quillmates · 2 months
School of Heroes – Book Synopsis
“Sankari Technical College is our city’s pride and joy, a culmination of the collective prowess of our greatest heroes. Only the best of the best gain a place in our halls. So, congratulations, you’ve made it.”
“...Well? Are you excited?”
Sankari, the city of heroes.
A place where the first of those who harnessed their new found power for good stood firm to protect the innocent. When the sky fell, and a mystical part of humanity awoke that granted the average person abilities they would've never thought possible and plunged the world into chaos, they stood up to protect those who couldn’t. 
Though they were heralded as harbingers of death and destruction in the beginning, they didn’t hesitate to spread their wings to guard the ones who stood behind them. The city was safe to grow in their shadow, even after the bloodshed ceased and the world was left as nothing but a shadow of its former self. The first elites stood firm in those times, picking up the pieces of a shattered planet and nurturing them with gentle hands until it began to stand steadily once more.
They got little credit at first, not a name known to praise them with, so the people came up with one of their own.
That was hundreds of years ago though, and now the world is thriving once more, with Sankari in the center. The term hero persisted as well, taking on an official role in the society, inspired by the men and women who first created the profession all those years ago. However, becoming one isn’t easy, which is where the city’s pride and joy came into play: Sankari Technical College. 
Protected and organized by the elites, the college shaped and built the best heroes the world has ever seen, teaching them the ideals the city had been built on and bolstering their abilities to the best they can be. It’s an honor to be accepted, only one in a million get a chance.
Alex wanted–expected–to get in, Serenity never did.
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quillmates · 2 months
What's next?? 👀
We've gotten a little taste of our cast of characters, and what a cast they are, but we thought it may be time for a change of scenery! What kind of content would you like next?
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quillmates · 3 months
💚 Meet Nathan 💚
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🪲 “Me? I came to this school so I could legally cause explosions and for literally no other reason whatsoever.” 🪲
Nathan, better known to his friends as Nat, is an uppity little bastard who made it into Sankari Tech the same year as Alex and Serenity. Despite rocky beginnings with Alex, he and Serenity became fast friends and the three of them can often be found together both in and outside of class. He has a tendency to feed into Serenity’s chaotic side and lives for the natural entropy of the universe. No one is entirely sure why he decided to become a hero, he gives a different answer every time he's asked, but no one can say he won’t make an incredible one regardless.
His ability is a body type, primarily composed of a set of insect-like wings that let him fly through the air with ease. There are probably other parts to it, but it seems like not even the professors know what they are. It’s a set of cards he prefers to keep close to his chest, but Alex is determined to figure out what it is and nothing is going to stop him.
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quillmates · 3 months
You've met Serenity, our female MC and Lizzy's pride and joy, but there are plenty others waiting to be introduced! Who of these four would you like us to introduce?
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quillmates · 3 months
You've met Serenity, our female MC and Lizzy's pride and joy, but there are plenty others waiting to be introduced! Who of these four would you like us to introduce?
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quillmates · 4 months
🩵 Meet Serenity 🩵
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☀️"You know what they say, any eye for an eye makes the whole world go blind! Why would I make the world worse with revenge when I could put that behind me and make it better?" ☀️
Serenity is a hardworking, bubbly person with very little to complain about in the world. She prides herself on being a supreme teen wrangler, directing her circus of young employees better than any manager of Tango Bistro who came before her. When she's not working, she spends most of her time hanging out with her cat, Strudel, jogging on the beach, and helping her younger brother plan out his latest DND session.
Her respect for heroes is boundless, though despite living in the heart of hero society all her life, she's never found herself wanting to be a hero. Perhaps that's because her ability, dubbed Insight, has a habit for giving her an awful migraine when used around a lot of people. Not to mention, it seems rather useless in combat.
If you have any questions about our female MC, don't hesitate to ask! She won't give you spoilers, but she'd love to chat!
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quillmates · 4 months
“How’s your WIP going?”
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"Have you made any progress?”
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“How close are you to being done?”
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quillmates · 4 months
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quillmates · 4 months
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quillmates · 5 months
Introduction: Welcome to Sankari
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You find yourself at the front door of an apartment building, and something draws you to the elevator. As you zoom upward, you can see through the glass window, the city down below, pink streetlights glowing in the twilight as rain pounds down. You recognize it, though you’re not sure how.
This is Sankari, the city of heroes.
The elevator opens into the penthouse apartment, floor-to-ceiling windows cover the far wall, looking out over the city. You turn around to see more floor-to-ceiling windows, this time divided by a balcony with doors open wide, looking out over a calm empty beach, the rain and the ocean blending almost indecipherably. Warm salty air blows in from the ocean. 
A huge armchair and an overstuffed recliner sit facing the balcony, each with a side table with what seems to be writer’s accouterments as well as beverages. Music plays gently from a speaker between the two chairs, just loud enough to be heard over the rain. 
Parallel to this scene, across the room, is a wide kitchen where someone is standing at a counter chopping veggies. There’s an open laptop to one side of her, and she periodically looks up from the cutting board to squint at it, sometimes abandoning the vegetables all together to hit a few keys.
You clear your throat and she looks up, eyes wide. 
“Oh, shit! Sorry, we’ve been expecting you!” She dries her hands off, shutting the computer as she shouts. “RORY!”
”WHAT LIZZY?” Another voice replies.
A quiet crash can be heard from another room, and a second person appears. They see you and wave. “Hey! Welcome! Glad you made it alright, we can be kinda hard to find. I’m Rory, they/them, and you met Lizzy already.” They gesture to Lizzy as she rounds the counter. “We made Sankari, and everyone in it.”
Lizzy, alongside Rory, beckon you towards the chairs. You have a lot of questions, but you can’t seem to find it in yourself to ask them yet. Instead, you sit down between them, in front of your own laptop.
”We made this place to be a world that people can get lost in, a place to feel safe and loved and to learn to be safe with themselves.” Lizzy hums, logging in to your computer as she leans over your shoulder. “It means a lot to us, so thanks for stopping by.”
”We want to make a place that is inspiring, exciting, and beautiful, despite being broken.” Rory nods, taking over the computer as Lizzy steps back, “we wanted to inspire you, so we’d love for you to stick around and let us do that.”
The two fade away and you are back, simply staring at your screen.
 <3 Lizzy: @lizzyscribbles
<3 Rory: @thatnerdyfairy
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