queermagickstardust · 7 years
Free books on Magick (PDF’S)
A few people have messaged me asking for my master list of working pdfs. This is what I have and its not super organized but it is in alphabetic order for what its worth. Anyways, they’re all free so please please please save them, download them, print them and most importantly READ THEM if you come across any that strike your fancy. Also, I’m not saying that every single one of these books are completely amazing, but either way, they’re here for you to make your own value judgements on.
A Modern Goetic Grimoire by Rufus Opus  Afro-Caribbean Religions by Nathaniel Samuel Murrell  Astral Doorways by J.H Brennan  Azoetia by Andrew Chumbley  Blood Sorcery Bible Volume 1 by Sorceress Cagliastro  Call of the Horned Piper by Nigel Aldcroft Jackson Children of Cain by Michael Howard Condensed Chaos by Phil Hine Conjure Codex  Creating Magickal Entities by David Cunningham Cunningfolk and Familiar Spirits by Emma Wilby  Curses, Hexing, and Crossing by S. Connolly  Devoted to Death by R. Andrew Chesnut Diabolical published by Scarlett Imprint  Goetic Spellwork by S. Aldarnay  Liber Null & Psychonaut by Peter J Carroll  Lords of the Left Hand Path by Stephen E. Flowers  Mardukite Magick by M. Cecchetelli Mastering Witchcraft by Paul Huson Necronomicon  Obeah by Nicholas de Matos Frisvold Obeah: WItchcraft in the West Indies by Hesketh J. Bell The Candle and the Crossroads by Orion Foxwood The Grimoire of the Golden Toad by Andrew Chumbley The Language of Birds by Dale Pendell The Red King by Mark Alan Smith The Scorpion God by Mark Alan Smith The Visions of Isobel Gowdie by Emma Wilby The Voudon Gnostic Workbook by M. Bertiuax   Pacts with the Devil by S. Jason Black & Christopher S. Hyatt Psalter of Cain  Qabala, Qilpth, and Goetic Magic by Thomas Karlson  Queen of Hell by Mark Alan Smith Runecaster’s Handbook by Edred Thorsson Runelore by Edred Thorsson Saint Cyprian: Saint of Necromancers by Conjureman Ali
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queermagickstardust · 7 years
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Hey! this is my webcomic Gesundheit! it features:
queer muslim agender autistic witch main character
Vietnamese trans woman love interest
cool environment message
they’re witches and they do freaking magic
magic knitting needles
weird animal fusions
a town full of cool old witches
read it here! it updates twice a week with art daily! 
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queermagickstardust · 7 years
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queermagickstardust · 7 years
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It’s the first day of Autumn!
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queermagickstardust · 7 years
Mabon tarot card readings
I'm doing tarot reading for mabon
$3 - past present furture reading
$6 - four across reading
$9 - Celtic cross reading
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queermagickstardust · 7 years
🍂Merry, happy, and blessed Mabon, my friends in the Northern Hemisphere.🍂
🌱Merry, happy, and blessed Ostara, my friends in the Southern Hemisphere.🌱
May your beginnings and ends be bountiful.
[Posted 21st of September 2017]
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queermagickstardust · 7 years
Much like the pagans, the Norse, and the Celtic, who have thrown away our Celtic crosses, are wheels of Odin, and all the other symbols the white supremacist and the Nazi have stolen.
We know the great pain and fear others feel when they see these once symbols of freedom and love that have turned to symbols of hate. So we do not wear them, we do not use them.
Those who do, are not ones to be trusted.
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queermagickstardust · 7 years
Witchy Playlist Masterpost 🎶
hey, sweet ones! this was suggested to me awhile back, and i thought i would get around to finally creating this post. :-) here are some themed “witchy” mixes i’ve made on spotify over the past year. i will add to it over time once i make more playlists! i didn’t think they’d explode like they have, and for that i am so grateful for and cheery about. spreading magic through music is very important to me, and i hope these mixes will provide you with calm and serenity! 💕✨ ~ L-PF
Songs for Air Witches
Songs for Earth Witches
Songs for Fire Witches
Songs for Moon Witches
Songs for Water Witches
Autumn Witch Songs
Spring Witch Mix
Witchy Beltane Songs
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queermagickstardust · 7 years
i’m looking for more active witchy blogs!!!! please reblog or like this so that i can follow you!!! 💓
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queermagickstardust · 7 years
it’s not called ‘smudging’ since you’re not part of a closed NDN faith and using specific rituals
it’s not called ‘smudging’
it’s not ‘smudging’
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queermagickstardust · 7 years
🌊 calling all witchblrs 🌙
i need people to follow!!
tumblr deleted !?!!??!?! my old blog for nO REASON AT ALL and won’t reply to me so i’ve made a new one @staff u suck
so obviously i have to follow everyone from scratch so i’d really appreciate it if you 
reblogged this if you’re a witchblr or post tarot, witch stuff, halloweeny type things or anything really my dash is dead
or hexed tumblr staff with me
thank u!! ✨🍃✨
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queermagickstardust · 7 years
Hey guys~ I've recently run into some financially difficult situations, as if right now I'm only working 15 hours a week, my biweekly paycheck comes out to be just around $350 ish, my rent is $200 (that not including utilities and bills, my roomates are kind enough to cover those for me right now, although I will have to pay them back), my therapy $100. So right now I am just bearly scrapping by, I'm skipping meals, something I already did too much, but now have to do even more do to lack of funds for food, I can't afford to do anymore than one small load of laundry every two weeks, I have to beg to borrow cash to get on the greyhound so I can go to work on the days they actually let me work, and to get to my therapy appointments.
So, yeah- I'm in a shitty place right now.
So I'm offering $3 tarot card readings, $5 digital alters, and I'll be opening art commisons on my art blog. Of course people are welcome to donate as well if they could spare any cash, any at all, it'll help.
I can do single card readings, past present and furture readings, celtic cross readings, relationship spreads, and four across.
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queermagickstardust · 7 years
Autistic flirting: I’ll let you put the radio on the right volume for you even though it’s the wrong volume for me.
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queermagickstardust · 7 years
This blog supports:
Nonbinary Witches Trans Witches Bigender Witches Two-Spirit Witches GNC Witches Gay Witches Lesbian Witches Polysexual Witches Pansexual Witches Bisexual Witches Asexual/Aromantic Witches Brown witches Black Witches Nonblack Witches of Colour Disabled Witches Mentally ill Witches Autistic Witches Otherkin Witches Fictionkin Witches Addicted Witches Hellenistic Witches Non religious Witches All Witches who don’t feel accepted in their community I welcome you to this blog! *TERF/SWERF/Transmisogynist/Transmedicalist Witches are NOT welcome!*
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queermagickstardust · 7 years
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queermagickstardust · 7 years
Here’s my situation. (aka, Miniar’s always broke)
First up, who/what am I?
I am a 35 year old from Iceland.  I’m disabled, both physically (fibromyalgia and hypermobility) and mentally ill (chronic depression, anxiety, and ADD). All of my conditions are currently going untreated as I can not afford treatment. I’m queer; Transgender, pansexual, as well as polyamorous and kinky.  I’m also a parent to a teenage daughter. (Her wellbeing and happiness being my first priority in all things.)
Iceland has disability payments which I qualify for but it isn’t enough to cover the basic cost of living.  Iceland has single payer insurance, but that doesn’t mean that my access to healthcare is free or easy to reach. 
Iceland is one of the most expensive countries in the world to live in.  I try my best to make good choices and if I am careful, lucky and don’t spend a single coin on anything else, my disability can barely cover rent and enough food so that my daughter is fed. 
But this isn’t the only things that need paying for.  All the little things that make the difference between “barely surviving” and “living” aren’t free. 
I do have the help of some loved ones, but it’s not always enough, and the constant strain contributes heavily to the worsening of my various symptoms. 
Hence this post, which I will update/redo as my situation evolves. 
Things I can’t afford but need to tend to: 
- My daughter starts school tomorrow (friday august 18th 2017) She needs schoolbooks and other school supplies. 
- My daughter needs new glasses. 
- My daughter could use more sweaters and other clothing.
- One of the dogs probably needs to have his anal glands removed.  (This requires a trip to Rvk with a dog that hates car rides and where I don’t have a place to crash that allows dogs… )
- I need to either repair my Bosch Athlet vacuum handle or replace it. Repairs primarily require a very specific screwdriver that I haven’t been able to find and a little bit of luck once I get inside the handle. Perfectly doable I think. 
- We need new winter tires.
- I need new glasses. 
- I need to get back on the ADD meds, and have in the past asked a doc to refer me to a psych (as you need to do in Iceland) but have not had any luck even getting an appointment which means this’ll take more doc appointments and frustration before this will work so…. I have no idea how to solve this and fear how much it’ll cost me. 
- I need to replace my dryer.  And before someone suggests I just line-dry, this isn’t an option.  I have one of these little indoor drying stand where I placed one shirt that wasn’t dryer safe, in the sun, and it took well over a day for it to dry.  With winter coming, balcony drying is not gonna happen at all. Frozen pants are not an option! __
These are the things I “know” right now that I need to tend to, and this is subject to change.  All my bills, including rent, are due the first of the month, and the next payday/paydate, september first, I’m not sure I can cover all my bills.  I don’t have any money at all right now. 
I try to be smart and not spend anything on anything unnecessary, but I do have poor impulse control and sometimes I slip up, mainly by deciding to, in the cheapest way possible, participate in something that costs money and is fun.  Mainly by deciding to live a little.  Usually, when I do this, something goes wrong.  Like right now, with the dryer. I went to pride, I spent a little bit of money on something happy, I came home, I did laundry, and the dryer isn’t drying things as well as it used to.  It was a cheap, used, piece of equipment and will likely be replaced with another cheap, used, piece of equipment, and I have made repairs on it myself once before, but now it’s not worth repairing again.  ___
Ok, enough bitching and moaning.  TLDR: Miniar is a struggling cripple with expenses that he can’t afford because fuck him that’s why!
I do however know my situation is nowhere near as dire as it is for a lot of people and I am already getting some help, and so I struggle to ask for more help, but honestly, I kinda need it. 
So, if you wanna help out, here’s how you can. 
I have a ko-fi. A couple dollars there always counts. 
I have an Etsy for my crochet, which is awesome btw, and any sharing of any thing from there is awesome. 
I have a side blog @theblindneedle for my crochet too, following that and reblogging/boosting the stuff I make and put there also helps. 
And, maybe, pass this on?
Thank you. 
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queermagickstardust · 7 years
What the Heathen Community Needs to Know
Hello. Yes, it’s me again. You might have noticed I’ve been gone a while, and there’s a reason for that. I held on when it seemed like there were just a few bad eggs, a few racists poisoning Heathenry for everyone else. But now, after watching our country elect a Nazi sympathizer and waking up to the deep-seated white nationalism underpinning most heathen discourse online, I gave up wanting anything to do with it. I still believe in the Norse gods, but I cannot, will not, align myself with racists and racist sympathizers. The heathen community is fundamentally broken, and before everyone comes to terms with these key issues it will not get better:
 The broader heathen community is racist– it isn’t just a few rotten apples. Nothing makes me more suspicious than when I see high-profile heathens losing their mind about a news story or organization calling out racism in the community. Those who are quick to cry “Those are fake heathens! Real heathens wouldn’t do that!” are missing the point. There are a lot of far-right Neo Nazis and other white nationalists who practice Heathenry, in real organizations and following widespread rituals and beliefs. There were AFA members and affiliates at Charlottesville. Troth leadership interacts with Nazi-loving extremists on social media. Two of the three biggest heathen orgs in the US- the Odinic Rite and the AFA- have been flagged and investigated by the SPLC. And even for those who are quick to say “I’m a universalist heathen, I don’t interact with people like that!” it’s rare to find a single kindred in this country that doesn’t have someone crying about the “loss of our ancestral traditions” or the “need to go back to our roots!” And you know, that isn’t an inherently evil sentiment, but it easily, so easily, treads a line, which brings me to my next point–
When you say you are ridding our culture of “Judeo-Christian influence,” you sound a lot like anti-Semites. There’s nothing wrong with not wanting to be a Christian, and no one should have to be a Christian just because it’s dominant in their society. But I feel like a lot of heathens need to take a step back and really listen to what they’re saying sometimes. Christianity isn’t inherently incompatible with European culture because it comes from the Middle East. There isn’t some Abrahamic conspiracy to steal pagan holidays or keep those of Northern European descent from their culture. Our gods are not an endangered species, and we are not living in a post-colonial society. The Catholic church didn’t like people being pagans a thousand years ago for political reasons and that is it. No “woe how hard it is to be Northern European displaced from our native traditions.” No “everything is a Christian conspiracy to keep us from the truth.” When you say things like that, you sound like white nationalists. You okay the racist, anti-Semitic notion that Europeans and Middle Easterners are inherently different and parrot centuries-old anti-Jewish propaganda that claims widespread conspiracies exist to control the white population. Yet these ideas are so common in heathen circles that I shrugged them off for years, and I’ve seen them repeated on almost every heathen page and social media group I’ve ever encountered. Claiming “Ostara was stolen from us” or Europeans are just “better suited” for the old pagan beliefs isn’t just bad scholarship– it’s racist. Pure and simple. Which leads me to, finally–
A lot of heathens okay “racism lite” without a second thought, but it was low-key racism that got us into this disaster in the first place.  The same people who cry “those aren’t real heathens” every time a heathen commits an act of terrorism often okay a kind of “racism lite” that  makes this religion a gateway to more extreme groups and mindsets. Most people aren’t going to go from upstanding citizens to swastika-waving neo nazis overnight, but heathen discourse– a discourse that triumphs “honoring the folk,” “protecting our people,” being a real heathen man or woman, claiming “heritage not hate” about symbols and runes used by extremist groups– paves the road from normal to nazi, and it’s something we all need to face. You don’t need to be “trying to reclaim” swastikas, for example; you need to be focusing on the kind of damage swastika-wearers have done and still do and try to fix the problem. You shouldn’t be yelling on the sidelines and insisting that you have a right to your culture, too, while native people and other PoC are trying to talk about how their cultures were actively erased and appropriated. You shouldn’t use totally justified news articles about extremism in the heathen community to call your religion oppressed while most of you just shrug at the idea of a Muslim ban.
 If you think not being able to wear a swastika or othala rune even though ~it’s our heritage~ is on par with the actual discrimination PoC face, you are part of the problem. “Taking back the swastika” hasn’t reclaimed the symbol; it has normalized it. Narratives of European nativism and cries to protect European heritage in the heathen community might not always be at the level of Stormfront material, but they sure look like stepping stone in that direction. And you know, the shit that has gone down these past few years– the rise of the alt-right, the election of Donald Trump and other far-right leaders worldwide– it hasn’t all been “Heil Hitler!” types causing these issues. For every one extremist there’s hundreds who are kind of in the “I just want to protect white people” boat, or even the “I will look the other way when I see racism because I don’t think it’s a deal-breaker” boat. And you know what? Those people are just as much to blame for what’s happened as the ones out there waving Nazi flags.  
In short, the bottom line is “keeping frith” with racists or supporting the idea that white culture and gods are somehow in danger is just as bad as being a Neo Nazi. And there’s a lot of it, a disgusting amount of it, in the heathen community.
So you want to worship the heathen gods and not be a racist? Don’t spread the idea that white culture is endangered. Don’t act like heritage should be instantly divorced from the hate it fed for centuries. Don’t put frith over calling out goddamn Nazis. And think real hard about the groups, people, and beliefs you are standing beside. Because even if you aren’t out there driving your car into protesters or using a religion to actively recruit people to the racist far-right,  if you look the other way, if you care more about the heathen community’s reputation or your right to wear a symbol without “being mistaken as a Nazi” than the real, tangible oppression PoC, Jewish people, Muslims, and the LGBT community face in this country, then there’s blood on your hands, too. 
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