r-301 · 3 years
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I am a one-trick-pony!! :D
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r-301 · 3 years
Does anyone recognize this cat? Do you know which Anime it belongs to?
I’d love to see it again but I don’t remember the name, I just have this image🙈
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plot: a rich boy is sent away from home (or leaves) and ends up living in a house whose curator is a street boy. His friends call him "BOSS". He has a tragic childhood and ghosts of the past chasing him.
Help me
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r-301 · 3 years
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keep me alive (kiss art challenge #3: cheek)
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r-301 · 3 years
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sunrise 🍵🌸
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r-301 · 3 years
Kaoru arrived at Florence airport after 23 hours of flight and two stops. To say that he was exhausted was an understatement.
He got off the plane with his pink trolley and a duffel bag. The airport was much smaller than the one in Okinawa and getting around was not difficult. In 15 minutes he was out waiting for the shuttle to reach the city center: 25 minutes of travel and then he would see Kojiro at last.
He picked up the phone and sent a message to Kojiro's mum. Junko Nanjo had always been a reference figure for him. Sweet and kind, but at the same time tenacious and stubborn as few.
The answer is not long in coming. "Perfect. Kojiro is going to the Square now"
Junko had been his biggest accomplice. When he decided to leave he was drunk, but then in his clear mind he had planned everything in detail.
The cost of the ticket was high, but not impossible given his early commissions from calligraphy and the inheritance his grandfather left him. The hardest thing would have been to surprise Kojiro, so he had involved Junko.
Mrs. Nanjo had been thrilled with the idea.
The plan was simple: Mum-Nanjo would tell Kojiro that she read on the internet about a cooking event in Piazza della Signoria. He would have convinced him to go and kept there as long as it took for Kaoru to join him.
25 minutes later Kaoru got off at the station. He looked around admired: everything was so different than at home. He started walking around dragging his trolley, Carla in GPS mode telling him where to go. He would have liked to stop several times to admire squares and monuments, but he was a man with a mission.
15 minutes later, Carla told him that she would turn the corner and find Piazza della Signoria.
He stopped suddenly. What if Kojiro didn’t want him here? What if this whole thing is a big mistake? Maybe he should have stayed home, let Kojiro live his life.
His heart was pounding. Breathing was difficult. People passed around him carelessly.
"A new unread message"
Carla’s voice brought him back to reality. I looked down at his phone. It was a message from Junko. Of course it was his message. He opened it again with trembling fingers.
"Don’t doubt yourself darling "
Kaoru felt really happy to have met the Nanjo family. He took a deep breath and finally started walking again.
Piazza della Signora was gorgeous but it wasn’t that big so finding a big green-haired gorilla was not difficult for Kaoru.
He tightened his grip on the trolley and placed his shoulder bag before walking quickly towards Kojiro. "Carla" said slowly "write to Kojiro to turn around"
Carla made a confirmation sound by illuminating the bracelet on her wrist. Kaoru did not stop walking until one was very close and did not look away from those broad shoulders.
He saw Kojiro take the phone out of his pants pocket, look at it two seconds earlier.
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" obviously the gorilla couldn’t follow a simple order.
"Just turn around," he swiftly typed and before he could even get the phone down, he saw Kojiro turn around with a confused look.
3 seconds and then their eyes cross. No one moved. The anxiety of Kaoru had come back to undermine himself in his mind, but then Kojiro made a huge smile. He could see tears wet his cheeks.
Two seconds later, the gorilla snapped forward and Kaoru found himself wrapped in his arms. He left the trolley and the bag fell from his shoulder as the air was lifted by his friend.
"Are you really here?"
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r-301 · 3 years
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r-301 · 3 years
Jaskier felt ... he didn’t really know how to describe it.
His mind was confused, like he was floating in a vacuum. Cloudy. Yeah, maybe the best word was " cloudy," although it does not fully make the idea.
He knew he had to reach the door through the middle of the fighting.
Why? He just had to. Get to the door. Go to the center of the Witcher fight.
His feet moved as if they had their own will. But he was who had to get to the door. It was he who had to pass right where they were still fighting, throwing himself against each other, pushing himself and getting tripped, regardless of their superior strength. No Witcher would have been injured, but if he had been there in the middle, it was very likely that he would have been hit in the confusion.
So why was he walking straight into danger? He had never done it before for a good reason, and yet now he had to do it. He had to reach the door, passing through the middle of the room among the struggling Witchers.
When Geralt came back from putting Ciri to bed he saw Jaskier coming towards him. He smiled at his Omega but Jaskier did not smile in response. Strange.
The bard seemed so focused on putting one foot behind the other.
Geralt stared at it for a few seconds. Nothing seemed out of place and at the same time there was something wrong. Meanwhile Jaskier had reached the center of the room but instead of bypassing the quarrel was going towards him. What the hell?
Well, now it was right in the middle of the fight. But why was he there?
Jaskier brought a hand to his head. His mind felt so heavy and confused. He paused for a moment on his steps. The witchers caught in their antics, relaxed about being at home and sure that no humans would approach (and probably all a little too drunk) continued to jostle playfully like big five-year-olds.
Jaskier lifted his eyes to meet Geralt’s. His Alpha was fermk at the entrance, looking at him with a confused and alarmed look.
"Jask!!" he felt before a body collided with his own, causing him to lose his balance. A strong pain in the head and then the darkness enveloped him
In this chapter I tried to use two different perspectives, what do you think?🙈
What do you think of Jaskier’s point of view? I tried to make it as confusing as possible... I hope I made the idea
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r-301 · 3 years
I’m writing a geraskier fic set in a Kaer Morhen with all the schools of Witcher.
I know a bit about the school of cats and of course of wolves. But the others? They have some peculiarities or particular stories (even if not canon)?
Help me😂❤
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r-301 · 3 years
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r-301 · 3 years
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I needed some extremely self-indulgent Witcher Mamma Mia AU and decided to make it myself. Still experimenting with procreate, sorry if it’s still a little messy!
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r-301 · 3 years
That's how I imagine Eskel’s peluche for the baby❤
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r-301 · 3 years
Chapter 1
It all started one night, as in all the best stories, but it was neither dark nor stormy. It was a night (just after sunset) of joy and celebration.
The Witchers had all gathered in the large dining room, as they have done every night since they joined under Geralt’s leadership. The dinner was informal and noisy like all the previous ones, then someone (probably Aiden) had asked the bard to sing some songs. Jaskier had obviously been excited to please his audience and had performed, under the watchful eye of Geralt, for several songs before sinking into the place next to his Alpha and leave room for the small struggles erupted here and there.
There were Witchers of all schools and not all had left behind the resentments and prejudices cultivated for centuries just because Geralt had created a nation of their own. All in all, however, were innocent struggles that didn't aim to hurt anyone (no more than a scratch).
Jaskier smiled beside his Alpha, with an arm resting lazily on his belly. It was only three months, yet it could not be clearly said that inside his belly there was a child. They had certainly not kept it hidden, it would not have made sense: anyone in the fortress would have noticed the change in the smell of Jaskier and would have asked questions. Everyone had been so enthusiastic. Some still skeptical, but hopeful.
The happiest of all, after the couple and Ciri of course, was probably Eskel. The scarred Witcher took his role as the child’s future uncle very seriously. So seriously that a few days after the news, when the passage was still usable, he was gone for a couple of days and came back with a small stuffed goat and a heavy blanket for the little one, along with a pair of tiny gloves and socks. "It’s cold here in winter" had muttered embarrassed.
Lambert wasn't much better. The day after the news, he had disappeared with Aidan in the forest, cut down a huge tree and began to carve a crib. It wasn’t over yet, but Jaskier already loved it.
"Have you thought of the name yet?" asked Ciri for the millionth time. "No, puppy"
"Do you think it will be a girl or a boy? Will he have eyes like Geralt? And his hair? Do you think he will sing like you? If it is a girl we can exchange clothes! It would be so fun!! Jaaaasskkk makes that she is a girl! There are too many males in this house! Yen said it too!".
The bard giggled to the little hyperactive puppy. He couldn’t remember a time in his life when he felt happier.
"It’s time for bed" said Geralt without moving from Jaskier’s side
"But Geralt I am not sleepy!!"
"It’s probably the two pieces of cake Lambert gave you."
"they were so good!!"
This discussion would not lead anywhere, so Jaskier decided to intervene "It’s getting late and someone has early morning training tomorrow," he smiled, "How about I tell you a story, and after you go to sleep?"
The story was short and very fictionalized, but it still caught the attention of a discreet group of Witcher. Above all he had had the hoped-for result: Ciri was yawning, curled up in the lap of Geralt.
"I’m going to put her to bed". Geralt rose slowly, raising the child and holding her to the chest. The witchers who had regrouped dispersed back to getting drunk or fighting. Now that the puppy had gone to bed, they didn’t need to hold back.
Jaskier blissfully watched his alpha move away and the Witchers have fun. He felt he was already very tired "when Geralt comes back I will convince him that it is worth going to bed soon" he thought maliciously. He wasn’t that tired after all.
Was in that moment of quiet that everything began. One moment before Jaskier was alone and the next someone was behind him. That someone whispered something in his ear.
"Now you’ll do as I say..."
❤Thanks to whoever will read this story. ❤
I hope you enjoy this first chapter❤ and let me know if history interests you. From the next chapter will begin the action (and anguish).
If there are mistakes or parts difficult to understand warn me why English is not my language. 🙈
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r-301 · 3 years
Witchers are sterile.
Okay... so how do you explain that Jaskier is three months pregnant? And no, Jaskier hasn’t betrayed his Alpha once since they first mated.
"It’s a miracle!" the bard thought.
"It’s impossible!" Yennefer had popped at the news.
"That’s great!!" the little princess had cheered "I’ll have a little brother or a little sister!!". Ciri was unaware of how those words had melted the heart of the bard, leaving him speechless for once.
The only one who had not said anything was Geralt. His stubborn but gorgeous Alpha, who to the news seemed a step away from a panic attack. The White Wolf, the one who had brought togetherWitchers of all schools to protect his surprised child and stop an unjust war, the one who was now at the head of a new nation of powerful Witchers... he was a breath away from a panic attack.
He had not for a moment questioned the loyalty of his Omega. Well, if Jaskier wanted someone else, they wouldn’t mate in the first place. Only god knows how many times Geralt tried to talk him out of it, saying that if an omega had ever bonded to a Witcher before, maybe there was a good reason.
What life could you offer him? Did he want to live without a family and a home? But Jaskier reminded him every single time that he was an idiot.
He reminded him that he loved him, Witcher or not Witcher and that Geralt had a family and a home, they were simply different from the standards. And if he hadn’t noticed, the bard grinned, he wasn’t exactly an Omega (or a nobleman for that matter) who conformed to the standards!
Fortunately, Vesemir exists.
Jaskier could no longer count the times he thanked him. Vesemir, always very wise, who learned the news had holed up in the old library of the keep, between books so ancient that the language in which they were written had disappeared for centuries. Among those books the oldest Witcher, blessed be, found a wrinkled and ink-stained scroll in which he spoke of the possibility of a second generation of Witcher. Kids born Witchers.
The idea that it was possible for an omega to get pregnant with a Witcher, if the couple were tied up and if the conception had during a heat.
As far as I know, never before Jaskier had an omega tied to a witcher, ergo no witcher had ever had a son and that parchment had been lost among the old library tomes and forgotten.
To be continued...
I need you help❤
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r-301 · 3 years
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Plot: Jaskier gets pregnant with Geralt’s son, something he thought was impossible. All the Witchers are very happy with the news or so the couple believed. Problems arise when someone starts using Axii on Jaskier to hurt him and the baby.Is there a traitor among the Witchers? Who is he? Will Geralt stop him before he hurts two of the most important people in his life?
Fandom: the Witcher
Ship: Geralt x Jaskier
Tags: hurt/comfort, angst, omega!Jaskier, Alpha!Geralt, Mpreg, mind control
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r-301 · 3 years
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Kojiro had been in Italy for 5 months when Kaoru decided to have enough. First Adam leaving for America without warning, then the stupid gorilla decides to leave for an experience in Italy.
Obviously Kaoru had been the first to say him to go, it was an unmissable opportunity! He would stay there for 18 months to learn authentic Italian cuisine.
The plan was that once he got back he would open his own restaurant, but Kaoru would lie to himself saying he wasn’t afraid that his best friend wouldn’t come back at all. Kojiro loves Italy and has already made several friends from all over the peninsula.
Kaoru, on the contrary, had closed in on himself. He never had many friends. "Few but good" it says. The problem was that now those few had scattered around the world leaving him alone.
He was pretty damn lonely (and maybe he’d had a little too much to drink) when he decided he couldn’t stand this situation for another second.
"Carla!"His bracelet lit up (the software was still being improved but for what she had to do it would work fine)"book a ticket to Italy!"
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r-301 · 3 years
"What’s going on here?" Vesemir asked as he entered the great hall. Jaskier had been out for a few minutes, but Geralt could not convince himself to follow him. He fucked up and was aware of it, too aware to chase his bard and beg for forgiveness. Maybe Jaskier deserved someone better than him. No, he definitely deserved someone better. The Witcher took a hand to his face, massaging his temples.
"So?" Vesemir called his attention "Where did the bard go? And why did you shout so much?"
"I’m an idiot"
The older wolf advanced slowly, a grimace fixed in the face "This is not an answer to any of my questions"
"I yelled at him" he turned to his mentor "I told him to leave"
"And why? I thought you were lovers..."
"We are...." sighed "...or at least we were before I was so stupid."
Vesemir laid a hand on his shoulder "they were words dictated by repressed emotions, certainly not the first ones you ever addressed to your bard I fear, so why this time he believed they were true?"
Geralt curled his nose looking at the closed door in front of him "after our fight on that mountain... When we got together, Jaskier didn’t want to know about me. I hurt him. I hurt him deeply with my words. And I...I promised him that I would never do it again. Yet here I am! To make exactly the same mistake!"
"So stop." Vesemir said. "What happened, happened. There isn’t anything you can do to change it. The only thing you can do is focus and find a way to bring him home." Geralt nodded, determination flooding him. He’d find a way. He had to.
Jaskier was leaving and it was all his fault but he would have found a way to make it up to me. Shit! Jaskier was leaving! Getting away from a keep on top of a mountain! A keep surrounded only by snow and forests! Shit!
Jaskier might not be human, yes Geralt knew that the non-aging of his companion was unusual among humans, but certainly not even a half elf could survive the Killer with all that snow!
He ran quickly to grab his cloak but at the door crossed Eskel and Lambert already dressed and with an exasperated look.
"Come on, let’s go and get the bard!" Lambert exclaimed pushing his cape against his stomach. The two overcame him taking advantage of his surprise.
"Let’s go!" cried Lambert already outside the door. He reached them quickly, overtaking Vesemir who shook his head with affection and exasperation.
"However you, Geralt" exhorted the youngest wolf when "you really are an idiot!"
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r-301 · 3 years
this is my first Geraskier fanfiction. I hope you like it. English is not my language so let me know if there are mistakes or parts that you do not understand
Geralt had repented of his own words at the very moment when they came out of his mouth. But he realized that he was in serious trouble only three seconds later, when his bard stiffened his shoulders and closed his hands in shaky fists.
"How dare you?!" Jaskier’s usually sweet and cheerful voice was low and taut
"Jask... I, uh..."
He was in serious trouble! Geralt may not have been the most empathetic person (he was far from being one) but it didn’t take a genius to realize that Jaskier was angry. No, Jaskier was furious!
"Shut up!" he roared, raising his head. His eyes shone with a strange golden light.
Geralt stared at him with his mouth open, unable to defend himself. He had taken Jaskier to Kaer Morhen to spend the winter with his whole family: his brothers, his daughter and his boyfriend. Once again he had managed to ruin everything! Once again he had misdirected his emotions. He was frustrated that Ciri would not be with them that winter but with Yennefer (which was communicated to him only a few days after his arrival at the keep). He was angry that his plans had gone up in smoke and for the umpteenth time he had unleashed himself against the closest person: Jaskier. The poor bard had only tried to bring the good mood in the halls of the great castle. He played in the evening and hummed in the day. Everyone seemed to appreciate. Everyone except Geralt.
"I really don’t know why you invited me to spend the winter here when you clearly don’t want me!"
"Jask is not..."
The bard shouted and raised his hands to the sky, "Isn’t that right?" he shouted.
They were in the large common room, and the sound of his voice roared through the empty corridors. Surely everyone in the fortress was already aware of the quarrel. " Since we are here do not smile at me! The only thing you can do is grunt at me and tell me to stop!"
He was in real trouble. Geralt could only watch Jaskier walk back and forth in anger.
"Jaskier not now! Jaskier not playing while I’m reading! Jaskier stop making noise!" suddenly stopped "Jaskier get out...." shit.
" Do you want me to leave Geralt? It would be a blessing if I did, right? " His tone was sarcastic and bitter but did not hide the underlying pain he felt. Geralt gasped helplessly, pierced by his own words.
"You know what? I’m leaving!" Eventually it was Jaskier who grabbed his cloak and walked big steps towards the door to unlock Geralt
"What? Jask, where do you want to go?"
"Far away from here!"
"We’re at the top of a mountain! How do you think you’d make it all the way down to the village?"
To this Jaskier stopped a second. His hand on the big door door of the keep. It was already open, his body half out. The hood pulled over the head. "Exactly as I did last time!"
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