queerswim · 3 years
Are you still doing requests?
Yes! I've got a couple in my inbox that I'm working on..I like hearing people's ideas so I can put them into words. I'll be open a lot unless I specifically put in my bio that they're closed.
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queerswim · 3 years
General Nagito Relationship Headcanons
You would have to confess. Nagito has such low self-esteem and would hate to anger or upset you if you didn't return his feelings. However, when you confess, he is over the moon!
He will become totally fixated on protecting you, because he feels although his luck wil find a way to harm you.
He is the big spoon. He thinks that if he is, his luck will affect him and not you. It's his cute way of protecting you.
Nagito will spend his free time with you watching movies, going out on picnics in flowery fields, and absolutely spoiling you with his abundance of spare money.
His nicknames for you are: my hope or anything to do with hope, darling, sweetheart, sunshine ect.
He loves playing with your hair! Although he normally makes a mess of it due to his luck, the thought is still there. Plus, it's super relaxing for you.
If Nagito is taller than you, he will rest his head on yours, but if he is shorter than you, he will rest his head on your shoulder.
Once he knows what your style is, he will buy you clothes! He loves seeing your reaction when you like them. He thinks your the cutest when you buy matching outfits for the both of you, and he will act as if you just ended world hunger.
~ Mod Nagito
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queerswim · 3 years
,,, i felt so bad reading that but i also kinda liked that. jealous nagito >>> 😫😫
I'm glad you liked it! I planned on going further and including some fluff but I got lazy and told myself maybe they didn't want that. If you do, please tell me.
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queerswim · 3 years
can i get a jealous nagito x reader? :o
Thank you for the request, anon. I got to it as fast as I could, I hope it was worth the wait. Please give me your feedback if you're willing. CONTAINS: MILD ANGST  WORDCOUNT: Exactly 1616, I may have gotten a little, tad lazy near the end. If none of the contains/warnings alarm you, please proceed. My requests are currently open. Check it out if you want to. The rest remains under the cut.                                      ────────────────
Nothing. The word lingered in his clear mind. Nothing was wrong. Nothing had come to bite him in the ass. Nothing had gone bad. All due to his luck, and some luck he had alright. It was a balance between lucky and unlucky circumstances. It was nothing he wasn’t aware of, he had gotten used to it at this point. He knew what usually happens, good luck then leads to bad luck. Bad luck then leads to good luck. A hopeful outcome on some occasions. For all the self-aware reasons, he was paranoid. Questioning the possible scenarios that could occur. Nothing had gone wrong. It was almost as if the day so far had been perfect. That word. That word is such a strong word, it made him cringe. Dreading what may happen, completely on edge. He tried not to think too much about it. He wasn’t trying to dismiss the possibility of it happening, no. No, no, no. It was certain. He was certain, something was going to happen. There was nothing he could do, so why think too much about something he had no control over. It’s a sickening thought. He was vulnerable during such severe positions. To distract himself, Nagito thought of all the good that had happened to him so far. For starters, he woke up in the warmth of his bed that hung over his lanky form, wrapping around him tightly. Holding the comfort once his glassy green eyes opened. His body didn’t feel so tight, and straining to wake up in. His muscles didn’t feel tension. More like he was able to levitate, it was heavenly. His eyes didn’t feel dry. Legs didn’t feel sore. Arms felt free. Tips of his fingers and toes scrunched inwards as he lifted himself from the previous slumber. It was good sleep, the kind of sleep you get from a long day at the beach. That is, if you’ve ever had some good rest from such an event. It feels so nice. So, so nice. Not the usual feeling of grease, it was icky. He didn’t cherish it for too long. For two reasons. One being that he wasn’t worthy of this type of thing. He didn’t deserve to feel like this, to wake up so nicely. He- no. No, that’s not right. A shameful scum should be 6 feet under. Though here he sat, waking up in such a humble manner. How selfish for someone so filthy.  Nagito pushed some of the sheets away from his abdominal area, feeling the new breeze on his bare skin made him shiver. The sheets had been pushed off his legs as well, they were restrained in his dark, almost black, gray denims. He hadn’t fallen asleep with comfortable clothes, no. He had turned in with his usual clothing. Except for the shoes, they were kicked under the bed. Nagito had begun to lift himself from the cozy covers and onto his feet. The hardwood flooring underneath were cold but not cold enough to make him flinch. His toes curled in, head tilted down to the ground. He needed to do something, move around. Maybe today wouldn’t be so terrible. So that’s what lead to where he was now, standing silently on the concrete sidewalks. This is where we left off, this is the previous state Nagito was in. Pondering the multiple possibilities. Everything felt so slow. Not a single trace of bad luck followed. It didn’t sit right with him, mouth slowly starting to feel dry. He didn’t want to think about this too much, he wouldn’t stop if he thought about it too much. He’d become paranoid. So, instead he licked the insides of his mouth to dampen the dryness. Nagito knew where he was headed next, he was going back to his shared home. It wasn’t anything fancy, a rented apartment that you and Nagito lived in. That’s where he wanted to be, home. Nagito wanted to be home without overwhelming waves of stress randomly crashing down on him, he wanted to be in your arms. He wanted to feel the raw warmth of your skin against his as he scatters butterfly kisses all over your body. That also lead to the chance that maybe he shouldn’t go. Jeez, he’s so indecisive. Though, who could blame him, it was for your benefit if he went or not. He wanted to keep you safe, but he also. Agh. It was all rushing in different- chaotic piles of decisions and paranoia. He hadn’t been so pessimistic until he had gotten you into his life. Nagito can’t lose you.
He moved so gradual. He didn’t want to face what bad luck had for him in stock. Maybe you were dead- No. No, he can’t be thinking about that. He tried to pushed that away, why would he even think of that as a chance. Nagito hated the fact he let that slip his mind, he’d tear his mind to shreds if he could. It was doing him no good. His (almost brown) tan shoes trace the ground underneath, appreciating what he had now. The sky was beaming, the grass still held the lively appereance. He started to move faster, he changed his mind. Wanted to get this over with, it couldn’t be too terrible even if it was there. He was going to be okay, and so were you. Turning corners, crossing roads. His luck seemingly had started to kick in, the turn of events. It wasn’t bad at all, almost relieving. The lights that flashed green, proceeding people to walk had immediately morphed once he had gotten there. Showing a red hand with a countdown of 10. This had only begun to start and he wasn’t too far from home. Nagito made contact with your apartment complex. There was a row of apartment places there, about 4 stacked beside each other. He had passed by one. He just needed to get by one more and he’d be home. Nothing seemed to be happening, no sour, bitter edge felt necessary. Everything appeared fine. He wouldn’t let his guard down though, he had to be ready. Prepared for what he may encounter. The pads of his fingers dug into the pockets of his evergreen zip up jacket. The back of his jacket flapped, hitting the back of his legs ever so often from his fast movements. He was stewing, repeatedly questioning the peaceful breeze, there was no way it could be this perfect. Especially with his fucked luck, it was merely impossible. 
With that, he was now at your shared apartment complex. Taking no time in getting up the stairs and to the door, grabbing a hold of the knob and slowly turning. No restrains, his luck again, huh? It had to be. The door began to open, letting the new view be seen through Nagito’s grey-green eyes. What laid in front of him was you. You weren’t alone, you were sitting on one of the lawson type couches, leg crossed. One arm laying carelessly by your side, the other around. Around, who was this guy? Nagito had to squint his eyes, pressing his finger ever so slightly into the knob. It was Hajime. A sore lump begun to rise in Nagito’s throat. He couldn’t explain the immense anger that started to flood through him. But it was there. Shoulders tight, scrunched and pressed against the numbing walls. Nagito was imagining this, this. This wasn’t wasn’t happening, it had to be hovered doubt. It was only exaggerated in his mind because he was certain something terrible was going to happen. It was a fogged observation. He barely caught view of what was happening anyway, he didn’t want to know what was happening behind closed doors. Nothing had happened but brief chit chat. Immense accusations that flooded his mind instantly said otherwise. 
“Ah, mm. There’s someone better, isn’t there?”
He rambled mistaken beliefs through whispers, unable to speak any higher than his hushed murmurs. His breath so caught up in his throat causing him to be incapable of expressing such nauseating thoughts. Nagito’s grasp on his mouth gestured to his neck, head slanting back as he clutched, he clutched hard. The chewed off nails dug into the side of his neck, thumb resting on the other end. He deserved this, that’s what he let himself think, it was justified. You weren’t his, and you never would be. So selfish of him. You slipped so easily from his desperate grip, why would you be his. No, it was all a lie. A myth. It was unfortunate. This hurt like hell, the thoughts you could be getting along with Hajime better than you ever had with him. The neck gripping only being in the distance, it couldn’t compare to his thoughts. His thoughts that were interrupted by new thoughts, his knees stuttered to keep him up. His throat was dry, he swallowed. He wanted to get out of here. Right now, this was the peak he had to face. His despair, this was awful. Why did this have to be it, it could’ve been worse but hell. 
“God, what is my deal? Getting so emotional.. over this? I’m not even certain if what they’re doing is wrong!”
Nagito cried out, his hands making most of the gestures as he released his message in desperation. His teeth chewing on his bottom lip during the slight pauses in between sentences. He had to get away, he was. So useless, so vulnerable. Someone as so close to a deity as you were, doesn’t need to be with someone akin to like, a shoe umbrella? Entirely, fully, absolutely pointless.
You’d get him, you’d find him. Things would get better.
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queerswim · 3 years
Hi, who are your favorite DR guys and gals to write for? Thanks!
Hello there, thanks for the question. My favorites, hm. I could see myself getting pretty attached to Nagito/Hajime or even Fuyuhiko. For the gals, Mahiru/Peko and Chiaki hit close to home. (That's not to say I have a problem with writing for the others.)
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queerswim · 3 years
Welcome, this is where you’ll be finding out rules and information on requests. Make sure you thoroughly read enough before requesting.  THIS BLOG IS NOT SPOILER FREE. I’LL NOTIFY YOU ON POSTS IF IT WILL BE CONTAINING SPOILERS. 
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I will be writing ANGST/FLUFF & NSFW. I will be putting warnings for any topics that could alarm someone.  Romantic & Platonic relationships. Headcanons & Imagines. I lean towards character x reader, but depending on which character x character you aim for I may or may not write for them. 
I WILL write gore, but I will not be writing anything too severe. You can contact about me about that if you’re trying to look deeper into it as I do not have any examples of what I’ll write/won’t write including gore. (Put for both ALLOWED & NOT ALLOWED) I write for a lot of topics, there’s nothing I am able to pinpoint other than what I have already mentioned. Basically, I’ll do anything besides the stuff I specifcally said I wouldn’t. 
Anything remotely close to pedophilic mentions are strictly prohibited. I won’t be writing for Haiji Towa because of that reason.  Some quick stuff I can throw out that I won’t be writing about are incest/rape/homophobia.  I wouldn’t usually see myself writing for the warriors of hope, but if it’s platonic then I’ll reconsider. I won’t do anything romantic involving the WOH.  I WILL write gore, but I will not be writing anything too severe. You can contact about me about that if you’re trying to look deeper into it as I do not have any examples of what I’ll write/won’t write including gore. (Put for both ALLOWED & NOT ALLOWED) ───────── That’s all that I wanted to briefly talk about before any requests came in. If you have any questions, I highly encourage you to ask me about it.  I won’t include this as a priority but while requesting, I have a hard time entirely understanding sometimes. I like stuff specified. If it’s going to be platonic or romantic. If you’re wanting short bullet stuff, tiny headcanons or more like. A long fanfiction type thing. What pronouns you’d like the reader to have. Catch my vibe?
Thank you for taking a look, I hope something out of the rules satisfies your taste. If there’s something you’re wanting to request, that follows my guidelines, go for it! I highly encourage requests when they’re open. 
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