reblogginintherain · 3 years
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reblogginintherain · 4 years
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Dress to impress 
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reblogginintherain · 4 years
You know what’s some crazy $hit?
This fabulous bitch
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She makes a shit ton of poses (like 16,000 or some crazy nonsense).  I used this lovely lady to draw so much as a teen.  Whether it was some nerdy pose for my Mary Sue as fuck OCs
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or for full on fight sequences
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or for tragic deaths of my OCs in the arms of a totally OOC main protagonist.  
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this bitch hooked me up.  
And with the wildest, craziest stuff that you could see in your head but had no way or resources to reasonably draw like
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or this
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or this
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DUDE!  INASNE SHIT!!  So I was using her for a pose reference and decided, you know what, I owe this bitch some cash.  Lemme dole it out for her.  BUT then, I looked and saw she only has 286 fucking patrons!!  This chick gives out free shit and spends countless hours arranging these shoots and setting this stuff up.  
I’ll fork up the cash, SenshiStock.  You’re worth it.  
Check out this amazing woman’s stuff, and get knowledged:  https://www.deviantart.com/senshistock
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reblogginintherain · 4 years
The person I reblogged this from matters.
you really do
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reblogginintherain · 4 years
my favorite clip studio assets!
since i’ve been using csp a lot more now i thought i’d make a post of the assets i use the most for ppl looking for good stuff!
general brushes: Pen + Caspar Pen (かしペン+カスレかしペン) (my fav pen for sure) Erase Along Edge (YOU NEEED THIS ERASER YOU NEED IT!!!) Freehand Style Brush Set (フリーハンド風ブラシセット) (cant recommend this one highly enough, i use it for all my backgrounds) Bong pen OBONGBONG’S PEN Halftones (スルスル塗れる5線刻みトーンブラシ) A non-shin pen (しんでないペン) SU-Cream Pencil Noisy Ink Brush v2 Simple Retro Halftone Brushes Smeared Paintbrush (べっとり絵筆) A breather pen (一息ペン) Aj’s Pencil Set Watercolor set (수채화 세트) T-marker Wind Brush Set (Tマーカー風ブラシセット) Watercolor marker ▲ ■ and texture set (水彩マーカー●▲■とテクスチャーセット)
special effect and decorative brushes: Tights Pen (タイツペン) Glitch Brushes 2 (彩塵ブラシ(Prism Dust) Hand-painted effect set No. 2 (手描き効果セットNo.2) Oriental Emblem 11-20 (동양 문양 11-20) (this creator has so many amazing assets ive downloaded them all) Ribon brushes (りぼんブラシ) Lace Set レース セット Ornate lace Bramble (rose-玫瑰叢) Loose hand-painted sprinkle brush (ゆるゆる手描きのふりかけブラシ) Bush pen (수풀 펜) Fantasy Papers Pearl Brush (真珠ブラシ)
gradient maps: Gradient map set for hologram (홀로그램용 그라데이션 맵 세트) Yunywave★ Gradient Set cb gradients 3 ONG SET
3D: The Only Perspective Grid You Need! 3d sketch head Movable horse 1.8 A (可動のお馬 1.8a) Sitting poses collection (便利かもしれない座りポーズ集)
misc: Raiku RGB Shift Hand-drawn Rags tool Set (手描きのボロ線ツールセット) VHS action set
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reblogginintherain · 4 years
if you support donald trump unfollow me. full stop. hopefully no trump supporters are dumb enough to think they’re welcome here, but seriously. gtfo my page. block me while you’re at it.
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reblogginintherain · 4 years
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the fight is harder each year.
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reblogginintherain · 4 years
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It’s way harder to relearn a song you’ve known by heart for over 20 years than memorizing a completely new one. Add in the fact you are supposed to be the smart mouth and it should come easily to you.
I swear those doodles started out randomly and one picture led to the other.
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reblogginintherain · 4 years
call me ignorant but i genuinely don’t understand why sports have to be split up by gender.
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reblogginintherain · 4 years
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Good job leading that ship onto the rocks, high-five! 
That’s was a fun project I got myself into on a self-dare. The title comes from that tiny tiny figure on the lighthouse getting a high-five from the Chtulhu-like creature. Sadly this picture was a victim of the 2017 computer crash that caused the loss of several of my original HD files, so the zoom-ins (old WIP screenshots I had made and posted on instagram) are the last proof of this even being the case.
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reblogginintherain · 4 years
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Here’s a background tutorial that was intended to hand out to the painters on Over the Garden Wall…I’m actually not sure if I ever did (maybe German or Levon can chime in on this) Anyway, I whipped this up super fast in the early days of pre-production and it might be of interest or help to some aspiring digital painters out there. 
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reblogginintherain · 4 years
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This is fucking irredeemable. You can’t reform this
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reblogginintherain · 4 years
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Aaaand part 3!!  I just finished it haha, I hope its not too rushed!  Enjoy another year of boooniverse >:K
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reblogginintherain · 4 years
Why do you think Ghost willing to kill the Maggots and the Menderbug? It really doesn't align with how I see them and it kind of bothers me.
When Ghost encounters the Hunter, he asks if they are like him, and feel the urge “to kill, to stalk, to understand.” Similarly, Nailmaster Sheo, when he teaches Ghost his technique, comments that swordsmanship and art are not so different. “We cut into the world to peer deeper inside.”
Ghost can attack harmless maskflies and aluba, the maggots, and the menderbug. The menderbug is not required for the completion of the hunter’s journal, but the others are, so the game expects you to try killing most things around you at least once.
Both the maggots and menderbug also call you to think about your actions. I think, anon, the reason why these actions bother you is it’s clear the game both expects you to do it, and expects you to have an unclear conscience afterwards. We kill the maggots before accessing the Failed Champion, who is failed precisely because Ghost killed his brethren. 
But as there’s no one else who names him ‘Failed Champion’ this more sympathetic shift from the accusatory ‘False Knight’ suggests that Ghost, when they realize what they’ve done, has changed their opinion. After all, they understand what it means to feel the strongest, but also, left alone, of your siblings- the one who has to carry forwards for the others. This literally haunts them in the Abyss to the tune of two masks of damage.
So, why, you say, do they kill the maggots in the first place? Why does canon imply this is the choice they take, as it’s the one tied to an achievement (the Hunter’s Mark) while sparing the maggots is not?
Ghost is curious. That is perhaps a delicate way to put it- Ghost is driven to understand. It is several times implied that there is a thread of anger that runs through Ghost- that they grapple with rage and a desire to prove themselves. To the Mantis Lords, to the Hunter, to the Colosseum. If they are challenged by someone in a way they deem serious they tend to answer that challenge, brandishing the nail, the one thing that is ‘truly theirs’ at the beginning of the game and the thing they refuse to discard or separate from at any moment, even when it is broken and better weapons are available. 
And this is my read- why should they not, as an individual who faced formative trauma at a very young age? As someone who felt their survival was senseless- their sibling being taken, other siblings perishing all around them- why did they survive? They have no good answer. They were explicitly not chosen. Discarded. 
I think that Ghost is someone who is in fact prone to tearing at the world, sometimes calmly, but other times with intense aggression- WHY AM I HERE? Why is anything what it is? They need answers! They need others to heed their presence! It’s tempered by the fact that they are an experienced explorer, they are used to being alone. They are not quite like Zote, who is needy in such a way that leaks into every single interaction- when Ghost is so illegible, and so self-determined, they can kind of ignore most people who don’t meaningfully stop them, or choose to listen in the hopes of answers.
The other thing is that it takes time and patience and effort to understand and process not wanting to hurt others. This isn’t a problem a lot of people run into because in general, the period while we’re learning how to not hurt other people, is also a period where we are kind of impotent. As someone whose day job is working with kids, I’ll say this: babies rip each other’s hair out and pinch and claw at each other. They are horrifyingly cruel to each other purely because they don’t understand.
There is no inherent understanding of kindness and gentleness. There are few situations you can be effectively merciful in a context where it is never modeled to you, where you struggle to understand.
For Ghost, being kind- instead of simply being patient or tolerant- is a skill they are learning, slowly. Comparatively, striking an enemy down is something they are extremely good at. Being lethal is something they understand. Keenly. Efficiently. It is a point their disability is of no consequence.
As a result I think in many situations- the maggots, the menderbug, the nailsmith- there are points in which it is very easy for Ghost to strike something down, it seems easy and intuitive and they put up very little fight- and it is only after the body stops moving that we, as the player, are led to what Ghost feels- approaching on quiet feet, thinking, that’s dead. I did that.
.....Should I have done that?
I think a lot of the fandom wants Ghost to be in a better situation than they were. We can pick up that Ghost was unloved, was isolated, has spent an uncertain but quite possibly long time wandering through the twilit and forlorn wastelands beyond Hallownest. If they found other places, and other people, those other people noticeably did not leave much of a mark on Ghost, so that suggests they spent most of this time alone. 
The reality is, while I think it is a noble goal to want Ghost to be able to be happy with others, that has to be tempered with the pragmatic awareness that who Ghost is now, is shaped by those things, for better and for worse, and not just in ways that mean they are sad. They are also confident, and self-sufficient, a warrior who sometimes lacks remorse and sometimes experiences it but too late.
In particular, with the menderbug, it’s an exciting insight into a mystery of the kingdom- why do the signposts repair themselves? and we see a new entity we haven’t before. We WANT TO INTERACT WITH THAT. So we run after, but we’re not fast enough, they fly away too quickly. What can we use to slow them down? We can stop them. We can stop them very well.
And, then we did. And we break them, and open their house, and read their diary, and it’s like...... oh. oh no. We just killed someone. We wanted to talk to them. We wanted them to stop. They didn’t stop and talk to us. 
Ghost wanted to understand. They grabbed a familiar tool, and then afterwards wondered if there was some other, more esoteric to them thing they should have tried to wield instead. But they for the most part don’t have those tools. Why is the delicate flower so important to them? Because Ze’mer, in her own grief, taught them how to express grief and love/pity(?) to other people. They struggle with the ability to do that. Most of their social skills requires other people to stop and initiate. Several times, it’s ‘canon’ or clearly asserted cinematically that we see someone running ahead of us (Hornet, Nosk) and Ghost chases after them desperately trying to reach a point that other entity will talk. 
Ghost’s tragedy is very overt to the audience, but, also, it’s left some complex facets running through their personality that are not just, sad. They’re a complicated person and being a silent protagonist doesn’t make them uncomplicated. 
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reblogginintherain · 4 years
Clip Studio Paint PRO Giveaway
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CSP is once again on sale until the 8th and I’m giving away TWO Pro licenses (Windows/macOS) to celebrate!
TWO chances to win: One here on Twitter, one on Tumblr! 
> TUMBLR: Just follow* me @faranae​ and reblog this post before 11:59 EST on September 5th! 
> TWITTER: Same deal! Follow* me on Twitter @FaranaeOfficial and retweet the giveaway tweet there before 11:59 EST on September 5th! 
Winners will be decided by random number generator on SUN Sept 6th! G’luck! 
*Rules: Windows/macOS license. No contest accounts will be considered in the raffle. One win per person. If a winner’s DMs are closed at the time of drawing, prize is forfeit with a new user chosen at random until a winner can be contacted. No substitutions. Valid email address is required to receive prize. Graphic used in this post is the official CSP-sourced sale announcement.
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reblogginintherain · 4 years
Prince link and his knight in shining armor Zelda?
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mm ive done i think one roleswap au like this before but its still So Good
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reblogginintherain · 4 years
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Miles the star artist ✨🐉
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