razzzbearwrites · 4 years
Patient Interview #1,December 15
“Taped patient interview 1,patient number 426-359.I am Dr. Anne Carver.Patient has presented recovering signs after 2 months of prescribed medication treatment, currently ongoing.”The doctor leaves a heavy sigh, closing the patient file.”Good evening, so how are you feeling?”
“Well,I’ve been better,doc.”
“I was referring to the medication, do you feel any side effects?Any alteration to your behavior or memory?”
“Shouldn’t you be the one to tell me that?”She simply stared at them defiantly.
“About your memory.Do you remember anything from before?”She said tapping her pen impatiently, her tone becoming more intense.
“No...I don’t”
“Well, you’ve been in the treatment for months now.”She said nonchalantly.”There must be something you remember.Tell me how you’re feeling so I can help you.” The doctor said realizing her rough tone of voice decreased their response to her questions.
“By treatment you mean confinement, huh?”A small sigh leaving their lips which quickly turned into a frown upon giving more thought to the question.”I still don’t remember anything, doc.The memory lapses are mostly gone but sometimes i feel myself space out...About behaviors, well, I don’t feel like killing anybody”
“Right, do you mind describing it?”
“The killing or the spacing out?”They said playfully,which just earned them a knowing glance from the woman, who previously had her attention turned to the files.
“The latter.”
“I haven’t left the cell yet, not permitted I guess, so most of the time I try sleep, voluntarily.”They paused momentarily, their eyes focusing on a spot in the wall beside them, staring intently.”I heard something though, but I don’t think I was asleep.”
“What did you hear?”After not having any sort of response from them she proceeded.”A voice?”
Shaking their head they responded.
“No.It was a scratching.”Eyes still focused on the spot as if in a trance,their hand leaving their lap and resting on the table, their other hand tied by the cuffs, their index finger touching the table in a forward and backwards motion.”Exactly like this.”Their nail scratching the same spot twice consecutively until moving to the side and proceeding the action.”It was coming from that wall.”They said pointing to the same wall that had their attention this whole time.The doctor turned staring confused at it also, before looking back to her patient.
“One.”They said proceeding to scratch the table.”Two.Three”
“Like it was counting?”The doctor said,snapping them out of their trance.Blinking a few times their hand left the table and went back to rest on their lap.
“Yes.”Their eyes going down.”It counted to thirty-five,when I heard the guards stepping closer then the sound stopped, then continued when the steps were going away.”
“Some say counting does help with sleep, you know?”She said with a sympathetic look on her face.
“That wasn’t me,doc”They said.”The man on the cell beside me was doing that.He has a knife.”
“What did you say?”she snapped at them intrigued.”Have you talked to him?”The doctor said surprised, her tone changing again.
“No.I’m not allowed interaction remember.”They said pointing to the guards on the door.”At first I thought he was simply scratching but hands aren’t enough to make those sounds on the wall.As weak as security is in here the cell walls are quite reinforced.He definitely had a knife”
Relaxing her expression again she left a small giggle resting her back further in the chair.
“Okay, supposing your cell neighbor was doing those sounds you stopped hearing them when the sound of the guards came.Don’t you think your imagination was playing tricks on you, again?”She said with a knowing glance.
They were quiet for a while trying to remember,maybe even questioning if what they were saying was really real or if it made any sense.Or maybe even trying to come up with a way to convince the doctor.
“The guards were looking in the cells he stopped because he wouldn’t risk having the guard see.I definitely heard that.”They reasoned, more to themselves then to the doctor.
The guards on the door shared a concerned glance towards the doctor that simply dismissed them with a shake of her head.As if voicing an ‘It’s fine’.
“Right.And that makes you feel unsafe.”
“You think I imagined that, don’t you?”They said sighing and slumping back on the chair”I am sure I heard something doctor.”
Sensing the increase of volume and the intensiveness on their voice she choose not to argue further, fearing that maybe an aggressive episode could take place if she continued.
“Very well, that’s enough.We’ll end our session here.I’ll continue with the same medication treatment,it seems to be helping with your self-inducing unconsciousness even though some of the symptoms still remain.”She said while writing more details on their file.”We’re done here.They’ll take you back.”She said motioning to the guards,who were approaching carefully to ensure the cuffs were in place,they proceeded to escort them out while they quietly walked,their head facing that same spot in the wall.
Case study notes December 16
“This is Dr.Anne Carver.Studying the recent file update from patient 426-359.”Sitting by her office table she checked the recorder making sure it was rolling after turning her attention to the papers in front of her.
“Their behavior has increasingly improved ever since the medication treatment, three substances were prescribed in particular, Phenelzine, which I’m considering a increase in dosage, Aripiprazole and Clozapine.The first two were already being administered in Williams Medical Center, even though they arrived at the Asylum in a minimally conscious state there has been an improve in behavior and decrease of psychotic episodes, with still unidentified triggers.The patient was reported to have been diagnosed at Williams medical bay with PTSD,schizophrenia and was previously being treated for depression and was sent to Arkham Asylum after concluding that the case was considered too dangerous to be treated in low security institutions.No further tests were conducted after their transference.”She said reading a loud her previous notes and some notes sent from the patient’s previous mental institution.Sighing she continued analyzing the papers.
“Based on the last evaluations most of the symptoms revolving around depression and psychotic behavior were stable even though they still presented some symptoms of paranoia and delusions of imminent danger, regarding the safety of their cell, including auditory hallucinations.Reviewing the files, one of the cells is unoccupied and the other was recently placed with a transferred patient from west wing.If the symptoms persist I’ll manage some medications for paranoid behavior.”She said finishing up writing on their updated file.After stopping for a moment she tapped her pen on the table in deep thought.
She hurriedly looked through the files searching for the recently transferred patient,a bright yellow folder carrying the red stamp of Intensive Treatment written at its very first page.
Abruptly standing up from her chair she rushed to the door.
“Guards.”She screamed.
                                     “It’s Zsasz.”She continued to run.
                                                                                           “He has a knife.”
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razzzbearwrites · 6 years
im so sad that the live action teen titans isnt like, representative of how real teens actually are. like if they wanna make an “”“updated”“” teen titans for the “”“modern”“” generation then make a show thats exactly like the original except they’re all gay and have a discord chat where cyborg changes robin’s username to “edgy twink” any time he talks about mcr
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razzzbearwrites · 6 years
This just proves that guys who spend too much time in animes will never get used to rl boobs I can see the disappointment in their eyes when they discover the truth...
anime girl: *breathes*
her tiddies: 
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razzzbearwrites · 6 years
Why do I picture this song on the next deadpool movie XD
this is what plays when you’re dying and your life is flashing before your eyes
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razzzbearwrites · 6 years
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The most precious thing…
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razzzbearwrites · 6 years
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