queenoficexolation · 1 year
Do people still RP??? I haven’t in eons... Kinda miss it.
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queenoficexolation · 8 years
No one had bothered to notice the shadow that had slipped among the crowd hustling into the newly open castle grounds but then, most people didn’t bother to question the shadows that lurked around them. If fact, it had been quite some time since he had truly been able to spark the fear he had once instilled into the hearts of men, women, and children.
Gone were the days when they feared the Boogieman and the days seemed to be drawing longer and longer.
But not being seen had opened a world of new possibilities.
It was a wondrous thing, what could be spied upon when no one believed anyone was truly looking.  For instance, the fear he could feel building once he’d stepped through the gate and growing stronger, stronger as the coronation took place.
He had clung to the edge of the room, his eyes scanning the crowd as he searched for the source. As he got closer to the priest and the new queen herself, he could practically feel it radiating off of her and into himself, making him stronger in a way he hadn’t felt since the Dark Ages.
With a wicked gleam in his eye, he kept a watch on the queen as the formalities came to an end and the festivities began. But it wasn’t until he caught her walking off alone that he used the newly restored strength to manifest himself in front of her.
“Absolutely, Your Majesty,” he offered her a charming smile, “and it’s my apologies. I should have been watching where I was walking.”
She let her eyes meet his, and she was certain at this point she’d had too many drinks, for something about this stranger seemed to make her skin crawl - and she wasn’t entirely sure it bothered her.
“Oh please, don’t say that...” Elsa was referring to his use of her title. “My father would be unnerved to hear me say such, but just call me Elsa. For my own sanity, I beg you.” She laughed - the action surprising her. The new queen couldn’t remember the last time she expressed joy in so many years. At least, upon her own accord - without prompting. 
“I doubt it was entirely your fault - the bumping.” A genuine smile danced on her lips. She couldn’t help but be grateful for the wine. “I do believe I was at least half to blame.” A wave of her hand and a servant rushed to fill her glass. A kind bow of gratitude was given as the man left her alone again with her guest. On the end of a generous sip of the red courage-giver she questioned the charming companion, “In any case, you obviously know who I am... Just who do I owe the pleasure of bumping into?”
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Cold and Dark | The Beginning
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queenoficexolation · 8 years
Cold and Dark | The Beginning
"It'll be fun Elsa! Promise!" A bundle of joy and auburn tinted hair had bounded from the ballroom, leaving a very terrified Queen-to-be alone with her fears. "Fun... Right..." Elsa wasn't ready to be queen. That honor was supposed to pass to Ana anyway. Her secret was too large to risk the safety of the kingdom and her parents had quickly decided the throne would pass to the youngest sister, against tradition. But with the untimely passing of the King and Queen, the proper wills hadn't been prepared and it was assumed Elsa would take the crown. The coronation passed swiftly enough, Elsa barely keeping it together - grateful for her gloves and the refusal of a painting. The guest were dancing and celebrating happily in the main ballroom; the new queen doing what she could to avoid as many people as possible. She slipped into a darker corner, her arm across her chest, the other holding her third glass of wine as she stared at the crowds. This was supposed to be a joyous day, but all Elsa could think was what if... 
What if she lost control? However her thoughts were interrupted by her moving into one of the many guests. “Ooph... Goodness, I’m terribly sorry.” She put a hand to her cheek, feeling the warmth of the wine. “Do me a favor, don’t mention it to anyone. Don’t want to be known as the clumsy queen...”
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queenoficexolation · 8 years
Every fiber of her frame was numb. It bothered her not. Never had. But this time was different. It felt different. She was lost, this world was different. The houses were different, the carriages different, everything had been far too overwhelming, but learning of Jefferson’s existence in the mansion on the hill - that had been a breath of hope in her frozen lungs.
When I see you again.
The blood in his veins felt as if it had solidified and turned to ice, which in a way seemed fitting as he stared at the ghost. His face had gone nearly as pale as her hair as he dared not risk a single blink lest she disappear. 
It had been a year…a year that she had been gone. Been lost to him. It wasn’t possible for her to be standing there in front of him and yet it seemed her ghost had returned for his penance.
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queenoficexolation · 8 years
Another errand, another purse full of gold. At least that’s what the Hatter tried to remind himself once the hat had spat him out in the cold, white powder. Magic hummed lightly under his skin, almost electrifying his veins as he tried to get a grasp over where he arrived. The Dark One had sent him out to try to find this mysterious power and had merely provided a general location. Arendelle. That had been all the information the Hatter had when he opened the portal and jumped; his thoughts focused on the name of the land and the power that was his goal. All the gold he deemed appropriate and all he had to do was find a way to harness the power. How hard could it be? Well, with magic buzzing and the cold seeping in, it was so far proving to be more difficult than he had hoped. Brushing the soft flakes from atop his hat, he returned it to its place atop his head and tugged the leather of his coat tighter around him to try to shield himself from the cold. The snow crunched under his boots as he made his way around the cliff, the icy staircase around the corner taking him by surprise. With a careful step to ensure it wouldn’t shatter under his weight, he decided the stairs. It was quite a trek, each step up the mountain had him fearing the potential of the slightest crack in the ice but the only sound to be heard had been the howling of the wind as he crossed the gap and descended higher. Finally, he came to the doorstep of the large, breathtaking ice castle. Still unsure of the features and their sturdiness, he knocked to draw the attention of whoever (or whatever) was inside. The booming voice from the balcony and the lady it belonged to was far from what he expected but he had dealt with far worse in his time. “I’m a humble magician who’s lost his way. I seek shelter.”
Humble magician? She thought, her brow furrowed in disbelief. "Rather a scheming fool, come to mock the fearsome monster of an Ice Queen!?" She bellowed, her palms beginning to freeze the air around them. From what little she could discern at that height, he seemed honest enough in body language, but so had countless others who'd come knocking; each honoring a dare, or trying to claim a bounty. The dares left frightened, the hunters had found solace in the afterlife. He would be no different. Without bothering to listen for a rebuttal, she flicked her hands to the sky. Clouds formed and within seconds a blizzard began. Soft, quiet snowfall had turned into a howling storm and winsome flakes to glass shards. "Find some other shelter than my doorstep. You'll get no pity from me." And just as swiftly as she had entered the balcony she'd left. A timid girl sat in her castle and nervously gnawed on the flesh within her cheek. He hadn't left. The wind still bellowed about the castle, and large snow drifts had formed on the towers and every ledge of the palace. But there he remained and it unnerved her. Evening fell and to anyone else, the night air was fire in their lungs, but Elsa felt nothing. A small dinner against a blue flamed fireplace only sought to make her mind wander to the man below. "Idiot." She whispered to herself. "What fool stays the night to find his death? Does he really believe I'll fall victim to my feminine heart?" He had to be a foreigner. His clothes hinted as much, however his determination to stay proved as such. The Kingdom was maybe a day's hike, not even so far as to reach the outskirts and the trading post. Yet he stayed. "Obviously he's heard nothing of my frozen heart..." Her voice was soft within the vacant room. She feared her loneliness would impair her ability to speak and had found herself carrying on lengthy conversations to keep sane. Granted, to any onlooker she probably seemed quite mad. "He can rot in Hell for all I care." Her napkin thrown to the table, the woman left the dining hall and retreated onto her room. The howl of the night drowned out her thoughts and it wasn't long until she was lulled into a dreamless sleep. Morning broke and Elsa wiped the sleep from her eyes. Her frame lay sprawled about the lavish bed, and her aching limbs stretched away the sore from the night. A deep sigh left her as her head rolled to the side to view the rising sun. Her other hand gently grasped at the empty bedding beside her. This is my forfeiture... Loneliness for freedom... Emptiness for my sister's safety... It was a typical morning sentiment and as she rose to pull her robe about her shoulders the memory of the previous night flooded her like a spring thaw. "Oh God..." And quickly she rushed to her balcony. The idiot was still there, half covered in snow, sleeping - or dead. Elsa's eyes widened in horror and quickly she bolted for the stairs. Within minutes she'd thrown open the large castle door and was on her knees at his side. She hadn't wanted any to die by her hand, no matter how fierce she tried to be - even those that fell from her bridge she lit candles for. "Sir??? Hello?" She shook him lightly, hoping she wouldn't be seeing another corpse fall to the ravine. It was faint, but Elsa could still feel a hint of warmth within his skin. "Please oh please..." She muttered, more to herself than him, "Don't be dead."
An Ice Queen and the Maddest of Hatters
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queenoficexolation · 8 years
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Sixteen and vibrant. Father let me celebrate by throwing a small local ball. Nothing extravagant, just a little celebration. He said he was impressed with my control lately and that his little princess deserved a big night. I knew it wouldn't be anything like Anna's sixteenth would be, but it was still something for me. Something to make me feel normal... Feel loved. Jack said he wouldn't miss it for the world. Said though it was summer here, he'd make time to he there for me. The guardian would delay his southern duties to come for one night. I can't help but wonder if there's more to our friendship than snow and ice... It was wonderful. Anna danced with me for a spell and it felt like no time had been lost between us. Father asked me to the floor for a waltz and Mother looked poised as ever. I know Anna will one day take the throne with a loving husband by her side, but I hope to be as elegant as Mother when I'm older. And then he showed. He even dressed for the occasion. I hope he didn't notice my blush. It was a perfect evening and I didn't even mind the chastising I received from Father for the snow puddle. Jack had been showing off as usual and made the most magnificent snowflake I'd ever seen. It was incredible in size and sparkled like crown jewels. Of course no one could see Jack but me, and naturally I was blamed. But I didn't care. Jack had come. We giggled about it later, after the ball had ended and we were sent to bed. He curled up with me at my window seat and apologized. But we laughed more than anything. The last thing I remember, was falling asleep against his chest, the cool feeling of his presence and my fingers entwined with his. When I woke, I was alone but my window was most beautifully frosted and there was an ice diamond resting in the hand that had held his. I sometimes wonder if he's really real at all...
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queenoficexolation · 8 years
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Love is cruel.
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queenoficexolation · 8 years
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I will have the ice child. NEVER!
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queenoficexolation · 8 years
His foot falls were soft and unbridled by the sound of hardened leather soles. It was familiar, almost like a dream. His voice tinkled in the air and she felt as though perhaps she was sleeping, a pleasant memory from long ago. But the scent of pine and childlike joy danced within her nostrils so real that the outcast queen knew she was quite awake. Her eyes widened when they finally found the intruder and her heart beat more rapidly than it could have ever in the hearts of those who feared her. Jack. It'd been a year since she'd seen him last. Twelve grueling months; she'd assumed him dead. It was spring then, with flowers blossoming from their winter cloaked buds, and birds singing about the castle grounds. He'd heard, somehow he'd heard, of her parents' sudden death. The grief stricken Kingdom was mourning and Elsa had never felt so alone as she had then. "You should go..." He had whispered in her ear before lightly kissing her forehead. It was a habit he'd begun when she was so very little, the first time they'd met. Now grown, it was still a comforting gesture to the Queen to be. "...I can't." He could have said a million things. How she needed to be strong for her Kingdom. She needed to be strong for Anna. She needed to be strong for the memory of her parents. She needed to be... But he hadn't. His arms had simply held her as she sobbed icy tears into his hooded sweater. But as always, she'd woken later to an empty room, alone. Again. Though this time there was no father or mother to come and tuck her in. No friend to share with her frozen world. Her hand had chanced the door knob but fear had a death grip on her heart and sorrow was drowing her soul. Instead she'd fallen to the floor and let her pain consume her. The voice of her sister on the other side only deepened the knife Fate had plunged into her chest. Then her world was catapulted into a level of Hell she hadn't dreamed possible when everything had gone wrong at the coronation. Where had Jack been then? Or her mother? Or father? I should have never been queen... Her thoughts settled back on the present as quickly as they'd left and she was overcome with pain, guilt and truthfully, relief. Jack Frost was the only soul who had ever wholly accepted her for everything she was. Without hesitation she rushed her old friend in an embrace that rivaled the dying man at sea, clinging to his raft. "Oh Jack. Where the devil have you been?"
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queenoficexolation · 8 years
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Snow Day
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queenoficexolation · 8 years
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Dementor's Kiss
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queenoficexolation · 8 years
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It was always you...
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queenoficexolation · 8 years
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"But Jack said-" Look where that got him princess... "But the light-" Jack's dead. Embrace it. "Embrace... what?" This. The darkness. You.
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queenoficexolation · 8 years
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source a source b
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queenoficexolation · 8 years
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FC: Sarah Gadon
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queenoficexolation · 8 years
An Ice Queen and the Maddest of Hatters
Soft white blanketed the stone cliff outside, and peppered the winter air. The powder sifted lightly down the walls and turrets of the ice castle, casting a majestic glow about the palace. Elsa lay across a plush chaise lounge, her fingers quietly against the glass floor; while she refused to see her sister, she and her little snow men had gratefully accepted the gifts the Arendale princess continued to leave on the grounds below. Naturally of course, only after they'd been covered in sheets of snow. At first the solace was welcomed. No one to judge her. No mad villagers with their pick axes, shovels, hammers and pitch forks. Nor did she have to look into the eyes of her beloved sister, seeing the fear swimming in those precious blue orbs. But now? Months later? Elsa felt as though she was wasting away. The snow men afforded her some company but nothing similar to that of human conversation. While she found comfort in her icey world, she missed the warm embrace that came from those who once loved her. With her parents' passing she'd become even more lost, with no one able to guide her, to help her repress her powers. It didn't come as much of a surprise when she heard the front door quake beneath the pounding of a fist. "Anna no..." The words came out like a soft snowfall. Not bothering with a face to face encounter, she left her chair and went to the balcony. What, or rather, who waited upon the castle's front steps surprised her and she could feel fear creeping up the back of her neck. A stranger. A man with a peculiar hat and a countenance she couldn't quite pin point. "Who dares to stand on the steps of my lair!?" She boomed, the meanest yet poised look upon her face. Though inside she was trembling. Whoever he was, he was not of Arendale and that terrified her all the more.
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queenoficexolation · 8 years
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Welcome to Wonderland
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