ratlombot2 · 3 minutes
What I hate most about being single Is how loneliness warps My perceptions and tries to turn Me into a sleaze predator creepy man!
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ratlombot2 · 23 hours
The sun is made from lemon ice cream that tastes like cabbage!
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When a woman says,
"No woman wants...." <...Blah, Blah!>
"Every woman wants...." <...Blah, Blah!>
When a man states,
"No man wants...." <…Blah, Blah!>
"Every man wants...." <…Blah, Blah!>
When some person rants,
"No one wants...." <...Blah, Blah!>
"Everyone wants...." <...Blah, Blah!>
<And don't get me started when someone feels they can dictate or assume what a different human category, That they do not even belong to wants!>
<Eg, When some 'Man' ridiculously claims, >
<"No woman needs..." ...'Blah, Blah!'>
<"All a woman needs..." ...'Blah, Blah!'>
Then that is usually followed by a woman (Usually an ‘influencer’ type) saying,
“If you don’t agree with me then you are not a real Woman!”
Then that is usually followed by a man (usually an ‘incel’ type) saying,
“If you don’t agree with me then you are not a real Man!” – “Like Me!”
Then that is usually followed by a person (Usually a religious or a political leader)  saying,
“If you don’t agree with me then you are not a real Person!” – “Like my devoted followers are!”
Then it goes on… As the “Dime Store Guru Self-appointed Gate Keeper” continues…
“If you don’t agree with me then you are a fool and an idiot!” – “Not ‘evolved’ and ‘special’  – like me!”
“If you don’t agree with me then you are not a real Patriot!”
“If you don’t agree with me then you are not Loved!”
“If you don’t agree with me then you are not Valid!”
“If you don’t agree with me then you are not Loved by God!”
“If you refuse to  agree with me…”
“… then you are no longer a  real human!”
And at some point, it gets to…
“Those who REFUSE to agree with Me!
…And unfortunately,
…Some people listen!
…Some people believe!
…Some people follow….!
Here is a deeply uncomfortable truth…
People are individuals of a billion varieties.
No man can speak for all men.
No woman can speak for all women.
No human can speak for all humans.
Not all "Bimbos" are stupid.
Not all "Nerds" are ugly and plain.
Not everyone is attracted to money...
Not everyone is attracted to health and looks...
Not everyone is attracted to physical kick-arse power and/or political ruthless power...
...While on the other hand, a lot of people are Still ALSO attracted to ALL those cliche things!
There are people into S&M.
Some people make romantic attachments to buildings and paving stones.
Some people like eating worms.
Some people don’t like alcohol.
Some people are racist against their Own race! Causing a deep self-loathing.
Some rare individuals are genuinely culturally colour-blind, and they are not bigoted At ALL!
Some Very rare, people are incapable of Any violence, even to protect those they love or for their own survival!
And it is theorised that 2 seemingly random people in every thousand, cannot have their spirits and wills broken by any form of torture, ever! Totally ignoring the, "Everyone breaks on the Third Day" idea!
…And on the outer fringes of individuality, there may even, theoretically, be people who like the 1986 film “Howard The Duck”.
Although I struggle with this one - as it seems SUPER unlikely!
People don’t fit into boxes, as easily and comfortably as our simple minds might like.
Anyone can say anything about anyone and claim it's true.
Anyone can say anything about anyone and BELIEVE  it is true.
As a white male heterosexual, I COULD claim that all white male heterosexuals secretly have super psychic powers that ONLY real white male heterosexuals know about…
And that if you dare to disagree with me.
Then you must secretly not be a real male!
Then you must secretly not be a real heterosexual!
Then you must secretly not be a real white person!
Then you must secretly not be a real person!
But then again, I can say any old shit and someone, somewhere will be the exact sort of rare stupid-arse individual that will believe my crap!
I can also say
“The sun is made from lemon ice cream that tastes like cabbage!”
I could honestly believe with all my heart that,
“The sun is made from lemon ice cream that tastes like cabbage!”
BUT – That does NOT make it true!
Because I am NOT a god-like being who can change reality just because I want it a certain way.
And for me...
…THAT is the Really deeply, Painful, uncomfortable truth…
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ratlombot2 · 3 days
TRIGGER WARNING! - ART - Title: "Jump? JUMP! Jumped? The Call and The Fa...
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ratlombot2 · 3 days
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b u t
b u t
b u t
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ratlombot2 · 3 days
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. Knowledge IS power ! Power IS Freedom .
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ratlombot2 · 3 days
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Top Tip
If You find reasons to keep feeling Rage & Hate You will never feel Lonely or Sad
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ratlombot2 · 3 days
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. b u t .
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ratlombot2 · 7 days
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SALE?!? I Don’t suppose anyone would give me one hundred pounds for this lot? (Pick up and cash only - From the town of 'Redcar By Sea', UK.) I made them especially, to try and get them into a gallery art show about ‘sustainability’ and they unfortunately did not get in. And there is a load of music events this coming summer I'd like to have some spending money for. . 3-part art piece. By Ross E F Lombardi In sizes, 2X of 32X40 inch (81.3 X 101.6 cm) canvases and 1x tiny one 2"square one! . Title of the 3-part set: "Result" . PART ONE Title: "Stupidity" Size 32X40 inch (81.3 X 101.6 cm) canvas "The environment" (the daughter of "mother nature") is being beaten by the "human race" With a weapon of "Whims" Proudly being stood over and supervised by the smug and self-satisfied "System". But storming over in rage is "Mother Nature" herself, to avenge her daughter, the Jackalope "Environment". There is a huge face in the far background of "The Creator" judging 'Us' and fully approving of "Mother Nature's" righteous revenge. . PART 2 Title "Fragile" On a black mini-sized 2"square canvas. Little doe-eyed "Environment" cutely looking at the viewer. . PART 3 Title: "Healing" Size 32X40 inch (81.3 X 101.6 cm) canvas. There is now only a red smear where humanity once was. Mother Nature gets to work healing her daughter, the Jackalope "Environment". . LIMITED TIME! This Offer is ONLY open until July 23rd: Midnight. EMAIL: [email protected] If you are at all interested! (NOTE: The price will NOT be going any lower: No matter what your opinion is!)
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ratlombot2 · 8 days
ROSS FILM link. VIDEO Art tour of my flat - May 26th 2024
. CHOOSE YOUR POISON! . Tik Tok https://www.tiktok.com/@rat_lombot/video/7373230467790785824?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7340781375085463072 . Facebook https://www.facebook.com/100092840913639/videos/1265870174385755/?notif_id=1716715749891543&notif_t=video_processed&ref=notif . Insta Reals https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7bPYdSNip7/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== . YOUTUBE https://youtu.be/fdw4BjD8wuc?si=IaG4P4vMajYrN8xw .
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ratlombot2 · 8 days
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ratlombot2 · 8 days
Art tour of my flat - May 26th 2024
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ratlombot2 · 8 days
RE: 'raggy arsed dole waller'?
RE: 'raggy arsed dole waller'?! The fact that anyone would call anyone else a 'raggy arsed dole waller'? IS the main problem with the entire world! Because a 'raggy arsed dole waller' is still a full-feeling fellow human being. Their emotions are the same as yours and mine. . The way we dehumanize each other while calling ourselves 'special' IS the reason we glorify the harming of others. . The way we arbitrarily allocate value to people based on wealth, fame, power and strength over Kindness, Humility, Sacrifice, and Gentleness is the reason we all suffer. .
"Constantly looking down on others"
"Will make You forget how to look up"
"And remember who You should have been."
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ratlombot2 · 9 days
USA WEAPONRY! "For all your 'friendly fire' needs!" "Loved ones may miss you!" "We won't!"
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ratlombot2 · 10 days
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A gift from me
To me
As I will never be brought a book
And have a personal note in it
From a loved one
Ever again
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ratlombot2 · 10 days
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. "Just for very silly, dark shits and giggles" I grinningly present
The 'Ross R E F Lombardi' wakes up with horrifically bad dreams, giving his version, of the "Hypothetical Trolly Problem Solution (Sans caffeine),"
Faith in the 'humanity' does not exist after a 3am nightmare!
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ratlombot2 · 11 days
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A sponsored Marketing Department is trying to tell me that Fans don't want to build mechanics in the next Fallout game.
It is a narrative that is being over-pushed,
…to the point of becoming suspicious!
What I think is really happening here is this:
IT IS The Game Producers that don't want a build mechanic.
Not the fans!
And it is The Game Producers who have instructed PR and Marketing to try and convince the world that customers don't want a Build Mechanic.
Guess what?
It is gaslighting, "Handling"…
…and a pile of glowing green Brahmin Dung!
It stinks to 'all low hell' of 'Deathclaw Rectum'!
It sounds like Mayor McDonough Talking to us.
Look at the sheer number of
Build Items, world-space and other Settlement mods.
Hell, look at other games such as "Sims 4”!
Look at the amount of extra time and effort poured into selling the building mechanic as a feature in "Starfield"!
In short Bugthesda...
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ratlombot2 · 13 days
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It is not wise or safe to show MYSELF too much kindness.
I have done
And are capable of some terrible things.
Illegal, sadistic, brutal, evil things...
I keep to a strict set of personal rules for a good reason, for the sake of others.
I am far less than fully human, 
I am a mere gross thing with a mask. 
So, I deserve the occasional mental kicking.
To keep my inner monster in line and keep other people safe.
So, in my singular case, do not criticize the harsh often cruel discipline I enforce on myself.
I can put my inner self in a box and scream - while my outer self coldly and methodically dismantles another helpless fellow human being, (even someone I personally know) - When I
I feel the need to. (A real and valid person should be unable to do that.)
It is not wise or safe to show the creature crawling at the back of my skull too much kindness.
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