly what we see with Odalia, she's so dang ambitious that she wouldn't hesitate to get rid off Luz only out of pety spite (and because she wanted to teach Amity a lesson). She'd do anything to sell her products, her love for money was seen even from the first scene that she actually appeared. Apart from that, working for Belos is another sign of her desire to rise. She was an entitled btch who cared about status so much that she wouldn't mind serving a guy who was about to commit genocide...
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3-) She's so delusional. Narcissistic people are likely to be delusional individuals due to their grandiose self-image. This is what we see with Odalia as well. Because she very well knew that Belos was about to commit genocide and kill millions of people, yet she still remained loyal because she truly believed the Emperor would reward her for her services. I don't know about you guys, but I'm pretty sure that Belos wouldn't give a darn about Odalia and the Blights once he got what he wanted (not even mentioning that he is a witch hunter too, but Odalia wouldn't know that, so I'll ignore this case)... This is a super naive assumption from Odalia, especially considering the fact that the Draining Spell would end up taking her magic too since she also had a coven sigil. It's stupid how she actually thought that she would stay safe and untouchable under those circumstances. But it makes sense, because like I said, she was having delusions about her family's greatness. And therefore didn't really think the possibility that Belos would be just using her family to achieve his own goal. This whole situation shows her narcissism very clearly. Because when it comes to facing facts and reality, sociopaths have better common sense and not likely to be delusional about it. Just the opposite, they're mostly cynical and nihilistic individuals whereas narcissists see the world with rose colored glasses (especially when it comes to viewing themselves).
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But everything aside, I think Odalia is a nice portrayal of a narcissistic mother (and a female narcissist too). It's arguable that she has sociopathic traits or not, but saying that she's a literal sociopath is an incorrect assumption. Odalia is probably a sociopathic narcissist at worst. But in any case, her narcissistic personality can't be denied.
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Viserys: I won't marry a 12 year old girl
Also Viserys: Marries a 14 year old girl
Of course he had a different motivation when he married Alicent, yet it doesn't change the fact that Alicent was only 2 or 3 years older than Laena.
King Viserys: When people try to convince me to marry a 12 year old girl for political gain, I simply don't. R.I.P. to book!Tyrion, but I'm different.
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I think we don't appreciate Ewan Mitchell's acting enough. He is easily one of the best actors of House of The Dragon. The boldness, the creepiness and the craziness of Aemond Targaryen could only be that well shown by an actor.
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He only blinked once or twice during the whole episode, and the way he was acting with his eyes (with his one eye that is) was truly amazing. His stare was making you uncomfortable even through the screen. I don't think I've ever admired an actor/actress so much since Lena Headey's incredible performance of Queen Cersei Lannister.
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Agree to disagree. While yes, Azula looks so much like Ursa, but she isn't a carbon copy of her mother.
Azula also looks like Ozai a lot. With her widow's peak, comparatively more angular jawline, and SHARPER features that could puncture the hull of an empire-class Fire Nation battle ship, leaving thousands to drown at sea...
She looks like both her parents but resembles her mother more. But I'd say it's mostly because of gender difference. I can totally imagine a male!Azula looking exactly like his father.
Interestingly, Zuko looks like a younger Ozai with a scar, but you can also see the Ursa in him. With his narrow face, rounder and softer features...
Both Fire Siblings look like BOTH their parents, and there are many moments that both Zuko and Azula looking like gender swapped versions of each other. Eh, siblings...
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What’s truly tragic is that Azula is the spitting image of her mother.
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Lmao why is this so accurate?🤣
I love Lannister POV chapters. Every single one is like "dear diary. woke up today angry and horny. drank eight glasses of wine for breakfast. a peasant came to court and asked for bread. gods they were so whiny, i could barely finish my lunch of swan and caviar. can't believe I'm so hated for no reason. better drink more wine. thinkin bout helping one(1) person today. i'm so sexy. I am repulsed when I look at my body however. my childhood hero came to visit in the afternoon - told me I was a massive disappointment. I threw a baby at them. gods I really am so sexy. why doesn't my dad love me."
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GRRM: Daenerys wants equality and wants to be a good queen
Some Dany haters in fandom: Daenerys is a selfish, cruel, unstable bitch who doesn't deserve the throne!
Me: Lmao
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Why Daenerys Targaryen and Cersei Lannister are foils + Dany feels indifferent to (and often unconvinced by) compliments on her looks (unless they come from someone she’s attracted to) vs. Cersei feels threatened by Margaery (partly) because of her obsession with physical beauty
George regrets that Cersei and Dany will not be contrasted directly.
[George’s] biggest lament in splitting A Feast for Crows from A Dance with Dragons is the parallels he was drawing between Cersei and Daenerys.
Cersei and Daenerys are intended as parallel characters – each exploring a different approach to how a woman would rule in a male dominated, medieval-inspired fantasy world.
While discussing how he writes his female characters, [George] also mentioned that splitting the books as he did this time meant we didn’t get the parallel between how Daenerys and Cersei both approach the task of leadership, which is a bit of a shame.
And that one of the things [George] regrets losing from the POV split is that he was doing point and counterpoint with the Dany and Cersei scenes – showing how each was ruling in their turn.
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