purrfics · 7 months
Walker Bait
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Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader
Summary: An unforeseen foray into a sex shop leaves you and Daryl trapped between a plastic cock and a hard place as a herd of walkers closes in. Angry sex ensues.
Warnings: NSFW. Protected p-in-v. Oral (m!receiving). Hatefucking, facefucking, and lots of dirty talk, leaning heavy on the “enemies” in the enemies-to-lovers trope. Mentions of a variety of sex toys and other filthy materials, including a blueberry-flavored condom and a walker wearing nipple clamps. 6.5k words.
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“All ya gotta do is suck it.”
You were eye-level with the length of it now, all but staring down the barrel of the gun, so to speak. You wetted your lips, shifted uncomfortably on your knees. Then, almost reluctantly, you looked up at Daryl.
“What if it gets in my mouth?”
“It won’t.”
Daryl gripped the base of it with a sturdy hand and guided it closer to your mouth. You made a face as if to recoil, but Daryl was adamant. Insistent. One more false start and he’d probably just shove the thing down your throat. A man of many virtues he may have been, but patience was not among them.
“If I’d known you’d take this long I would’ve done it myself,” he scoffed.
You had just begun parting your lips to allow him entry, but on hearing this, you forced them shut, frowned, and opened them again just to retort:
“Why don’t you, then?! You wanna suck this shit so bad, be my guest.” You were already wobbling back onto your feet, wiping the dirt off your jeans and watching Daryl’s face turn even redder.
“‘Cause I’m teachin’ you, dipshit,” he snapped, “Can’t even tie yer fuckin’ shoes, but I figured ya maybe could siphon gas this once. My bad.”
And there it was: smug, shitstain Daryl ready to jump down your throat with another show of superiority. You couldn’t track, couldn’t forage, couldn’t hunt, couldn’t suck the gasoline out of a car or even put the hose in your mouth. You were useless in his eyes, and he was never shy to make sure you knew it. He looked you over once and hardly seemed to see you at all—just narrowed his eyes and flung the plastic tube in your direction.
Because Rick and all the rest of them were home, and you were here, scoping out the remnants of a seedy one stoplight town miles away, Daryl felt far more at liberty to act like a dick. He would’ve rather anyone been by his side but you, and he let you know as much, but somehow, in some sick and absurd twist of fate, you had been obliged to tag along. You sensed it was because you were the newest addition to Alexandria. And, quite frankly, because you sucked at every other task you’d been given, sucking gas out of cars was all that was left for you to do.
So easy a walker with a dislodged jaw could’ve done it. But you couldn’t. And Daryl despised you for it.
“Figure it out,” he muttered, turning on his heels to stalk off.
You weren’t sure if it was the irate glint in his eyes or the air of condescension in his tone, but you were floored. He’d made two, maybe three steps in the opposite direction when he felt something strike the black leather on his back. He turned again, dropped his gaze to the ground, and saw the plastic hose at his feet. When he looked back up, you were quick to trail behind, stomping past him without a second glance.
“Suck it yourself, asshole.” And you couldn’t help it; you gave him the finger over your shoulder.
You didn’t need eyes in the back of your head to see the rancid, sullen scowl plastered flat across Daryl’s face. Didn’t need ultrasonic hearing to catch him curse beneath his breath and kick something at his feet. You just kept walking in the other direction and hoped with everything you had he wouldn’t follow.
When you’d made it a ways down the street and Daryl hadn’t bothered to chase after you, you breathed a sigh of relief. Now he could raid the mini mart and loot canned foods to his heart’s content or prove himself useful in fifty other ways, and you could just explore.
From the looks of it, you were at the heart of this defunct podunk town and had virtually every amenity at your fingertips.
A barbershop on your right and a dive bar on your left, two boutiques with their windows all busted in, an unsightly patch of grass that once passed as a park, and one lone Texaco, almost treacherous in the light of day as it stood without a single car stationed at its pumps. “NO WAY OUT” emblazoned on a makeshift placard and half a dozen bodies littering the sidewalk before you.
Nothing quite like that small town Southern charm.
Against your better judgment, you went fishing in your back pocket for a few familiar friends to lift your spirits. First, the near-spent package of Virginia Slims, then the lighter, then your Walkman and headphones. An admittedly lethal combination for any would-be survivor of the apocalypse—limiting your hearing and crippling your lungs was no way to live in a world like this, Carol always warned before she snatched both culprits from your hands—but you didn’t care today. You were most of the way down the street and turning down a side avenue; if any walkers were in the vicinity, you figured you would’ve heard them moaning and groaning and dragging their boney asses behind you long before. By all appearances, you and Daryl were totally alone.
You thumbed one miniature flame into view and brought it close to the cigarette you had clamped between your teeth. Then you deposited the lighter back in your pocket, snapped your headset over your ears, and fiddled with the portable cassette player until the strains of some archaic Molly Hatchet tune went spiraling in your ears—“Bounty Hunter,” by the sounds of it.
You were walking at an easy pace now. Took a left off Main and strolled quietly onto Sheppard Street, careful to dodge every bottle, beer can, and rotting body you could. You took a drag and ogled some of the saddest storefronts you’d ever seen. Windows all blown to bits and insides looking like shit as every place appeared to be looted.
It wasn’t until you’d walked a little longer and made your way past the epicenter of the havoc that you saw any spot worth looking at. Where it seemed every other place for food, clothes, firearms, or frozen yogurt along this stretch of road was ransacked and dilapidated, you noticed one building that wasn’t.
In fact, it stopped you dead in your tracks and warranted a triple take to ensure you were seeing things properly the first time you saw it. Blinking with disbelief in the face of this scorching Georgia heat, came your first, unfathomable, ‘What the fuck?’
Juicy Peach Pleasure Shop—Take a bite inside!
There were some sick, twisted people in this world before the turn, that was for sure.
You made a beeline for the entrance.
Admittedly, you’d seen your fair share of funky ass sex shops in your day, but this one took the cake. All shuttered up and seemingly untouched since the world first went to shit—because who in their right mind was robbing a pocket pussy emporium in the midst of the apocalypse?—the store was in surprisingly pristine condition.
The inside was probably tiny and grimy and crawling with walkers—but it was also now your only hope to make yourself useful to the Alexandria community, you thought.
You quickly came to realize that this store would allow you to supply a truckload of sex toys and offer every adult back home the opportunity at a kinkier recreational outlet. With a stockpile of vibrators, ball gags, and anal beads alike, you could finally show them you were good for something. Maybe even worth keeping around, in spite of your subpar siphoning skills and the fact that you’d scared off nearly every animal Daryl attempted to hunt.
You’d be a Juicy Peach pioneer, and one that was likely to meet with tremendous success, if you could just…get the damn door open.
You gave the handle several violent shakes and thrust your body against the door, to no avail.
The sun’s rays were relentless on your back and already bringing a sheen of sweat to your skin, try as you might to keep your cool. You fooled around a few more seconds with the knob, found it hopelessly stuck in its position, and were about ready to abandon the task altogether when you felt the glass begin to give way. Instead of pushing the door, all you had to do was pull it open.
If you were around anyone else but yourself and the dead, you probably would’ve blushed. Would’ve taken a peek at your surroundings, perhaps lifted one half of your headset off your ears and tried to listen to see if anyone had heard. But no, you forged ahead, as careless and oblivious as you were engrossed in the present song’s guitar solo.
Should you have bothered to do either, you likely would’ve heard a set of feet sprinting in your direction and seen someone reaching for you in a hurry. Would’ve caught a glimpse of the stranger’s left hand before it clamped over your mouth or the right as it closed around your own on the door handle and yanked it back. The next thing you knew, you were being hauled inside and held tight against someone’s body, all but immobile in their grip and struggling to gasp for air.
Then a breath, hot on your ear as the person pulled you closer:
“Herd. Don’t move.”
You tensed in Daryl’s arms and watched the scene unfold before you. Just outside the store’s boarded windows, a super-sized group of geeks began to descend on the street where you’d just been standing. Seeing them shuffle, stumble, groan, and hiss their way down, you shuddered to think you hadn’t heard them at all—and would have been overrun in a minute if Daryl hadn’t intervened just then.
The man’s hand remained glued to your mouth, sensing you might shriek as you watched the horde grow in size.
Slowly, he backed you away from the door and started looking around.
“Daryl, I—” you began in a whisper, turning around to face him.
Before you could continue, a half-rotted corpse rose from the floor a few feet away and started toward you and Daryl. You fought your first inclination to scream, remembering your current predicament, and opted instead for a frantic, furious wave of your arm as you pointed behind Daryl.
The man leveled his crossbow in a blink and had a bolt lodged in the walker’s skull even faster. You watched the body crumple to the ground, just before another one of its companions came rounding the corner.
This time, Daryl slipped his dagger from the sheath on his belt and in a single, swift maneuver, drove the blade through the walker’s temple. You watched with widened, paralyzed eyes as this one, too, dropped fast to the floor. But when it did, you still couldn’t bring yourself to displace your gaze, for something bizarre had snagged your attention.
“What in the everliving fuck is tha’?” Daryl breathed, eyes stuck to the same sight as yours.
That rank, decayed biter had a pair of nipple clamps fastened to its chest.
Just as your mind raced to furnish the man with an answer, Daryl took a sweeping look around the place and scrunched his nose.
“Is this—”
“Daryl, I can explain—”
You watched the anger flare in his eyes as he turned.
“You got us trapped in a sex shop?” Daryl snarled.
Though neither of you were in a position to speak too far above a whisper with the walkers outside, it was painfully obvious that your partner was yearning to yell in your face. In an instant, he got within an inch of it and stood towering over you, seething between gritted teeth:
“Risked our lives for a fuckin’ vibrator?”
“How was I supposed to know?” you whispered back, gesturing wildly to the window behind you.
Daryl’s fingers curled into fists, and for a second it seemed like one was primed to strike the nearest surface, but he stopped. Unclenched his hands and simply glared down at you.
“Ain’t you a peach,” he muttered, low and slow, “Ain’t you a goddamn useless little peach, huh?”
He took off in the other direction, probably in search of a back exit.
You stood and silently scolded yourself for feeling even the slightest inkling of arousal at the last, sarcasm-soaked insult. What the hell was wrong with you?
You hung back another minute or so and weren’t surprised in the least when you heard Daryl groan out loud, coming to find the back door barricaded all the way to the ceiling.
Taking one, apprehensive look out the window, you observed the herd hadn’t budged. They were moving and milling about, to be sure, but the bulk of them hadn’t wavered from the shop’s front stoop, leaving you and Daryl prisoners within these four walls.
You flinched when one of the walkers bumped its near-fleshless head against the glass. Silently, warily, you backed away and hoped it wouldn’t stray any further.
At length, none of them did.
Nearly an hour had passed before you could tear yourself away from the window, watching each doe-eyed, groaning monster outside like your life depended on it. Then Daryl came staggering back, all but drenched in sweat and slashed every which way down his arms. He’d been prying whatever stuff he could get from the exit, only to find that the door itself had been boarded up and jammed shut. The herd hadn’t stirred.
Daryl had barely been able to look at you when he demanded you start looking—for batteries, rope, whatever the hell you could find in this “depraved place.” You’d gone searching without another word, and the pair of you had been radio silent ever since. Combing over aisles of porn flicks and cock pumps and pretending like this wasn’t the most uncomfortable thing either of you had ever had to do.
When the opportunity to slip somewhere else first presented itself, you took it.
Toward the back of the store, you found a set of changing rooms. All cluttered with boxes and other junk but nevertheless a potential treasure trove for supplies. You eased your way in.
To your relief, there were only two half-rotted walkers making their rounds amongst the wreckage. You knifed them both and went calmly about your business.
And for awhile, it was just that—business. You were ecstatic to find two pairs of boxcutters, a dozen rolls of tape, and more rope than you knew what to do with. You had loaded your arms chock-full of finds, were just about to step outside to show Daryl, when a clothes rack caught your eye.
You turned your head and stopped to take in the sight.
On a single, flimsy hanger at the center of the shelf, there dangled a baby pink lace lingerie set.
You hadn’t seen anything that tantalizing, lithe, and sheer in a long, long time. You were practically drawn to it, feeling your feet shuffle clumsily in its direction and your arms drop every last item they held. Surely, then, you embodied everything a Victoria’s Secret salesman could’ve dreamed—so singularly focused on that stupid piece of clothing that you were literally stepping over dead bodies to get there.
If Daryl could see you then, he’d probably slap you upside the head.
“This ain’t a fashion show, sweetheart, we got the dead beatin’ down our front door!” You could almost hear him now.
Almost. Any hypothetical harangue from your supply run partner and every other pressing concern, it seemed, was lost on you now. All you knew was lace embroidery and plunging necklines, satin fabrics and fuck-me mesh open gussets.
You were clothed in the garment quicker than you could say, ‘Bad idea.’ You did a spin in the mirror.
A thousand dumb ideas danced before your mind’s eye as you placed your hands on your hips, moved your shoulders in sync, gave your ass a little shake. It was ridiculous, but you just hadn’t thought of yourself that way in so long; it was like you were staring at a brand new reflection. Years in a noxious, nightmarish world like the one you currently inhabited would do that. Turn a person into a bloodless stoic, so focused on the means of survival that they couldn’t even say a simple—
“What the fuck?!”
Your heart leapt into your throat when you saw Daryl’s form appear in the corner of the mirror. You quickly covered your tits and turned back to look at him.
“I-I-I’m sorry, Daryl, I—”
“You off yer fuckin’ rocker or sumn’?” Daryl spat, striding right over to you, “We got a whole pack of walkers champin’ at the bit to get us outside, and yer in here playin’ dress up?!”
Daryl clenched his jaw and shoved the clothes rack to the side, sending it tumbling over the two dead walkers with a crash. You hugged your arms to your chest even tighter.
Just when you opened your mouth to speak again, to try and apologize once more, Daryl shoved a thick, angry finger in your face.
“If you go and get yer dumbass devoured by a dildo-wielding geek, tha’s on you. I ain’t fuckin’ comin’ ta save ya no more.”
Damn if the man didn’t have a way with words, even when he was fuming out the ears.
You glanced down and immediately wished you hadn’t. Or had, sooner. Your blue-eyed nemesis was currently sporting the largest hard-on you thought you’d ever seen.
Daryl looked down too and seemed only to grow in his anger, if that were even possible, as it appeared he was infuriated at the sight below him. Enraged with his own erection.
You almost would’ve found this predicament amusing if you weren’t still afraid Daryl might throw you over his shoulder and feed you to the herd outside. Deciding to play it safe, you kept your mouth shut and stood with your hands clasped in front of you. Eyed the outline of his dick only once. Okay, maybe twice.
When your eyes traveled back up to his face in a nervous gaze, you found that Daryl was glaring at you. A hand hovered uncertainly above his belt buckle.
“Fuck it.” You heard him say under his breath before suddenly reaching for you.
Your whole body tensed in his calloused hands as he shoved you toward the door, gripping your wrists behind your back and thrusting you ahead.
You dug your heels into the floor, uselessly, trying to stop your vicious path past the changing rooms and into the store. Your eyes widened as you saw an even larger horde amassed beyond the front door, and for several, fleeting seconds you seriously thought that Daryl might throw you out there.
“Daryl, please,” you wailed, thrashing against him, “I didn’t mean it, I was being stupid—you don’t have to do this!”
At the center of the store, Daryl stopped. Spun you around shortly to face him.
“Don’t feed me to the herd, please, I’m begging you.” Your stomach clenched with fear.
Daryl’s expression shifted almost imperceptibly. If you weren’t so goddamn terrified, you would’ve detected that tiny change was in fact amusement.
“‘M not gon’ feed you to the walkers, girl,” he grunted, all matter-of-fact. Then, just as calmly, “‘M gonna fuck you over this counter.”
It seemed your World War Z nightmare-fantasy had taken a pornographic turn. The meaning of his words hardly registered in your brain before he shuttled you off to the cashier’s counter at the front of the store. Before you knew it, you were lying flat on a cold, glass surface and staring straight out into a sea of undead faces a few yards ahead. You swallowed.
You flinched with another grating sensation, this time at your wrists.
You glanced over your shoulder and saw Daryl binding your hands together behind your back. Where he had obtained the black BDSM rope in the time it had taken him to bring you here was beyond you.
“Not to be a Debbie Downer here or anything, but isn’t this...kind of…dangerous?” you asked, jerking your head in the direction of the walkers outside the window.
“Don’t care.” Daryl pulled the rope even tighter.
“But they can hear us if they’re right outside.”
From your vantage point, it seemed Daryl was ready to yank your hair and pound you senseless. Instead, he smiled. Gave your ass a light pat.
“Then you’d be wise to keep tha’ pretty mouth of yours shut while I’m fuckin’ ya, sunshine.”
Daryl pressed one quick kiss on your shoulder before bounding off in the other direction. You shimmied helplessly against your restraints as you tried to flip yourself over.
“You’re sick, Dixon. You’re a sick son of a bitch, I hope you know that,” you whisper-shouted after him. You doubt he heard you but had a sneaking suspicion he’d already seen the soaked-through spot between your legs to disprove it even if he had. You pressed your head to the counter and cursed your primal instincts for turning your lower half into an uncomely mess every time a man twice your age said something mean to you.
You would’ve liked to have leaned back—or, rather, forward—and said a big ‘fuck you’ to Molly Hatchet as well for getting you into this bind in the first place, were it not for the sound of Daryl’s footsteps returning.
“Listen, I learned my lesson, Dar. If you could just untie me, we would be a lot better off figuring out a way to escape this place than—”
You yelped as something smacked your ass. It wasn’t Daryl’s hand.
“Ouch!” You strained against the rope once more, only succeeding in wiggling your ass before Daryl’s pleasantly occupied eyes.
“C’mon now, it ain’t tha’ bad, honey. Stuff’s meant to feel good,” he chided. Another strike on your ass check punctuated his words.
He was right; it didn’t really hurt. Just felt strange, all bent over and exposed before him like that. You glanced back and saw the crop in his hands, the smug look on his face, and for a second, you did feel a twinge of pleasure as you imagined him doing much more.
You whimpered when he spanked you again—this time, with the flattened palm of his hand.
“Better?” Daryl quipped, grinning.
The second you nodded your head, you heard the sound of the crop clatter to the floor behind you. Daryl swiftly took your ass in both hands and started kneading the skin. Really digging his fingers into the flesh and sending shockwaves trembling all through your body.
“Rick’s the only reason yer here, y’know,” Daryl said behind you. You yelped when he smacked your ass again, and you curled your toes into the linoleum below.
The man rubbed the spot as soon as he’d struck it, palming your skin like it was the softest, smoothest thing he’d ever felt.
“Thinks you’d be an asset.” Another slap on your rear.
“I told him he don’t know wha’ the fuck he’s talkin’ ‘bout. Said you were ‘bout as useful as a one-legged man in an ass-kickin’ contest.”
You fought back a chuckle. That was pretty good.
And when he spanked your ass another time, the sting didn’t hurt as much. You propped your chin on the surface beneath you, pursed your lips, and actually suppressed the threat of a moan.
“I said ya were a liability,” Daryl continued, “Didn’t know no fuckin’ manners neither.”
At that, you were tempted to speak, almost wanting to defend yourself against his baseless accusations. But Daryl stopped that from happening, as he grabbed a fistful of your hair and arched your back up to meet his face, half-standing.
“I think ya need me ta teach ya some manners, how ‘bout tha’?” he growled in your ear.
If the warmth pooling between your legs couldn’t answer for you, you decided words would have to do. You nodded and said, “Uh-huh.”
Daryl threw you back onto the counter and gave your ass another brutal smack.
“‘Uh-huh’ don’t sound too polite to me, sugar,” he said sharply, cruelly. He didn’t soothe your backside with the pulse of his fingers and stood back from you instead.
“Yes...y-yes sir,” you stammered out, legs trembling underneath you.
Your feet were slightly raised, all but standing on tip-toes to keep your body propped up against the counter, and you were suddenly aware that your cunt was plainly exposed. The open gusset in your lacy attire seemed to have spread even further, swelling with the size of your now-engorged folds and probably displaying yourself to Daryl in all the worst ways.
The man groaned behind you.
You sensed some fabric shuffle, the clink of a belt come undone, and finally a tongue—pressed flat against your heat and licking a stripe up your oozing heat.
You shuddered forward on the tabletop and let out a lewd-sounding squeal. Your eyes widened at the sight ahead of you as you swore you could’ve seen a walker turn their rotted head in your direction outside. Daryl clamped a hand over your mouth.
“Now tha’s— what we’re not gonna do,” he whispered through gritted teeth, “We’re not gonna make one fuckin’ sound so the geeks out there can stay right where they are. Ya hear me?”
Daryl’s hand moved to your throat and pinched it in a vicious grip when you didn’t answer him.
“Ya hear me?”
You managed one strangled ‘Yes sir’ and left your lips parted as Daryl placed a sloppy, open-mouthed kiss on them. He stepped back again.
You heard some other quiet stirrings behind you as Daryl fiddled with something above your back. Frankly, you were already too lust-struck and cum-hungry to care, breathing out in soft, gentle puffs of air as you tried to rein in your reeling mind. You watched the walkers for a minute, tried to ground yourself in the unsavory reality all around you—the precarious position you were currently standing in, as one stray stumble of one of those undead shitheads might veritably mean the end of you and Daryl’s lives as you knew it—and you sighed. Scanned your eyes across the sea of wretched, fleshy heads and wanted to hurl.
At present, Daryl stroked your lower back with the tips of his fingers.
“Y’know, it’s been real tough ta find anything useful here,” he mused aloud, running his touch over your skin and sending a flurry of goosebumps in its path, “Ain’t nothin’ worth keepin’ here, really—‘cept maybe some dirty magazines.”
You internally rolled your eyes. Good for you, Daryl.
Then he lifted his hand and dragged it down a little further, causing you to clench your legs and snag your bottom lip between your teeth.
“But I got curious, see…” Daryl’s forefinger followed the contour of your ass and slid down between your cheeks, traveling lazily ‘til he reached your aching core. He sank that same finger deep between your folds and circled around in your heat, eliciting a strained whimper above as he gathered your juices.
“Daryl—” you whined.
“Don’t interrupt,” Daryl growled, slapping your pussy.
You winced and let out the smallest of moans. Daryl smirked.
“I found some stuff,” he resumed, “Might actually make this little trip worthwhile.”
You panted in your current position, hardly hearing a word he said.
When he lifted something else to your heat, you did quickly sense that his wasn’t any part of his hand, or even his cock. You squirmed in place but didn’t speak.
“Found batteries,” Daryl declared, as though it were the grandest discovery he’d ever made.
“Ya know what batteries are good for, darlin’?” You could almost hear the grin in his voice.
Before you could answer, you felt a fierce pulse at your center. A tremor, a throb, an artificial oscillation.
A vibration.
You moaned.
Daryl twirled the tip of a pink vibrator against your clit and pressed.
So overcome with that raw, potent jolt, you couldn’t help it when you cried, “Fuck, Daryl!”
Daryl didn’t cover your mouth, but he did withdraw the device from your slit for a moment, just to whisper in your ear to shut. the fuck. up. The two of you ogled the swarm of walkers once more and stood in muted suspense. Waiting for one to turn toward the glass.
Not a single set of eyes drifted in your direction.
Bent over you with a buzzing vibrator at your core, Daryl couldn’t deny the rush was...addictive. He pushed the thing a little deeper and smiled when you stifled a moan.
“Ya might’ve been right comin’ all the way out here after all,” Daryl teased, “This shit’s way more fun than suckin’ gas, don’t ya think?”
You buried your face in the glass and wanted to scream when Daryl’s fingers started sliding in and out of your hole.
You were being so good, not making a sound, eyes all but welled up with tears at the pleasure that was coursing through your body. Daryl rubbed your back with his other hand and seemed to be treating you a little gentler now.
“Aw, tha’s my girl,” he said, words ripe with condescension. He traced his palm up the length of your spine and kept fingering you quietly. You barely even noticed that the vibrator was designed to hook inside you, still punishing your clit as it quivered away at the sensitive spot within your walls.
“Who woulda thought all it would take ta shake that disobedience away was a couple’a fingers in yer cunt and a stupid little toy.”
You were far too close to your release to give a shit about his patronizing speech; you bucked your hips against his hand, his front, and gritted your teeth as a tender bubble of pleasure grew deep within your belly. Then, to your surprise, you felt Daryl clasp your fingers while they were still knotted with rope behind you and squeezed them.
“Tha’s a good girl. Cum all over me, make tha’ pussy feel nice f’me, c’mon.”
You followed his command in short order and released all over his hand, humping his fingers and humming through a muffled shriek as you came.
Daryl beamed with pride and hardly had it in him to look away, notwithstanding the growing throng of walkers close ahead of you. He uncurled his fingers, slid them out, and took a nice, long taste of his hand while he watched you writhe underneath him.
“Take it out!” you hissed, thrashing against the vibrator still buzzing within you, “Take it out, take it out, take it out!”
In truth, you’d never felt so fucking good in your life. You surprised yourself when you stood there another couple seconds and came again, clenching repeatedly over the tiny pink toy and groaning into the condensation-dampened glass.
“FUCK!” you screamed, this time with no hint of restraint.
Daryl’s eyes bulged out of his head, and he yanked the thing out of you. Gaze darting to the window in a petrified look.
One walker paused in place and craned its neck with the slowest of motions. It stared blankly at the window before it but didn’t move. Daryl saw its mouth open and close, wheezing something violent, and stared another few seconds before shuffling back to its previous path. Daryl closed his eyes.
“What did I say about—” he started to whisper down to you, but you cut him short,
“We need a safe word or something, Daryl. This is too fuckin’ risky.”
You were right about that. Daryl straightened up and tucked the vibrator in his pocket, before wiping his forehead with the back of his hand.
“Yeah? How ‘bout ‘Walker Bait’?” he muttered, rubbing his face.
Then he was fumbling with the rope around your wrists and loosening it up. His heart was still thudding in his chest, scared half to death with the narrow miss you’d just had, though he didn’t want you to see it. He turned around as soon as you’d gotten free.
“Fine by me,” you grumbled back.
You watched Daryl disappear down a random aisle and felt obliged to cross your arms over your chest, pivoting back to the walkers with a wary gaze.
And, just when you started to wander back into the recesses of your mind, watching the swarm grow thicker and thicker and starting to doubt you’d ever escape this nightmare, you felt Daryl’s hands on you again. Squeezing your hips and turning you to face him.
“Jump,” he ordered.
You did as he said and locked your legs around his waist, welcomed by the familiar feeling of the counter behind you as Daryl pressed your bodies into it. He half-braced you against it, half-held you in his arms as he fingered something small and delicate beneath you.
Your smile widened at the sight of a condom wrapper being torn in two, and grew even bigger when you caught a glimpse of the rubber itself.
It was bright blue and littered with ridges. You laughed.
“The hell is that, Dixon?” you asked, bringing a hand to your mouth to muffle your amusement.
Daryl gingerly dragged the cobalt-colored condom over his length and made a face.
“Ain’t a single damn rubber here for normal people,” he grunted, “This one’s fuckin’ blueberry flavored.”
At the last, neither of you could contain your laughter as you both stared down at the bizarre blue condom stretching over Daryl’s cock. You scooted forward just a little.
“Never a dull moment with you, is there, Dar?” you said as you pushed his chest lightly. Telling him to step back so you could hop down and sink to the floor in front of him.
Daryl sucked in a breath as you took his shaft in your hands. He slapped a hand on the countertop and squeezed when your tongue darted past your lips.
Surely he couldn’t get a fruit-flavored condom and not expect you to give it a taste.
With the base of his cock between your fingers, you licked a long, wide line up his dick and moaned.
“Doesn’t taste much like blueberries,” you hummed, feigning disappointment as you gazed up at Daryl. He gripped the counter even harder and gritted his teeth to suppress a groan.
Regardless of the unsavory artificial flavor, you took the head of his cock between your lips and sucked. Bobbed your head up and down over his length as though trying to get a real mouthful of those so-called berry juices. You found yourself sorely dissatisfied with the taste but more than compensated for this loss in the form of Daryl’s throaty moans above you. It seemed he was letting loose on the restraints to keep quiet and finally gripping your hair, rutting into your mouth.
“Ah, honey, tha’s’it. Tha’s a good little slut,” he panted as he pushed you further down on his cock.
You tried not to gag when he grazed the back of your throat but couldn’t control the reflex. Daryl groaned even louder above you.
In a second, you were plucked off his bright blue boner and taken back into his arms, then shoved on the surface behind you.
“I ain’ fuckin’ waitin’ no more. Ya done achin’ for daddy’s cock?”
You nodded that you were. You readily accepted Daryl’s lips on your own and his tongue pushed deep in your mouth as he showered you with a string of sloppy kisses. Shifted you in his arms almost viciously, frantically, before bringing you down on his cock.
The second you were fully impaled on him, the two of you groaned. You bucked your hips and he rutted his, bouncing you up and down again and again with no time at all to adjust to his size.
All that could be heard in the deserted store was the sounds of your skin slapping against one another, punctuated every now and then with strangled moans and stifled whimpers. You steadied your hands on either one of his shoulders and stared, deeply, in Daryl’s half-hooded eyes. He panted out a breathy sigh as you clenched around him.
“Tha’s right, girl, fuckin’ take it. Take this fuckin’ cock like it’s yours,” he growled.
“It is mine, Daryl,” you bit back, grinding even harder, “Tell me it’s mine.”
Daryl’s jaw seemed to slacken just a bit, evidently aroused by the sound of you talking so dirty to him. In a blink, he was digging his nails in your sides and saying,
“It’s yours, baby. All fuckin’ yours.”
If someone had told you at the start of the day that this was how your dreaded supply run with Daryl would go, you wouldn’t have believed them. As your once-despised partner drilled you even deeper and caught your lips in a frenzied kiss, you still almost couldn’t comprehend it now. You bounced, and you writhed, and you rolled your desperate hips against him, but how in the fuck did this happen?
The moment Daryl dropped his thumb to your clit, you decided you didn’t care.
Your walls hugged him even tighter as he drew loose circles all over your swollen nub, and your head fell back. Daryl held you even tighter.
“Gonna cum again f’me? Gonna cum all over this cock?” he goaded you as your heels dug deep in his lower back.
All you could do was nod again—bring your lazy, fucked-out gaze back to Daryl and murmur in what hardly felt like words to you at all:
“Y-yes, daddy, yes.”
Daryl smiled at the sound of that word on your lips and thrusted his hips even harder, fucking you fast to build the friction on your sensitive, trembling walls.
That, paired with the flick of his thumb on your clit and the narrowing eyes holding you tight to his gaze—wordlessly coaxing you to cum for him now, make daddy proud—sent your senses spiraling into ecstasy. You released all over Daryl’s fat, throbbing cock and gripped him harder than you ever had before.
Before another scream could escape your lips, Daryl yanked you closer for a kiss and attempted to swallow every sound as his own orgasm surged inside him. You felt the man move both hands to your sides, seize them, and all but crush the bones beneath his fingers as he fucked you hard against the counter. He shot his load in the condom and groaned against your mouth.
Two former enemies, fucked out like a couple of crazed fools, stayed glued in place and blinked back at one other like you hardly understood what had just happened. Grinning nonetheless.
As Daryl leaned in for one last kiss, the pair of you froze—something rapped against the window.
The two of you turned and almost swore you could’ve felt your stomachs fall to the floor.
The herd of walkers outside, seemingly doubled in size, now stood at full attention at the storefront. Every undead, rotted head turned straight to face you.
They looked real fucking hungry.
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purrfics · 9 months
Defining Moments
Simon x Fem. Reader
Warnings: Language, Implied smut.
Type: Kinda angsty
A/N: For all my Grey’s Anatomy fans, some of this story might seem familiar ;)
Word Count: 1,850
“I’m serious. I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t mean it,”
Your relationship was…complicated, to say the very least. From the moment you met one another, you were overwhelmed with this feeling of familiarity. It was like you had known each other for a lifetime. The first time he had looked at you, he had such a gentle ease to his body language. A striking curiosity coursing through him as to why he felt like he knew you. You were immediately drawn to his…well, his everything. Just like him, you had no clue what it was about him. Looking back on it, it was the universe’s way of telling you that you were supposed to be together. It was a shame that sometimes it was so hard to read the signs that were right in front of you. 
Since you hit it off so well, you quickly became extremely close friends.The two of you spent the majority of your free time together and when you weren’t together, you were constantly wondering what the other was up to. You had a chemistry that no one could deny and the sexual tension was thick in the air whenever you were in a room together. Your connection was so strong, in fact, that even Negan himself had asked you on several occasions what the deal was between you and Simon. The truth was, you didn’t know. You weren’t just friends, but you weren’t officially dating. You were in this weird in-between phase that was hard to decipher. 
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purrfics · 2 years
Gentle With Me
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader, Eddie Munson x Virgin!Reader, Eddie Munson x Reader, Eddie Munson x OFC
Summary: Reader asks Hawkins High’s favorite freak to deflower her before they graduate. Reader has had a crush on Eddie since forever and only trusts him to do it right. Unbeknownst to her, Eddie has also been crushing hard. He takes extra special care of her ;)
Warnings: NSFW, vaginal penetration, safe sex, mentions of blood, first time, deflowering, loss of virginity, fluff and smut, oral (fem receiving), fingering (fem receiving), he talks you through it, constant checking in, aftercare
Word Count:  7,908 (sorry, this got super long!)
Hope you like it! :)
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purrfics · 3 years
reading thru my own blog just to feel things again
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purrfics · 3 years
“If I Can’t Have You, Is Love Completely Off the Table?”
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The Walking Dead One Shot
SUMMARY: Both of you lost someone, but at least you have each other, a second option. Is it worth trying, though? 
PAIRING: Negan x Reader
TAGS: my attempt at angst, spoilers, weapons + violence
AUTHOR’S NOTE: happiest belated champagne birthday to a very close friend of mine since school, emily @arrogant-sonofa-bitch. all the memories we shared, elementary school trauma from our teachers, the inside jokes of potter puppet pals and one direction - i hope to meet norman just like how you did all those years back LOL!!! this short one shot is for you even though i know you love daryl/norman more, i wanted to write something with negan if that’s ok <3 (song inspo: off the table by ariana grande x the weeknd) one shots are not open!
[gif credit]
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purrfics · 5 years
Female!Reader x Negan | Words: | Smut | His.
Warnings: NSFW
Excerpt: I’ve been expecting you, Princess.” He lowly greeted, pushing himself away from the window and letting the stained curtains droop back into place. He approaches her with a swagger in his step, almost like a tiger about to break into a sprint towards his prey. “At first I didn’t think you were going to show up but,” He pushes a stray hair away from her face, “I knew you’d come.”
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purrfics · 5 years
Hello! I really enjoyed 'Love Today', it was really cute and well written, very in-character in a sweet, intimate moment. Do you think you'll write for Klaus again? x
oh wow i never saw this but thank u so much!!! i definitely want to write more for klaus, he’s a baby and i love him so much ;w; once my exams are over i might write some more! (if anyone has any requests pls let me know!)
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purrfics · 5 years
thank u for 1k followers!!
sorry for going silent again i’ve had some busy & rough couple of days.. please bear with me and maybe soon i’ll write smthing new for this blog!! thank u again :(
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purrfics · 5 years
Thinking Bout You (Teen!Klaus Hargreeves X Teen!Reader) {SMUT}
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Fandom: The Umbrella Academy Pairing: Klaus Hargreeves X Reader Word Count: 4,309 Warning: Contains EXPLICIT sexual content! Please don’t read if that makes you uncomfortable. I also kind of hint at them having had sex when they were 16/17, but in this fic they’re both 18 when they have sex.  The reason they’re teenagers in this is because I wanted family bonding with everyone being the same age, and Reginald trying to keep them apart. Author’s Note: I’m still going to write a sequel to my Colin Ritman fic and my Peter Parker fake dating fic, but I watched Umbrella Academy (twice!) and I’m in love with Klaus and couldn’t find like any smut for him so I decided to write my own. This is a semi AU in that Ben is alive and all the siblings are close because I just want them all to be happy 💖 Please let me know what you think! This is my first time writing for any Umbrella Academy characters and I did my best to keep everyone in character. 
You raised an eyebrow as you heard your window sliding open, turning your head and grinning as you locked eyes with your boyfriend, Klaus.
You climbed off your bed and shut your door with a soft click.
“What are you doing here?” You asked, looping your arms around his neck and pulling him in for a kiss.
He smiled a little sadly. “Just wanted to see you.”
You looked at him curiously, noting the tear tracks on his cheeks that had since dried. “Reginald locked you in the mausoleum again, didn’t he?”
Klaus reluctantly nodded, and you sighed as you pulled him over to the bed, laying down and encouraging him to rest his head on your chest.
He did so without complaint, curling into your warm body eagerly.
“I hate him.” You said simply, carding your fingers through his hair. “Do you want me to talk to him?”
Klaus shook his head. “No. Thank you, though. It’ll just make things worse.”
You sighed but accepted his response.
He hummed and looked up at you to let you know that he was listening.
“How about I go find us some food? And when I get back up we’ll watch a movie.”
Klaus smiled and nodded. “That sounds nice.”
You pressed a kiss to his forehead and padded out of the room. You let your parents know that Klaus was over, which they appreciated, before putting a bag of popcorn in the microwave and turning on the stove so you could make tea.
When the water finished boiling, you made two cups of tea and put them on a tray along with the popcorn and a package of cookies.
You carefully made your way up to your room and pushed the door open, blinking in surprise when you realized that there were now six more people in your room.
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purrfics · 5 years
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“Klaus!” I yelled up the staircase. “Come on! We’re gonna be late!” 
“Calm down. I’m coming.” Klaus said as he stumbled down the stairs. “Shut up you.” I knew he was talking to Ben and I couldn’t help but wonder what Ben had said to him. I was slightly take aback. Klaus had actually listened to me. He wore a suit jacket, his black leather pants and converse. He looked me over and smirked. “My my my don’t you look lovely.” he commented. Even though he was high, the comment made me blush.
“Thank you Klaus.” I said as he hopped down the remaining steps and offered me his arm. “For the comment and taking my fashion advice.” Klaus waved his other hand. 
“You said it was a party. And since you never go to parties, I just had to do as you asked and see how this plays out.” I blushed again. He was right. I never did this. But I had to so I could keep my scholarship and since my only real friend was Klaus, I asked him to with so I wouldn’t have to go through this alone. Klaus followed me out to the car where my parents were waiting. 
“Thanks again Klaus. And Ben.” I said as Klaus opened the door.
“Nothing to it (Y/N).” Klaus said as he waved his hand for me to get into the car. 
“Hi Klaus.” My mom greeted him.
“Hi Mrs. (Y/L/N).” Klaus said with a smile. 
“Klaus.” My dad acknowledged as he started driving us to my campus. My dad didn’t like Klaus much but tolerated him since he was one of my only friends. 
“How you doing Mr. (Y/L/N)? Long time no see.” Klaus tried to joke. A look from me and my mom got him to quiet down. “Sorry.” He murmured to me. I patted his arm reassuringly. As we pulled up to my campus Klaus leaned forward between my parents’ seats. I tried to grab his belt to pull him back but I was too slow. “Wow! You go here?” Klaus asked in wonder as he looked back at me. I blushed and nodded. “Good for you! (Y/N) (Y/L/N), insanely smart student! Has a nice ring to it.” Klaus chuckled as he sat back again. 
“Only on scholarship.” My dad said. I caught his eye in the rearview mirror. “One she needs to be here tonight for Klaus so don’t mess this up for her.” Klaus nodded, swallowing the lump in his throat. “And only if she gets her grades up.” Klaus looked at me confused. 
“A C isn’t failing dad.” I sighed.
“To me it is. Now go keep that scholarship.” My dad said as we pulled up. I bit my lip to stop the tears. Klaus got out of the car and offered me his hand as I followed him. I took his hand and he gave me a reassuring squeeze. 
“Have fun!” My mom called as we walked away.
“Night Mrs. (Y/L/N)!” Klaus turned around, blowing my mom a kiss as I waved. I laughed as I tugged him back around. He looked at me with a stupid grin on his face. 
“Behave Klaus.” I said as I gently tugged him towards the sign in. 
“Names?” the person at the door asked. 
“(Y/N) (Y/L/N). And this is my plus one, Klaus Hargreeves.” I said. I was handed two name tags. 
“Enjoy the party.” I nodded my head in thanks and tugged Klaus along. 
“Here. You have to wear this.” I said as I pulled him to the side. Klaus looked at the tag in my hand. 
“Why?” He asked. I sighed. 
“So people know who you are.” I said as I put the tag on his chest. “Not everyone is going to know you’re part of the Umbrella Academy.” Klaus nodded. 
“Sometimes I forget that.” 
“I know you do.” I said with a smile and I patted his chest. Klaus held my hand to his chest and used it to pull me closer and into a hug.
“How you holding up?” he asked, gently swaying to the music only Klaus could hear. 
“Klaus we haven’t even gone into the party.” I laughed.  
“I mean about what your dad said.” Klaus said as he leaned back to look at me. I nodded slowly. 
“(Y/N/N), you forget I know what it’s like to have a crazed overbearing father.” Klaus said as he rubbed my arms. “Honestly are you ok?” 
“It hurts and it’s annoying but I get to escape being here during the week and I have you. I mean it’s not like its all the time like you have to deal with.” I said. Klaus gave me a look. “We get through it together.” I smiled at him. Klaus nodded. “Let’s get into the party. A college party.” I laughed. Klaus smiled and grabbed my hand. 
“Let’s go!” He yelled, dragging me into the ballroom where the party was in full swing. “Damn! This is a party!” Klaus yelled in my ear. I laughed at his enthusiasm.
“Come on party boy!” I said as I pulled him onto the dance floor. Klaus and I started to dance, not caring what anyone thought of us (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGrufrND1m0). I could tell Klaus was starting to come down from his high so I pulled him towards the punch bowl so I could help him down. “You ok?” I asked as Klaus started to blink rapidly.
“Yeah. Just they’re coming back.” He said. I could tell Ben was the only one trying not to cause Klaus too much pain. Klaus squeezed his eyes shut and blindly reached for my hand. I took both his hands as he tried to take deep breaths. “I…I need to…to go outside.” He stuttered out. I nodded and gently pulled Klaus away from the punch bowl. He opened his eyes and I couldn’t stand the haunted look in his eyes. Klaus quickly put his arm around my shoulders and held onto me tightly. I gripped his waist as we made our way outside. 
“Better?” I asked as I sat him down on the edge of a fountain in the college garden. Klaus shook his head. 
“It’s getting hard to focus.” He said. I nodded and gripped his hand again. Klaus’s grip on my hand felt like it was getting tighter. 
“I know sweetie. Focus on me.” I brought my free hand up to his cheek. Klaus leaned into my hand and I could feel how clammy he was becoming. “It’s ok Klaus. Everything is ok. You’ve got me and you’ve got Ben. We’re here for you. Just focus on us.” Everything was quiet for a while. Klaus’s breathing evened out and he was able to open his eyes without looking panicky. He just watched me as I moved my thumb back and forth over his cheek. His grip on my hand loosened up and he moved a little closer to me. 
“Shut up Ben. I don’t wanna hear it.” Klaus said suddenly. I would have jumped if I wasn’t used to his sudden outbursts. Having grown up around Klaus and the rest of the Umbrella Academy, I knew what set most of them off and how to calm them all down. But I knew Klaus the best. And he knew me just as well. 
“Everything ok?” I asked. I looked over Klaus’s shoulder where I knew Ben would be. Klaus followed my gaze and narrowed his eyes.
“Don’t you dare. Ben. I told you not to.” Klaus started to panic but it was a different kind of panic. “BEN!” He hissed. 
“Klaus!” I brought his attention back to me. His eyes snapped back to mine and all the anger and panic gone from his eyes. “What is going on? Why are you fighting with Ben?” Klaus looked from me to Ben and back. 
“I can’t talk to the person I love. People still don’t take me seriously. I wanna be numb again.” Klaus cried and tried to stand up and head back to the party. He calmed down slightly. “Don’t you need to get back to…socializing…for that money…thing?” He looked back at the ballroom. I reached up and gently turned his head back to me. 
“Yes but you are slightly more important Klaus. What are you and Ben arguing about?” Klaus watched me as he debated on telling me. Or rather how much to tell me. His eyes flicked behind me to where Ben must have moved. He shook his head. “Klaus, you know how annoying it can get when I only get your side of it. What is Ben telling you?” Klaus hung his head. 
“Fine.” He looked over my shoulder. “Fine. Hear that Ben? I’m telling her.” I giggled a little as Klaus moved around and looked like he was trying to shoo Ben away. “Ok. You want to know what Ben and I are arguing about? You really want to know?” I nodded as I watched Klaus. 
“Klaus, is everything ok?” I asked, concern oozing into my voice as Klaus moved closer to me. I stood to attempt to match his height. He paced around a little and moved his hands around. 
“I like you.” He rushed out. I put my hands on his arms and held him still. How was this new?
“I like you too Klaus. But how is that a point of argument between you and Ben?” I coaxed. Having this conversation so close to Klaus coming down from his high was not helping either one of us. 
“No you don’t get it. I like you.” Klaus flipped his hands in my grip and held my arms. “Like I really like you.” I held onto his arms.
“Klaus. What do you mean? I really like you too. I grew up with you. I wouldn’t have hung around if I didn’t like you. Especially considering what you can do.” I soothed. Klaus hung his head. When he looked back up at me, his eyes were shining. 
“(Y/N/N), I think I love you.” Klaus whispered. I froze. My hands slipped from his arms and I couldn’t look away from his eyes. So many emotions flickered through them. Fear. Worry. Love. Panic. Concern. “(Y/N)? Are you ok?” I felt like I couldn’t breath. I sat back down and put my hand against my mouth. 
“Klaus.” I whispered. He sat down next to me and grabbed my wrists. He pulled them to his chest and smiled at me. 
“Breathe sweetie. Breathe.” He said as he took exaggerated breaths. One of his hands came up to my cheek and I leaned into it a little. I closed my eyes and focused on copying his breathing. When I opened my eyes, Klaus was slightly closer than he was before. “You feeling better?” 
“Yeah. I am Klaus.” I said. “Thank you.” He nodded and pulled me into his arms. 
“It’s ok if you don’t feel the same.” He said. I looked up at him. “You wanted to know what Ben and I were arguing about and that was it. He wanted me to tell you. I didn’t want to ruin anything.” I reached up to make him look at me. 
“I think I love you too Klaus.” I said. Klaus looked at me incredulously.
“Really?” He asked. I nodded.
“Really.” I said with a smile. Klaus smiled down at me and picked me up. He spun me around as he held me closely. “Klaus!” I laughed. He put me down and hugged me close.
“I love you (Y/N/N). I have for a long time.” He admitted. I smiled up at him and pulled him a little closer. 
“I love you too Klaus.” I said. He leaned down and pressed his lips to mine, gently at first then a little harder when he realized I wasn’t going to pull away. Klaus pulled away and spun me around again, laughing at how tightly I was holding onto him. “Come on Klaus. Let’s go back inside. I have a scholarship I need to keep.” Klaus nodded and kissed me quickly. “Plus there are a couple people in there I’d like to make incredibly jealous.” He laughed and gripped my hand tightly. 
“Then let’s go make them jealous.” Klaus said as he ran back into the ballroom with me in tow. As we entered the ballroom, a slow song came on over the speakers (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53KT5bCn8uA). Klaus smiled at me and put his hands on my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he moved us in time to the music. As the song continued, I put my head on his chest. Klaus laughed quietly as he rest his head on top of mine. 
“Everything ok?” I asked as I looked up at him, resting my chin on his chest. Klaus looked down at me and thought for a couple seconds. 
“Yeah. Nothing I can’t handle right now.” He said as he swayed. 
“Good.” I said as I smiled up at him. I heard heels on the dance floor and my face quickly fell. I knew who was behind me. (Y/E/N).
“(Y/N). Surprised to actually see you here.” (Y/E/N) said. I sighed and turned around. Klaus kept a hand on my waist and I moved a hand to Klaus’s waist. 
“Why is it so surprising (Y/E/N)? I have a scholarship that I need to keep. So of course I’m here.” I said. Klaus squeezed my waist gently.
“Well I guess you have to do what you have to do.” (Y/E/N) said condescendingly. Klaus raised an eyebrow at you.
“Of course.” I replied. I watched as her eyes moved to Klaus.
“Who’s this?” (Y/E/N) asked as he/she moved closer to Klaus. I moved in front of him a little. 
“This is a plus one.” I said clippedly. “Klaus.” He smiled and waved at (Y/E/N).
“Hello.” He said. Klaus moved a little behind me as (Y/E/N) moved a little closer to him.
“Nice to meet you.” he/she said as he/she offered Klaus their hand. He just smiled at them and ended up behind me. He covered for it by wrapping his arms around my waist.
“Where’s your plus one (Y/E/N)?” I asked. He/she stopped looking at Klaus and returned their gaze to me. 
“Couldn’t make it tonight. Doesn’t really matter.” He/she said nonchalantly. I raised an eyebrow. 
“Well have a nice night.” Klaus said, sensing the tension between the two of us.
“That’s too bad (Y/E/N).” I said with a smirk.
“(Y/N).” Klaus whispered to me. I looked over my shoulder at him. He nodded his head to the other end of the ballroom. I shook my head slightly. 
“So is he your boyfriend?” (Y/E/N) asked, nodding at Klaus. I swallowed the lump in my throat. 
“Yes I am.” Klaus jumped in saving me. He titled my head back and gently kissed me. When we broke apart, Klaus smiled at (Y/E/N). “Have a nice night.” He waved and took my hand pulling me to the other side of the room. He was giggling. 
“Klaus!” I laughed at him. He smiled at me.
“What?” He asked as he rocked back and forth. I laughed and went up on my tippy toes to kiss him.
“I love you.” 
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purrfics · 5 years
Heyy could you write some fluff with shane?
hello friend! i wrote this so i hope ya enjoy!
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purrfics · 5 years
Royalty (Shane x Reader)
IMAGINE: You are injured, so Shane Walsh makes sure you’re happy.
NOTE: The Walking Dead, Fluff (I think this is fluffy enough...oof)
WORDS: 500
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Atlanta had fallen. All you had once loved gone to the disease that had -- to your knowledge -- wiped out the whole world in a matter of weeks. Without Shane, you wouldn’t be here right now. He had saved you from the destruction of the city and brought you to safety in a secluded forest area not far from the city. It was still all so terrifying, but at least you had each other.
Waking up, you already knew Shane was awake from the hand on the injury you had sustained from the carnage a few days ago. It still hurt, and you flinched immediately. He reeled away.
“Baby, I’m--”
“It’s okay,” You tiredly told him, rolling over to face him in the heat of the tent. He was the most beautiful man you had ever seen, and if you could stay here together with him you would. Sure, things had to be done around camp but you couldn’t keep your hand off of Shane for one moment to do anything. You pulled yourself closer to him and snaked your arms around his neck and placed a soft kiss to his lips, which he returned. His hand took your waist and pulled you closer to him, so close that you could have melted right into him. “Maybe we stay here all day?” You suggested, tugging at his tank top suggestively.
“What do I tell Rick?” He asks, smiling at the idea of staying out of the way of camp duties all day. After all, he did think he worked the hardest out of everyone there, it was only fair he got a day off…
“Well,” You toyed with different ideas and excuses, “Tell him that I’m very, very hurt and if I don’t get enough care I might get worse.”  You grinned at him, dotting him with another gentle kiss.
“Of course, I’m sure he’ll understand.” Shane tells you, but before you can say anymore he gently lets you go before pulling himself up from the floor of the tent, stretching his bones out slightly before standing up.
“Hey, I thought--”
“You stay right there, (Y/N), I’m going to treat you like royalty for the rest of the day.”
“Where are you going?” You asked, not being able to help the giggle that escapes through your lips.
“I’m going to make you breakfast in bed, then we’re going to spend the day making sure you get better.” He tells you, throwing on a light jacket. “Don’t worry, baby, I’ll be back in five minutes.”
The rest of the day, you and Shane spent the time lying in the tent. Reminiscing on times that had passed, cuddling and snacking on any rations you could. In time, you seemed to forget about your injury in the arms of Shane, and you couldn’t ask for more.
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purrfics · 5 years
Hello! Do you happen to write doctor who requests?
Yesss I do!! Fire away!
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purrfics · 5 years
Could you do a Ben Hargreeves imagine of him dealing with his wife’s water breaking and I imagine Klaus is always at their apartment so he’s involved and probably gets Diego to drive them to the hospital and Five coming along also? Sorry if this doesn’t make sense
I wrote this during school lol ugh my time is not wasted!! Hope you like
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purrfics · 5 years
The Next Hargreeves (Ben x Reader)
IMAGINE: You are Ben’s pregnant girlfriend and one day while with Klaus, you go in to labour.
NOTE: This story contains she/her pronouns sorry if that’s not your pref :(
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The apartment sat on the fourth floor, A near empty space. But held memories of the past, present and was ready to hold the next chapters of Ben and (Y/N) life.
(Y/N) was nine months pregnant with Ben’s child, a large bump that could burst at any moment. Lying down on the couch, which even now was like rocks under her back, she flipped through the channels trying to find something to watch. As the clock struck six o’clock, Ben came through the door.
“I’ve got your favourite!” He immediately exclaimed, pulling out a bag from under his arm. A small smile crept across (Y/N)’s face as he plopped down the bag besides her and immediately she opened the bag and dug into the snack.
“Guess what!” Klaus exclaimed from the bathroom, followed by the flush of the toilet. Ben didn’t even seem phased by the random appearance of his brother in the apartment, as though he was used to it. Well. Klaus was over all the time, it was no shock to anyone.
Klaus ran through the door, clutching a magazine in his hand.
“My star sign says a big surprise is on my way! My stars have finally aligned.” He spoke loosely, floating around the table sitting in the middle of the room and throwing himself on the coach. He slapped his thighs and threw the magazine lightly on (Y/N)’s legs. “What’s your horoscope, I’ll bet you it’s true.”
(Y/N) told him her star sign and he scanned the page carefully, using his pointer finger until he found what he was looking for. “You’re going to find your true love.”
(Y/N) eyed Ben as he moved towards them, sitting in the seat opposite Klaus. “Well, that’s impossible. I’m already here.” Ben smiled brightly, causing (Y/N) to roll her eyes.
“Ew, the PDA. When’s the wedding?!” Klaus jokingly covered his ears, leaning back in his seat. As he did so, (Y/N) yelped our in pain, causing Ben to freeze up. “What, did I say something wr—“ Klaus tried to speak, but (Y/N) yelled out again.
Ben jumped to his feet, his heart racing as (Y/N) pulled herself so she was sitting upright. Klaus also jumped up, grabbing at Ben’s arm.
“Ben,” he leaned in to stage whisper in his ear, “What the hell is going on.”
“I think—“ He looked down, the puddle of water on the floor.
“The baby’s coming!” (Y/N) finished his sentence for him, causing Ben’s face to run pale. He almost collapsed from the thought that his child was trying to come into the world. Klaus was just laughing, clapping his hands together childishly.
“Oh my god! You have to marry her before it arrives or it’ll be a devil baby!” He exclaims,
“Shut up, Klaus!” (Y/N) snaps, wobbly standing to her feet. Klaus drops his playfulness, taking ahold of (Y/N)’s arm to steady her. “Ben?” (Y/N) looks over to him, standing in the doorway on the phone, he speaks rapidly but she doesn’t have time to take in what he’s saying. He lowers the phone and approaches her with haste.
“Diego is on his way, we’ll take his car to the hospital.” Ben reassures (Y/N), kissing her on the forehead as another contraction shoots through her. Klaus is taken aback by her outcry, lifting his hands away from her and backing away. “Breath. Okay, just breath babe. It’s going to be okay.” He urges, gently rubbing her arm in an attempt to calm her.
Before she knew it, the trio were making their way down the apartment steps, the many, many steps, and out the door. Bundling into the car, Ben was calm until he spotted Five smiling at him through the rear view mirror.
“What’s he doing here?!” Ben exclaims.
“Hey! I missed this the first time when I was stuck in the future.” Five argues, adjusting his gaze back to the road.
“I’m glad you’re here, Five.” (Y/N) told him in between bursts of pain, to which he grinned his large, cheesy grin once again.
“Well lets go already!” Klaus suggested, which Diego didn’t need to hear twice as he revved the car and sped down the street towards the hospital.
(Y/N)’s heavy breathing was one of the only sounds they could hear. It drowned out the street noise and the car’s radio.
Leaning his forehead against hers, Ben pressed a gentle kiss to (Y/N)’s head.
“I love you,” he told her as he intertwined his fingers in between hers. “I’m so excited to have this baby with you.” (Y/N) could feel his smile against her forehead, and between the labour pains she smiled through it all. This baby was theirs — and it had no idea what kind of whacky family it was about to be born into.
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purrfics · 5 years
hey hello hi if anybody didn’t know there’s this thing that you can use to change Y/N into your own name. Crazy right?! So you can get even more into ur fave fic!!11 
here’s a link (chrome)
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purrfics · 5 years
do you have any tips for starting an imagines blog? im rly shy about writing
Just go for it!! Like seriously, my pal, what do you have to loose! There will be people who will read your fics. Even if you don’t get followers or notes at first, keep posting and keep writing and you will see that people come to your blog! The people who read your fics are so nice and getting requests always make my day n all, I didn’t think I’d get very popular but I was surprised by the amount of people that followed me and the amount of support I got. Seriously, just do it! Send me your URL and I’ll definitely read your stuff! Hopefully this was a good response, have a good day!
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