queenchezzie · 6 months
justice for C. S. Lewis’s line “battles are ugly when women fight” being read as “women are bad fighters” and not “when women are forced to go to war, that means that the atrocities have come too close to home” and like in context of, you know, when he was living, and like, also, now, it kinda makes sense what he’s getting at
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queenchezzie · 6 months
Yeah..... Aravis is literally the only from Calormen to be shown in a positive light. And this only changes the closer to the north she gets and Shasta. A northern boy.
They aren't all written with the same amount of negativity. (Ex Lasaraleen) But there is no positive light shown on Calormen. The characters and country are written to be vain, selfish and cruel. To downright malicious. From the fisherman to the Tisroc. Which would be fine if it was a mix of characters. But there aren't. Besides Aravis no other Calormen is written in similar positive light like the Narnians.
So the racism, or rather prejudice (the correct term) is there clear as Aslans roar. One character doesn't erase the rest of the book.
Now the sexism, I always thought CS Lewis wrote real nuanced females. So no bone to pick there.
If I'm wrong I challenge you to find someone besides Aravis to prove me wrong.
C.S Lewis: For Aravis I think I’ll include a scene where she realizes she shouldn’t be apathetic to the suffering of others, like her family’s slave, by having Aslan inflict equivalent pain to the punishment said slave suffered for Aravis running away on her. This causes Aravis to become a better, more selfless and considerate person going forward.
Woke fans: Oh my gosh! RACISM AND SEXISM!???!?!?!?!?!? Aravis (co-lead and hero of the book) is clearly being punished for running away from home!!!!!!
C.S Lewis: Oh I’m sorry is my children’s book a little too advanced for you?
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queenchezzie · 1 year
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It's my 7 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
Wow. It feels like I created this only a year or two ago
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queenchezzie · 1 year
I'll never understand the need nor want (of mostly tumblr) to portray Snape as a saint. He was a complex grey character.
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queenchezzie · 1 year
New Followers
Shout out to all the bots(?) that have been following me.
But heyyyyy if you're real
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queenchezzie · 2 years
Thanksgiving/Day of Mourning
Last year, I made a very quick, basic post about thanksgiving: Indigenous Day of Mourning aka Thanksgiving. if you want the sources for what I’m about to say, check there.
This post will be about why you cannot just go “fuck the pilgrims, we deserve a harvest festival no matter the origin” or anything else that tries to sanitize the holiday.
You Are Still On Stolen Land
As a result, you are still actively profiting off the genocide the pilgrims committed.
I don’t care how educated about racial issues you profess you are. I don’t care how you behave the other 364 days of the year. If you try to distance yourself from the origins of Thanksgiving simply because it makes you uncomfortable to see the blood under the tablecloth, you’re not practised in sitting with actually being anti-racist. You know what to say, but you don’t practice what you preach.
You Are Eating Our Food
Pumpkins/squash, beans, turkey, cranberries, potatoes, corn, sweet potatoes, pecans, maple syrup?
Those are all Native American foods that we taught you how to grow and harvest.
You wouldn’t have any of your traditional Thanksgiving foods without us. The ideal meal of Thanksgiving is ripped right from Indigenous practices and cannot be separated from it.
The fact that these foods have been taken out of Indigenous hands and appropriated by colonizers as the bounties they somehow deserve for landing here is a tragedy, and people need to remember where their food comes from and who had been growing it for thousands of years.
You Had So Much Because Of Massacre
Thanksgiving became an annual tradition after 700 Pequot men, women, children, and elders were killed, freeing up acres of land that colonizers promptly took over. The sheer amount of extra acreage that colonizers had because of their genocide contributed to the excess of food experienced during Thanksgiving. That land had been structured to support more people originally.
Colonizers had never, ever, deserved that much food. They were taking more than they needed, not leaving much behind for the animals that depended on a balance to be held with humans. They took far more than was needed, throwing the balance off in nature.
Maybe I’m reaching. But I think that if you suddenly had 700 less people in the area, after all of the growing and planting for the total population had been done, you’d have excess food? Or even before the growing, you’d have land set up to support 700, that I’d assume you’d still use, when you were a much smaller population?
Sit With Your Own Grief
If this makes you feel bad and that you shouldn’t celebrate Thanksgiving? Sit with that.
I’m not telling you that you have to give up Thanksgiving traditions. I’m telling you that you cannot divorce them from Indigenous people.
You are giving thanks for our massacre. You are giving thanks for stealing so much from us that you had this excess.
Yes, you can need a break; yes, you can need time with family and friends. None of this is inherently bad.
It’s not even bad to eat local food from Turtle Island! Part of having a sustainable diet is eating locally, in time with the seasons.
But remember, it is Indigenous people who first gave this to you—and then you stole far more than you ever needed from us, killing us to get what you felt you deserved.
Do not divorce Thanksgiving from Indigenous people for your own comfort.
We are still here. We must live with the aftermath of colonizers stealing from us every single day.
If you feel this way hearing about our history, imagine what we feel like living it.
Donate to a local org/Indigenous person this Thanksgiving
I (again) don’t have the spoons to compile a list of vetted charities, but look for local tribe language revival programs, COVID relief funds, and activism around the Indian Child Welfare Act currently in front of the Supreme Court.
Pay reparations for what you have taken, and remember. It is also Indigenous Day of Mourning.
Indigenous people, drop your links below.
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queenchezzie · 2 years
Let's start with the word sentism. It goes back to the people of Shem. The Shemetic people. I'm not anti me. But I know what you mean when you say antisemitism so I'll use that understanding. For me to say that the Jewish people aren't the Hebrew Israelites of the Bible is not antisemitism.
There is no hatred in my words when I say so. And because I know there are black Jews I mean the European Jews or White Jews. Because being a Hebrew Israelite is based on Ethnicity. It's not a popular statement but it's not hostile or prejudice.
The Hebrew Israelite religion has been around. It's not a new thing. That's what I first want to say. It's been around since Abraham. It's just being talked about more. Also it's not a movement. It's a religion and or way of life. However you prefer. It's not a new thing is basically what I'm saying. It probably did spread more a lot during the Civil rights Era. But that doesn't disregard what I said.
Also my point was nobody knows about my group. I'm not sure what yours was. I don't agree with their actions. We don't agree with their actions.
Please refer to my orginal post where I said that I don't believe in Jesus. And I follow the Old Testament.
When I said like Jews I meant in it's most simplest form to make people understand the theology. Because it's well known and understood. Yes, Jewish people have your slang, traditions, food and culture. I'm not taking that away from you. And I don't mean in 'its cute type of way'. But in a I understand that "Jewish people, Jewish history, Jewish Ethnicity is real." I never said nor implied that it wasn't.
And I could say that the Jewish people were play acting our religion. Our culture. Claiming something that's not yours to claim. I refrence Isaiah Chapter 44 verse 1-5.
The point I'm trying to make is that yes the Jewish people do have their own. That is a fact. I believe that y'all are following the correct way. (For the Religious Jews. Recently found out you can be ethnically Jewish but not religious Jewish. ) However I don't agree with y'all being the Hebrew Israelites. Or of Israel. Which is not antisemitism.
(If the formatting is off, it's because I didn't know how to reply/reblog)
Thoughts of a Hebrew Israelite Woman #1
Misrepresentation is one of the most frustrating things. A fact that I'm coming to experience. Between Kyrie Irving, Kanye West, Twitter and the rest of the world on their experience with the Black Hebrew Israelites.
The first thing that I would like to say is that there are two diffrent camps or thought processes of the Hebrew Israelites. The main difference would be Jesus. I'll refer to them as BHI, purely to make this easier. The ones that people are familiar with believe in the Old and New testament. So for example kosher foods. Most Christians eat pork. A very non kosher food. A common thing that I've heard is because Jesus fulfilled the old covenant, so they can. The BHI don't necessarily believe that. Or they believe the laws of the Old Testament should still be followed. Along with Holy Days etc.
Then you have the Hebrew Israelites. I will refer to them/me as HI. We follow the old testament. The simplest comparison I can make is we are like the Jews. Holy days, dietary laws. All of it. Just from being on the internet the HI don't seem to be well known. The people I meet or see online seem to all follow the BHI way. But that's beside the point.
(The more I write the more topics I want to cover.) I wanted to be very clear about this. Unfortunately everytime I see anything about Hebrew Israelites it's in a negative light. As I literally write this sentence I'm making up my mind to make a little blog series about this. So hey if you made it this far.
Next Topic: Hebrew Israelites antisemitism
I want to apologize for the people who have negatively been impacted by the BHI. I know that most people have already made up their mind. So this really goes out to the people who are going to be receptive. We aren't all like this. Nor do we agree with their methods. Israelites are a people about peace. Their methods as far as I'm concerned aren't of God. Unfortunately negativity gets the most press.
My credit is I was born and raised in this way of life
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queenchezzie · 2 years
Thoughts of a Hebrew Israelite Woman #1
Misrepresentation is one of the most frustrating things. A fact that I'm coming to experience. Between Kyrie Irving, Kanye West, Twitter and the rest of the world on their experience with the Black Hebrew Israelites.
The first thing that I would like to say is that there are two diffrent camps or thought processes of the Hebrew Israelites. The main difference would be Jesus. I'll refer to them as BHI, purely to make this easier. The ones that people are familiar with believe in the Old and New testament. So for example kosher foods. Most Christians eat pork. A very non kosher food. A common thing that I've heard is because Jesus fulfilled the old covenant, so they can. The BHI don't necessarily believe that. Or they believe the laws of the Old Testament should still be followed. Along with Holy Days etc.
Then you have the Hebrew Israelites. I will refer to them/me as HI. We follow the old testament. The simplest comparison I can make is we are like the Jews. Holy days, dietary laws. All of it. Just from being on the internet the HI don't seem to be well known. The people I meet or see online seem to all follow the BHI way. But that's beside the point.
(The more I write the more topics I want to cover.) I wanted to be very clear about this. Unfortunately everytime I see anything about Hebrew Israelites it's in a negative light. As I literally write this sentence I'm making up my mind to make a little blog series about this. So hey if you made it this far.
Next Topic: Hebrew Israelites antisemitism
I want to apologize for the people who have negatively been impacted by the BHI. I know that most people have already made up their mind. So this really goes out to the people who are going to be receptive. We aren't all like this. Nor do we agree with their methods. Israelites are a people about peace. Their methods as far as I'm concerned aren't of God. Unfortunately negativity gets the most press.
My credit is I was born and raised in this way of life
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queenchezzie · 2 years
Writing is my passion. But I find it so hard to do so. It's not solely writers block. But a combination of no discipline, lack of creativity and confidence. And it's extremely frustrating. Maybe if I write a little everyday I'll get better.
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queenchezzie · 4 years
Does anyone else not really like Raelle. Because I completely understand why Abigail wanted her off. Does she not realize that her actions have huge consequences for her unit. Like life and death consequences?
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queenchezzie · 5 years
Am I the one completely ok with there being a mother daughter relationship between Michael and both Phillipa's. I just feel that we get so many sexualized relationships that it's always a rare treat to get a strong (albeit weird) familial/platonic relationship.
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queenchezzie · 6 years
Kim possible Fic
Does anyone know the name of the fic where Kim kind of snaps. Its starts off with her facing drakken and her basically saying this is the last time you do this or I will kill you. Then her going to school being stressed about test. She falls asleep on the desk and bonnie decides to play a prank putting the villain alarm near her ear causing her to wake up and start twisting arms. The author was detailed I'm sure i remember something about tendons. She goes to court and the judge is saying your on probation and you need to take it easy. And the whole time internally she's like I could get out of here. I think she's on national TV as well. Then later on shego pops up and is like you dont want to go down this path.
So very detailed I know but does anyone remember the name for it? Or a link
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queenchezzie · 6 years
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Wakanda Forever.
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queenchezzie · 6 years
Black Panther Headcannon
Shuri lives for roasting her brother and occasionally others. While in a midst of burning her brother to a crisp (again) she took a shot at her mother. Only to realize later after T'Challa the Dora Milaje and Okoye laughing she got her skills from her.
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queenchezzie · 6 years
I know y'all writers need time to do your thing but where are the Ramonda centric fics at? O.O
Like I'll write them myself because she's just that great and people need to see that. An entire fic could be written of her dealing with Shuri's antics. Other characters welcome.
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queenchezzie · 6 years
I am not mad at W'Kabi (spoilers)
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Everybody seems to be mad at W'Kabi or calling him a traitor when technically he did nothing wrong. (Both parties were right) T'Challa side is taken automatically without understanding his side. Even though T'Challa came back Erik was crowned. He was following the orders the betrayal that people see is one of friendship. Forgetting that T'Challa SWORE that he would bring the KILLER of his parents to justice. Only to come back with an outsider and his enemy still alive. W'Kabi helping Erik wasn't out of his belief. He said helping the outside world was fine. As long as they don't come in which Erik was doing. W'Kabi doesn't deserve hate he deserves just as much respect and understanding as the other characters. Which people seem not to give him to help lift other characters.
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queenchezzie · 6 years
Queen Mother Ramonda
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Can I just have more Ramonda down my timeline. Angela Bassat really brought her to life. Queen Ramonda was the perfect mix of regal and motherhood. Mother characters are my favorite especially when it's a healthy black relationship. She was able to show so much of that with just her body language. From the first waterfall scene (SLIGHT SPOILER) to comforting Shurri(SPOILER OVER) The other women characters were absolutely amazing (Shoutout for Okoye) and are definitely and should get the praise their getting. But please let us not forget the Queen Mother of Wakanda. She deserves just as much love and respect. (Fanfics would be nice)
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