queerbilly · 2 years
My husband finally agreed to move back to our home state after our lease is up! I'm so excited to finally go back home. I've really enjoyed pur adventures in Colorado but I'm a small town girl. I'm not comfortable living in the city. I'm so happy.
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queerbilly · 2 years
A little good luck spell I wrote for my husband. He thinks it's just a cute little poem but I whisper it to him every morning before waking him for work. ❤ Feel free to use it as well!
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queerbilly · 3 years
Balancing my work life, social life, and personal life is so hard. I feel so ungrounded. I usually find my peace in nature but living in the city has made it hard to find my peace. I would really appreciate any advice.
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queerbilly · 3 years
Please be careful and do your research before ingesting any herbs and plants, especially if you harvest them yourself. I almost poisoned myself with a St. John's Wort tea because I didn't think to look up if it would react negatively with my antidepressants. It does. Again, please be careful.
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queerbilly · 3 years
I feel pretty bad at the moment. A witch who I really looked up to and listened to his podcast religiously turned out to be a bit of a douche. He recently followed me on my Instagram and immediately started suggesting I purchase a reading from him. I've fallen on hard times at the moment and have been trying to get my financial problems under control. I relayed to him that I'm struggling but I would consider purchasing a reading when I'm able to afford it. I'll be honest, I have $23 left in my name at the moment. Instead of being understanding and recognizing my struggles and my decision not to purchase his reading, he instead kept insisting that I buy one. What's even worse, in his podcast, he did an episode about how wrong it is to push these things on people. I know people have to make a living somehow, but it's pretty shitty to keep pushing people to give you money when they dont have, especially when you've claimed you're a fan and they think they can exploit that.
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queerbilly · 3 years
Thought I'd share my tiny alter. I don't worship deities so my altar is a representation of myself. My favorite piece is the little sad goblin because same.
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queerbilly · 3 years
My sweet little boy has been wearing himself out watching the squirrels nibble on the pumpkins on my balcony. While he looks so innocent in this picture, it's only because he is sleepy, he'll be awake super early to scream for treats and to be let in the bathroom so he can play in the tub.
(Yes I know I don't have sheets on my bed. They're in the wash and i only have 1 set right now)
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queerbilly · 3 years
I need witchy friends so bad...really just friends in general. Feel free to pm me! My messages are a judgment free place. All genders welcome! 18+ only though.
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queerbilly · 3 years
country gnomes,
take my bones
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queerbilly · 3 years
🎃 Samhain Practices 🎃
I've always been a believer that you don't need to do fancy rituals or buy expensive tools to practice witchcraft. Hell, most of my tools come from thrift stores and the dollar store. I also apply this belief to my sabbath rituals.
There's many fun and cheap things you can do for Samhain. Some you may already do and not even know it's magic! Here I'll list a few of my favorites and why I do them. Feel free to reblog with your favorites as well! The more knowledge, the more power!
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Ritual fires have been around for centuries upon centuries. Fire is such a unique thing. It represents death and rebirth. A powerful and essential element of life. I've always been drawn to fire, though I'm an libra, but I guess you can't have fire without air. Before i moved to the city, i would build up a small fire and enjoy it's warmth with friends and family and thank nature for all it's sacrifices that allows us to live. Now that I live in the bustling city, I'll have to stick with some nice scented candles.
Carving Pumpkins
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I LOVE carving pumpkins. It's a super fun way to bond and get messy with your friends and family. I carve a pumpkin every year for Samhain. Picking the right pumpkin is so essential to me, it really has to speak to me. Weird? Yeah, I know. I think a lot of people do forget the history behind pumpkin carving and it's a very interesting story. It would make good conversation next time you carve a pumpkin with others.
Unfortunately, I tend to attract a lot of negative energy, not by choice of course. And being that Samhain is the time where the evil between life and death is the thinnest, I'd rather not bring home any unwanted and uninvited guest, if you get my drift. So carving pumpkins is another tactic I've learned to shoo away those pesky energies that love me so much.
Cleaning Headstones
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The cemetery/graveyard is nothing to be afraid of. It's a place of rest and peace. What once was, is no longer. There are many holidays in all religions that celebrate the dead, I see no different with Samhain. While the veil is thin, show your appreciation and respect to those who have passed on by cleaning headstones and clearing rubbish for your local cemeteries. These spirits, and most definitely the maintenance crew, will thank you. Before you grab your soapy water and brushes, make sure you check in with your cemetery personnel and ask if it's ok. While ot is a kind gesture, some people would rather you leave headstones untouched, it shouldn't stop you from cleaning up any garbage though. Also, if you do clean headstones, please don't use harsh chemicals that will eat away at the stone or cause harm to any nearby foliage for plant life.
Family Dinners and Composting
So..I'm not great at cooking. I'm decent at baking but when it comes to the top of the stove, I have no clue what I'm doing. That's where my partner steps in. He's an amazing cook and if you've never had a cajun's cooking, you're missing out big time!
So while I'm busy making pies, cakes, and cookies, he's off cooking an assortment of soups, meats and fresh vegetables. Now I'm not a big meat eater, but his roast is to die for.
Family dinners are very special to me. I feel so close with people when I cook with them. There's so much love and effort that gets put into a meal when it means something to you. I usually take that time to be thankful for what I have and appreciate everything that goes into living life. Autumn is the time of year to harvest crops, share with others, and be thankful for your bounty.
I also like to start my composting for the next spring and summer during this time. I have a totem outside on my porch where we dump vegetable scraps, coffee grounds (because I'm a caffeine monster), egg shells, and all sorts of good stuff that can be turned into nutritious soil for your next planting season.
Practicing Divination
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The veil between the living realm and the spirit world is at it's thinnest on Samhain. Communication with spirits becomes much easier since they don't need to use as much energy. I like to use this time to practice reading my tarot cards. Ask the questions again that you couldn't decipher a clear answer to before. Connect with spirits around you, learn about their past if they're willing. See what the future could have in store for you!
So these are a few of my favorite Samhain activities. Celebrating doesn't have to be elaborate or expensive, just have fun with it. Remember to be thankful and respect the earth!
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queerbilly · 3 years
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queerbilly · 3 years
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queerbilly · 3 years
🎃🍐🍎First simmer pot of the year🍎🍐🎃
Finally got around to doing my first autumn simmer pot. I have sliced of apple, pumpkin, and pears heavily seasoned with sage, rosemary, cinnamon, and bay leaf. My whole apartment smells incredible! Like a sweet old grandma's homemade apple pie! The pears give it an even sweeter scent than with the apples alone and I'm in love!
Can't wait for my partner to come home from work and be greeted with a nice clean home and the amazing smells I whipped up in the kitchen. I'll make them some hot cinnamon coffee and use the rest if my pumpkin to make homemade pumpkin cake! I love autumn so much!
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queerbilly · 3 years
Why I decorate my doorway
Before you enter someone's house, the very first thing you see is the doorway. The entryway is a very important aspect of your home. It's the passage between the outside world and the home you've filled with your energy.
I like to protect my doorway with oils and herbs to block negativity and promote the good. Herbs and oils made of sage, cinnamon, basil, and rose are good for not only rejecting negativity but bringing in good energy.
I hang wreaths made of pine, oak, and wildflowers. Sometimes I add in quartz beads and amethyst.
I draw small sigils on the above head on the doorframe. Symbols that represent protection, family, and peacefulness. These sigils are designs of my own that I filled with as much intent as I can. Nothing is stronger than one's own intent.
Decorating and protecting your entryway is not only good to block out energies visitors and guest can carry on them but also to reenergize you when you get home. There's nothing better than coming home after a hard day of work than to open your door and have all that negativity from the day blasted away and replaced with good spirit.
So decorate your doorway this fall and feel the difference a little intent and magic can do!
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queerbilly · 3 years
Giants peacefully sleeping under the earth
Snoozing, snoring, bless this hearth
Your trees, wind, roots and dirt
I hear your song, so lovely versed
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queerbilly · 3 years
Greeting from the Rockies! My partner and I recently made the grueling 19 hour drive from our destroyed home in Louisiana (thanks ida) to the beautiful ranges of Colorado. While the environment is completely alien to me, I can't wait to discover the magic in this breathtaking place! 🌾🌄🌞🔮
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queerbilly · 3 years
Like/Reblog if you post witchy things!🔮✨
Hey!! Trying as I might, I cannot find the little niches of tumblr that survived the apocalypse!! I'm looking for active blogs and would like to follow them!! These are the things I will be posting about upon this blog! And I would like to follow similar, so please let me know with a like or reblog! <3
witchcraft, folk magic, etc
spirit work, fey, dragons, animals
crystals, herbs, sigils
aesthetic witchery posts (moodboards/aeshetics)
spells, brews, mixes
ancestor work/veneration
Anything about Pan and Apollo
Anything about Achilles and Hercules
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