raphtherambler · 3 years
I do not care how effective it is. I do not care if it saves lives. I do not care if it helps society or makes the country safer.
If a law restricts the rights of any law abiding citizen regardless of race, gender, sexuality, gender expression, or religious affiliation then that law must immediately be repealed and the politicians that wrote it brought to trial and questioned intensively.
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raphtherambler · 3 years
[Gaza’s strained health system was destroyed by 11 days of bombardment. Six hospitals and eleven health care clinics were either damaged or destroyed by airstrikes. Countless more pieces of medical infrastructure were destroyed.
Gaza’s hospitals need medical equipment. The Israeli-led blockade prevents medical equipment from entering the region. New equipment cannot be purchased and damaged or worn equipment cannot be replaced.
We will train and deploy engineers who can refurbish and repair existing hospital medical equipment. This six-year plan is designed to bring reliability of medical equipment to a region plagued by instability. It employs a progressive training method to ensure high quality medical devices are available to Palestinians in Gaza. The project will train and supervise a team of ten engineers in the first year, with five additional engineers to be trained every year thereafter up to five more years.
These teams will bring Gaza’s existing medical hardware to optimal condition through the the use of cutting edge technology such as 3D-printing, printed circuit board (PCB) manufacture, and the use of desktop-scale CNC machines. Our team will design and print those parts inside Gaza. The Gaza team will be part of an international collaboration with engineers in Canada and around the world. Further, all 3D-model designs and maintenance manuals will be open source: this will ensure barrier-free access to the knowledge and skills gained during this process.
We need your help
A project of this scope requires many helping hands. This project is designed to repair important hospital and clinic machines, as well as create sustainability through education and training of a local team. The local team of Palestinian engineers in Gaza will become experts in biomedical engineering and device repair. With your donation, we will provide 3D printing equipment and create a culture of sustainability that will ensure existing medical equipment is in top medical condition for many years to come.]
Please donate
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raphtherambler · 3 years
everyone keeps saying the military preys on people in poverty, but the reality is they do a very poor job at it.
the us military is mostly compromised of white men from middle and upper class families in suburban areas
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https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/demographics-us-military https://www.military.com/join-armed-forces/whos-joining-military-myth-vs-fact.html
so will the military defenders shut up and stop asking us to think about the poor people in the military (not an excuse btw) and treat the military the same way they treat cops? with the intent of abolishing both.
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raphtherambler · 3 years
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“We’re all in this together?”
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raphtherambler · 3 years
New post ! I went to a protest a while back and now I’ve had it marked for my Photography exam I get to post these now. All Rights Reserved on my photography
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raphtherambler · 3 years
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